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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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3.8 Reconfiguring the Event Dispatcher

  1. To reconfigure the Event Dispatcher, proceed as follows from the Configuration Options menu:

    * Which configuration option to perform?             [0] : 6
  2. Select Option 6 and press Return.

    %NETCONFIGURE-I-EVDFND, Event dispatcher NCL script already exists
    * Replace Event Dispatcher NCL script file?         [NO] :

    If you want to create a new Event Dispatcher NCL script file, answer YES. If you want to keep the previously generated Event Dispatcher NCL script file, answer NO.
    The BASIC configuration option automatically creates a default Event Dispatcher configuration for you. You then see the display summary.
  3. With the ADVANCED configuration, you have the option to customize your Event Dispatcher configuration.

    * Do you want to customize the Event Dispatcher?    [NO] :

    If you answer NO, the procedure uses the default configuration. You see the following message:

    %NET$CONFIGURE-I-EVDDEFAULT, providing default Event Dispatcher configuration

    You then see the following prompt (for the ADVANCED configuration):

    * Display events logged to the console of this machine?   :
  4. If you answer YES to the "Customize the Event Dispatcher?" question, the procedure displays:

    * Configure a Sink?                                [YES] :

    If you want to customize information pertinent to the sink, answer YES (for example, if you want to change where to send the output: a terminal, a printer, or a file). If you answer YES, the procedure displays the following prompt:

    * Sink name?                                [local_sink] :

    Specify the name of the sink you want to use for the local node (for example, local_sink).

    * Maximum buffer size?                                   :

    Specify the maximum number of octets that the sink allows to process events (for example, 16384).

    * Object name?                                           :

    Specify the DECdns full name of the object for which the sink accepts incoming connections. Unless the value of this characteristic is null, the sink employs the Session Control layer's Keep me Here function to maintain the object name in the namespace.

    * End user specification?                                :

    Specify the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) Session Control local address for which the sink accepts incoming connections (for example, number=82).

    * Catch all filter action?                               :

    Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting nor the global filter setting matches an event, or if a filter setting that matches an event is set to ignore. The choices are:
    • BLOCK --- Discard the event.
    • PASS --- Report the event.

    * Description?                                           :

    Specify an informational string that can be used to describe the sink.

    * Display UIDs?                                          :

    Answering YES displays the entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is created.

    * Client type?                                           :

    Specify how the application is to accept the events received by the sink. The choices are:
    • CONSOLE --- Events go the operator's console (OPCOM).
    • DEVICE --- Events go to a device.
    • FILE --- Events go to a file.

    If you answer FILE to the "Client type?" prompt, the procedure displays the following prompt:

    * File name?                                              :

    Enter the file specification you want to use to capture events (for example, sys$manager:evd_events.log).
    If you answer DEVICE to the "Client type?" prompt, the procedure displays the following prompt:

    * Device name?                                            :

    Enter the device you want to use to capture events (for example, TWA1:).

    * Configure another Sink?                            [NO] :

    If you do not want to configure another sink, press Return to proceed to the next prompt. If want to configure another sink, enter YES and press Return. The procedure returns you to the "Sink name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required to configure another sink.
  5. If you want to configure an outbound stream, answer YES.

    * Configure an Outbound Stream?                     [YES] :

    Specify the outbound stream name that you want to manage with this command (for example, local_stream).

    * Outbound Stream name?                    [local_stream] :

    Specify the number of octets that the outbound stream allows to process events. This value is derived from (but is not necessarily equal to) the value specified in the maximum buffer size argument of the create command (for example, 16384).

    * Maximum buffer size?                                    :

    Specify the number of seconds to wait between connection attempts. The connect retry timer operates continuously from the time the outbound stream is enabled until the stream is disabled or until the connect timer enabled characteristic is set to FALSE. If the outbound stream is already connected to the sink when the timer expires, no connection is attempted at that time. The timer resets and connection attempts continue whenever the timer expires.

    * Connect retry timer?                                    :

    Answer YES to have the connect retry timer operational. Answer NO to disable it.

    * Connect timer enabled?                                  :

    Specify the number of seconds to wait before shutting down an idle connection. A 0 value indicates that the disconnect timer is not operating and that connections are never disconnected automatically.

    * Disconnect timer?                                       :

    Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a filter setting that matches an event is set to Ignore. The choices are:
    • BLOCK --- Discard the event.
    • PASS --- Report the event.

    * Catch all filter action?                                :

    Specify the full DECdns object name of the sink associated with this outbound stream. This object name is used to make the connection with the sink.

    * Sink object?                                             :

    Specify the full node name (DECdns namespace name included) of the sink associated with outbound stream.

    * Sink node?                                               :

    Specify the sink Session Control end user specification of the sink associated with this outbound stream (for example, number=82).

    * Sink end user?                                           :

    Specify the sink address tower of the sink associated with this outbound stream.

    * Sink address?                                            :

    If you do not want to configure another outbound stream, press Return to proceed to the next prompt. If you want to configure another outbound stream, enter YES and press Return. The procedure returns you to the "Outbound Stream name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required to configure another outbound stream.

    * Configure another Outbound Stream?                  [NO] :
  6. Answer YES to use the Phase IV Relay. This allows you to record and process events that occur on an OpenVMS system running DECnet-VAX Phase IV software. The Phase IV Relay entity receives the events from a Phase IV node, encapsulates them, and posts them in the DECnet-Plus system Event Dispatcher.

    * Configure Phase IV Relay?                          [YES] :

    The procedure displays:

                          Summary of Configuration
     Node Information:
          Directory services chosen:        DECDNS,LOCAL,DOMAIN
          Primary directory service:        DECDNS
          DECdns full name:       ACME:.WABBIT.ELMER
          Local Full name:        LOCAL:.ELMER
          Fully Qualified
          Host name:              ELMER.WABBIT.ACME.EDU
          Node Synonym:           ELMER
          Phase IV Address        15.27
          Phase IV Prefix:        49::
          Autoconfiguration of Network Address: Enabled
          Session Control Address Update Interval:      10
          Routing ESHello Timer:  600
     Device Information:
          Device: XQA0 (DELQA):
                   Data Link name:  CSMACD-0
                   Routing Circuit Name:    CSMACD-0
          Device: ASYNC (floating async line):
                   Data Link name:  ASY_DDCMP-0
                   Routing Circuit Name:    ASY_DDCMP-0
     Transport Information:
             NSP Transport:                          Configured
              Maximum number of logical links:         200
              Maximum Transmit and Receive Window:     20
              Maximum Receive Buffers:                 4000
            OSI Transport:                          Configured
              Maximum number of logical links:         200
              Maximum Transmit and Receive Window:     20
              Maximum Receive Buffers:                 4000
            Congestion Avoidance Disabled
     Event Dispatcher Configuration:
           Sinks:            local_sink
           Outbound Streams: local_stream
           Phase IV Relay:   Enabled
    * Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts? [YES] :

    If you answer YES, the configuration program uses the information you entered to create the Event Dispatcher NCL script. The configuration program then returns to the Configuration Options menu. To implement the Event Dispatcher NCL script, reboot the system or disable the entity and execute the script.
    If you answer NO, the configuration procedure returns to the Configuration Options menu and does not generate NCL scripts.

3.9 Reconfiguring the Application Database

To reconfigure the application database, proceed as follows from the Configuration Options menu:

* Which configuration option to perform?                 [1] : 7

Select Option 7 and press Return.

* Do you want to ADD or DELETE an Application?         [ADD] :

Answer ADD to create the application entity on the local node, allocate resources for it, and open the service interface. Answer DELETE to delete the entity and reclaim associated resources. Entering either ADD or DELETE in reply to this prompt displays the following prompt. The NOTES application is used here as an example.

* What is the name of the Application?                        : NOTES

When defining an application, you must identify the name of the object. DECnet object names are descriptive alphanumeric strings of up to 12 characters.

If you are deleting an application, the procedure displays the following two prompts. If you are adding an application, the procedure skips the next two prompts.

* Are you sure you want to DELETE this application?      [NO]:

If you want to delete the application, answer YES.

* Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts?   [YES] :

If you want to generate the NCL configuration scripts, answer YES.

If you are adding an application, the procedure displays the following prompt:

* What is the destination type for 'notes'?           [NAME] :

The destination type can be either NAME or NUMBER. To select NAME, press Return. To select NUMBER, enter NUMBER and press Return.

If you select NAME, the procedure displays the following prompt:

* What is the destination name for 'notes'?                 :

Your reply to this prompt can be either the application name (for example, NOTES) or a destination object name (for example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON). The destination name is the DECdns full name of the node that provides the application.

The application name can be from 1 to 16 characters. The destination object name can be a maximum of 512 characters and is entered in this format:


If you enter NUMBER, the procedure displays the following prompt:

* What is the destination number for 'notes'?                : 33

DECnet software uses object numbers as unique object identifiers. Object numbers have a range of 1 to 255. Generic objects such as MAIL and FAL have object numbers that are recognized throughout the network. User-defined images can have unique object numbers; numbers between 128 and 255 are reserved for this purpose.

For the NOTES application, enter 33 at this prompt. (This is the number that DIGITAL uses for this application.)

If you are adding a user-defined application, choose a number from 128 to 255. If you are adding an application defined by DIGITAL, select the appropriate number from Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Object Type Numbers
Number Mnemonic Description
0 Task User program
1--16   Reserved for DIGITAL use
17 FAL File access listener for remote file and record access
18 HLD Host loader for RSX-11S downline task loading requests
19 CML CMIP Management Listener object
20   RSTS/E media transfer program (NETCPY)
21--22   Reserved for DIGITAL use
23 REMACP Network terminal handler (host side)
24   Network terminal handler (terminal side)
25 MIRROR Loopback mirror
26 EVL Event receiver
27 MAIL OpenVMS Mail utility
28   Reserved for DIGITAL use
29 PHONE OpenVMS Phone utility and RSX-11M/M-PLUS Phone utility
30--41   Reserved for DIGITAL use
42 CTERM Network terminal handler
43--62   Reserved for DIGITAL use
63 DTR DECnet Test Receiver object
64--127   Reserved for DIGITAL use
128--255   Reserved for customer use

* Do you want to specify another application address?    [NO]:

If a node has more than one application address, enter YES and the previous prompts are repeated.

* What is the name of the Client for 'notes'?                :

Specify the name of the local user that you want activated upon receipt of the connect request containing the destination name matching one of the values in the destination names: attribute.

* What is the Image name for 'notes'? :Sys$system:notes$server.exe

Specify the file name of the program you want invoked upon receipt of a Connect Request containing a destination name matching one of the values in the destination names: attribute.

* Incoming Alias for 'notes' enabled?                 [TRUE] :

Specify how the specified application responds to incoming connect requests directed to the alias node address. If you specify FALSE, the application does not accept incoming connect requests that have been directed to the alias node address.

* Incoming Proxy for 'notes' enabled?                 [TRUE] :

Controls whether incoming proxy requests are honored. If you specify FALSE, requests to invoke proxies on incoming requests are ignored.

* Outgoing Alias for 'notes' enabled?                 [TRUE] :

Specify whether a particular object uses the alias node identifier in its outgoing connect requests. If you specify FALSE, the specified object cannot use the alias node address in its outgoing connect requests.

* Outgoing Proxy for 'notes' enabled?                 [TRUE] :

Specify the default action to execute when a user does not explicitly specify whether to invoke a proxy. If you specify FALSE, there will be no default action.

* Require node synonym for 'notes' enabled?           [TRUE] :

If you specify TRUE, then by default, the remote node name is passed to the application in synonym form. If a synonym is not available, the full name is used. If you specify FALSE, the full name is passed to the application by default.

* What is the Incoming OSI TSEL for 'notes'?                 :

Specify the transport service access point (TSAP) identifier for which the specified application accepts connections.


This function is currently not implemented. Press Return to continue to the next prompt.

* What is the User Name for 'notes'?          [NOTES$SERVER] :

Enter the user name that you want to use when creating the account for the application you are configuring.

If you do not want to create an account for that application, you can either enter NONE and press Return, or press the space bar and press Return.

If you decide to create an account for that application, the following two questions appear:

* What UIC should 'notes' use?         [[200,200]] : [376,377]

Specify the UIC allocated upon creation of this application entity instance.

* Rights identifiers for 'NOTES$SERVER'?         :net$examine,

Specify the rights identifiers (if any) needed by the application. If there are two or more rights identifiers, separate them with commas.

The procedure then creates the account for the application you want configured and displays the following messages:

%NET$CONFIGURE-I-MAKEACCOUNT, this procedure creates user account NOTES$SERVER
* Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts?   [YES] :

If you answer YES, the configuration program uses the information you entered to create an application NCL script and displays the following information:

%NET$CONFIGURE-I-CHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts modified by
%NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS configuration completed


The net$configure procedure only provides checksums of those NCL management scripts it creates or modifies. It does not provide checksums of user-modified NCL scripts.

The configuration program then returns to the Configuration Options menu. To implement the application NCL script, reboot the system or disable the entity and execute the script.

If you answer NO, the configuration procedure returns to the Configuration Options menu and does not generate NCL scripts.

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