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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Network Management

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The advantage of specifying a phaseiv_prefix is that you specify the address prefix once and it is applied to all Phase IV addresses. You do not have to specify the phaseiv_prefix individually for each address.

If you do not specify a phaseiv_prefix, the default Phase IV prefix specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when deleting the reverse address mapping links to the node name. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a reverse_directory, the default reverse directory specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when deleting the synonym mapping link to the node name. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a synonym_directory, the default synonym directory specified with the set default command is used.


The rename command changes the registered name for a node within a specified name service. Use the rename command when a node's name has been changed and that change needs to be reflected in a name service. The attribute values stored under the node name remain unchanged. You can rename a node only within a name service. You cannot rename a node from one type of name service to another.

The rename command only changes the name stored in the name service; it does not directly affect the name on the node itself. Use the node's network configuration utility to change the name on the node itself.


rename node node-name new_name new-node-name [directory_service dir-service | synonym synonym-name | reverse_directory r-dir-name | synonym_directory s-dir-name]



Specifies the current name of the node to be renamed. The current node-name must be the fully specified name for the node in the name service:
Name Service Node Full Name
DECdns MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
Local file node MailHub
Phase IV node MLHUB


Specifies the new name for the node to be renamed. The new-node-name must be the fully specified name for the node in the name service:
Name Service Node Full Name
DECdns MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
Local file node MailHub
Phase IV node MLHUB


Optional. Specifies the name service that contains the node to be renamed. The dir-service must be one of the following:

Name Service Keyword
DECdns decdns
Local file local
Phase IV phaseiv

If you do not specify directory_service, the default service specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the new Phase IV synonym for the node. You can use a Phase IV synonym in place of a fully specified node-name. They are particularly useful with applications that do not support full node names.

The synonym-name must be from one to six letters (a to z) or digits (0 to 9). The synonym-name must contain at least one letter. To explicitly specify that a node has no Phase IV node name, specify two quotation marks ("") for the synonym-name.

Synonym Description
MLHUB Specifies the Phase IV synonym MLHUB
"" Specifies that the node has no Phase IV synonym.

If you omit the synonym parameter, a synonym name is not registered for the node.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when redirecting the reverse address mapping links from the old node name to the new node name. The links created under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a reverse_directory, the default reverse directory specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when redirecting the synonym mapping link from the old node name to the node name. The links created under this directory are used to map Phase IV synonyms to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a synonym_directory, the default synonym directory specified with the set default command is used.


The repair command repairs the synonym and reverse address mapping links for nodes in a distributed name service. Use the repair command when a nodes synonym and reverse address mapping links are accidentally deleted or otherwise changed so that they no longer map to the correct node name. Use the Show command with the full keyword to determine whether or not a nodes synonym and reverse address mapping links are correct.


repair node node-name [directory_service dir-service | reverse_directory r-dir-name | synonym_directory s-dir-name]



Specifies the name of the node whose links are to be repaired. The node-name must be the fully specified name for the node in the name service:
Name Service Node Full Name
DECdns MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
Local file node MailHub
Phase IV node MLHUB

You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character in node names as follows:

Name Service Node Full Name with Wildcard Character
DECdns NODE MyCo:.Sales.Mail.*

The wildcard character can be used anywhere in the terminating part of the name. You can use only a single wildcard character.

The local and Phase IV databases do not require or use synonym or reverse address mapping links. This command does not apply to these name services.


Optional. Specifies the name service whose links are to be repaired. The dir-service must be one of the following:
Name Service Keyword
DECdns decdns
Local file local
Phase IV phaseiv

The local and Phase IV databases do not require or use synonym or reverse address mapping links. This command does not apply to these name services.

If you do not specify directory_service, the default service specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when repairing the reverse address mapping links (also called backtranslation links). The links created under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a reverse_directory, the default reverse directory specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when repairing the synonym mapping links. The links created under this directory are used to map Phase IV synonyms to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a synonym_directory, the default synonym directory specified with the set default command is used.


The reset command resets the default values for optional parameters to their original values.


reset default [all |directory_service | display_mode | nsap_format | phaseiv_prefix | reverse_directory | synonym_directory]



Required. Specifies that the default parameter values are being modified.


Optional. Resets the default values for all optional parameters to their original values.


Optional. Resets the default name service to its original value.


Optional. Resets the default display style to its original value.


Optional. Resets the default NSAP display style to its original value.


Optional. Resets the default Phase IV prefix value to its original value. This specifies the default AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an NSAP from a Phase IV address.


Optional. Resets the default base directory or name entry to use for the reverse address mapping links to the node name to its original value for all name services.


Optional. Resets the default base directory or name entry to use for the synonym mapping links to its original value for all name services.

set default

The set default command establishes or modifies the default values for optional parameters. This command is particularly useful when used in a decnet_register initialization command procedure or script file.


set default [directory_service dir-service | display display-mode | phaseiv_prefix addr-prefix | reverse_directory r-dir-name | synonym_directory s-dir-name | nsap_format addr-format]



Optional. Specifies the name service to use by default when a decnet_register command does not specify a name service. The dir-service must be one of the following:
Name Service Keyword
DECdns decdns
Local file local
Phase IV phaseiv


Optional. Specifies the extent of node information to display by default when a decnet_register command does not specify a display-mode keyword. The following display-mode keywords display the indicated information:
Keyword Information Displayed
names The node full name.
brief - The node full name
- The name of the link (if any) used to access the node information
- The Phase IV synonym name
- The NSAP addresses for the node
full - The node full name
- The name of the link (if any) used to access the node information
- The Phase IV synonym name
- The NSAP addresses for the node
- The address tower information for the node
- The link name mapping the synonym to the node name (if any)
- The link names mapping NSAP addresses to the node name (if any)

The full mode also provides consistency checking, and prints messages describing any inconsistencies it finds. For example, a missing synonym or NSAP address link, or a link that points at an incorrect name.


Optional. Specifies the default base directory or name entry to use for the synonym mapping link to the node name. This default is used when a decnet_register command does not specify a synonym_directory. The links under this directory are used to map Phase IV synonyms to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.


Optional. Specifies the default base directory or name entry to use for the reverse address mapping links to the node name. This default is used when a decnet_register command does not specify a reverse_directory. The links created under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.


Optional. Specifies the default AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an NSAP from a Phase IV address. The addr-prefix is used when a Phase IV address is specified for the node-id. This default is used when a decnet_register command does not specify a addr-prefix.


Optional. Specifies default format to use when the format is not specified in a decnet_register command.

The addr-format must be one of the following:

Address Format Keyword
DNA dna
OSI osi

This causes the appropriate format to be used:

DNA format: <afi>:<idi>:<predsp>-<locarea>:<nodeid>:00
OSI format: <afi><idi>+<predsp><locarea><nodeid>00

show default

The show default command displays the current default values for all optional parameters. All default parameter settings are displayed. This command takes no other parameters.


show default

show node

The show node command reads node registration information from a name service and displays it on the screen or writes it to a file. If you specify the FULL display keyword, show node also verifies that all reverse address mapping and synonym links are set up properly for the node.


show node node-id



Identifies one or more nodes whose registration information to display. The node-id can be one of the following:
  • The fully specified name (full name) for the node.
  • The Phase IV synonym for the node.
  • One of the NET or NSAP addresses for the node.
  • The Phase IV address (and optional Phase IV prefix) for the node.

The syntax for a full name depends on the name service where the node is registered:

Name Service Node Full Name
DECdns MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
Local file MailHub

An example Phase IV synonym for all the previously mentioned full names follows: MLHUB.

You can use a single asterisk (*) wildcard character anywhere in the last part of the name as follows:

Name Service Node Full Name with Wildcard Character
DECdns MyCo:.Sales.Mail*
Local file node Mail*
Phase IV node ML*

You can specify a node's address by using one of its NETs or NSAPs, or its Phase IV address.

A NET is an NSAP address value with an N-Sel value of "00" (indicating that it is independent of the type of transport service in use on the node). If you specify an NSAP instead of a NET, it is converted to an NET before it is used.

DNA format: <afi>:<idi>:<predsp>-<locarea>:<nodeid>:00
OSI format: <afi><idi>+<predsp><locarea><nodeid>00

If the node has a Phase IV address, you can use it instead of a NET:

Format: <area>.<nodeid>
  <area>.<nodeid> +<prefix>

The Phase IV address is internally converted to a NET, using the Phase IV prefix value. The Phase IV prefix value can be specified with the Phase IV address or the Phaseiv_prefix parameter, or set using the set default command.

You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character in the NET or Phase IV address. The wildcard character must replace either the node's terminating name (or simple name) or its local area plus terminating name. If you specify a NET containing a wildcard character, do not also specify an N-Sel value.

NET Wildcard the node-id: 39:840:0001:*
  Wildcard the local area and node-id: 39:840:0001:*
Phase IV Wildcard the node-id: 1.*
  Wildcard the area and node-id: *.*


The spawn command executes a single DCL command in a subprocess, or creates an interactive subprocess in which you can enter multiple DCL commands.


spawn [dcl-command]



Optional. Specifies a DCL command to execute. The DCL command executes and then control returns to the decnet_register when command execution is complete.

If you do not specify a dcl-command, you are placed in an interactive subprocess and presented with the DCL prompt. When you log out of the subprocess, control returns to decnet_register.


The update command updates a node's addressing information in a name service. The update command reads a node's addressing information directly from the node using network management and modifies the node registration to contain the correct addresses. You must specify a usable address-value in the update command in order for the command to establish the network connection to obtain the remainder of the addressing information.


update node node-name [directory_service dir-service | address addr-value | phaseiv_prefix addr-prefix | reverse_directory r-dir-name]



Identifies the name of the node to be updated. The node identification can be one of the following:
  • The fully specified name for the node in the name service.
  • The Phase IV synonym for the node.

The syntax of the fully specified name depends on the name service being used. Examples of fully specified names follow:

Name Service Node Full Name
DECdns node MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
Local file node MailHub

An example of a Phase IV synonym for any of the above names is MLHUB.


Optional. Specifies the name service in which the node is to be updated. The directory_service must be one of the following:
Name Service Keyword
DECdns decdns
Local file local
Phase IV phaseiv

If you do not specify directory_service, the default service specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies an address to use to establish a network management connection to the node. Once the connection is established, the node's tower set is obtained and used to update the node's name service entry. The address you supply can be any one of the following:
  • One of the node's NET or NSAP addresses
  • The node's Phase IV address
  • The keyword Local (or 0)

A NET is an NSAP address value with an N-SEL value of "00" (indicating that it is independent of the type of transport service in use on the node). If you specify an NSAP instead of a NET, it is converted to a NET before it is used.

DNA format: <afi>:<idi>:<predsp>-<locarea>:<nodeid>:00
OSI format: <afi><idi>+<predsp><locarea><nodeid>00

Examples of NETs follow:

DNA format: address 39:840:0001:AA-00-04-00-05-04:00
OSI format: address 39840+0001AA000400050400

If the node has a Phase IV address, that can be used instead of a NET:

Format: <area>.<nodeid>

This is internally converted to a NET, using the Phase IV prefix value. The Phase IV prefix value can be specified with the Phase IV address or the phaseiv_prefix parameter, or set using the set default command.

Example Phase IV addresses follow:

address 1.5 Default Phase IV prefix
address 1.5+39:840 Explicit Phase IV prefix
address 1.5 phaseiv_prefix 39:840 Explicit Phase IV prefix

If the node whose name service entry is to be updated is the local node, use LOCAL (or 0). This will force the use of the local network management connection. For example, use address LOCAL or address 0.


Optional. Specifies the AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an NSAP from a Phase IV address. The addr-prefix is used when a Phase IV address is specified in the address parameter. For example, address 1.5 phaseiv_prefix 39:840:800AB738 results in the following NSAP representing the Phase IV address:


Another way to express this address is address 1.5+39:840:800AB738.

If you do not specify a phaseiv_prefix, the default Phase IV prefix specified with the set default command is used.


Optional. Specifies the base directory or name entry to use when creating the reverse address mapping links to the node name. The links created under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns name service.

If you do not specify a reverse_directory, the default reverse directory specified with the set default command is used.

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