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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

Previous Contents Index Using ACMSMGR to Start or Stop Collections

Use the ACMSMGR utility to dynamically modify the state of a collection after the Remote Manager has already been started. Note that changes made with the ACMSMGR interface are not automatically stored in the ACMSCFG file and are lost when the Remote Manager is stopped.

Use the ACMSMGR ADD COLLECTION command to create a new collection record. The command has the following syntax:


Use the ACMSMGR SET COLLECTION command to modify the state of an existing collection. The command has the following syntax:


Use the ACMSMGR DELETE COLLECTION command to delete a collection. The command has the following syntax:


Deleting a collection can cause the Remote Manager to disable the class for a process because collections are disabled by default. The collection state for a process becomes disabled when no collections remain to specifically enable the class.

Use the ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION command to determine which collections already exist and their collection states. The command has the following syntax:

ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION Using SNMP to Start or Stop Collections

Use the SNMP interface to dynamically modify the state of a collection after the Remote Manager has already been started. Note that changes made with the SNMP interface are not stored in the ACMSCFG file and are lost when the remote Remote Manager is stopped.

The SNMP interface responds to SNMP commands issued by SNMP consoles. An SNMP console issues an SNMP SET command to the Remote Manager to modify the Collection table.

The SNMP OID (object ID) for the collection state columns are listed in in the file MIB_OID.LIS in ACMS$RM_EXAMPLES. The data type for the field is INTEGER. Possible settings for this field have the following meanings:

  • 0 = Collection is disabled.
  • 1 = Collection is enabled.
  • 9 = Collection record is deleted.

You cannot add a collection record using the SNMP interface.

5.2 Saving Collected Data

Users can save collection data at predetermined intervals and direct that data to a data snapshot file for later analysis and review. The data snapshot file lists collected class data as it existed at the time when the information was saved.

Data snapshots are enabled per entity and are managed using the following fields in the Collection table: storage_start_time, storage_end_time, storage_interval, storage_location, coll_state, and storage_state.

In order for data to be written, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The specified entity must be valid and running.
    The specified entity must have a valid record in the Collection table (entity, class, and name) and be running on the node on which the Remote Manager is running.
  2. The collection state and storage state for the entity must be enabled.
    To activate the data snapshot, both the coll_state and storage_state fields in the Collection table must be ENABLED. The coll_state field enables the data collection; the storage_state field directs the Remote Manager to write the collection data to the snapshot file. Once both states are ENABLED, the Remote Manager writes data to the snapshot file until it reaches the end of specified time period or until the storage state is DISABLED.
  3. The current time must fall between the specified start and end time.
    Each collection record entity can have its own snapshot interval and can be scheduled to begin and end at a specific time. By default, both the start and end time for a snapshot are set to 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00, which equates to begin immediately (NOW) and run indefinitely (NEVER).

Data is written to the file at set intervals determined by value of the storage_interval field. Note that the storage_interval value should be a multiple of the timer_interval value. The timer_interval value determines the minimum elapsed time for many Remote Manager parameters, including the storage interval setting. The relationship of the values in these two fields determine how often data snapshots are performed, for example:

  • If the timer_interval value is greater, its value is used by default. For instance, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 5, snapshots will be written at 10 second intervals.
  • If the storage_interval value is greater and is a multiple of the timer_interval, the storage_interval value is used. For example, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 30, snapshots will be written at 30 second intervals.
  • If the storage_interval value is greater and is not a multiple of the timer_interval, the next multiple of the timer_interval value is used. For example, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 15, snapshots will be written at 20 second intervals.

Multiple collection records can share the same data snapshot file or write data to separate files.The location of the data snapshot file is specified by the storage_location field in the Collection table. The file is typically stored in the location specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SNAPSHOT. If this logical is not defined, the default location is in the default directory for the account under which the Remote Manager process runs.

Similar to starting and stopping data collections, the requesting user must have ACMS$MGMT_WRITE privilege in order to start or stop a data snapshot. Also, both the ACMSCFG and ACMSMGR utilities can be used to configure snapshots, as described in the following sections. Once configured and active, the ACMSSNAP utility can be used to display and analyze the contents of the data snapshot file (see Section 5.3.2).


If the Remote Manager is unable to write to the data snapshot file, it writes a message to the Remote Manager log (ACMS$MGMT_SERVER.OUT). This can occur if a logical name is defined incorrectly, if the output device is full, or if the Remote Manager does not have sufficient privilege to write to the file. No further attempts are made to write snapshot data until the storage state value for the related collection is manually reset (DISABLED then ENABLED).

5.2.1 Using ACMSCFG to Start or Stop Data Snapshots

Use the ACMSCFG utility to configure data snapshots for a collection prior to starting the management process.

To determine which collections already exist and their collection states, use the ACMSCFG SHOW COLLECTION command as described in Section

Use the ACMSCFG SET COLLECTION command to modify the state of an existing collection record in the configuration file. This command has the following syntax:


To stop a data snapshot from occurring when starting the management process, use the /STORAGE_STATE=DISABLED qualifier with the SET COLLECTION command to modify the collection record in the configuration file. Note that using ACMSCFG to disable the storage state, only changes the configuration file settings; it does not affect any snapshots currently running. To do this, use the ACMSMGR utility.

5.2.2 Using ACMSMGR to Start or Stop Data Snapshots

Use the ACMSMGR utility to dynamically modify the state of a collection record after the Remote Manager has already been started. Note that changes made with the ACMSMGR interface are not automatically stored in the ACMSCFG file and are lost when the Remote Manager is stopped.

To determine which collections already exist and their collection states, use the ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION command as described in Section

Use the ACMSMGR SET COLLECTION command to modify the state of an existing collection record in the configuration file. This command has the following syntax:


You can also use this command to change current snapshot values. Changes to the storage interval and storage state values are applied immediately; changes to the storage location and storage end time are processed the next time snapshot data is written.

To stop a data snapshot, use the /STORAGE_STATE=DISABLED qualifier with the SET COLLECTION command to modify the collection record for this process.

5.2.3 Using SNMP to Start or Stop Data Snapshots

Use the SNMP interface to dynamically modify the state of a collection after the Remote Manager has already been started. Note that changes made with the SNMP interface are not stored in the ACMSCFG file and are lost when the remote Remote Manager is stopped.

The SNMP interface responds to SNMP commands issued by SNMP consoles. An SNMP console issues an SNMP SET command to the Remote Manager to modify the Collection table.

The SNMP OID (object ID) for the storage columns are listed in in the file MIB_OID.LIS in ACMS$RM_EXAMPLES.

5.3 Displaying Collected Data

The method used to display collected management data depends on whether the data was simply collected or collected and saved to a data snapshot file.

To display collected data online, use the ACMSMGR utility or one of the programming interfaces (SNMP or ONC RPC). ( Section 5.3.1)

To display the contents of a data snapshot file, use the ACMSSNAP utility. ( Section 5.3.2)

5.3.1 Using ACMSMGR to Display Collected Data

Use the ACMSMGR SHOW command to display collected data. See Chapter 11 for a description of each command.

The following ACMSMGR command displays ACC data:


The following example shows output from this command:

ACMS Remote Management Option -- Command line utility
ACMS V4.4-0   ACC Table Display                     Time:  19-APR-2001 11:59:09.56

    Node       Class     PID      Process Name         Start Time        User Name     Version
 ------------ -------- -------- --------------- ----------------------- ------------ ------------
 sparks       enabled  2020C8BB ACMS01ACC001000  18-APR-2001 14:44:47.29 SYSTEM       V4.4-0

5.3.2 Using ACMSSNAP to Display Collected Data

Use the ACMSSNAP utility to display the contents of a data snapshot file. Data is written to a snapshot file as a series of RMS records. Each data snapshot record contains all Remote Manager information collected for a single ACMS entity at a particular storage interval. All records are indexed by entity and stored chronologically by collection date. The ACMSSNAP utility enables you to open a data snapshot file and quickly scan through the snapshot records to identify system activity related to a specific ACMS entity.

As you navigate through the file, ACMSSNAP scans the snapshot records and loads them into tables in local memory. Only the last read record for each entity is kept resident in memory. Each record that you choose to read (using the SHOW, NEXT, or PREV command) overlays the previous record read for the entity. These tables persist in memory until you reset the buffer, close the snapshot file, or exit the ACMSSNAP utility.

See Chapter 12 for detailed descriptions of the ACMSSNAP commands used when working with data snapshot records and files. How to Run the ACMSSNAP Utility

The ACMSSNAP utility runs as an interactive DCL command line utility. You start ACMSSNAP using the following command (which is defined in SYS$STARTUP:ACMS$MGMT_ENV.COM):


At the utility prompt, you can then enter any of the commands described in Chapter 12. To recall previously entered commands, press the up arrow key or Ctrl/B.

Once you are through viewing snapshot data, exit from the ACMSSNAP utility using either the EXIT or QUIT command, as follows:

ACMSSNAP>   EXIT Opening and Closing a Data Snapshot File

To open a file and quickly scan all snapshot records, invoke ACMSSNAP and enter the following command:


where file-name is an OpenVMS file specification or logical for the data snapshot file.

The /SUMMARY qualifier is optional but is considered useful when first opening a data snapshot file. This qualifier generates a report that provides a general breakdown of the file's content such as, the total number of records written (per entity and file) and the types of records written (per entity).

When you are finished with the data in the current file, close the file, as follows:

ACMSSNAP>   CLOSE Navigating and Displaying Snapshot Record Data

Once a data snapshot file is open, you can navigate through the snapshot records sequentially or by timeframe. In general, navigating by timeframe is easier, especially if you have opened the file with the OPEN/SUMMARY command. To navigate by timeframe, use the SHOW/AT command, as follows:

ACMSSNAP>  SHOW entity/class-name/AT=date-time

The /AT qualifier locates the entity record closest to the specified time and displays the requested data from that record. The timestamp for the record is also enclosed in brackets ([]) in the last column on the right.

You can either continue displaying other views of the data in this record (using the SHOW command without the /AT qualifier), or move sequentially through one or more records for this entity using the /NEXT or /PREV qualifiers, as follows:

ACMSSNAP>  SHOW entity/class-name/[NEXT,PREV]=number

If you want to navigate through the entire file sequentially, use the NEXT or PREV command, as follows:


These commands move through the specified number of records. You can then use the SHOW command, as described above, to display data for one or more records. Sample ACMSSNAP Session

The following example illustrates how a user might review snapshot data to analyze how much process pool is being consumed by ACMS on node SPARKS during peak system use.

First, ACMSSNAP is invoked, the data snapshot file SPARKS_SNAP.DAT is opened (1), and all records are scanned (2).

To determine when peak system use occurred, the run-time values for ACC are displayed (3), which shows both the maximum value for each parameter as well as the date and time when that value was reached.

Since the majority of maximum values were set at around 14:21 on the June, 7, 2001, the record closest that time is located (4). The pool values for ACC at this point in time are then displayed (5).



ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility
 Compiling summary statics ...

 Entity   # Recs  First Record              Last Record             All   Id    Cfg   Rt    Pool  Error
 -------- ------  ------------------------  ----------------------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 *        0                                                         0     0     0     0     0     0
 acc      42       7-JUN-2001 14:00:56.69   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  42    0     0     0     0     0
 tsc      42       7-JUN-2001 14:00:56.69   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  42    0     0     0     0     0
 qti      0                                                         0     0     0     0     0     0
 cp       184      7-JUN-2001 14:00:56.69   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  184   0     0     0     0     0
 exc      204      7-JUN-2001 14:01:28.01   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  204   0     0     0     0     0
 server   6496     7-JUN-2001 14:01:28.01   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  6496  0     0     0     0     0
 group    3032     7-JUN-2001 14:01:28.01   7-JUN-2001 14:21:32.19  3032  0     0     0     0     0
 mgr      0                                                         0     0     0     0     0     0

 10000 Records Read

MAX_APPL = 10 (use /MAX_APPL on OPEN or define ACMS$MGMT_SNAP_MAX_APPL to change)
CP_SLOTS = 10 (use /CP_SLOTS on OPEN or define ACMS$MGMT_SNAP_CP_SLOTS to change)

ACMSSNAP> NEXT 10000 (2)
ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility
%RMS-E-EOF, end of file detected

ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility


 Node         RUNTIME
 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 sparks       Runtime Class Collection State     enabled
              DECnet Object                      started

              Gauges                             Current  Max      Limit     Max Time
              ---------------------------------- -------- -------- --------- ------------------------
              Users: Total                       99       100                 7-JUN-2001 14:19:10.82
              Users: Local                       99       100                 7-JUN-2001 14:19:10.82
              Users: Remote                      0        0                  (null)
              Applications                       5        5        10         7-JUN-2001 14:01:44.51

              Number of application starts       5

              Process Quotas                  Current               Max           Limit      Max Time
              ---------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ------------------------
              Working Set Size                  17936             17936            786432  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              AST Limit                             6 (  2%)          6 (  2%)        274  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Byte Limit                         3840 (  3%)       3840 (  3%)      97632  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Direct I/O Limit                      0 (  0%)          0 (  0%)        150  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Buffered I/O Limit                    3 (  2%)          3 (  2%)        150  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Enqueue Limit                        19 (  0%)         19 (  0%)       2000  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              File Limit                            5 (  0%)          5 (  0%)       1600  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Page File Quota                    8544 ( 13%)       8544 ( 13%)      65536  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Timer Queue Limit                     3 ( 15%)          3 ( 15%)         20  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00
              Channel Count                        31 ( 12%)         31 ( 12%)        256  7-JUN-2001 14:21:26.00


ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility
              Runtime   DECnet  ----- Users ----- - Applications -- Application
    Node       Class    Object  Current  Maximum  Current  Maximum     Starts
 ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------
 sparks       enabled  started  97       100      5        5        5       [  7-JUN-2001 14:20:31.98]


ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility


 Node         POOL
 ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 sparks       Pool Class Collection State        enabled

              MSS Gauge                          Current   Max       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- -----------------------
              MSS Objects                        1859      1881       7-JUN-2001 14:19:12.45

              MSS Maxbuf Message Counters        Current            Time
              ---------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
              MSS Msg Size     0 to  1024 bytes               13927
              MSS Msg Size  1025 to  2048 bytes                  94
              MSS Msg Size  2049 to  4096 bytes                  15
              MSS Msg Size  4097 to  8192 bytes                  41
              MSS Msg Size  8193 to 16384 bytes                   0
              MSS Msg Size 16385 to 32768 bytes                   0
              MSS Msg Size 32769 to 65536 bytes                   0
              MSS Message Counter Overflow Resets                 0  (null)

              MSS Process Pool                             Pct      Time
              -------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
              Pool Size (bytes)                  524288
              Current Free (bytes)               516688    (98%)
              Minimum Free (bytes)               515664    (98%)     7-JUN-2001 14:18:16.00
              Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
              Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536               7-JUN-2001 14:20:56.00
              Allocation Failures                0
              Garbage Collections                0

              MSS Shared Pool                              Pct      Time
              -------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
              Pool Size (bytes)                  33792000
              Current Free (bytes)               33624344  (99%)
              Minimum Free (bytes)               33620712  (99%)     7-JUN-2001 14:14:25.98
              Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
              Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536               7-JUN-2001 14:20:56.00
              Allocation Failures                0
              Garbage Collections                0

              WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)        Current   Max       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------------------
              TWS Pool Size Total (pagelets)     562800    562800     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Size Total (pagelets)    22500     22500      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WS Pool Largest Used (bytes)       536       536        7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)      848       848        7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWS Pool Largest Used (bytes)      73728     73728      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)     1792      1792       7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99

              WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)        Current   Min       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------------------
              WS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)       130536    130536     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)      64688     64688      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)      3809280   3809280    7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)     152704    152704     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99

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