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Compaq DECwindows Motif
for OpenVMS
Installation Guide

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5.3 Adding DECwindows Base-Support Files

If you previously chose not to install or if you removed DECwindows base-support software, perform one of the following procedures to add DECwindows base-support files:

  • On OpenVMS Alpha systems, reconfigure the operating system specifying that you want DECwindows Motif support.
  • On OpenVMS VAX systems, use the SYS$UPDATE:DECW$TAILOR.EXE procedure to add or remove support files from the system disk.

5.3.1 Reconfiguring the OpenVMS Operating System (Alpha Only)

To reconfigure the OpenVMS Alpha operating system to add DECwindows Motif support, use the PRODUCT RECONFIGURE command.

5.3.2 Using the SYS$UPDATE:DECW$TAILOR.EXE Command (VAX Only)

You can use the DECW$TAILOR utility to add or remove some or all DECwindows base-support files from the system disk.

DECW$TAILOR is similar to DECW$MOTIF_TAILOR. However, the DECW$TAILOR utility is used to add or remove files that support the DECwindows display server (for example: base-support, workstation, and font files).

DECW$TAILOR includes three phases:

  • The first phase asks whether you want to tailor your system by adding files ("tailor on") or by deleting files ("tailor off").
  • In the second phase, if you choose the tailor-on procedure, DECW$TAILOR lists each class of DECwindows files and asks whether you want to include them on the system disk. If you choose the tailor-off procedure, DECW$TAILOR lists each class of DECwindows files and asks whether you want to delete them from the system disk.
  • In the third phase, DECW$TAILOR carries out your instructions.


To cancel DECW$TAILOR during the first and second phases, press Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Y, or Ctrl/Z. If you cancel DECW$TAILOR during the third phase, a partially tailored disk may result.

Table 5-3 lists the classes and subclasses of DECwindows files that you can add or remove from your system using DECW$TAILOR.


VMS Version 5.5--2 uses different class names. These are shown in parentheses below the name used in Version 6.2 and Version 7.1.

Table 5-3 Classes of Files That Can Be Added or Removed with the DECW$TAILOR Utility
Class Subclass Description
DECwindows base support files
(DECwindows applications files)
No subclasses in this tailor class Files necessary to run the DECwindows Motif client and DECwindows display server.
DECwindows workstation support files
(DECwindows device support files)
PEX for PHIGS support files Files necessary to run the DECwindows display server; the PEX subclass includes support files for three-dimensional graphics.
75-dpi video font files No subclasses in this tailor class Device support files for 75-dpi monitors.
100-dpi video font files No subclasses in this tailor class Device support files for 100-dpi monitors.

Adding DECwindows Files to the System Disk

To add DECwindows files to the system disk, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the utility:


    After a brief overview, the DECW$TAILOR program lists each group, or class, of files and its size in blocks. Files are grouped according to their function. For example, all the files required for DECwindows device support are in one class. A file class is made up of many small subclasses. You can eliminate an entire class of files, or you can eliminate one or more of its subclasses. For example:

    CLASS - DECwindows device support files
              Size of entire class (with subclasses): 14107
              Size of common files required for any subclass: 10645
              Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)?
              Do you wish to select any of its subclasses (default = NO)?
  3. Decide which file classes or subclasses are needed to support your system. DECW$TAILOR displays step-by-step instructions. Follow these instructions to specify which of the classes or subclasses you want to add.


    To cancel DECW$TAILOR during this phase, press Ctrl/C, Ctrl/Y, or Ctrl/Z. If you cancel DECW$TAILOR following this class selection phase, a partially tailored disk may result.
  4. DECW$TAILOR creates a temporary command file and asks for the name of the device that contains the distribution media.


    The distribution media is the OpenVMS distribution media that contains the DECwindows save sets.
  5. DECW$TAILOR adds the files you selected and displays the names of those files.

Example 5-2 shows how to use DECW$TAILOR to add files to a system disk. The example was run on a VMS 5.5--2 system.

Example 5-2 Sample DECW$TAILOR Session

 Do you want to tailor files "ON" or "OFF"? ON

 You will now be prompted with a list of the classes and subclasses
 of DECwindows files that are optional. The size of each class and subclass is
 included in the list. This will help you decide whether or not you want to add
 a class or subclass to your system.

 Under some classes, there is a set of common files that is required in order
 for any subclasses to work. These files are added when you ask
 for either the entire class or any of its subclasses.

Total size of the system disk is 1216665 blocks.
Total space used on the system disk is 1121958 blocks.
Total space left on the system disk is 94707 blocks.

CLASS - DECwindows applications files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 11544
          No subclasses in this tailor class.
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? YES
CLASS - DECwindows device support files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 14107
          Size of common files required for any subclass: 10645
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? [Return]
          Do you wish to select any of its subclasses (default = NO)? [Return]
CLASS - 75 dots per inch video font files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 2539
          No subclasses in this tailor class.
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? [Return]
CLASS - 100 dots per inch video font files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 3829
          No subclasses in this tailor class.
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? [Return]

CLASS - DECwindows programming support files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 26208
          Size of common files required for any subclass: 924
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? [Return]
          Do you wish to select any of its subclasses (default = NO)? [Return]
CLASS - Example files
          Size of entire class (with subclasses): 3160
          No subclasses in this tailor class.
          Do you wish to select the entire class (default = NO)? [Return]
Files have been selected
Do you wish to add all of the options selected? YES
Creating temporary command file, please wait...
* Enter device containing DECwindows distribution media:

5.4 Determining and Reporting Problems

If you encounter a problem while using DECwindows Motif, report it to Compaq. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, you can take one of the following actions:
  • Call your Compaq support representative if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support.
  • If you discover a problem with or have comments about the documentation, print or edit the online form SYS$HELP:OPENVMSDOC_COMMENTS.TXT and send us your comments by Internet, fax, or mail. (See the Reader's Comments section in the Preface for addresses.)

Appendix A
POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Sample Installations

This appendix contains sample installations of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software on the following OpenVMS systems:

  • Section A.1 presents a sample DECwindows Motif installation on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1--2 operating system.
  • Section A.2 presents a sample DECwindows Motif installation on an OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 operating system.
  • Section A.3 presents a sample DECwindows Motif installation on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 operating system.

Refer to Chapter 2 for details about using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to install Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.

The sample installations assume that you have set the default directory to the device name and directory containing the PCSI ECO and DECwindows Motif savesets. (The PCSI ECO is only required for the supported versions of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.2. See the Guide to the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS CD--ROM for details about this ECO.)

A.1 Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1--2 System

Example A-1 contains a sample installation of the mandatory PCSI ECO. Example A-2 contains a sample installation of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1--2 operating system with sufficient system resources.

Example A-1 Sample Installation of the Mandatory ECO for PCSI on an OpenVMS Alpha System

          Welcome to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, Version 7.1


The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS VMS62TO71U2_PCSI V1.0        Patch (maintenance update)

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.


* This product does not have any configuration options.

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:

Portion done: 0%

The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS VMS62TO71U2_PCSI V1.0        Patch (maintenance update)

Example A-2 Sample Installation of an Upgrade of DECwindows Motif on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1--2 System With Sufficient System Resources


The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.

DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product uses the PAK: DW-MOTIF

Checking values of system parameters...

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] [Return]

    If a Local Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.

    Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Do you want to review the options? [NO] Y [Return]

DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.1 [Installed]
    Install New Desktop: YES
      Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop: YES
      Make the New Desktop the default desktop: YES
    Install traditional DECwindows Desktop: YES
    Programming Support for the C Language: YES
    Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
    Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
    Programming Support for the New Desktop: YES
    Programming examples: YES
      Sound example files: YES
            Programming examples for DECwindows: YES
      Programming examples for the New Desktop: YES

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]  [Return]

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              DISK$2:[VMS$COMMON.]
The following product will be removed from destination:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              DISK$2:[VMS$COMMON.]

Portion done: 0%

  **** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****

  **** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****


The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product
The following product has been removed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              Layered Product

DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    System reboot will be required following upgrade of language variants.

    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.
$ Logout [Return]

A.2 Sample Installation on an OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 System

Example A-3 contains a sample installation of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software on an OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 operating system with insufficient system resources.

Example A-3 Sample Installation of an Upgrade of Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 System With Insufficient System Resources

The following product has been selected:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.

DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

 Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product uses the PAK: DW-MOTIF

Checking values of system parameters...
  %DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MBYTLM is 40000, should be at least 48000

  The installation procedure has determined that some system parameter values
  require modification to install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-6 for
  OpenVMS software.

  Please type the following command to run AUTOGEN and reboot your system
  before restarting the DECwindows installation.  This will set the system
  parameters to appropriate values for running DECwindows Motif V1.2-6.


The DECwindows installation is being terminated.

Please run AUTOGEN and restart the installation.

%PCSI-E-S_OPFAIL, operation failed
%PCSIUI-E-ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error condition

  SYSTEM       logged out at 20-NOV-2000 17:03:49.25

At this point, run AUTOGEN and then restart the installation.

The following product has been selected:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency

DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product uses the PAK: DW-MOTIF

Checking values of system parameters...


Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

    If a Local Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.

   Do you want to continue? [YES]

Do you want to review the options? [NO]Y [Return]

DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif
    DEC VAXVMS VMS V7.1 [Installed]
    DECwindows Motif runtime support files: YES
          Programming Support for the C Language: YES
    Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
    Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
    Programming examples: YES

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES][Return]
Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              DISK$VAX71_124_P2:[VMS$COMMON.]
The following product will be removed from destination:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              DISK$VAX71_124_P2:[VMS$COMMON.]

Portion done: 0%

  **** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****
  **** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****


The following product has been installed:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product
The following product has been removed:
    DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              Layered Product

DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    System reboot will be required following upgrade of language variants.

    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.
       DEC VAXVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    System reboot will be required following upgrade of language variants.
    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.

A.3 Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 System

Example A-4 contains a sample installation of the mandatory ECO for the PCSI software on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 operating system. Example A-5 contains a sample installation of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 operating system with insufficient system resources.

Example A-4 Sample Installation of the Mandatory ECO for PCSI on an OpenVMS Alpha System

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES]  [Return]


%PCSIUI-I-DONEASK, execution phase starting
The following product will be installed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$2
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, -331 required; 2851892 available; 2852223 net

Portion Done: 0%
The following product has been installed:

Example A-5 Sample Installation of an Upgrade of DECwindows Motif on an OpenVMS Alpha System With Insufficient System Resources


The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and
for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency

DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product uses the PAK: DW-MOTIF

Checking values of system parameters...
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGES is 110000, should be at least 150000
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN is 1867776, should be at least 1998848

  The installation procedure has determined that some system parameter values
  require modification to install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-6 for
  OpenVMS software.

  Please type the following command to run AUTOGEN and reboot your system
  before restarting the DECwindows installation.  This will set the system
  parameters to appropriate values for running DECwindows Motif V1.2-6.


The DECwindows installation is being terminated.

Please run AUTOGEN and restart the installation.

%PCSI-E-S_OPFAIL, operation failed
%PCSIUI-E-ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error condition

At this point, run AUTOGEN and then restart the installation.

The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency
 DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product uses the PAK: DW-MOTIF

Checking values of system parameters...


Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] [Return]

    If a Local Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.

    Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Do you want to review the options? [NO] Y [Return]

DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V6.2-1H3 [Installed]
       Install New Desktop: YES
      Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop: YES
      Make the New Desktop the default desktop: YES
    Install traditional DECwindows Desktop: YES
    Programming Support for the C Language: YES
    Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
    Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
    Programming Support for the New Desktop: YES
    Programming examples: YES
      Sound example files: YES
      Programming examples for DECwindows: YES
      Programming examples for the New Desktop: YES

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES] [Return]

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              DISK$2:[VMS$COMMON.]
The following product will be removed from destination:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              DISK$2:[VMS$COMMON.]
    Portion done: 0%

  **** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****

  **** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****


The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6              Layered Product
The following product has been removed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-5              Layered Product
  DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6: DECwindows Motif

    System reboot will be required following upgrade of language variants.

    Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.

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