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Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Server Administrator's Guide

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The OpenVMS Registry server must be running for the Advanced Server to run. If the OpenVMS Registry server is not running when you initially configure the Advanced Server or when the Advanced Server is started, the Advanced Server attempts to start the OpenVMS Registry server. For information about configuring and starting the OpenVMS Registry server, refer to the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information, refer also to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual or the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer's Guide (included in the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM).

7.2.2 Advanced Server Parameters Stored in the Registry

A server parameter is stored in the OpenVMS Registry when:

For a detailed list of most of the server configuration parameters that can be stored in the OpenVMS Registry, including descriptions of the parameters, LANMAN.INI parameter mappings, default data settings and minimum and maximum values for integer data, see Appendix A, Server Configuration Parameters.


The Advanced Server startup procedure records a list of all Advanced Server parameters that are defined in the OpenVMS Registry. You can use this list as a reference if you should ever need the latest parameter values. The list is stored in the following location, where nodename is the name of your server node:


7.2.3 How to Manage Advanced Server Parameters in the OpenVMS Registry

You can manage server parameters in the OpenVMS Registry using any one of a number of utilities and tools, depending on the way you manage the Advanced Server software. Managing Registry-Stored Advanced Server Parameters from a Windows NT Computer

You can manage Advanced Server software parameters in the OpenVMS Registry remotely, from a Window NT computer running Windows NT Server or Workstation software. However, Compaq recommends that you manage these parameters from an OpenVMS system so that you can use PWKR$REGUTL, which has built-in knowledge of keys and values used by the Advanced Server, as explained in Section, Managing Registry-Stored Advanced Server Parameters from OpenVMS.

Windows NT provides two registry editor utilities: REGEDT32 and REGEDIT. Use the REGEDT32 application to display and modify server parameters; the REGEDIT utility cannot be used to modify the OpenVMS Registry. For more information about using REGEDT32, refer to the Window NT product documentation.

When you access the OpenVMS Registry from a network client, the connection is based on network user authentication. Therefore, you must be logged on to the network to access the registry from a network client. If you are using Windows NT REGEDT32 to modify server parameters, you must be logged on as a privileged user.

To access the server parameters in the OpenVMS Registry:

  1. Start the REGEDT32 application using the Run... menu item in the Start menu.
  2. Select the Select Computer... menu item from the Registry menu.
  3. Enter the name of the OpenVMS server in Computer: text box. Click on OK.
  4. Select the panel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the OpenVMS server.
  5. Expand the key you want to open by double-clicking on it.
  6. Display the data associated with a value by double-clicking on the value.

Figure 7-6, Example Keys to Advanced Server Registry Values, provides an example of the REGEDT32 display. Managing Registry-Stored Advanced Server Parameters from OpenVMS

If you are managing the Advanced Server from the OpenVMS system (you are using a workstation or terminal emulator), you can use either the OpenVMS system registry control program (REG$CP) or the PWRK$REGUTL utility supplied with the Advanced Server. You can modify registry entries in the OpenVMS Cluster only; you cannot modify entries for remote servers. For information about REG$CP, see the REG$CP online help. The PWRK$REGUTL utility is described in Section 7.2.4, Using the PWRK$REGUTL Utility to Manage Advanced Server Parameters in the OpenVMS Registry.

Compaq recommends that you use PWKR$REGUTL to manage server configuration parameters, for the reasons outlined in Section 7.2.4, Using the PWRK$REGUTL Utility to Manage Advanced Server Parameters in the OpenVMS Registry.


Figure 7-6, Example Keys to Advanced Server Registry Values, shows the registry architecture as displayed by the Windows NT registry editor. The architecture shown includes several keys that are not accessible by the PWRK$REGUTL utility on OpenVMS. Those keys and the values they include are referenced for use by other applications. The PWRK$REGUTL utility accesses Advanced Server configuration parameters that directly pertain to the operation of the server and its services. Compaq recommends modifying only those parameters accessible by PWRK$REGUTL.

7.2.4 Using the PWRK$REGUTL Utility to Manage Advanced Server Parameters in the OpenVMS Registry

The PWRK$REGUTL utility allows you to display, set, and delete server configuration parameters in the OpenVMS Registry. The PWKR$REGUTL utility is available to use after you install the Advanced Server software. Compaq recommends that you use PWRK$REGUTL to manage server configuration parameters in the OpenVMS Registry for the following reasons:

  • It has built-in knowledge of keys and values used by the Advanced Server, including the attributes of the data, such as minimum, maximum, and default values. As such, it restricts you from setting inappropriate values for server parameters.
  • It prevents you from managing parameters in the OpenVMS Registry that should not be modified.
  • It accepts either of two syntax styles for input: registry style or LANMAN.INI style. For more information, see Section, PWRK$REGUTL Command Format and Environment Settings.

The program is found at:


If your process has defined the Advanced Server command definitions provided in the PWRK$DEFINE_COMMANDS.COM file, or if you have defined the REGUTL command, you can start the PWRK$REGUTL utility by entering the REGUTL command. To define the REGUTL command and start the utility, enter the following commands at the OpenVMS command prompt:



As shown, the PWRK$REGUTL utility responds by displaying the REGUTL> prompt.

To use PWRK$REGUTL to access the OpenVMS Registry, your process must have one of the following:

  • OpenVMS SYSPRV system privileges
  • REG$UPDATE right identifier associated with the user account

The PWRK$REGUTL utility has a command-line user interface that is compatible with OpenVMS DCL command conventions.

When you use the PWRK$REGUTL utility, the OpenVMS Registry server must be running on the OpenVMS system. However, the Advanced Server need not be running. This allows you to modify server configuration parameters before the Advanced Server is started. How to Exit PWRK$REGUTL

To exit the PWRK$REGUTL utility, enter the EXIT command in response to the REGUTL> prompt, or press CTRL/Z. For example:


$ How to Get Online Help

The PWRK$REGUTL program includes complete online help, displaying the PWRK$REGUTL commands, qualifiers, and parameters. The following sections describe some common operations performed with PWRK$REGUTL. To get online help, enter the HELP command at the REGUTL> prompt:


The PWRK$REGUTL utility is provided with Advanced Server for OpenVMS
for setting and modifying server configuration parameters.  Refer to
the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Administrator's Guide for more
information about using this utility.

You can get more help by entering any of the following commands:

        DELETE KEY              DELETE KNOWN KEYS
        DELETE VALUE            EXIT
        HELP                    SET PARAMETER
        SET VALUE               SHOW PARAMETER
        SHOW VALUE


This example shows the top-level help, listing the possible commands. The help file displays further information about specific commands when you enter the command name after the Topic? prompt. PWRK$REGUTL Commands

The PWRK$REGUTL commands are described in Table 7-3, PWRK$REGUTL Commands.

Table 7-3 PWRK$REGUTL Commands
Command Name Purpose
CREATE REQUIRED KEYS Creates all the server parameter keys in the registry. For use by authorized software specialists only.
CREATE REQUIRED VALUES Creates all the server parameters in the registry. For use by authorized software specialists only.
DELETE KEY Deletes the specified key from the registry. The key will not be deleted if it contains any values or subkeys.
DELETE KNOWN KEYS Deletes all server keys from the registry. A key will not be deleted if it currently contains any registry values or subkeys.
DELETE KNOWN VALUES Deletes all server parameter values currently stored in the registry.
DELETE PARAMETER Deletes the specified server parameter from the registry. You specify the server parameter by using its LANMAN.INI section and keyword names.
DELETE VALUE Deletes the specified value (a server parameter) from the registry. You specify the server parameter by using its registry key and value names.
EXIT Exits the PWRK$REGUTL utility.
HELP Displays information about the PWRK$REGUTL commands.
SET PARAMETER Sets a value in the registry for the named server parameter. You specify the server parameter by using its LANMAN.INI section and keyword names.
SET VALUE Sets data in the registry for the named value (a server parameter). You specify the server parameter by using its key and value names.
SHOW PARAMETER Displays the value in the registry for the named server parameter. You specify the server parameter by using its LANMAN.INI section and keyword names.
SHOW VALUE Displays the data in the registry for the named value (a server parameter). You specify the server parameter to display by using its registry key and value names. PWRK$REGUTL Command Format and Environment Settings

You can display, set, or delete server configuration parameters in the OpenVMS Registry by using either of two syntax styles for PWRK$REGUTL commands: registry style or LANMAN.INI style. The registry-style commands are SHOW VALUE, SET VALUE, and DELETE VALUE. The corresponding LANMAN.INI style commands are SHOW PARAMETER, SET PARAMETER, and DELETE PARAMETER. Whatever style you use, specify the following in the command line:

  • The parameter path. In registry-style syntax, the parameter path is the registry key under the root key. In LANMAN.INI-style syntax, it is the section name.
  • The parameter name. In registry-style syntax, the parameter name is the registry value name. In LANMAN.INI-style syntax, it is the LANMAN.INI keyword.

For example, to modify the SrvComment (server description) parameter in registry style, use the SET VALUE command, specifying the registry key, SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\LANMANSERVER\PARAMETERS and value name (SrvComment). The command sets the server description as "I.L.M. Server".


This example includes the command-line continuation character (-) to allow the command to be continued past the end of the first line. You can use the wildcard character (*) instead of the key name, simplifying the command input, as in the following example:


To modify the SrvComment server parameter in LANMAN.INI style, use the SET PARAMETER command, specifying the LANMAN.INI section and keyword names.


To simplify command input, you can specify the asterisk (*) wildcard character for the LANMAN.INI section name.

The LANMAN.INI syntax style conforms to the structure and naming of server parameters as used in PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). You can use the LANMAN.INI style if you are more familiar with the LANMAN.INI structure and terminology. Remember that when you use the LANMAN.INI syntax style, the server parameters are actually retrieved and modified in the OpenVMS Registry: the Advanced Server for OpenVMS does not use the LANMAN.INI file (the PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) does). Displaying Server Parameter Settings

You can display server parameters and settings that are established by the server configuration procedure, those that have been migrated from the LANMAN.INI file if the server was upgraded from PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), and any parameters that have been set using a registry management tool. You can display the default values for server parameters that are not currently stored in the registry by using the /KNOWN qualifier with the SHOW command, as described in Section, Displaying Server Parameters, Including Defaults of Those Not Currently Stored in the Registry.

To display information about server parameters currently stored in the OpenVMS Registry, use the SHOW VALUE or SHOW PARAMETER command. For example, to display information about the Scripts parameter in registry style, enter the following command. The registry key and value names are displayed along with other information.


Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Scripts
Type: Expanded String

You can specify the wildcard character (*) for the parameter path and name, or to replace a portion of the command option. (The percent (%) wildcard character is not valid.) For example, to display the location where logon scripts are stored, enter the following registry-style command:


Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Scripts
Type: Expanded String


To show all server parameters, use the SHOW VALUES command with a wildcard. Using the SHOW PARAMETERS command with a wildcard (such as, SHOW PARAMETERS * *) displays only those server parameters equivalent in name to the parameters originally defined in the PATHWORKS V6 (Advanced Server) software (the LANMAN.INI file). In other words, the SHOW PARAMETERS command does not display all the server-related registry data that can be set. It omits the several server parameters that have been added to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software and are foreign to PATHWORKS V6.

To display information about the Scripts parameter in LANMAN.INI style, enter the following command:


Section Name: netlogon
Keyword Name: scripts
Type: Expanded String

The display shows the LANMAN.INI section and keyword names.

To display specific information about the registry values, use the appropriate qualifier with the SHOW VALUE or SHOW PARAMETER command. The SHOW command qualifiers are listed in Table 7-4, PWRK$REGUTL SHOW Command Qualifiers.

Table 7-4 PWRK$REGUTL SHOW Command Qualifiers
/DIFFERENCE Displays only those parameters whose settings have been changed from their default values.
/FULL Displays complete information about parameters, including data type and the minimum and maximum values.
/KNOWN Displays values or data for Advanced Server parameters currently stored in the registry and the server defaults for those not currently stored in the registry. Using the SHOW command without the /KNOWN qualifier displays only those server parameters currently stored in the registry.
/MAP_NAME Displays the registry key and value names, along with the corresponding LANMAN.INI section and keyword names. Displaying Server Parameters, Including Defaults of Those Not Currently Stored in the Registry

To display all Advanced Server parameters, including the default values of those not currently stored in the registry, use wildcards and the /KNOWN qualifier with the SHOW PARAMETER or SHOW VALUE command, such as in the following example (registry style):


When you use the SHOW command without the /KNOWN qualifier, the display includes only those server parameters currently stored in the registry (in other words, those that have been set or created with a registry management tool). Refer to the restriction noted in Section, Displaying Server Parameter Settings, about displaying parameters with a wildcarded SHOW PARAMETERS command.

Note that the Advanced Server startup procedure records a list of all Advanced Server parameters that are set in the OpenVMS Registry. You can use this list as a reference if you should ever need the latest parameter values. For more information, see Section 7.2.2,Advanced Server Parameters Stored in the Registry.

For a list and description of most of the server parameters that can be stored in the OpenVMS Registry, along with the LANMAN.INI names for those parameters, see Appendix A, Server Configuration Parameters.

You can use the /KNOWN qualifier to display server parameters associated with a specific key, such as in the following example. In this example, the SHOW command displays all parameters associated with the key SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\NETLOGON\PARAMETERS, both those currently stored in the registry and the defaults for those not being stored in the registry. The "Source:" field indicates whether the value for the parameter is obtained from the registry or the server software default.


Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: LogonQuery
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 900

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Pulse
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 300

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: QueryDelay
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 2

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Randomize
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 30

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: RelogonDelay
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 2

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Scripts
Source: Registry
Type: Expanded String

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: SsiPasswdAge
Source: Default
Type: Integer
Default Data: 604800

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Update
Source: Registry
Type: String
Current Data: NO Displaying Detailed Information About Parameters

To display complete information about server parameters in the OpenVMS Registry, use the /FULL qualifier with the SHOW VALUE or SHOW PARAMETER command. The display includes information such as the parameter default setting, and minimum and maximum values allowed. For example, to display detailed information about the MaxSize server parameter, enter the following command (registry style):


Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application
Value: MaxSize
Source: Registry
Type: Integer
Current Data: 524288
Default Data: 524288
Min: 1024
Max: -1

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Security
Value: MaxSize
Source: Registry
Type: Integer
Current Data: 524288
Default Data: 524288
Min: 1024
Max: -1

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System
Value: MaxSize
Source: Registry
Type: Integer
Current Data: 524288
Default Data: 524288
Min: 1024
Max: -1

This example shows that the MaxSize parameter is defined in three registry keys: one for each type of event log maintained by the Advanced Server:

  • Application event log
  • Security event log
  • System event log

Normally, the parameter is assigned the same data in all three sections, as is the case in this example. Note that the value "-1" shown for the maximum value indicates that there is no limit.

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