HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Network Management

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part I DECnet-Plus Network Management Concepts
Chapter 1 Introduction to DECnet-Plus Network Management
Part II Managing the Transition from DECnet Phase IV
Chapter 2 Transitioning from NCP to NCL
Chapter 3 Checking the Network's Configuration
Chapter 4 Managing Routing Between DECnet Phase IV and Phase V Areas
Chapter 5 Managing Name Service Searches and Information
Part III DECnet-Plus Network Management Tasks
Chapter 6 Modifying Your Network
Chapter 7 Managing Network Security
Chapter 8 Managing DECnet Phase V Communications
Chapter 9 Setting Up an OpenVMS Cluster Environment for DECnet-Plus
Chapter 10 Downline Loading and Upline Dumping Remote Systems
Part IV Monitoring Your DECnet-Plus Network
Chapter 11 Monitoring the Network
Chapter 12 Monitoring Network Events
Appendix A DECnet Phase IV Components and Corresponding Phase V Entities
Appendix B Circuit Devices
Appendix C delay factor and delay weight for NSP and OSI Transport
Appendix D decnet_migrate Commands
Appendix E decnet_register Commands
Appendix F Examples of Network Management Tasks
Appendix G Using the Console Carrier
Appendix H Migration Guidelines for VAX P.S.I.
Appendix I Network Management Graphical User Interface (NET$MGMT)


Preface Preface
Part I
Part I DECnet-Plus Network Management Concepts
Chapter 1
1 Introduction to DECnet-Plus Network Management
     1.1     What Is Network Management?
     1.2     Identifying Manageable Network Components
     1.3     Modules and Entities
     1.4     DECnet Phase V Configurations
Part II
Part II Managing the Transition from DECnet Phase IV
Chapter 2
2 Transitioning from NCP to NCL
     2.1     Using decnet_migrate to Convert NCP Commands to NCL Commands
         2.1.1         Running decnet_migrate on Your System
                Converting an NCP Command to an NCL Command
                Converting NCP Commands in a DCL Command File to NCL
                Converting NCP Commands in an NCP Command File to NCL
                Editing a Command File That Contains NCL Commands
     2.2     Using the Graphical User Interface for DECnet Phase V Network Management
     2.3     Using the NCP Emulator to Convert NCP Commands to NCL
         2.3.1         Information About Supported NCP Commands
         2.3.2         Information About Supported NCP Components
         2.3.3         Running the NCP Emulator on Your System
         2.3.4         Remotely Managing DECnet Phase IV Nodes
Chapter 3
3 Checking the Network's Configuration
     3.1     Determining Your Network Topology
     3.2     Determining the DECnet Version of Your System
Chapter 4
4 Managing Routing Between DECnet Phase IV and Phase V Areas
     4.1     Setting Up Interphase Links
     4.2     Configurations That Do Not Require Manually Created Interphase Links
     4.3     Configurations That Require Manually Created Interphase Links
     4.4     Configurations That Require Multiple Interphase Links
     4.5     Configurations with Multiple Interphase Links Between Two Subnetworks
     4.6     Special Considerations Regarding Network Costs
Chapter 5
5 Managing Name Service Searches and Information
     5.1     The Naming Search Path
         5.1.1         Determining the Order for Name Service Searches
         5.1.2         Using the Naming Search Path to Interpret Abbreviated Node Names
         5.1.3         Displaying and Modifying Search Path Information
                Displaying the Naming Search Path
                Displaying the Backtranslation Search Path
                Modifying the Naming and Backtranslation Search Paths
                Using Backtranslation to Track Namespace Changes
         5.1.4         Changing the Default Namespace Name
         5.1.5         Defining an Alternate Node Synonym Directory
         5.1.6         Managing the DECdns Clerk
     5.2     Resolving Names and Addresses with the Naming Cache
         5.2.1         The CDI Naming Cache and DECdns
         5.2.2         Managing the CDI Naming Cache
                Checkpoint Interval
                Timeout Period
     5.3     Managing DECdns and Local Namespace Information with decnet_register
         5.3.1         Invoking decnet_register
         5.3.2         Using decnet_register
         5.3.3         Showing the Information Registered for a Node in the Namespace
         5.3.4         Registering or Modifying a Node
         5.3.5         Updating Registered Node Addresses
         5.3.6         Renaming a Registered Node
         5.3.7         Repairing a Node's Synonym and Reverse Address Links
         5.3.8         Deregistering a Node from the Namespace
         5.3.9         Exporting and Importing Node Information Between Name Services
                Exporting Node Information from a Name Service
                Importing Node Information from an Export/Import File to a Name Service
                Converting an Existing LNO Text File to a Local Namespace
         5.3.10         Setting Preferences and Network Values
         5.3.11         Using an Initialization Command File for Preset Values
         5.3.12         Managing the DECdns Directory Service
                Initializing the DECdns Namespace for DECnet
                Creating Directories for Registering Node Names
                Creating Backtranslation Directories for New IDPs, PreDSPs, and Network Areas
                Adding Members to the Access Control Group
                Creating the WorldRead_Group
                Using the WorldRead_Group Access Control Group
                Removing Members from the Access Control Group
                Showing Members of the Access Control Group
                Enabling and Disabling Autoregistration of DECnet Phase V Nodes
         5.3.13         Spawning to DCL
Part III
Part III DECnet-Plus Network Management Tasks
Chapter 6
6 Modifying Your Network
     6.1     Using the Configuration Procedure
     6.2     Network Control Language
         6.2.1         Using Interactive NCL
         6.2.2         Editing NCL Scripts
         6.2.3         Using User-Defined NCL Scripts
     6.3     Defining Logical Names That Modify Network Startup
     6.4     Creating DECnet-Plus Network Server Processes
     6.5     Deleting Network Entities

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