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OpenVMS Alpha Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications

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3.2 Removed Routines

Table 3-2 lists the routines that have been removed as of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0.

Table 3-2 Removed Routines
Removed Routine Replacement Comments
MMG$ALCSTX MMG_STD$ALCSTX Returns new-style section index.
MMG$ALLOC_PFN_ALGND MMG$ALLOC_PFN_ALGND_64 MMG$ALLOC_PFN_ALGND_64 should not be called directly. Instead, use the ALLOCPFN macro. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG$ALLOC_ZERO_ALGND MMG$ALLOC_ZERO_ALGND_64 MMG$ALLOC_ZERO_ALGND_64 should not be called directly. Instead, use the ALLOC_ZERO_PFN macro. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
Accepts 64-bit addresses and has 3 new inputs: RDE (R12), pagefile_cache (R13) mmg_flags (R14). See mmg_routines.h for STD interface.
MMG$DALCSTX MMG_STD$DALCSTX Accepts new-style section index.
MMG$DECPTREF expected a 32-bit system space address of a PTE as an input parameter. Page table entries are now located in 64-bit addressable memory. This routine was replaced by two routines: MMG_STD$DECPTREF_PFNDB and MMG_STD$DECPTREF_GPT.

MMG_STD$DECPTREF_PFNDB accepts as input a 64-bit virtual address of a PFN database entry for a page table, the reference count of which is to be decremented.

MMG_STD$DECPTREF_GPT, accepts as input a 64-bit virtual address of a global page table entry, which lies within a certain global page table page, of which a reference count must be decremented.

MMG$DECSECREF MMG_STD$DECSECREF Accepts new-style section index.
MMG$DECSECREFL MMG_STD$DECSECREFL Accepts new-style section index.
Accepts 64-bit addresses and has 2 new inputs, RDE (R12) and mmg_flags (R14). See mmg_routines.h for STD interface.
MMG$DELWSLEPPG MMG_STD$DELWSLEPPG_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
MMG$DELWSLEX MMG_STD$DELWSLEX_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
MMG$FREWSLX MMG$FREWSLX_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
MMG$GETGSNAM MMG_STD$GETGSNAM Converted to STD interface. (No prototype in mmg_routines.h.)
MMG$GSDSCAN MMG_STD$GSDSCAN Converted to STD interface. See mmg_routines.h for interface definition.
MMG$INCPTREF MMG_STD$INCPTREF_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
MMG$INIBLDPKT None This routine was used internally only. Its symbol has been removed from the base image.
MMG$ININEW_PFN MMG_STD$ININEWPFN_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
Converted to STD interface. See mmg_functions.h for interface definition.
Converted to STD interface. See mmg_functions.h for interface definition.
MMG$LOCKPGTB MMG_STD$LOCKPGTB_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
MMG$MAKE_WSLE MMG_STD$MAKE_WSLE_64 Replacement reflects a change in input from a 32-bit addressable system space address of a PTE to a 64-bit address of a PTE in page table space. Other argument changes may have occurred as well.
Converted to STD interface. See mmg_functions.h for interface definition.
None Page table locking redesign has obviated these routines. No replacement exists.
MMG$PTEINDX None Used internally only. Obviated by design as of Version 7.0.
MMG$PTEREF MMG$PTEREF_64 This replacement reflects a change in interface including MMG_STD$PTEREF acceptance as input a 64-bit virtual address.
MMG$PURGEMPL MMG$PURGE_MPL Renamed because the interface changed slightly. This is a JSB entry with arguments in R0-R2. It now accepts an additional argument in R3, the PTBR of the process owning the PTEs, for range-based requests. This request type also now accepts 64-bit PTE addresses rather than 32-bit SVAPTE addresses.
MMG$SUBSECREF MMG_STD$DECSECREFL Accepts new-style section index.
MMG$SUBSECREFL MMG_STD$SUBSECREFL Accepts new-style section index.
MMG$TBI_SINGLE_64 TBI_SINGLE Macro MMG$TBI_SINGLE_64 should not be called directly. Instead, use the TBI_SINGLE macro.
MMG$TRY_ALL MMG_STD$TRY_ALL_64 Converted to STD interface. See mmg_routines.h for interface definition.
MMG$ULKGBLWSL None This routine was used internally only. Its symbol has been removed from the base image.
MMG_STD$ALLOC_PFN MMG_STD$ALLOC_PFN_64 This routine should not be called directly. Instead, use the ALLOCPFN macro. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$ALLOC_ZERO_PFN MMG_STD$ALLOC_ZERO_PFN_64 This routine should not be called directly. Instead, use the ALLOC_ZERO_PFN macro. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$DALLOC_PFN MMG_STD$DALLOC_PFN_64 Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$DEL_PFNLST MMG_STD$DEL_PFNLST_64 Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$ININEW_PFN MMG_STD$ININEWPFN_64 Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$INS_PFNH MMG_STD$INS_PFNH_64 Note that the 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$INS_PFNT MMG_STD$INS_PFNT_64 Note that the 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$PTEINDX None Used internally only. Obviated by design as of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0.
MMG_STD$REL_PFN MMG_STD$REL_PFN_64 Note that the 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$REM_PFN MMG_STD$REM_PFN_64 Note that the 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$REM_PFNH MMG_STD$REM_PFNH_64 Note that the 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access PFN database entries.
MMG_STD$TBI_SINGLE_64 TBI_SINGLE Macro MMG_STD$TBI_SINGLE_64 should not be called directly. Instead, use the TBI_SINGLE macro.
SWP$FILL_L1L2_PT None Removed.

3.3 Removed Macros

This section lists the macros that have been removed as of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0.

3.3.1 Removed MACRO-32 Macros Formerly in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB


3.3.2 C Header Files Removed From SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$LIB_C.TLB

  • msb_codec_reg.h
  • msb_reg.h
  • vadef.h --- Moved to SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB

3.4 Removed System Data Cells

Table 3-3 lists the system data cells that have been removed as of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0.

Table 3-3 Removed System Data Cells
Removed Cell Replacement Comments
CTL$AL_STACK CTL$AQ_STACK Arrays are now quadwords.
CTL$AL_STACKLIM CTL$AQ_STACKLIM Arrays are now quadwords.
EXE$GL_GPT MMG$GQ_FREE_GPT As of Version 7.0, free GPTEs are managed in the same manner as free system PTEs. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access GPTEs.
LDR$GL_FREE_PT LDR$GQ_FREE_S0S1_PT Contains the address of the start of the free S0/S1 PTE list. The format of the free PTEs has changed for Version 7.0.
MMG$GL_GPTBASE MMG$GQ_GPT_BASE As of Version 7.0, free GPTEs are managed in the same manner as free system PTEs. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access GPTEs.
MMG$GL_MAXGPTE MMG$GQ_MAX_GPTE As of Version 7.0, free GPTEs are managed in the same manner as free system PTEs. Note that 64-bit virtual addresses are required to access GPTEs.
MMG$GL_P0_PTLEN None Obviated by the removal of the process page tables from the balance slot.
MMG$GL_PX_VPN_LENGTH None This data cell is obviated by the removal of the process page tables from the balance slot.
MMG$GL_RESERVED_SVA MMG$GQ_WINDOW_VA Increased in length to quadword.
MMG$GL_RESERVED_SVA2 MMG$GQ_WINDOW2_VA Increased in length to quadword.
MMG$GL_RESERVED_SVAPTE MMG$GQ_WINDOW_PTE_PFN 64-bit pointer to PFN field of first reserved PTE.
MMG$GL_RESERVED_SVAPTE2 MMG$GQ_WINDOW2_PTE_PFN 64-bit pointer to PFN field of second reserved PTE.
MMG$GL_SHARED_L2PT_PFN None This cell was deleted since it is possible to have more than one shared L2PT. That is system space may span over multiple L2PTs.
MMG$GL_SPT_L2PTE_BIAS None This cell was deleted since it is possible to have more than one shared L2PT. That is system space may span over multiple L2PTs.
MMG$GL_VA_TO_PX_VPN None This data cell has been completely obviated by the removal of the process page tables from the balance slot.
MMG$GL_ZERO_SVA MMG$GQ_WINDOW_VA Increased in length to quadword.
MMG$GL_ZERO_SVAPTE_PFN MMG$GQ_WINDOW_PTE_PFN 64-bit pointer to PFN field of reserved PTE.
MMG$GQ_PT_VA MMG$GQ_PT_BASE MMG$GQ_PT_VA was renamed to ensure that any code that had assumed a fixed location of page table space as a function of page size would be revisited. The location of page table space is now variable to meet the individual bootstrap needs of supporting Version 7.0, as well as being a function of the page size.
MPW$GW_HILIM MPW$GL_HILIM Increased in length to a longword.
MPW$GW_LOLIM MPW$GL_LOLIM Increased in length to a longword.
PFN$PL_DATABASE PFN$PQ_DATABASE The PFN database was moved to S2 space, which is only addressable with 64-bit pointers.
PHV$GL_REFCBAS PHV$GL_REFCBAS_LW The process header reference count vector has been promoted from an array of words to an array of longwords.
SGN$GL_PHDAPCNT None This cell was deleted as a result of moving the process page tables out of the balance slot.
SGN$GL_PHDP1WPAG None This cell was deleted as a result of moving the process page tables out of the balance slot.
SGN$GL_PHDRESPAG None This cell was deleted as a result of moving the process page tables out of the balance slot.
SGN$GL_PTPAGCNT None This cell was deleted as a result of moving the process page tables out of the balance slot.
SWP$GL_L1PT_SVAPTE None L1 page table now mapped virtually in page table space.
SWP$GL_L1PT_VA None L1 page table now mapped virtually in page table space.
SWP$GW_BAKPTE None This cell was deleted as a result of moving the process page tables out of the balance slot.

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