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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
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At this point, you can start the Remote Manager. You can start the Remote Manager before or after you start the ACMS run-time system. Start the Remote Manager by entering the following command:
If you prefer, you can run the startup procedure directly:
Once this command completes, you should be able to see the Remote Manager process running by issuing the following command:
If this process is not running, refer to Section 2.4.
2.3.5 Communicate with the Remote Manager
If the ACMS$MGMT_SVR process is running and you have enabled both the RPC interface and proxy access, you should be able to communicate with the Remote Manager. The exact commands you will use depends on the interfaces you have enabled and the mode of authentication you want to use. This section shows two examples of communicating with the Remote Manager:
If you will not be using proxy accounts, or if you have not set them up yet, you can log in directly to the Remote Manager and communicate with it. To reduce typing, define the process logicals ACMS$MGMT_USER to be the user account you will log in with, and ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE to be the node on which the Remote Manager is running:
Then you can log in as follows (the ACMSMGR utility will prompt you for your password):
If no error messages are returned, you have successfully logged in to the Remote Manager. You can now issue ACMSMGR commands from this process. Try the following command:
If you will be using proxy accounts, you must set them up prior to issuing any ACMSMGR commands. If you have already set them up, you can skip to the example ACMSMGR command.
If you have not set up your proxies, you start by running the ACMSUDU utility. It is best to run this from the SYS$SYSTEM directory, since that is where ACMSUDU expects to find the file in which it stores proxies.
Start ACMSUDU as follows:
If you have never set up an ACMS proxy before, create the proxy file now. Use the following command:
Now you need to define the proxy acounts. Proxy accounts have three components: the remote node, the remote account, and the local account.
The remote node is the node from which you will be accessing this node. You can either specify a node name or use the asterisk wildcard (*). Be aware that the Remote Manager treats every access as a remote access. This means that even if you access the Remote Manager only from the same node it runs on, you must create a proxy. In that case, the remote and local nodes are the same.
The remote account is the account on the remote node that will be accessing the Remote Manager. This is the user name on the remote node.
The local account is the account on the local node that will be used for authorization. It must be a valid account on the local node.
To add the proxy record, use the following command:
UDU> ADD/PROXY remote-node::remote-account local-account |
Once the proxy record has been added, you can attempt to access the Remote Manager. Using a proxy does not require a separate login; you just issue the command. Also, do not define the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical. If it is defined, the ACMSMGR utility will look for login information and will not attempt proxy access.
Try this command:
$ AMCMSGR SHOW USERS/NODE=remote-manager-node |
If no error messages are returned, a list of users logged in to the Remote Manager will be displayed. To reduce typing when issuing more commands, define the process logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE to be the name of the node you want to access; this eliminates the need for using the /NODE qualifier in ACMSMGR commands.
If an error is returned, refer to Section 2.4.
2.4 Troubleshooting the ACMS Remote Manager Startup
The following sections provide troubleshooting information for the following problems:
The following message is displayed when the ACMS run-time system is being started and the ACMS Central Controller (ACC) cannot open the Remote Manager configuration file:
%ACMSMGMT-I-CFGNOTOPEN, Unable to open management config file, using defaults |
Possible reasons for this message include:
During startup, the Remote Manager writes error messages to two locations. If you are experiencing problems with the Remote Manager, check both locations for messages.
This is an ASCII text file that contains the redirected SYS$OUTPUT from the Remote Manager process. In general, messages appear in this log only if the Remote Manager is unable to write to its log file. The following conditions are exceptions:
Under these circumstances, OpenVMS exception output is written to ACMS$MGMT_SERVER.OUT.
If you experience problems with SNMP, refer to Section 7.9 for information about obtaining SNMP debug output.
LOG: Could not open file acms$mgmt_log
This message indicates that the Remote Manager could not open the file pointed to by the logical ACMS$MGMT_LOG. Possible reasons for this include:
The messages written to the Remote Manager log are determined by Remote Manager parameter settings (for example, mgr_audit_level, rpc_audit_level, and so on). Changing the parameter values results in either more or fewer messages appearing in the Remote Manager log. By default, messages with a severity of warning (w), error (e), or fatal (f) are written to the Remote Manager log. The log is pointed to by logical ACMS$MGMT_LOG.
You can use the ACMSMGR SHOW LOG command to display messages in the Remote Manager log. If the Remote Manager is not running, use the /LOCAL qualifier to read the log file directly. You must be logged in to a node with direct access to the log file in order to use the /LOCAL switch. For instance:
See Section 4.7 for detailed information about the log file maintained by the ACMS Remote Manager.
mgr: f : Failure opening config file
The Remote Manager could not open the configuration file. See the discussion in Section
mgr: f : No Interfaces were enabled. Process will shutdown
At least one interface must be enabled when the Remote Manager is started. Otherwise, it is impossible to communicate with the Remote Manager. If both interfaces are disabled, the Remote Manager will not start.
Solution: Issue the following command to see the current interface settings in the configuration file:
Enable at least one of the interfaces as follows (substitute SNMP for RPC if you want to enable the SNMP interface instead of the RPC interface):
Now restart the Remote Manager.
procmon: e : Failure obtaining current collection states. Bypassingqti
This message can safely be ignored. It is generated when an ACMS entity is not started and the Remote Manager is parsing the collection table.
procmon: f : Failure waiting on mgmt$x_proc_mon_cond_var
This message can safely be ignored. It is generated when the process monitor thread is unexpectedly interrupted, generally during Remote Manager shutdown.
Remote Manager hangs during process startup
Most Remote Manager hangs during process startup are due to problems with the Portmapper. Verify that the Portmapper is functioning properly, and restart the Remote Manager.
rpc: f : Unable to initialize security. Aborting
The Remote Manager was unable to find a rights identifier in the UAF.
Solution: Create the rights identifier.
sec: e : Failure obtaining uaf info for ACMS$SNMP
If the SNMP interface is enabled, the ACMS$SNMP account must exits. Otherwise, it can perform no operations. If the account exists, it must be granted at least one of the following rights identifiers: ACMS$MGMT_READ, ACMS$MGMT_WRITE, ACMS$MGMT_OPER.
Solution: Either disable the SNMP interface ($[ACMSCFG,ACMSMGR] SET INTERFACE/INTERFACE=SNMP/STATE=DISABLED), or create the ACMS$SNMP account and grant it one of the rights.
sec: e : MGMT$L_ACMS$MGMT_READ Rights identifier not found in rights db!
The Remote Manager was unable to find the rights identifier in the UAF.
Solution: Create the rights identifier.
sec: f : ACMS$SNMP user has been granted no rights.
If the SNMP interface is enabled, the ACMS$SNMP account must be granted at least one of the following rights identifiers: ACMS$MGMT_READ, ACMS$MGMT_WRITE, ACMS$MGMT_OPER. Otherwise, the account cannot perform any operations. If it is not granted any rights identifiers, the thread will not start.
Solution: Either disable the SNMP interface ($[ACMSCFG,ACMSMGR] SET INTERFACE/INTERFACE=SNMP/STATE=DISABLED), or grant one of the rights to the ACMS$SNMP account.
This is a general error that simply reports that the thread is exiting. Look in the log file for the reason the thread is exiting. If there are no other error messages, look in SYS$ERRORLOG:ACMS$MGMT_SERVER.OUT.
snmp: f : Internal Initialization failed, exiting...
This is a general error that simply reports that the thread is exiting. Look in the log file for the reason the thread is exiting. If there are no other error messages, look in SYS$ERRORLOG:ACMS$MGMT_SERVER.OUT.
snmp: w : An esnmp error has occurred: -1
This message, if followed by termination of the SNMP thread, usually indicates that SNMP has not been set up properly on the node.
Solution: Configure and enable the SNMP interface. Restart TCP/IP and then restart the Remote Manager.
If this message is received, but is not followed by termination of the SNMP thread, the SNMP interface was able to recover from this error and there is no action that must be taken.
snmp: w : An esnmp error has occurred: -5
This is a warning message that refers to a problem communicating with the SNMP master agent. These errors usually are recoverable and the SNMP interface continues to work. In general, you can ignore this message.
However, frequent occurrences of this error may be attributable to a
busy system and may indicate a need to modify one or more of the
following parameters: snmp_agent_time_out, snmp_are_you_there,
2.4.3 Problems with the ACMSMGR Utility
ACMSMGR problems typically fall into two categories:
ACMSMGR can display the following message:
%ACMSMGMT-W-NOCLNT_ATTACH, Cannot create client for node NODE\NOCLNT_ATTACH |
This message usually is followed by these messages:
%ACMSMGMT-E-NOCLIENTS, No clients created, cannot continue %ACMSMGMT-E-FAIL, Operation failed |
These messages usually are returned when the Remote Manager is not running on the target node. Possible reasons for this include:
ACMSMGR hangs are generally the result of a problem with the Portmapper or the Remote Manager. To verify that the Remote Manager has connected to the Portmapper, issue the following commands on the node on which the Remote Manager is running:
If the Remote Manager has connected, you will see a display similar to the following:
Program Number Version Protocol Port-number Process Service-name ---------------------- ------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------ 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 TCP 111 20407E5E PORTMAPPER 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 UDP 111 20407E5E PORTMAPPER 20000099 ( 536871065) 1 UDP 1023 20408675 20000099 ( 536871065) 1 TCP 1023 20408675 |
If the bottom two lines are missing (program number 20000099, version 1), then the Remote Manager is not connected to the Portmapper. Either the Remote Manager is not started or has terminated, or the RPC interface is not enabled.
If no lines are displayed (that is, if a "record not found" message is displayed), the Portmapper is not started. Refer to Section 2.2 for more information.
Solution: Correct the problem with the Remote Manager or the Portmapper.
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