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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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This procedure requests that the Remote Manager stop the ACMS$TRACE_MONITOR process. The ACMS$TRACE_MONITOR process is an intermediate process used by the Remote Manager to communicate with ACMS run-time processes to enable and disable collections.


int *acmsmgmt_stop_trace_monitor_1(sub_id_struct *sub_rec,CLIENT *cl)



Type: Sub_id_struct
Access: Read  
Mechanism: By reference  
Usage: Structure that contains the following client authorization information.
  Type: Integer
  Access: Read
  Mechanism: By value
  Usage: If explicit authentication is being used, a valid client ID must be provided. If the value for client_id is 0, proxy access is used. Client_id is obtained by calling the acms$mgmt_get_creds procedure.


Type: CLIENT *
Access: Read  
Mechanism: By value  
Usage: Pointer to an RPC client handle previously obtained by calling the RPC routine CLNT_CREATE.

Return Value

Type: Integer
Access: Write
Mechanism: By reference
Usage: Pointer to status value returned. If the value is NULL or MGMT_SUCCESS, the RPC has succeeded. If the value is neither NULL nor MGMT_SUCCESS, the call failed and the value pointed to is the reason for failure.


This procedure requests that the Remote Manager stop the ACMS$TRACE_MONITOR process on the target node. The ACMS$TRACE_MONITOR process is an intermediate process used by the Remote Manager to communicate with ACMS run-time processes to enable and disable collections.

In general, external entities do not require a startup and shutdown request of the trace monitor process. The Remote Manager starts the trace monitor during process initialization and stops it during process shutdown. Additionally, the Remote Manager starts the trace monitor anytime it is needed (if it is not already started). Once started, the trace monitor continues to run until the Remote Manager shuts down.

After issuing the stop command to the trace monitor, the Remote Manager waits for a period of up to trace_start_wait_time (a Parameter table parameter that is dynamic and expressed in seconds). If the trace monitor fails to stop during that period, the Remote Manager returns an error to the caller.


int stop_trace(int client_id,CLIENT *cl)
   int *status;
   static struct sub_id_struct sub_rec;

   sub_rec.client_id = client_id;

   status = acmsmgmt_stop_trace_monitor_1(&sub_rec,cl);

   if (!status) {
      printf("\nShutdown of Trace Monitor has failed");

   if (*status != MGMT_SUCCESS) {
      printf("\nShutdown of Trace Monitor has failed with return code %d",

   printf("\nTrace Monitor has been stopped ");


In the preceding example, the ACMSMGMT_STOP_TRACE_MONITOR_1 procedure is called to stop the ACMS$TRACE_MON process on the target node. If the call succeeds, the process is stopped. Otherwise, any error messages associated with the failure are displayed. The example in Section 6.4.1 shows how to declare and initialize the input arguments to this procedure.


This procedure requests that the Remote Manager stop a Terminal Subsystem Controller (TSC) on the same node on which the Remote Manager is running.


cmd_output_rec *acmsmgmt_stop_tsc_1(sub_id_struct *sub_rec,CLIENT *cl)



Type: Sub_id_struct
Access: Read  
Mechanism: By reference  
Usage: Structure that contains the following client authorization information.
  Type: Integer
  Access: Read
  Mechanism: By value
  Usage: If explicit authentication is being used, a valid client ID must be provided. If the value for client_id is 0, proxy access is used. Client_id is obtained by calling the acms$mgmt_get_creds procedure.


Type: CLIENT *
Access: Read  
Mechanism: By value  
Usage: Pointer to an RPC client handle previously obtained by calling the RPC routine CLNT_CREATE.

Return Value

Type: Cmd_output_rec
Access: Write
Mechanism: By reference
Usage: Pointer to a union. The union contains either a failure code or a structure of type cmd_rec, which points to a linked list containing status messages. The following are the contents of this union:
  Type: Integer
  Access: Write
  Mechanism: By value
  Usage: Failure return code.
  Type: Integer
  Access: Write
  Mechanism: By value
  Usage: Failure return code.
  data, data_warn
  Type: Cmd_rec
  Access: Write
  Mechanism: By value
  Usage: Structure containing the first node in a linked list of status messages (type dcl_list). The following are the contents of this structure:
    Type: Dcl_list
    Access: Write
    Mechanism: By reference
    Usage: Pointer to a linked list of records containing status messages related to the failure of any updates. This structure contains the following fields:
      Type: Null-terminated string
      Access: Write
      Mechanism: By reference
      Usage: The status message.
      Type: Dcl_list
      Access: Write
      Mechanism: By reference
      Usage: Pointer to the next node in the linked list.


This procedure requests to stop an ACMS TSC on the same node on which the Remote Manager is running.

This call executes synchronously. It does not return to the caller until the attempt to stop the TSC is complete. Any messages associated with an unsuccessful start of the TSC are returned in the cmd_output linked list.

The data and data_warn structures contain identical data. If the operation fails, the status field of both structure will be MGMT_WARN; in this case, use the data_warn structure to fetch the status messages from the cmd_output linked list.

If the operation is successful, the status field of both structures will be MGMT_SUCCESS. No status messages are associated with a successful call.

If the status field contains MGMT_FAIL, the call failed. No status messages are returned; instead, the reason for the failure is contained in the rc field.


int stop_tsc(int client_id,CLIENT *cl)
   dcl_link    *nl;
   static struct sub_id_struct sub_rec;
   cmd_output_rec *ret_struct;

   sub_rec.client_id = client_id;

   ret_struct = acmsmgmt_stop_tsc_1(&sub_rec,cl);

   if (!ret_struct) {
      printf("\n Call to stop TSC failed");

   if (ret_struct->status != MGMT_SUCCESS) {

       if (ret_struct->status != MGMT_WARN) {
          printf("\nCall to stop ACMS TSC failed with status %d",
             xdr_free(xdr_cmd_output_rec, ret_struct);

        printf("\n Call to stop ACMS TSC completed with warnings or errors");

        for (nl = ret_struct->cmd_output_rec_u.data.cmd_output; nl != NULL;
             nl = nl->pNext)
            printf("\n %s",nl->dcl_msg);
              xdr_free(xdr_cmd_output_rec, ret_struct);

   else {
        printf("\nCall to stop ACMS TSC was executed");
        for (nl = ret_struct->cmd_output_rec_u.data.cmd_output; nl != NULL;
             nl = nl->pNext)
     printf("\n %s",nl->dcl_msg);
        xdr_free(xdr_cmd_output_rec, ret_struct);


In the preceding example, the ACMSMGMT_STOP_TSC_1 procedure is called to stop the terminal subsystem on the target node. If the call succeeds, the terminal subsystem is stopped on the target node. Otherwise, any error messages associated with the failure are displayed. The example in Section 6.4.1 shows how to declare and initialize the input arguments to this procedure.

Chapter 9
Remote Manager Reference Tables

This chapter contains information about data types that the Remote Manager implements and the reference tables for the Remote Manager. The Remote Manager reference tables include the following:

  • ACC table
  • Collection table
  • CP table
  • Error Filter table
  • EXC table
  • Interfaces table
  • Manager status table
  • Parameter table
  • QTI table
  • Server table
  • Task Group table
  • Trap table
  • TSC table
  • Users table


The following sections describe the records and fields in each Remote Manager reference table. Many of these tables now contain a subset of fields intended solely for use on or by systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher. These fields are denoted with the double dagger (++) symbol within each table listing.

9.1 Data Types

The ACMS Remote Manager implements the following data types:
  • Gauge and Min Gauge
    Gauge fields are structures containing the following fields:
    • current_value
      The value of the object when last observed. Represents the most current known value.
    • max_value or min_value
      The largest or smallest observed value for the object.
    • time_max_seen or time_min_seen
      The date and time the max_value or min_value was set.
  • Integer
    Integer fields are 32-bit signed integers.
  • State 1
    State 1 fields are integers with two possible values:
  • State 2
    State 2 fields are integers with the following possible values:
  • String
    String fields are null-terminated ASCII strings.
  • Time
    Time fields are stored internally in OpenVMS internal time format and are generally displayed as DD-MMM-YYY HH:MM:SS.hh. When present in a record supplied by the Remote Manager (that is, from either an RPC or SNMP call, or in a file), time is always an ASCII value in the default OpenVMS format (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh) and is stored as a null-terminated string.

9.2 ACC Table

The ACC table contains a single entry for ACC management information.

Table 9-1 ACC Table
Class Field Data Type SNMP Access RPC Access Dynamic
ID record_state integer R R  
ID id_coll_state integer R R  
ID process_name string R R  
ID pid integer R R  
ID username_active string R R  
ID username_stored string R R  
ID start_time time R R  
ID end_time time R R  
ID acms_version string R R  
CONFIG config_coll_state integer R R  
CONFIG acms_state integer RW R D
CONFIG acc_priority_active integer R R  
CONFIG acc_priority_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG max_appl_active integer R R  
CONFIG max_appl_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG mss_maxobj_active integer R R  
CONFIG mss_maxobj_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG mss_maxbuf_active integer R R  
CONFIG mss_maxbuf_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG mss_poolsize_active integer R R  
CONFIG mss_poolsize_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG mss_process_pool_active integer R R  
CONFIG mss_process_pool_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG mss_net_retry_timer_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG mss_net_retry_timer_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG audit_state integer RW RW D
CONFIG username_default_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG username_default_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG node_name_active integer R R  
CONFIG node_name_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG ws_poolsize_active integer R R  
CONFIG ws_poolsize_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsc_poolsize_active integer R R  
CONFIG wsc_poolsize_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG tws_poolsize_active integer R R  
CONFIG tws_poolsize_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG twsc_poolsize_active integer R R  
CONFIG twsc_poolsize_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG astlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG astlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG biolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG biolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG bytlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG bytlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG diolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG diolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG enqlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG enqlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG fillm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG fillm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG pgflquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG pgflquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG tqelm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG tqelm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsdefault_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsdefault_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsextent_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsextent_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG channelcnt_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG channelcnt_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG gblsections_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG gblsections_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG gblpages_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG gblpages_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG gblpagfil_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG gblpagfil_stored++ integer RW RW  
RUNTIME runtime_coll_state integer R R  
RUNTIME current_appls gauge R R  
RUNTIME current_users gauge R R  
RUNTIME current_local_users gauge R R  
RUNTIME current_remote_users gauge R R  
RUNTIME appl_starts integer R R  
RUNTIME decnet_object integer R R  
RUNTIME astlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME biolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME bytlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME diolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME enqlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME fillm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME pgflquota_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME tqelm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME wssize_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME channelcnt_current++ gauge R R  
POOL pool_coll_state integer R R  
POOL mss_shared_total integer R R  
POOL mss_shared_free min gauge R R  
POOL mss_shared_largest min gauge R R  
POOL mss_shared_failures integer R R  
POOL mss_shared_garbage integer R R  
POOL mss_process_total integer R R  
POOL mss_process_free min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_largest min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_failures integer R R  
POOL mss_process_garbage integer R R  
POOL mss_objects gauge R R  
POOL mss_msgs_1-1024++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_1025-2048++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_2049-4096++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_4097-8192++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_8193-16384++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_16385-32768++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msgs_32769-65636++ integer R R  
POOL mss_msg_count_resets++ gauge R R  
POOL tws_poolsize_total++ gauge R R  
POOL tws_pool_large_used++ gauge R R  
POOL tws_pool_min_free++ gauge R R  
POOL twsc_poolsize_total++ gauge R R  
POOL twsc_pool_large_used++ gauge R R  
POOL twsc_pool_min_free++ gauge R R  
POOL ws_pool_large_used++ gauge R R  
POOL ws_pool_min_free++ gauge R R  
POOL wsc_pool_large_used++ gauge R R  
POOL wsc_pool_min_free++ gauge R R  
ERROR err_coll_state++ integer R R  
ERROR err_count++ integer R R  
ERROR last_err_msg++ string R R  
ERROR time_of_last_error++ time R R  

++Only valid for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.

Key to Access Modes
  • R---Read Access
  • RW---Read/Write Access
  • Blank---Not available to the interface
  • D---Field is dynamic.

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