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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
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For any nonnegative integer fields, the completion status of the update is returned in the corresponding field in the return structure.
int set_exc_data(int client_id,CLIENT *cl) { static char vr_appl[] = "VR_APPL"; static exc_config_rec_2 set_struct; exc_status_rec_2 *ret_struct; dcl_link *nl; memset(&set_struct,-1,sizeof(set_struct)); set_struct.client_id = client_id; set_struct.audit_state = MGMT_STATE_DISABLED; set_struct.appl_name = vr_appl; ret_struct = acmsmgmt_set_exc_2(&set_struct,cl); if (!ret_struct) { printf("\n Call to modify EXC failed"); return(MGMT_FAIL); } if (ret_struct->status != MGMT_SUCCESS) printf("\n Call to modify EXC returned the following warnings or errors\n"); else printf("\n Call to modify EXC completed\n"); for (nl = ret_struct->exc_status_rec_2_u.data.cmd_output; nl != NULL; nl = nl->pNext) printf("\n %s",nl->dcl_msg); xdr_free(xdr_exc_status_rec_2, ret_struct); free(ret_struct); return(0); } |
In the preceding example, the ACMSMGMT_SET_EXC_2 procedure is called to disable application auditing for the application VR_APPL on the target node. If the call succeeds, the VR_APPL no longer writes application auditing messages, and a success message is displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. The example in Section 6.4.1 shows how to declare and initialize the input arguments to this procedure.
This procedure modifies the status of a Remote Manager interface.
Either the SNMP or RPC interface can be modified.
The ACMS Remote Manager will not allow the RPC interface to be DISABLED through this call. The only way to disable the RPC interface dynamically is to use the SNMP interface. |
int *acmsmgmt_set_interface_1(interface_config_rec *set_struct,CLIENT *cl)
Type: Interface_config_rec Access: Read Mechanism: By reference Usage: Structure that contains the following client identification and interface configuration fields. client_id Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: If explicit authentication is being used, a valid client ID must be provided. If the value for client_id is 0, proxy access is used. Client_id is obtained by calling the acms$mgmt_get_creds procedure. interface_type Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Indicates the interface to be modified. Table 8-2 shows the valid symbolic values for interface types. state Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Indicates desired state of the interface. Table 8-3 shows the valid symbolic values for the allowable states. cl
Type: CLIENT * Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Pointer to an RPC client handle previously obtained by calling the RPC routine CLNT_CREATE.
Type: Integer Access: Write Mechanism: By reference Usage: Pointer to status value returned. If NULL or MGMT_SUCCESS, the RPC has succeeded. If neither NULL nor MGMT_SUCCESS, the procedure call failed and the value pointed to is the reason for failure.
This procedure modifies the status of an interface. Interfaces can be enabled (that is, requested to start) or disabled (that is, requested to stop) by setting the state field in set_struct to the appropriate value.Note that it is not possible to use the RPC interface to enable the RPC interface. In order to use the RPC interface, it must already be enabled. In order to start the RPC interface, either use the SNMP interface, or use the ACMSCFG utility to configure the RPC interface to be enabled when the Remote Manager starts up.
It is also not possible to use this call to disable the RPC interface. The ACMS Remote Manager does not allow an interface to disable itself. The only way to disable the RPC interface dynamically is to use the SNMP interface.
int set_interface_data(int client_id,CLIENT *cl) { static interface_config_rec set_struct; int *status; memset(&set_struct,-1,sizeof(set_struct)); set_struct.client_id = client_id; set_struct.interface_type = MGMT_IF_SNMP; set_struct.state = MGMT_STATE_ENABLED; status = acmsmgmt_set_interface_1(&set_struct,cl); if (!status) { printf("\n Call to update SNMP interface failed"); return(MGMT_FAIL); } if (*status != MGMT_SUCCESS) { printf("\n Call to update SNMP interface failed with status %d",*status); free(status); return(MGMT_FAIL); } else printf("\n Call to set SNMP interface completed"); free(status); return(0); } |
In the preceding example, the ACMSMGMT_SET_INTERFACE_1 procedure is called to enable the SNMP interface. If the call succeeds, the SNMP interface is running on the target node, and a success message is displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. The example in Section 6.4.1 shows how to declare and initialize the input arguments to this procedure.
This procedure requests updates to fields in the Remote Manager
Parameter table.
param_status_rec2 *acmsmgmt_set_param_2(param_config_rec2 *set_struct,CLIENT *cl)
Type: Param_config_rec2 Access: Read Mechanism: By reference Usage: Structure that contains the following client identification and parameter configuration fields. client_id Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: If explicit authentication is being used, a valid client ID must be provided. If the value for client_id is 0, proxy access is used. Client_id is obtained by calling the acms$mgmt_get_creds procedure. params Type: Param_rec2 Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Structure containing a Parameter table record. Parameter table fields are described in Section 9.9. See the Description section for information on how to initialize this record. cl
Type: CLIENT * Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Pointer to an RPC client handle previously obtained by calling the RPC routine CLNT_CREATE.
Type: Param_status_rec2 Access: write Mechanism: By reference Usage: Pointer to a record that contains a union consisting of either a failure code or a structure of type param_rec2, which contains status codes for each field. See the Description section for a discussion of how to determine the update status for any field. The following are the contents of this union: rc Type: Integer Access: write Mechanism: By value Usage: Failure return code. data, data_warn Type: Param_rec_2 Access: write Mechanism: By value Usage: Structure containing a Parameter table record. The entries in this field contain status codes correspond to the fields in the params structure. See the Description section for a discussion of how to determine the update status for any field.
This procedure requests updates to fields in the Parameter table (see Section 9.9). Some field updates are dynamic; others are not. Updates to this table are not durable; that is, they do not survive a restart of the Remote Manager.When this procedure is called, any fields with negative values are ignored. Callers should initialize any fields to a negative value (for example, -1) for which updates are not to be applied. All nonnegative fields are validated prior to being updated.
For any nonnegative fields, the completion status of the update is returned in the corresponding field in the return structure. For instance, if the mss_coll_interval and max_logins fields in the params structure of the param_config_rec are nonnegative when this procedure is called, the mss_coll_interval and max_logins field of the data or data_warn structures of the param_status_rec will contain the completion status for those updates.
The data and data_warn structures contain identical data. If the operation fails, the status field of either structure is MGMT_WARN; in this case, use the data_warn structure to fetch the status messages from the cmd_output linked list.
If the operation is successful, the status field of either structure is MGMT_SUCCESS. There are no status messages associated with a successful call.
If the status field contains MGMT_FAIL, the call failed. There are no status messages returned; instead, the reason for the failure is contained in the rc field.
int set_param_data(int client_id,CLIENT *cl) { static param_config_rec2 set_struct; param_status_rec2 *ret_struct; int status; memset(&set_struct,-1,sizeof(set_struct)); set_struct.client_id = client_id; set_struct.params.max_logins = 25; ret_struct = acmsmgmt_set_param_2(&set_struct,cl); if (!ret_struct) { printf("\n Call to modify parameters failed"); return(MGMT_FAIL); } if (ret_struct->status != MGMT_SUCCESS) { if (ret_struct->status != MGMT_WARN) { printf("\nCall to modify parameters failed, returning %d", ret_struct->status); status = ret_struct->status; xdr_free(xdr_param_status_rec2, ret_struct); free(ret_struct); return(MGMT_FAIL); } if (ret_struct->param_status_rec2_u.data.max_logins != MGMT_SUCCESS) printf("\n max_logins specified was invalid "); xdr_free(xdr_param_status_rec2, ret_struct); free(ret_struct); return(MGMT_FAIL); } else printf("\n Call to set params completed"); xdr_free(xdr_param_status_rec2, ret_struct); free(ret_struct); return(0); } |
In the preceding example, the ACMSMGMT_SET_PARAM_2 procedure is called to set the maximum number of logins to the Remote Manager to 25. If the call succeeds, the new value will be stored in the Parameter table and a success message will be displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. The example in Section 6.4.1 shows how to declare and initialize the input arguments to this procedure.
This procedure modifies Queued Task Initator (QTI) Config class
qti_status_rec_2 *acmsmgmt_set_qti_2(qti_config_rec_2 *set_struct,CLIENT *cl)
Type: Qti_config_rec_2 Access: Read Mechanism: By reference Usage: Structure that contains the following client identification and QTI table fields. client_id Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: If explicit authentication is being used, a valid client ID must be provided. If the value of client_id is 0, proxy access is used. Client_id is obtained by calling the acms$mgmt_get_creds procedure. active_sw Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Indicates whether active variables should be updated (active_sw = 1). Active variables are currently in use by the ACMS system; updates to active variables take effect immediately but are not durable (that is, they do not survive a restart of the ACMS system). Not all variables are dynamic, however. Refer to Section 9.10 and to the field descriptions in this section, to determine whether a particular variable can be updated dynamically. current_sw Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Indicates whether current variables should be updated (current_sw = 1). Current variables are those stored in the ACMSGEN file currently in use by the ACMS system and are durable (that is, they survive a restart of the ACMS system). Updates to current variables take effect when the ACMS system is restarted. qti_priority, sub_timeout, max_threads, retry_timer, polling_timer Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Values to be updated. These fields correspond to fields of the same names in the QTI table, depending on the value of active_sw and current_sw in this record (for example, qti_priority will update the qti_priority_stored field if current_sw is equal to 1). See Section 9.10 for a discussion of these fields. None of these fields can be updated dynamically. astlm, biolm, bytlm, diolm, enqlm, fillm, pgflquota, tqelm, wsdefault, wsextent, wsquota Type: Integer Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Values to be updated. These fields correspond to fields of the same names in the QTI table, depending on the value of active_sw and current_sw in this record (for example, astlm will update the astlm_stored field if current_sw is equal to 1). See Section 9.10 for a discussion of these fields. Note that not all fields can be updated dynamically. qti_username Type: Null-terminated string Access: Read Mechanism: By reference Usage: Values to be updated. This field corresponds to the qti_username field in the QTI table; the exact field depends on the value of active_sw and current_sw in this record (for example, qti_username will update the qti_username_stored field if current_sw is equal to 1). See Section 9.10 for a discussion of these fields. Note that not all fields can be updated dynamically. In order to have this field set to null (that is, ""), set the field to the string "NULL". cl
Type: CLIENT * Access: Read Mechanism: By value Usage: Pointer to an RPC client handle previously obtained by calling the RPC routine CLNT_CREATE.
Type: Qti_status_rec_2 Access: Write Mechanism: By reference Usage: Pointer to a record that contains a union consisting of either a failure code or a structure of type qti_config_rec_out_2, which contains status codes for each field, as well as a linked list of status messages associated with the update. See the Description section for a discussion of how to determine the update status for any field. The following are the contents of this union: rc Type: Integer Access: Write Mechanism: By value Usage: Failure return code. data, data_warn Type: Qti_config_rec_out_2 Access: Write Mechanism: By value Usage: Structure containing fields corresponding to the fields in the set_struct structure, as well as a linked list of status messages associated with the update. See the Description section for a discussion of how to determine the update status for any field. The following are the contents of this structure: astlm, biolm, bytlm, diolm, enqlm, fillm, max_threads, pgflquota, polling_timer, qti_priority, qti_username, retry_timer, sub_timeout, tqelm, wsdefault, wsextent, wsquota Type: Integer Access: Write Mechanism: By value Usage: Status fields corresponding to the fields in the input argument. cmd_output Type: Dcl_list Access: Write Mechanism: By reference Usage: Pointer to a linked list of records containing status messages related to the failure of any updates. This structure contains the following fields: dcl_msg Type: Null-terminated string Access: Write Mechanism: By reference Usage: The status message. pNext Type: Dcl_list Access: Write Mechanism: By reference Usage: Pointer to the next node in the linked list.
This procedure requests updates to ACMS QTI Config class fields contained in the QTI table (see Section 9.10). Note that the QTI table contains both active and stored values. The active_sw field and current_sw field control which fields should be updated.
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