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OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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This example shows the detailed display for a single TQE.


Displays the system working set list and retains the current process context.








The SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST command displays the contents of requested entries in the system working set list. If you do not specify an option, all working set list entries are displayed. Table 4-27 shows the options available with SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST. The SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST command is equivalent to the SHOW PROCESS/SYSTEM/WORKING_SET_LIST command. See the SHOW PROCESS command and Table 4-17 for more information.

Table 4-27 Options for the SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST Command
Options Results
GPT Displays only working set list entries that are for global page table pages
SYSTEM Displays only working set list entries for pageable system pages
LOCKED Displays only working set list entries for pageable system pages that are locked in the system working set
n Displays a specific working set entry, where n is the working set list index (WSLX) of the entry of interest


Creates a subprocess of the process currently running SDA, copying the context of the current process to the subprocess and, optionally, executing a specified command within the subprocess.


SPAWN [/qualifier[,...]] [command]



Name of the command that you want the subprocess to execute.



Specifies an input file containing one or more command strings to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a command string with an input file, the command string is processed before the commands in the input file. Once processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated.


Specifies that the logical names of the parent process are not to be copied to the subprocess. The default behavior is that the logical names of the parent process are copied to the subprocess.


Specifies that the DCL global and local symbols of the parent process are not to be passed to the subprocess. The default behavior is that these symbols are passed to the subprocess.


Specifies that a message is to be broadcast to SYS$OUTPUT when the subprocess either completes processing or aborts. The default behavior is that such a message is not sent to SYS$OUTPUT.


Specifies that the system is not to wait until the subprocess is completed before allowing more commands to be specified. This qualifier allows you to specify new commands while the spawned subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, use /OUTPUT to direct the output of the subprocess to a file to prevent more than one process from simultaneously using your terminal.

The default behavior is that the system waits until the subprocess is completed before allowing more commands to be specified.


Specifies an output file to which the results of the SPAWN operation are written. To prevent output from the spawned subprocess from being displayed while you are specifying new commands, specify an output other than SYS$OUTPUT whenever you specify /NOWAIT. If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.


Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name of the subprocess is USERNAME_n, where USERNAME is the user name of the parent process. The variable n represents the subprocess number.


$  DIR
$  LO
   Process SYSTEM_1 logged out at 5-JAN-1993 15:42:23.59

This example uses the SPAWN command to create a subprocess that issues DCL commands to invoke the Mail utility. The subprocess then lists the contents of a directory before logging out to return to the parent process executing SDA.


The UNDEFINE command causes SDA to remove the specified symbol from its symbol table.





The name of the symbol to be deleted from SDA's symbol table. A symbol name is required.




Validates that the page counts on lists are correct.







Validates all the PFN lists: bad, free, modified, zeroed free pages and private pages.


Validates the bad page list.


Validates the free page list.


Validates the modified page list.


Validates all private page lists.


Validates the untested page list that was set up for deferred memory testing.


Validates the zeroed free page list.


The VALIDATE PFN_LIST command validates the specified PFN list(s) by counting the number of entries in the list and comparing that to the running count of entries for each list maintained by the system.



Free page list validated: 1433 pages
        (excluding zeroed free page list with expected size 103 pages)
Zeroed free page list validated: 103 pages
Modified page list validated: 55 pages
Bad page list validated: 0 pages
Untested page list validated: 0 pages
Private page list at 81486340 validated: 2 pages


Free page list validated: 1433 pages
        (excluding zeroed free page list with expected size 103 pages)



Validates the integrity of the specified queue by checking the pointers in the queue.





Address of an element in a queue.

If you specify the period (.) as the address, SDA uses the last evaluated expression as the queue element's address.

If you do not specify an address, the VALIDATE QUEUE command determines the address from the last issued VALIDATE QUEUE command in the current SDA session.

If you do not specify an address, and no queue has previously been specified, SDA displays the following error message:

%SDA-E-NOQUEUE, no queue has been specified for validation



Allows doubly linked lists to be validated from the tail of the queue. If the queue is found to be broken when validated from the head of the queue, you can use /BACKLINK to narrow the list of corrupted entries.


Displays the address of each element in the queue.


Allows validation of queues whose header and links are physical addresses.


Allows the validate operation to occur on queues with linked lists of quadword addresses.


Specifies that the selected queue is a self-relative queue.


Allows validation of queues that have no backward pointers.


The VALIDATE QUEUE command uses the forward, and optionally, backward pointers in each element of the queue to make sure that all such pointers are valid and that the integrity of the queue is intact. If the queue is intact, SDA displays the following message:

Queue is complete, total of n elements in the queue
In these messages, n represents the number of entries the VALIDATE QUEUE command has found in the queue.

If SDA discovers an error in the queue, it displays one of the following error messages:

Error in forward queue linkage at address nnnnnnnn after tracing x elements
Error comparing backward link to previous structure address (nnnnnnnn)
Error occurred in queue element at address oooooooo after tracing pppp elements

These messages can appear frequently when you use the VALIDATE QUEUE command within an SDA session that is analyzing a running system. In a running system, the composition of a queue can change while the command is tracing its links, thus producing an error message.

If there are no entries in the queue, SDA displays this message:

The queue is empty



Queue is complete, total of 159 elements in the queue

This example validates the self-relative queue IOC$GQ_POSTIQ. The validation is successful and the system determines that there are 159 IRPs in the list.


Entry      Address               Flink                   Blink
-----      -------               ------                  -----
Header     FFFFFFFF80D0E6CO      FFFFFFFF80D03780        FFFFFFFF80D0E800
    1.     FFFFFFFF80D0E790      FFFFFFFF80D0E7CO        FFFFFFFF80D0E6C0
    2.     FFFFFFFF80D0E800      FFFFFFFF80D0E6C0        FFFFFFFF80D0E7C0
Queue is complete, total of 3 elements in the queue

This example shows the validation of quadword elements in a list.


Queue is zero-terminated, total of 95 elements in the queue

This example shows the validation of singly linked elements in the queue. The forward link of the final element is zero instead of being a pointer back to the queue header.


Validates all the shared memory common property partitions (CPPs) and the counts and ranges of attached PFNs; optionally, it can validate the contents of the database for each PFN.







Validates the counts and ranges for a single shared memory CPP given the address of the SHM_CPP structure.


Validates all the shared memory CPPs. This is the default.


Validates the counts and ranges for a single shared memory CPP.


Validates the PFN database contents for each attached PFN. The default is all lists (free, bad, untested) plus the PFN database pages and the complete range of PFNs in the CPP.

To validate only the complete range of PFNs in the CPP, use the keyword ALL_FRAGMENTS with the /PFN qualifier:


To validate only the bad page list, use the keyword BAD with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = BAD

To validate only the free page list, use the keyword FREE with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = FREE

To validate the PFNs containing the PFN database, use the keyword PFNDB with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = PFNDB

To validate only the untested page list, use the keyword UNTESTED with the /PFN qualifier:


To validate multiple lists, you can combine keywords for use with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = (x,y)

Note that if the /PFN is given without /ALL, /IDENT, or /ADDRESS, then the system validates the PFN lists from the last shared memory CPP.


Not validating SHM_CPP 0000 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BA140, VALID flag clear

Not validating SHM_CPP 0001 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BA380, VALID flag clear

Not validating SHM_CPP 0002 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BA5C0, VALID flag clear

Validating SHM_CPP 0003 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BA800 ...

    Validating counts and ranges in the free page list ...
    ... o.k.

    Not validating the bad page list, list is empty

    Not validating the untested page list, list is empty

Not validating SHM_CPP 0004 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BAA40, VALID flag clear

Not validating SHM_CPP 0005 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BAC80, VALID flag clear

Not validating SHM_CPP 0006 at FFFFFFFF.7F2BAEC0, VALID flag clear


This example shows the default output for the VALIDATE SHM_CPP command.

Chapter 5
SDA CLUE Extension Commands

This chapter presents an overview of the SDA CLUE (Crash Log Utility Extractor) extension commands, how to display information using these commands, and how to use SDA CLUE with DOSD. This chapter also describes the SDA CLUE commands.

5.1 Overview of SDA CLUE Extensions

SDA CLUE (Crash Log Utility Extractor) commands automate the analysis of crash dumps and maintain a history of all fatal bugchecks on either a standalone or cluster system. You can use SDA CLUE commands in conjunction with SDA to collect and decode additional dump file information not readily accessible through standard SDA commands. SDA CLUE extension commands can summarize information provided by certain standard SDA commands and provide additional detail for some SDA commands. For example, SDA CLUE extension commands can quickly provide detailed extended QIO processor (XQP) summaries. You can also use SDA CLUE commands interactively on a running system to help identify performance problems.

You can use all CLUE commands when analyzing crash dumps; the only CLUE commands that are not allowed when analyzing a running system are CLUE CRASH, CLUE ERRLOG, CLUE HISTORY, and CLUE STACK.

When you reboot the system after a system failure, you automatically invoke SDA by default. To facilitate better crash dump analysis, SDA CLUE commands automatically capture and archive summary dump file information in a CLUE listing file.

A startup command procedure initiates commands that do the following:

  • Invoke SDA
  • Issue an SDA CLUE HISTORY command
  • Create a listing file called CLUE$nodename_ddmmyy_hhmm.LIS

The CLUE HISTORY command adds a one-line summary entry to a history file and saves the following output from SDA CLUE commands in the listing file:

  • Crash dump summary information
  • System configuration
  • Stack decoder
  • Page and swap files

  • Memory management statistics
  • Process DCL recall buffer
  • Active XQP processes
  • XQP cache header

The contents of this CLUE list file can help you analyze a system failure. If these files accumulate more space than the threshold allows (default is 5000 blocks), the oldest files are deleted until the threshold limit is reached. You can also customize this list file using the CLUE$MAX_BLOCK logical name.

For additional information on the contents of the CLUE listing file, see the reference section on CLUE HISTORY.

It is important to remember that CLUE$nodename_ddmmyy_hhmm.LIS contains only an overview of the crash dump and does not always contain enough information to determine the cause of the crash. The dump itself should always be saved using the procedures described in Section 2.2.2 and Section 2.2.3.

To inhibit the running of CLUE at system startup, define the logical CLUE$INHIBIT in the SYLOGICALS.COM file as /SYS TRUE.

5.2 Displaying Data Using SDA CLUE Commands

To invoke a CLUE command, enter the command at the SDA prompt. For example:


5.3 Using SDA CLUE with DOSD

DOSD (Dump Off System Disk) allows you to write the system dump file to a device other than the system disk. For SDA CLUE to be able to correctly find the dump file to be analyzed after a system crash, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Modify the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM to add the system logical name CLUE$DOSD_DEVICE to point to the device where the dump file resides. You need to supply only the physical or logical device name without a file specification.
  2. Modify the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM to mount systemwide the device where the dump file resides. Otherwise, SDA CLUE cannot access and analyze the dump file.

In the following example, the dump file has been placed on device $3$DUA25, which has the label DMP$DEV. You need to add the following commands to SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM:

$mount/system/noassist $3$dua25: dmp$dev dmp$dev
$define/system clue$dosd_device dmp$dev

5.4 Listing of SDA CLUE Extension Commands

This section describes the following SDA CLUE extension commands:


Displays key information, such as the PC of the caller, from the active call frames at time of the crash.





When used with /CPU, it requests information about all CPUs in the system. When used with /PROCESS, it requests information about all processes that exist in the system.


When used with /CPU, it gives the number of the CPU for which information is to be displayed. Use of the cpu-id parameter causes the CLUE CALL_FRAME command to perform an implicit SET CPU command, making the indicated CPU the current CPU for subsequent SDA commands.


When used with /PROCESS, it gives the name of the process for which information is to be displayed. Use of the process-name parameter, the /ADDRESS qualifier, the /INDEX qualifier, or the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier causes the CLUE CALL_FRAME command to perform an implicit SET PROCESS command, making the indicated process the current process for subsequent SDA commands. You can determine the names of the processes in the system by issuing a SHOW SUMMARY command.

The process-name can contain up to 15 letters and numerals, including the underscore (_) and dollar sign ($). If it contains any other characters, you must enclose the process-name in quotation marks (" ").



Specifies the PCB address of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS.

/CPU [cpu-id|ALL]

Indicates that the call frame for a CPU is required. Specify the CPU by its number or use ALL to indicate all CPUs.


Specifies the identification of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS.


Specifies the index of the desired process when used with CLUE CALL_FRAME/PROCESS.

/PROCESS [process-name|ALL]

Indicates that the call frame for a process is required. The process should be specified with either one of the qualifiers /ADDRESS, /IDENTIFICATION, or /INDEX, or by its name, or by using ALL to indicate all processes.


The CLUE CALL_FRAME command displays call chain information for a process or a CPU. The process context calls work on both the running system and dump file; the CPU context calls only on dump files.

If neither /CPU nor /PROCESS is specified, the parameter (CPU-id or process-name) is ignored and the call frame for the SDA current process is displayed.



Call Chain:   Process index: 000B   Process name: IPCACP  PCB: 8136EF00
Procedure Frame  Procedure Entry                          Return Address
---------------  ----------------------------------       ---------------------------
7FFA1CA0  Null   800C8C90  SCH$WAIT_PROC_C
7FFA1D00  Stack  800D9250  SYS$HIBER_C                    0003045C  IPCACP+0003045C
7FFA1D50  Stack  00030050  IPCACP+00030050                800D11C8  EXE$CMKRNL_C+000D8
7FFA1E60  Null   800B6120  EXE$BLDPKTSWPR_C
7FFA1E78  Null   800B6120  EXE$BLDPKTSWPR_C
7FFA1EC0  Null   80248120  NSA$CHECK_PRIVILEGE_C
7FFA1F00  Null   80084640  EXE$CMODEXECX_C
7FFA1F70  Stack  800D10F0  EXE$CMKRNL_C                   80084CC8  EXE$CMODKRNL_C+00198
7B01FAB0  Stack  00030010  IPCACP+00030010                83EA3454  SYS$IMGSTA_C+00154
7B01FB10  Stack  83EA3300  SYS$IMGSTA_C                   83D99CC4  EXE$PROC_IMGACT_C+00384
7B01FBA0  Stack  83D99BA0  EXE$PROC_IMGACT_C+00260        83D99B9C  EXE$PROC_IMGACT_C+0025C

In this example, the CLUE CALL_FRAME command displays the call frame from the process IPCACP.


Call Chain:   Process index: 0000   Process name: NULL    PCB: 827377C0   (CPU 0)
Procedure Frame  Procedure Entry                          Return Address
---------------  ----------------------------------       ---------------------------
8F629D28  Null   80205E00  SYS$SCS+05E00
8F629D68  Null   8020A850  SCS$REC_MSGREC_C
8F629D98  Null   914A5340  SYS$PBDRIVER+07340
8F629DB8  Null   914A4FD0  SYS$PBDRIVER+06FD0
8F629DE0  Stack  914AACF0  SYS$PBDRIVER+0CCF0             914AE5CC  SYS$PBDRIVER+105CC
8F629E50  Stack  914AE418  SYS$PBDRIVER+10418             800503B0  EXE_STD$QUEUE_FORK_C+00350
8F629F88  Null   800E95F4  SCH$WAIT_ANY_MODE_C
8F629FD0  Stack  800D0F80  SCH$IDLE_C                     800E92D0  SCH$INTERRUPT+00BB0
Call Chain:   Process index: 0000   Process name: NULL    PCB: 827377C0   (CPU 2)
Procedure Frame  Procedure Entry                          Return Address
---------------  --------------------------------         ---------------------------
90FCBF88  Null   800E95F4  SCH$WAIT_ANY_MODE_C
90FCBFC8  Null   800E95F4  SCH$WAIT_ANY_MODE_C
90FCBFD0  Stack  800D0F80  SCH$IDLE_C                     800E92D0  SCH$INTERRUPT+00BB0
Call Chain:   Process index: 0000   Process name: NULL    PCB: 827377C0   (CPU 6)
Procedure Frame  Procedure Entry                          Return Address
---------------  ------------------------------           ---------------------------
90FCBF88  Null   800E95FA  SCH$WAIT_ANY_MORE_c
90FD9F88  Null   800E95F4  SCH$WAIT_ANY_MODE_C
90FD9FD0  Stack  800D0F80  SCH$IDLE_C                     800E92D0  SCH$INTERRUPT+00BB0

In this example, CLUE/CPU ALL shows the call frame for all CPUs.

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