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Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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5.3.2 Appending the Personal Name String to the Outbound Alias

If you have defined an OpenVMS Mail personal name, the SMTP mailer appends that string to the outbound alias.

For example, a personal name might look like the following:

Bill L. Smith Phone: 123-456-8000

The TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical is defined as follows:

$ DEFINE TCPIP$SMTP_FROM "bill.smith@xxx.com"

The following example shows the resulting From : header:

From: bill.smith@xxx.com (Bill L. Smith Phone: 123-456-8000)

The personal name is appended to the From : address only if both of the following conditions are met:

  • The value you give for the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical does not contain parenthetical phrases (text within parentheses).
  • The From : address contains the SMTP domain string (the @domain portion of the address).

To use a different personal name than the one defined in your OpenVMS Mail personal name, define the personal name string as part of the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical in a parenthetical phrase after the user@domain address. Separate the address from the parenthetical phrase with a space. Do not use double quotation marks (" ") in the personal name.

For example, you can define the outbound alias logical as follows:

_$ "bill.smith@xxx.com (Phone: 123-456-8000 FAX: 123-456-9000)"

Note the following restrictions:

  • The SMTP mailer does not allow you to define the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical using the following syntax:

    "personal-name" <user@host>
  • Do not specify the logical as follows:

    $ DEFINE TCPIP$SMTP_FROM """personal-name"" <bill.smith@xxx.com>"

    Instead, define the logical as follows:

    $ DEFINE TCPIP$SMTP_FROM "bill.smith@xxx.com (personal-name)"

5.3.3 Appending a Substitute Domain String

If you define TCPIP$SMTP_FROM without an SMTP domain string (the @domain portion of the address), SMTP appends the substitute domain name to the text you define. If you do not define a substitute domain name, the host name is used.

For example, the host is configured with a substitute domain name of x.com , and the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical is defined as follows:


In this case, the resulting address is as follows:

From: bill.smith@x.com

However, if the host is not configured with a substitute domain and the host name is host.x.com , SMTP_FROM is defined as follows:


In this case, the resulting address is as follows:

From: bill.smith@host.x.com

5.3.4 Disabling Modifications to TCPIP$SMTP_FROM

To disable the modifications that TCPIP SMTP makes to the value you assign to TCPIP$SMTP_FROM (such as appending the OpenVMS personal name and @domain to a value with no @domain), include the string [VERBATIM].

For example:

$ DEFINE TCPIP$SMTP_FROM "[VERBATIM] bill.smith@xxx.com"

The resulting address is as follows:

From: bill.smith@xxx.com

5.3.5 TCPIP$SMTP_FROM and the Return-Path: Header

The address you define is used for the Return-Path : mail header. The Return-Path : header is used to bounce undeliverable mail. Note that the version of the text used for the Return-Path : header is stripped of comments (such as the personal name string) and always has a domain string. For more information about the domain name that is supplied, see Section 5.3.3.

5.3.6 X-VMS-True-From: Header

When the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical is used to set the From: header, the text that would normally have been used for the From: header is added to the headers as an X-VMS-True-From : header.

5.3.7 Managing Outbound Alias Processing

To disable outbound alias processing and use of the TCPIP$SMTP_FROM logical, define the following system logical:


5.4 Sending Mail to Multiple Users

To send mail to more than one user at a time, use the SEND command as discussed in Section 5.2, and type one of the following at the To: prompt:

5.4.1 Entering a List of Names

When you type a list of names, use the following guidelines:

  • Separate the names with a comma ( , ).
  • If multiple users are on the same remote host, type the full user_name@host combination for each user.
  • If a user is on your local host, omit the at sign (@) and host name.

For example:

To: user1,user2,user3@host3,user4@host4

In the preceding example, user1 and user2 are located on the local OpenVMS system; user3 is located on host3; and user4 is located on host4.

To: user1@host5,user2@host5

In the preceding example, both user1 and user2 are located on remote host host5.

The following example sends the same mail to the following users:



5.4.2 Distribution Lists

To send mail to multiple users by entering the name of a distribution list, follow these guidelines:

  • The file with the distribution list can be yours or belong to someone else.
  • The file can reside locally or remotely.
  • Do not include the names of other distribution lists in the distribution list.

You can use two kinds of distribution lists:

  • OpenVMS distribution list
    • Create a .DIS file in your own directory or use an existing one.
    • You can include comment lines (lines preceded by an exclamation mark [!]) in the .DIS list file.
    • You can include both OpenVMS addresses and SMTP addresses. If you want the OpenVMS Mail utility to use SMTP for all SMTP addresses, qualified and unqualified, either set the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name to SMTP, specify fully qualified SMTP addresses only, or use the SMTP% prefix with the destination enclosed in quotation marks.
    • To send mail to the people on your distribution list, enter the following command:

      MAIL>  SEND
      To:  @list_name
  • SMTP distribution list
    • Use an existing .DIS file or create a .DIS file in SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP] or, if defined on your system, TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:.
    • Give the list a unique name that is not the same as a local user name.
    • To specify comment lines, use an exclamation mark (!) in the first column.
    • Include only SMTP addresses.
    • Use one address per line.
    • To send mail to the people on this distribution list, enter the following command:

      MAIL>  SEND
      To:  list_name@host_where_list_resides

      If the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name is not set to SMTP, either specify a fully qualified host name or use the SMTP% prefix.

The following examples show different methods of using distribution lists.

  1. This example sends mail to users whose names are on the local OpenVMS distribution list AGENCIES.DIS. The distribution list file is displayed in this example. The MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name is not set, so by default unqualified Internet addresses would be sent over DECnet; therefore, the AUDUBON@NY address is included with the SMTP% prefix and quotation marks.

    ! This is an OpenVMS distribution file named AGENCIES.DIS.
    $ MAIL
  2. This example sends mail to users whose names are on the local SMTP distribution list SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP]NATL_INTEREST.DIS. The distribution list file is displayed in this example.

    $ MAIL
    To:  natl_interest@main_office.org
    Subj:  News Items
  3. This example sends mail to the users on SMTP distribution list FINANCE_CENTERS.DIS, which is maintained on remote mail server host HOLBROOK.

    $  MAIL
    To:  finance_centers@holbrook
    Subj: Portfolio Activity

5.5 Reading Mail

To read received mail, follow these steps:

  1. At the DCL prompt, type MAIL.
  2. At the MAIL> prompt, enter the DIRECTORY command to view a list of received messages.
  3. Enter the READ command or indicate the message number you want to view in exactly the same way as you would for OpenVMS mail.

In the following example, a user views the directory of unread new mail and selects message 3 to read.


You have 3 new messages.


# From                 Date         Subject

1 GWAY::SMTP%"helenm@bhc 10-MAR-2001  Just Checking In
2 GWAY::SMTP%"mays@sfg 11-MAR-2001  Common Bases
3 CBIRD::SMTP%"seaway 12-MAR-2001  Cruises


5.6 OpenVMS Mail Personal Name String

You can define a personal name string that is included at the top of the mail messages you send. To create a personal name with SMTP mail, use the SET PERSONAL_NAME command. Note the following restrictions:

  • Enclose the string in double quotation marks.
  • Do not use additional double quotation marks within the string.
  • You can use single quotation marks ( ' ' ) within the personal name.
  • Do not use 8-bit ASCII characters (for example, ä or ö). The eighth bit is truncated. For example, ä becomes d and ö becomes v.

The following commmand sets a personal name that includes quotation marks:

MAIL> SET PERSONAL_NAME "'Wealth' is in the mind"

5.7 Carbon-Copying Messages

You can enable carbon copying by using the SET CC-PROMPT command. Follow these guidelines when you specify destinations for the CC: prompt:

  • Follow the OpenVMS Mail conventions for copying mail to other people or to yourself.
  • To enter the correct address, follow the guidelines listed in Section 5.2.

The following example sends mail to user AL and copies to users ROLLINS, BOND, and RICH:

To:  al@airways
CC:  rollins,bond,rich@flight_central.com
Subj: Directions for Night Flight

In the following example, OpenVMS user BRODIE sends mail to UNIX user owens and copies soltau .

To:    owens@kezar
CC:    soltau@fgtoo.bonkers.org
Subj:  Goals for the Week
Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit:

RC: Let's get a jump on the ball this time.
We'll meet before the conference to organize.
- J.B.[Ctrl/Z]

5.8 Forwarding Messages

You can forward any mail you receive to any internet host. Follow the OpenVMS Mail conventions for forwarding mail.

5.9 Routing Mail with the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program

The UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) lets a system copy files to and from other systems running UUCP. UUCP is usually used to copy files over a dialup connection (see Section 5.9.1).

To route mail using UUCP, ask your system manager to define the general gateway in the SMTP configuration.

To use SMTP to route mail to a system running UUCP, address the mail as follows:

To: SMTP%"user_name!uucp_host"

The following example sends mail to geoffrey at host haldir :

To:  SMTP%"geoffrey!haldir.of.com"

5.9.1 Dialup Connections

Ask your system manager whether you need to specify a gateway host in mail addresses when you work on UUCP dialup lines.

The following example sends mail during a dialup connection by specifying a gateway host:

To:  gateway_host!crandle!watts
CC:  billw,jenny,ibis
Subj:   Events Schedule

5.10 Management Commands for Mail

Table 5-1 describes the management commands you can use to work with SMTP mail messages currently in a queue. Type these commands at the TCPIP> prompt.

Table 5-1 Commands for Using SMTP
Command Function
SHOW MAIL Displays information about mail messages queued to your process' user name.
REMOVE MAIL Deletes mail messages that are in a holding state in SMTP queues.
SEND MAIL Releases for delivery a mail message that is in a holding state.

The following sections describe how to use these commands. For full command descriptions, refer to the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference.

5.10.1 Displaying SMTP Mail Status Information

Use the SHOW MAIL command to display the following information about SMTP mail:

  • Message (entry) number of the queued mail
  • User name of the sender (to display information about other users, you need SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege)
  • File name of the queued mail
  • Status of a message

The following examples show how to display SMTP mail status information.

  1. The following command displays information about message 826 in an SMTP queue. By default, the command returns brief information. Specify /FULL for more detailed information, as shown in example 2:

    SMTP Mail Queue Entry   826    User: MARLOW
      File: _PLUTO$DKD0:[MARLOW]970207015114579_MARLOW.TCPIP_PLUTO;1
      Status: Processing
  2. The following command displays detailed information about all your mail. The /RECIPIENT qualifier, used with the /FULL qualifier, displays selected classes of information, depending on the option you specify:
    Option Description
    ALL Shows failed, sent, and unsent messages.
    FAILED Shows messages that could not be read for a particular recipient.
    SENT Shows successful deliveries to a particular recipient.
    UNSENT Shows messages that as yet are unsent.

    $ TCPIP
    SMTP Mail Queue Entry:    826        User: MARLOW
    File: _PLUTO$DKD0:[MARLOW]970207015114579_MARLOW.TCPIP_PLUTO;1
    Status: Processing
    Message Destinations:
        Address:  marlow@pluto
    Message Headers:
        Return Path: ???
    SMTP Mail Queue Entry:    828       User: MARLOW
      File: _PLUTO$DKD0:[MARLOW]970207015114580_MARLOW.TCPIP_PLUTO;1
      Status: Holding
    Message Destinations:
        Address:  marlow@pluto
    Message Headers:
        Return Path: ???

5.10.2 Deleting Holding State Mail Messages from SMTP Queues

The following examples show how to delete mail messages from SMTP queues using the TCP/IP command REMOVE (similar to the DCL command DELETE/ENTRY).


Use this command only to release mail messages that are being held; do not use this command to delete mail messages in the processing state.
  1. The following command deletes mail message 828, a message that is holding (the message corresponds to your process's user name, or you have SYSPRV or BYPASS privileges). You are prompted to confirm that you want the message deleted.

    _PLUTO$DKD0:[MARLOW]970207015114580_MARLOW.TCPIP_PLUTO;1? y
  2. The following command removes all messages for your process's user name, or deletes everything in the SMTP queue if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier prevents TCP/IP Services from prompting you for confirmation. Before deletion, TCP/IP Services copies this queued mail to the specified directory.


5.10.3 Releasing Holding State SMTP Mail Messages for Delivery

The following example shows how to requeue an SMTP mail message that is currently holding, using the TCP/IP command SEND MAIL (similar to the DCL command ENTRY/RELEASE). You are prompted to confirm that you want the mail message requeued.


5.11 Using Mail on Your PC

With SMTP and the Post Office Protocol (POP) functionality, you can receive and send OpenVMS mail on your PC.

POP is a mail repository that accepts and stores your mail even when the PC is turned off. At your request, the POP server reads mail from your OpenVMS NEWMAIL folder, then moves the mail to your MAIL folder.

To send and receive mail on your PC, make sure the system manager has configured the POP server for use on your PC (the POP client system).

To set up your POP client account, use one of the following methods:

  • On networks where maximum security is not required, enter your PC mail application and configure a user name and password into the system.
    The user name and password pair becomes authorization information for the TCP/IP system, not your POP client system. Your PC client sends the password to the POP server unencrypted.
    As an added security measure, POP permits only two user name and password authorization attempts per TCP connection.
  • On networks where maximum security is required, enter your PC mail account and configure a user name and shared-secret password into the system.
    This method is called the APOP authorization method. With this method, you store a shared-secret password in a one-line file named POP_SECRET.DAT in your default OpenVMS mail directory.
    You can use the DCL command CREATE or your text editor to create the file and specify a password string, then set the file protection to prevent other users from accessing it. For example:

    xyztancreff [Ctrl/Z]
    $ SET FILE/PROT=(s,w,g,o:rwed) POP_SECRET.DAT

    The shared-secret password cannot exceed 500 characters.
    Each time you enter your PC mail application, the shared-secret string is sent from the PC client to the POP server using an encryption process.

For more information about the POP process, including information about how POP builds SMTP-compliant mail headers, refer to the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide.

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