HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS User's Manual

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Chapter 3
3 The DIGITAL Command Language: Interacting with the System
     3.1     Using DCL Commands
         3.1.1         Entering Commands
         3.1.2         Commonly Used DCL Commands
         3.1.3         Key Sequences
     3.2     Constructing DCL Commands
         3.2.1         Other Components of Command Lines
         3.2.2         Syntax
     3.3     Entering DCL Commands
         3.3.1         Canceling Commands
         3.3.2         Using Defaults
         3.3.3         Entering Multiple Line Commands
     3.4     Rules for Entering DCL Commands
         3.4.1         Case Sensitivity
         3.4.2         Required Spaces
         3.4.3         Required Punctuation
         3.4.4         Null Characters
         3.4.5         Maximum Elements
         3.4.6         Abbreviating Commands
         3.4.7         Additional Rules for Commands in Command Procedures
     3.5     Entering Parameters
     3.6     Entering Qualifiers
         3.6.1         Command Qualifiers
         3.6.2         Positional Qualifiers
         3.6.3         Parameter Qualifiers
         3.6.4         Conflicting Qualifiers
         3.6.5         Values Accepted by Qualifiers
     3.7     Entering Dates and Times as Values
         3.7.1         Absolute Time Format
         3.7.2         Delta Time Format
         3.7.3         Combination Time Format
     3.8     Recalling Commands
         3.8.1         Pressing Ctrl/B
         3.8.2         Using Arrow Keys
         3.8.3         Using the RECALL Command
     3.9     Editing the DCL Command Line
         3.9.1         SHOW TERMINAL Command
         3.9.2         SET TERMINAL Command
         3.9.3         Deleting Portions of the Command Line
     3.10     Defining Terminal Keys
     3.11     Summary of Key Sequences
         3.11.1         Keys That Enter DCL Commands
         3.11.2         Keys That Interrupt DCL Commands
         3.11.3         Keys That Recall Commands
         3.11.4         Keys That Control Cursor Position
         3.11.5         Keys That Control Screen Display
Chapter 4
4 Files: Storing Information
     4.1     Understanding File Names and File Specifications
         4.1.1         Providing a Complete File Specification
         4.1.2         Rules for File Specifications
         4.1.3         Default File Types Used by DCL Commands
         4.1.4         Default File Types for Language Source Programs
         4.1.5         File Versions
         4.1.6         Network Node Names
         4.1.7         Specifying DECnet-Plus Node Full Names
         4.1.8         Specifying TCP/IP Names and Addresses
         4.1.9         Accessing Files on Remote Nodes Using DECnet
         4.1.10         Accessing Files on Remote Nodes Using TCP/IP
         4.1.11         Using Network File Specifications
                Conventional File Specification
                Foreign File Specification
                Task Specification Strings
         4.1.12         Access Control String Format
     4.2     Using Wildcards with File Names
         4.2.1         Asterisk (*) Wildcard Character
         4.2.2         Percent Sign (%) Wildcard Character
     4.3     Other File Names
         4.3.1         Null File Names and File Types
                File References with Null File Types
         4.3.2         Alternate File Names for Magnetic Tapes
     4.4     Creating and Modifying Files
         4.4.1         Creating Files
         4.4.2         Copying Files
         4.4.3         File Concatenation
         4.4.4         Copying Files from a Remote Node to Your Node Using DECnet
         4.4.5         Copying Files from Your Node to a Remote Node Using DECnet
         4.4.6         Copying Files on Remote Systems Using TCP/IP
         4.4.7         Using Mail to Copy Files
         4.4.8         Using Access Control Strings to Copy Files
         4.4.9         Renaming Files
     4.5     Displaying the Contents of Files
         4.5.1         Using the TYPE Command
         4.5.2         Controlling the Display
         4.5.3         Displaying Files on Remote Nodes
         4.5.4         Displaying Files with Wildcards
         4.5.5         Displaying Multiple Files
     4.6     Deleting Files
         4.6.1         Using the PURGE Command
     4.7     Protecting Files from Other Users
         4.7.1         Access Control Lists (ACLs)
         4.7.2         Types of Protection
     4.8     Printing Files
         4.8.1         Print Job Priority
         4.8.2         Displaying Queue Information
         4.8.3         Print Forms
         4.8.4         Stopping a Print Job
         4.8.5         Printing Files on Other Nodes
         4.8.6         PRINT Command Qualifiers
         4.8.7         WWPPS Utility (Alpha Only)
                Invoking WWPPS
                WWPPS Utility Commands

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