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Compaq DECwindows Motif
for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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2.15 Window Manager

This section contains information about the DECwindows Motif Window Manager.

2.15.1 Changes and Enhancements

The following notes describe changes and enhancements made to the DECwindows Motif Window Manager. DECwindows XUI Applications


The resource Mwm*useDECMode allows previous versions of DECwindows XUI applications to behave correctly with the Motif Window Manager. In particular, this resource is used to control focus, window placement, multiline icons, and the window's initial state (normal or minimized).

2.15.2 Problems and Restrictions

The following notes describe known problems and restrictions that currently exist with the DECwindows Motif Window Manager. Using the Color Customizer with DECwindows Motif Window Manager


If you are using the color customizer provided in the DECW$EXAMPLES directory to control Motif Window Manager colors, the Motif Window Manager customization dialog boxes used to modify those colors may not reflect the correct current color values. This is normal behavior; use the color customizer instead of the Motif Window Manager color customization dialog boxes to change these values. Alternatively, exit the color customizer and then restart Motif Window Manager. See Section for more information about the color customizer. Configuration File


The configuration file DECW$MWM_RC.DAT defines how the Window Manager uses the function keys. Most of the accelerators use the form Alt key (or Compose Character key) and function key, for example Alt+F7.

If any application needs to use these keys, you must either comment them out by placing an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line, or create new keyboard bindings. Then change Mwm*keyBindings:DefaultKeyBindings in the MWM resource file to point to the new bindings.

With the Motif binding, you can no longer use the Alt+spacebar or the Compose Character+spacebar to bring up the Window menu because it interferes with Compose Character sequences in DECterm. Use Shift+F11 to bring up the Window menu.

To reenable Alt+space, select the appropriate option in the Workspace Options dialog box and apply the current settings. You can also remove the comment for the default button bindings for Alt+space in the DECW$MWM_RC.DAT file. Restarting Motif Window Manager


The file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$MWM.COM is used for information on how to restart the Window Manager. By default, it is always restarted on all the screens that are available. However, if you are not starting the Window Manager from the Session Manager, then the Window Manager might not have been initially started on all the available screens. You can modify this file to change the way the window is restarted for your system. Customizing Color-Related Resources for Monochrome Monitors


The Motif Window Manager does not support full customization of color-related resources for monochrome monitors in the Options dialog box. In order to change the colors, you might need to modify the pixmap resources by directly editing the DECW$MWM_BW.DAT resource file. For example, to change the color of the active window's title background, you must change the Mwm*activeBackgroundPixmap resource. Some values include 25_foreground, 50_foreground, 75_foreground, and unspecified pixmap.

In addition, by default, the title text is created with a white background. To use the same color as the rest of the title, set the Mwm*cleanText resource to FALSE. Moving the Icon Box Off Screen


If you move the icon box to the edge of the screen and then resize it using the keyboard, you can move it off the screen. To retrieve the icon box, press Alt+Tab until you reach that window and then press Shift Escape (F11) to bring up the Window menu for that window. You can then move the window back onto the screen. Customizing Colors on Multihead Systems


If you have a multihead system with different monitor types (color, monochrome, or gray-scale), you can customize the colors only by using the Options dialog box on the monitors that match the type of your main monitor (screen 0). To customize the other monitors, you must either log in to a system with that monitor type or directly edit the resource files. Multiline Icon Title Not Centered


The Window Manager does not center all the lines of a multiline icon title.

Chapter 3
System Manager Release Notes

This chapter contains system manager release notes.

3.1 Installation and Upgrade Information

This section describes important considerations related to the DECwindows Motif installation and upgrade procedures.

3.1.1 Changes and Enhancements

The following notes describe changes and enhancements made to the DECwindows Motif installation and upgrade procedures. DMA Disabled by Default (Alpha Only)


In support of the PowerStorm 3D30 or 4D20 (TGA2) graphics cards shipped with most Compaq AlphaServer systems, Direct Memory Access (DMA) is now disabled by default. During DECwindows Motif installation, the startup file DECW$DEVICE_CONFIG_GY.COM sets the logical DECW$FFBDODMA to a value of 0 (disabled). DECW$GETPARAMS.COM Modified to Accept Large GBLPAGES Values (Alpha Only)


The procedure DECW$GETPARAMS.COM has been modified to treat large GBLPAGES values (those exceeding the 2 GB pagelet limit imposed by SYSGEN) as unsigned longwords. Previously, values that exceeded this limit were parsed as signed comparisons, which prevented DECwindows from starting. Previously Optional Files Moved


The files listed in Table 3-1 from the optional areas have been moved into the required files areas. These files are now installed by default.

Table 3-1 Previously Optional Files Now Required
File Name File Function
[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECW]ICO.EXE Programming example image
[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECW.UTILS]XWUD.EXE MIT utility image Using Shareable Linkages to Install Images (Alpha Only)


On OpenVMS Alpha systems, using shareable linkages to install images on Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software offers the following advantages:

  • Enhanced startup performance by decreasing image-activation time
  • Conserved memory usage by decreasing the total of memory pages used by the image

By default, the following images are installed using shareable linkages on Alpha systems:

  • DECW$XTLIBSHRR5.EXE (Xt Intrinsics)
  • DECW$XMLIBSHR12.EXE (Motif Toolkit)
  • DECW$MRMLIBSHR12.EXE (Motif Resource Manager)
  • DECW$DXMLIBSHR12.EXE (Compaq Extensions to the Motif Toolkit)
  • CDE$UNIX_ROUTINES.EXE (UNIX emulation routines)

These images are installed using the /SHARE=ADDRESS_DATA option. Note that if you accept the default, these images cannot be replaced during a restart of DECwindows Motif software. As a result, when you restart DECwindows Motif, the images are not replaced and the following message is displayed:

Shared linkage sections are in use on this system and no images will be
reinstalled. If you are restarting DECwindows to reinstall images then you
must reboot the system.

To replace new images installed with this option, reboot the system. Note that you can disable shared-linkage sections by defining the logical name DECW$IGNORE_SHARE_ADDRESS in the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM command procedure. Version Checking Available for Command Files


The Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS kit contains version-checking command procedures that layered products can use during their installation procedure. The following three files are placed in the SYS$UPDATE directory during the installation of Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS:

    A command procedure that extracts the image identification string from an image and places it into a user-defined symbol.
    A command procedure that compares two image identification strings and assigns a value to a user-defined symbol with these possible results:
    • Facility codes do not match.
    • Identifiers are the same.
    • Second identifier is older than the first.
    • Second identifier is newer then the first.
    A command procedure used to display the versions of several components of the DECwindows Motif layered product and the X11 display server. The DECW$VERSIONS.COM procedure uses the DECW$GET_IMAGE_VERSION.COM command procedure to obtain the image idents of each file. Use the following command to display the versions on sys$output:

    Component Description
    DECwindows ident Xlib shareable image
    DECwindows server Server DIX file
    DECwindows transport Transport common
    DECwindows Xlib Xlib shareable image
    DECwindows OSF/Motif Toolkit OSF/Motif Xm Toolkit
    DECwindows applications DECwindows FileView
    DECwindows programming OSF/Motif UIL compiler

    The output from the command procedure shows DW, the version number, and the date the image is created.
    For example:

    DW V1.2-4960312

    is version 1.2-4 and was created on March 12, 1996.

3.1.2 Problems and Restrictions

The following notes describe known problems and restrictions that currently exist with the DECwindows Motif installation and upgrade process. Check System Parameters Prior to Upgrade


If you are upgrading to Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS, Version 1.2--6 from a system running Version 1.2--4 or earlier, be sure to adjust the NPAGEDYN, GBLPAGES, and FREE_GBLPAGES system parameters to the following minimum values prior to installation:

Parameter Minimum Value
NPAGEDYN 1,998,848
GBLPAGES 150,000

Otherwise, the installation procedure terminates and prompts you to run AUTOGEN to set these parameters to the appropriate values. Upgrade Problem After Installing Required PCSI ECO


For systems running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1--2 or OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 or earlier, you must install a POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility ECO (see the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Guide). After installing the required PCSI utility ECO, your system will use the new features provided by this version of the PCSI utility. If a layered product is installed that makes use of this new functionality, then it may not be possible to revert back to an older version of the utility. The restriction occurs because there may be records in the software product database that the older version of the utility will not be able to interpret.

This scenario occurs if you install the PCSI ECO, then install DECwindows Motif, and later install certain upgrades to the OpenVMS operating system. The steps below describe the situations when this will occur:

  1. Install the PCSI ECO kit onto an OpenVMS Version 6.2, 6.2-1H1, 6.2-1H2, 6.2-1H3, 7.1, 7.1-1H1, or 7.1-1H2 system.
  2. Install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--6 software.
  3. Upgrade to (or reinstall) OpenVMS Version 6.2, 6.2-1H1, 6.2-1H2, 6.2-1H3, 7.1, 7.1-1H1, or 7.1-1H2.

Upgrading to any of the OpenVMS versions listed in item 3 may fail (or other PRODUCT command operations on the product database may fail) with one of the following errors:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, ...

%PCSI-E-UNSDOCENC, unsupported product document encoding version

To prevent these failures after installing the PCSI ECO and DECwindows Motif, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove DECwindows Motif using the following command:

  2. Upgrade to (or reinstall) OpenVMS Version 6.2, 6.2-1H1, 6.2-1H2, 6.2-1H3, 7.1, 7.1-1H1, or 7.1-1H2.
  3. Reinstall the PCSI ECO.
  4. Reinstall DECwindows Motif.

This workaround is not needed if you upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 or higher, or if you are upgrading to OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 or higher. These versions (and all later versions) already include the new functionality added by the PCSI ECO. Reboot Recommended After Installation


Although system parameters are correct, it may be necessary to reboot the system after installing the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.

If the DECwindows login box does not appear after you install DECwindows Motif and restarting DECwindows Motif with the command @SYS$MANAGER:DECW$STARTUP RESTART, you will need to reboot the system. Installation Verification Procedure Error in UIL Compiler


If you installed a previous version of DECwindows (for example, V1.2--4) without using the PCSI_INSTALLATION.COM procedure, you might get this error. Enter the following code into a command file and run it. This will check for .CLD files. If it finds any, it deletes them:

$ VAX   = 1
$ Alpha = 2
$ ARCH = F$Getsyi("ARCH_TYPE")
$! See if the user wants the New Desktop to be the default desktop.
$ if ARCH .ne. Alpha then goto skip_new_desktop
$ type sys$input

  The New Desktop is a graphical user interface that is derived from the
  Common Desktop Environment (CDE).  It offers the following features not
  available with the traditional DECwindows desktop:

        o Multiple workspaces for greater flexibility in managing windows on
          the screen.

        o An icon-based File Manager to make it easier to manipulate files
          from the graphical user interface.

        o Enhanced support for the drag-and-drop feature, which is fully
          supported in the new File Manager and Application Manager
          o New Image Viewer and Icon Editor applications.

  Both the New Desktop and the DECwindows desktop provide the same underlying
  X and Motif libraries and the same DECterm, Bookreader, Mail, and Calendar

$ inquire/nopunct answer -
   "Do you want the New Desktop to be your default desktop ([y]/n)?"
$ if answer .eqs. "" then answer = "yes"
$ !
$ ! Create the decw$default_desktop.com file on the destination device.
$ !
$ dest = "sys$sysdevice:[vms$common]"
$ sysmgr_dir = f$search(dest+"SYSMGR.DIR")
$ sysmgr_node = f$parse(sysmgr_dir,,,"NODE")
$ sysmgr_device = f$parse(sysmgr_dir,,,"DEVICE")
$ sysmgr_directory = f$parse(sysmgr_dir,,,"DIRECTORY") - "]" + ".SYSMGR]"
$ dname = sysmgr_node + sysmgr_device + sysmgr_directory + -
$ if f$search(dname) .nes. "" then delete 'dname';*
$ open/write/error=dopenerr dfile 'dname'
$ if answer
$   then write dfile "$ DECW$START_NEW_DESKTOP == ""TRUE"""
$   else write dfile "$ DECW$START_NEW_DESKTOP == ""FALSE"""
$ endif
$ close dfile
$ set protection=(sy:rwed,ow:rwed,gr:re,wo:re) 'dname'
$ goto skip_new_desktop
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "  WARNING: Can't create ''dname'"
$ write sys$output ""
$! Update [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE with new verbs
$ create_new_dcltable:
   THEN GOTO skip_uil
$!$ skip_uil:
$ IF f$search("SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]ddif$view.cld")  .EQS. "" THEN GOTO skip_view
$ IF f$search("SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]pswrap.cld")  .EQS. "" THEN GOTO skip_pswrap
$! Install the DCLTABLES
$ set noon
$ status = $status
$ if status .eq. %X10000001 !%SYSTEM-S-NORMAL
$ then
$ endif
$ set on

3.2 System Startup Information

This section describes important considerations related to the startup of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software.

3.2.1 Changes and Enhancements

The following notes describe changes and enhancements made to the DECwindows Motif system startup and login mechanisms. Starting DECwindows Independently of OpenVMS


If DECwindows is not started during OpenVMS startup, it can be started later by running SYS$MANAGER:DECW$STARTUP.COM from a system account. Perform the following steps:

  1. Define the logical name DECW$IGNORE_DECWINDOWS with a value of TRUE in SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.
  2. Reboot the system.
  3. When system startup has completed, press Return and log in to the workstation console.
  4. After logging in, start DECwindows by invoking the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$STARTUP.COM command procedure, as in the following example:



    Once DECW$STARTUP.COM has completed, you must log out of the console in order for DECwindows to start.

3.2.2 Problems and Restrictions

The following notes describe known problems and restrictions that exist with the current DECwindows Motif system startup and login mechanisms. Problem With Delayed DECwindows Startup (Alpha Only)


On OpenVMS Alpha systems, error messages similar to those shown in Example 3-1 are displayed when:

  • Shareable address linkage is being used (the default setting).
  • DECwindows is not started as part of system startup but is started later.

These error messages are generated because there is not enough memory in the granularity hints region to install images resident. The images are installed nonresident, without shared address linkage, so DECwindows startup can complete. However, the performance and memory advantages of using shared address linkage are lost.

The amount of memory in the granularity hints region is determined by the system parameter GH_RSRVPGCNT. In DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3 for OpenVMS and earlier versions, this parameter was set to 512, which allowed DECwindows to start at any time with shared address linkage. However, this also consumed a large amount of physical memory.

To prevent memory from being wasted, OpenVMS temporarily increases the size of the granularity hints region during system startup and releases the unused memory once startup has completed. Starting with DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--4 for OpenVMS DECwindows Motif takes advantage of this by allowing GH_RSRVPGCNT to remain at its default value of zero. DECwindows images can be installed resident and with shared address linkage as long as DECwindows is started during system startup, as it is by default.

Example 3-1 Error Messages Displayed Due to Low Memory in Granularity Hints Region

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000092

%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000093

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -SYSTEM-F-PAGOWNVIO, page owner violation
 -SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
 -DEBUG-W-NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -SYSTEM-F-VA_IN_USE, virtual address already in use
 -SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
 -DEBUG-W-NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -SYSTEM-F-VA_IN_USE, virtual address already in use
 -SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
 -DEBUG-W-NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -SYSTEM-F-VA_IN_USE, virtual address already in use
 -SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
 -DEBUG-W-NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

%INSTALL-I-FAIL, failed to create shared linkage entry for DISK$ALPHASYS:<SYS0.
 -SYSTEM-F-VA_IN_USE, virtual address already in use
 -SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion
 -DEBUG-W-NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available

%INSTALL-I-NONRES, installed image non-resident with other specified options
 -INSTALL-E-NOGHREG, insufficient memory in the code or data granularity hint re

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