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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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11.12.2 Sample Virtual Terminal Installation

$ prod install vt/source=sys$sysdevice:[kits]

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

*** DEC AXPVMS VT V2.1: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Virtual Terminal

    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.

    VT requires the PAK DVNETEND, and the VT Gateways require DVNETEXT also.

    OSAK must be installed and started before continuing this installation.

    Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

    VT Gateways startup requires LAT and DEC TCP/IP Services started first.
    Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

%PCSIUI-I-DONEASK, execution phase starting
The following product will be installed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OVMSSYSTEM
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 3506 required; 343419 available; 339913 net
Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...50%...60%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been installed:
%PCSI-I-EXETSTSTART, start of test procedure
%PCSI-I-EXETSTOK, end of test procedure; completed with no errors

*** DEC AXPVMS VT V2.1: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Virtual Terminal

    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:
    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM:


    Release notes are available in SYS$HELP:DECNET*.RELEASE_NOTES

    DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Virtual Terminal Installation Completed

11.12.3 Sample FTAM Installation

$ product install ftam/source=sys$sysdevice:[kits] [Return]

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES]  [Return]

*** DEC AXPVMS FTAM V3.2: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS OSI File Transfer,
        Access, and Management (FTAM)

    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.

    This product uses the PAKS: DVNETEND and the Gateway requires DVNETEXT.

    The DECnet-Plus OSAK software must be installed and started before
 continuing this installation.
    Do you want to continue? [YES]  [Return]

%PCSIUI-I-DONEASK, execution phase starting
The following product will be installed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OVMSSYSTEM
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, 27584 required; 423237 available; 395653 net
Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been installed:

*** DEC AXPVMS FTAM V3.2: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS OSI File Transfer,
Access, and Management (FTAM)

    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:
    Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM:

    The following messages are informational and indicate the amount of
each resource used by FTAM.

    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters:
        GBLSECTIONS add 24

    This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters:
        GBLPAGES add 5068

    After installing DECnet-Plus FTAM you must do
"$ @SYS$STARTUP:OSIF$CONFIGURE.COM" to setup necessary accounts.

    The DECnet-Plus FTAM IVP may be run at any time by doing

    Release notes are available in SYS$HELP:DECNET*.RELEASE_NOTES

    DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS FTAM Installation Completed

11.13 Sample OSI Application De-installations

This section provides sample OSI applications de-installations.

11.13.1 Sample Virtual Terminal De-installation

$ product remove vt

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
The following product will be removed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OVMSSYSTEM
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, -3436 required; 310692 available; 314128 net
Portion Done: 0%
%PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows...
%%% VT_RESPONDER is running in process 0000050D
%%% Process will be stopped
%%% VT_LAT_GTWY is running in process 00000518
%%% Process will be stopped
%%% LAT_VT_GTWY is running in process 00000519
%%% Process will be stopped
%%% VT_TELNET_GTWY is running in process 0000029E
%%% Process will be stopped
%%% TELNET_VT_GTWY is running in process 0000029F
%%% Process will be stopped
Portion Done: 20%
Portion Done: 50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been removed:

11.13.2 Sample FTAM De-installation

$ product remove ftam

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
The following product will be removed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OVMSSYSTEM
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, -27578 required; 314199 available; 341777 net
Portion Done: 0%...20%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been removed:

11.13.3 Sample OSAK De-installation

$ product remove osak

The following product has been selected:

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

PCSI-E-CONREMUNR, optionally remove product DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI
  T6.3-K3_B that is no longer required by another product
Do you want to take this action? [NO] [Return]
Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]
The following product will be removed:
%PCSI-I-VOLINFO, estimated space information for volume DISK$OVMSSYSTEM
-PCSI-I-VOLSPC, -6735 required; 344094 available; 350829 net
Portion Done: 0%...20%
%PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows...
%%% OSAK$SERVER_V3 is running in process 0000054A
%%% Process will be stopped
%%% OSAK$NETMAN is running in process 0000054B
%%% Process will be stopped
Portion Done: 40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been removed:

Chapter 12
Configuring the OSI Applications

This chapter describes how to configure FTAM and Virtual Terminal (VT) on an OpenVMS system.

12.1 FTAM and Virtual Terminal Terminology

  • An initiator, or client, is the program on one system that initiates a request to a program on another system, and awaits a response.
  • A responder, or server, is the program on a system providing a response to a request initiated on another system.
  • A listener is a job running on the responding system that fulfills incoming requests from an initiating system.

12.2 About the OSI Application Entity Database

The FTAM and VT applications require you to manage the OSI application entity database. This database stores addressing information for aliases that represent FTAM and VT applications and listeners.

On OpenVMS, the location of this file is:


The entries in the isoapplications database define aliases and contain information about local listeners, remote responders, and source addresses for local initiators. The aliases are used by local FTAM and VT initiators and listeners, and by users who specify these aliases in FTAM and VT commands.

There are three types of formats you can use in this isoapplications database. They are:

  • Address -- Information on local listeners, remote applications, and local initiator source address.
  • Distinguished Name -- X.500 Directory Service fixed entries.
  • Pattern -- X.500 Directory Service variable entries.

The isoapplications database can contain any combination of these formats.

For detailed information on the Address, Distinguished Name and Pattern formats, refer to Chapter 9 in DECnet-Plus FTAM and Virtual Terminal Use and Management.

12.3 Getting Started Configuring Initiating and Responding Entities

This section provides basic configuration task checklist items and examples for setting up the initiating and responding systems or entities.

Refer to DECnet-Plus FTAM and Virtual Terminal Use and Management for detailed information about managing initiating and responding systems.

If you are already familiar with configuring FTAM and VT, then you can continue the configuration procedure starting at Section 12.4.

12.3.1 Setting Up Responding Entities

On OpenVMS, the FTAM and VT installation and startup procedures provide default FTAM and VT responders. When the vt_start.com and osif$startup.com command procedures are run, these responders are started automatically.

12.3.2 Setting Up Initiating Entities

A responding entity needs to be defined in the isoapplications database before you can access it. To get the information you need for an alias, you must contact the person responsible for configuring and managing the remote OSI system running FTAM or VT. The remote FTAM or VT implementation may be from DIGITAL or from another vendor.

Set up the isoapplications database for a specific remote FTAM or VT application as follows:

  1. Determine the available transports between your DIGITAL system and the remote OSI system and select one.
  2. Collect the information needed to define an alias. Complete the Address Format Worksheet Form shown in Table 12-3 as follows:
    1. Choose an alias name for the remote responder. This name is local to your system and can be any name you choose.
    2. Specify whether the remote application is FTAM or VT.
    3. Obtain the AP-title and the AE-qualifier that the remote application requires, if any. If they are not required, leave these fields blank.
    4. Obtain the SAP selectors (PSEL, SSEL, TSEL) that the remote application requires.
    5. Obtain the NSAP of the remote application. The format of this field depends upon which transport provider you are using.
      • For OSI transport: Obtain the remote NSAP.
      • For RFC 1006: Obtain the remote Internet address and RFC 1006 daemon port.
      • For CONS over X.25: Obtain the remote X.25 NSAP.
    6. Specify the transport provider you selected in step 1.
    7. Determine the local transport template you want to use.
      • For OSI transport: Default template is default.
      • For RFC 1006: Default template is osit$rfc1006.
      • For CONS over X.25: Use a CONS template.
  3. Define the alias in isoapplications in Address format with the information you collected in the prior steps. You can edit this database using a text editor.

Once the setup is complete, you can invoke initiator requests using the alias.

12.3.3 Example: Performing An FTAM File Copy

Use the task list from Section 12.3.2 to configure your system to perform an FTAM file copy.

In this example, you copy remote file system_a_filename on System-A, to file system_b_filename on System-B.

System-A is the responding entity, and System-B is the initiating entity. System-A and System-B are OpenVMS systems.

Use the OSI provider and the following account information on System-A:

username: system_a_user [Return]
password: system_a_pwd [Return]

Use the default FTAM responder on System-A. There is no setup required on System-A.

Using information collected in Section 12.3.2, perform the following steps on initiating entity System-B from a privileged account:

  1. Determine available transports and choose one. For this example, use OSI transport.
  2. Perform the following steps:
    1. Choose an alias. For this example, use system_a_alias.
    2. Specify FTAM or VT. For this example, the remote application is FTAM.
    3. Obtain the AP-title and AE-qualifier. For this example, the responder does not require this information.
    4. Obtain the SAP selectors. The FTAM responder on OpenVMS uses RMS.FTAM.OSIF.
    5. Obtain the remote NSAP. For this example, the responder's OSI transport NSAP is %X410004AA000400001321.
    6. Specify transport provider. For this example, use OSI. Note that because OSI is the default provider, you can omit it for this example.
    7. Determine the transport template. For this example, use default. Note that because default is the default template, you can omit it for this example.
  3. Define the alias in isoapplications:

    system_a_alias  :FTAM:::RMS.FTAM.OSIF. \
                            %X410004AA000400001321, \

After the setup is complete, you can start the FTAM copy command:

$ copy/application=ftam - [Return]
system_a_alias"system_a_user system_a_pwd"::system_a_filename - [Return]
system_b_filename [Return]

12.3.4 Example: Performing A Virtual Terminal Login

Use the task list from Section 12.3.2 to configure your system to perform a Virtual Terminal login.

In this example, you perform a VT set host/vtp from System-B to System-A.

System-A is the responding entity, and System-B is the initiating entity. System-A and System-B are OpenVMS systems.

Use the RFC 1006 provider and the following account information from System-A:

username: system_a_user [Return]
password: system_a_pwd [Return]

Use the default VT responder on responding entity System-A. There is no setup required on System-A.

Using the information from Section 12.3.2, perform the following steps on initiating entity System-B from a privileged account:

  1. Determine available transports and choose one. For this example, use RFC 1006.
  2. Perform the following steps:
    1. Choose an alias. For this example, use system_a_alias.
    2. Specify FTAM or VT. For this example, the remote application is VT.
    3. Obtain the AP-title and AE-qualifier. For this example, the responder does not require this information.
    4. Obtain the SAP selectors. The VT responder on OpenVMS uses %x0001.%x0001.%x0002.
    5. Obtain the remote NSAP. For this example, the responder's RFC 1006 internet address is and the daemon port is 102.
    6. Specify transport provider. For this example, use RFC 1006.
    7. Determine the transport template. For this example, use osit$rfc1006. Note that because osit$rfc1006 is the default template, you can omit it for this example.
  3. Define the alias in isoapplications:

    system_a_alias  :VT:::%x0001.%x0001.%x0002. \
                 , \

After the setup is complete, you can start the VT set host/vtp command:

$ set host/vtp system_a_alias  [Return]

Username:  SYSTEM_A_USER  [Return]
Password:  system_a_pwd  [Return]

12.4 About Responding Entities

As stated in Section 12.3.1, default FTAM and VT responders are provided on OpenVMS. The installation also supplies an initial isoapplications file with local aliases used by the FTAM and VT responders, gateways, and initiators.

Table 12-1 shows default addresses (PSEL, SSEL, TSEL) for the FTAM and VT responders and gateways:

Table 12-1 Default Addresses
Gateway/Responder Default Address
VT Responder %x0001.%x0001.%x0002
VT/LAT Gateway %x0001.%x0001.%x0003
VT/TELNET Gateway %x0001.%x0001.%x0004

Each of these responders and gateways can accept connections through all of the transports that FTAM and VT support: OSI transport, RFC 1006, and X.25/CONS.

You can set up your own responder for FTAM in addition to or instead of the default one. You cannot set up your own responder for VT; however, you can change the aliases and change the local addresses (PSEL, SSEL, TSEL) that the VT responder and gateways use. For these operations, refer to DECnet-Plus FTAM and Virtual Terminal Use and Management, Chapter 10 and Chapter 11.

12.5 Configuring Addresses for Remote FTAM and VT Applications

The primary job of configuring FTAM and VT on OpenVMS is to add entries to the isoapplications database for the remote FTAM and VT applications on your network. On OpenVMS, you add entries to isoapplications by using a text editor.

Refer to Chapter 9 in DECnet-Plus FTAM and Virtual Terminal Use and Management for a complete description of managing the isoapplications database.

As mentioned in Section 12.2, every entry in isoapplications has one of three formats:

  • Address format
  • Distinguished Name format
  • Pattern format

If you have the DEC X.500 Directory Service product installed, you have the option of adding entries of the Distinguished Name format and the Pattern format. You have the option of adding entries of the Address format regardless of whether X.500 is installed.

If you are not using X.500, complete an Address Format Worksheet in Table 12-3 for each remote application. If you are using X.500, complete the checklist in Table 12-2.

To complete the Address Format Worksheet forms, see Section 12.3.2 for collecting relevant information.

Table 12-2 X.500 Configuration Checklist
Question Yes No
Do you want to register the local listeners in the X.500 Directory?

If yes, you need an X.500 Distinguished Name to identify each of the local listeners. Specify a Distinguished Name for each local listener.

  • X.500 Distinguished Name(s):
[] []
isoapplications isoapplications ?

If yes, then continue on with this checklist to add entries of the Distinguished Name, Pattern, and Address formats.

[] []
Do you want to add entries of the Distinguished Name format?

If yes, complete the following information for each remote application:

  • Alias name:
  • Application (FTAM or VT):
  • Distinguished Name:
  • Transport Template List:
[] []
Do you want to add entries of the Pattern format?

If yes, you need to determine what your pattern(s) should look like.

You may be able to get this information from your network administrator, or you may be able to use the DEC X.500 Administration Utility (DXIM) to examine the structure of the X.500 Directory Information Tree for your organization to determine what your Pattern format entries should be.

Complete the following information for each pattern entry. The Distinguished Name should be incomplete (contain at least one *).

  • Application (FTAM or VT):
  • Distinguished Name:
  • Transport Template List:
[] []
Do you want to add entries of the Address format?

If yes, complete a form in Table 12-3 for each remote application.

[] []

Table 12-3 Address Format Worksheet
Configuration Information Answer/Entry
Alias name: []
Application (FTAM or VT): []
AP-title: []
AE-qualifier: []
PSEL: []
SSEL: []
TSEL: []
NSAP(s): []
Transport provider name(s): []
Transport template name(s): []

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