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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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9.2.1 Field Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in Table 9-1.

  • record_state
    The current state of this table entry. Valid states are VALID (the process is currently running and maintaining this table entry) or INACTIVE (the process is no longer running). Inactive rows are subject to reuse.
  • id_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
  • process_name
    The OpenVMS process name for the process.
  • pid
    The OpenVMS process identifier for the process.
  • username_active
    The OpenVMS user name under which the process is currently running. This is the value that was in the ACMSGEN file when the process was started.

  • username_stored
    The OpenVMS process name currently stored in the ACMSGEN file for this process.
  • start_time
    Date and time the process was started.
  • end_time
    Date and time the process ended. If the process has not yet ended, this field will be null.
  • acms_version
    Current version of the ACC.
  • config_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
  • acms_state
    Current ACMS state of the process. This field can be set (to DISABLED or to 0) by the SNMP interface only. RPC users use the ACMSMGMT_STOP_ACC_1 procedure described in Section 8.48. ACMSMGR users use the STOP SYSTEM command.
  • acc_priority_active
    The base priority for this process. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the process was started.
  • acc_priority_stored
    The base priority currently stored in the ACMSGEN file for this process.
  • max_appl_active
    The maximum number of ACMS applications that can be started simultaneously on this node. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • max_appl_stored
    The value of the max_appl field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • mss_maxobj_active
    The maximum number of ACMS message switch objects that can be started simultaneously on this node. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started. See the MSS class field mss_objects for a count of the current and maximum number of MSS objects instantiated on the system.
  • mss_maxobj_stored
    The value of the mss_maxobj field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • mss_maxbuf_active
    The maximum size of a message segment of an ACMS message switch message. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.

  • mss_maxbuf_stored
    The value of the mss_maxbuf field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • mss_poolsize_active
    The size of the MSS shared pool (in pagelets). This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • mss_poolsize_stored
    The value of the mss_poolsize field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • mss_process_pool_active
    The default size of the MSS pool (in pagelets) allocated for each ACMS process. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • mss_process_pool_stored
    The value of the mss_process_pool field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • mss_net_retry_active
    The time ACMS processes will wait before retrying an MSS network operation. This field can be modified dynamically.
  • mss_net_retry_timer_stored
    The value of the mss_net_retry_timer field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • audit_state
    The current system auditing state.
  • username_default_active
    The default user name for remote users. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • username_default_stored
    The value of the username_default field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • node_name_active
    The node name for the current node. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • node_name_stored
    The value of the node_name field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • ws_poolsize_active, wsc_poolsize_active, tws_poolsize_active, twsc_poolsize active
    The default size of the group and user workspace (WS), user workspace control (WSC), task workspace (TWS), or task workspace control (TWSC) pool (in pagelets). This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the ACC process was started.
  • ws_poolsize_stored, wsc_poolsize_stored, tws_poolsize_stored, twsc_poolsize_stored
    The value of associated poolsize field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.

  • astlm_active, biolm_active, bytlm_active, diolm_active, enqlm_active, fillm_active, pgflquota_active, tqelm_active, wsdefault_active, wsextent_active, wsquota_active
    The default value of the related OpenVMS process quota. This is the value of the quota when the ACC process was started.
  • astlm_stored, biolm_stored, bytlm_stored, diolm_stored, enqlm_stored, fillm_stored, pgflquota_stored, tqelm_stored, wsdefault_stored, wsextent_stored, wsquota_stored
    The value of the related process quota currently stored in the OpenVMS system user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT).
  • channelcnt_active, gblsections_active, gblpages_active, gbpagfil_active
    The default value of the related OpenVMS system parameter. This is the value of the parameter when the ACC process was started.
  • channelcnt_stored, gblsections_stored, gblpages_stored, gbpagfil_stored
    The value of the related system parameter currently stored in the OpenVMS System Generation utility (SYSGEN) work area.
  • runtime_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    If this field is set to DISABLED, the process is not currently collecting data for the fields in this class. Any field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • current_appls
    The number of applications currently running on the node.
  • current_users
    The number of users currently logged in to the node.
  • current_local_users
    The number of current users logged in to ACMS locally.
  • current_remote_users
    The number of current users who are logged in to ACMS remotely.
  • appl_starts
    The number of applications that have been started on the node since the system was started.
  • decnet_object
    If the process has a current DECnet object, the value of this field is STARTED. Otherwise, the value is STOPPED. If the DECnet object is stopped (and the runtime_coll_state is enabled for this process), either distributed processing has not been enabled (that is, the node_name parameter in the ACMSGEN file is NULL) or there is currently a problem with DECnet. Also, check the ACC CONFIG parameters node_name_active and node_name_stored to determine the current status of the ACMSGEN node_name field.

  • astlm_current, biolm_current, bytlm_current, diolm_current, enqlm_current, fillm_current, pgflquota_current, tqelm_current, wssize_current, channelcnt_current
    The actual amount of the related OpenVMS process or system resource that is being consumed by the ACC process. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the vms_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • pool_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    If this field is set to DISABLED, the process is not currently collecting data for the fields in this class. Any field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • mss_shared_total
    The total size (in bytes) of the MSS shared pool on this node. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_shared_free
    The amount (in bytes) of unused MSS shared pool. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_shared_largest
    The largest unused block (in bytes) available in the MSS shared pool. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_shared_failures
    The number of failed attempts to allocate space from the MSS shared pool. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_shared_garbage
    The number of garbage collections that have been run to reclaim space in the MSS shared pool. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_total
    The total size (in bytes) of the MSS process pool allocated for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_free
    The amount of unused MSS process pool (in bytes) for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_largest
    The largest unused block (in bytes) available in the MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_failures
    The number of failed attempts to allocate space in the MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_garbage
    The number of garbage collections for this process that have been run to reclaim space in the MSS process pool. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_objects
    The number of MSS objects currently instantiated on the node. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_msgs_1-1024, mss_msgs_1025-2048, mss_msgs_2049-4096, mss_msgs_4097-8192, mss_msgs_8193-16384, mss_msgs_16385-32768, mss_msgs_32769-65636
    The number of MSS messages whose sizes fall within the specified range (in bytes).
  • mss_msg_count_resets
    The number of MSS message size counter resets that have occurred. Each of the preceding counters (mss_msgs_n-n) are reset if one of the counters overflows.
  • tws_poolsize_total, twsc_poolsize_total
    The total amount (in pagelets) of TWS or TWSC process pool being used by all task groups running on the current node. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the wksp_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • tws_pool_large_used, twsc_pool_large_used
    The largest amount (in bytes) of TWS or TWSC process pool being used by a task group running on the current node. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the wksp_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • tws_pool_min_free, twsc_pool_min_free
    The minimum amount (in bytes) of unused TWS or TWSC process pool available on the current node. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the wksp_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • ws_pool_large_used, wsc_pool_large_used
    The largest amount (in bytes) of WS or WSC process pool being used by an application running on the current node. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the wksp_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • ws_pool_min_free, wsc_pool_min_free
    The minimum amount (in bytes) of unused WS or WSC process pool available on the current node. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the wksp_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • err_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    Errors for this process are only sent to the Remote Manager if this field is set to ENABLED. If this field is set to DISABLED, the process will not collect data for the fields in this class; existing field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • err_count
    The total number of errors related to this process that were sent to the Remote Manager.
  • last_err_msg
    The text of the most recent error message related to this process that was sent to the Remote Manager.
  • time_of_last_error
    Date and time of the most recent error message related to this process that was sent to the Remote Manager.

9.3 Collection Table

The Collection table is populated from the configuration file maintained by the user on the local system (or in a cluster common area) when the ACMS run-time system is started.

This table can be used at run time to enable or disable data collection and data snapshots by entity and class. The primary key to this table is the combination of entity, class, and name. Duplicate rows are not allowed.

Table 9-2 Collection Table
Field Data Type SNMP Access RPC Access Configuration Access Dynamic
entity string R RW RW D
class string R RW RW D
name string R RW RW D
coll_state state 1 RW RW RW D
storage_location++ string R RW RW D
storage_state++ state1 R RW RW D
storage_interval++ integer R RW RW D
storage_start_time++ time RW RW RW D
storage_end_time++ time RW RW RW D

++Only valid for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.

Key to Access Modes
  • R---Read Access
  • RW---Read/Write Access
  • Blank---Not available to the interface
  • D---Field is dynamic.

9.3.1 Field Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in Table 9-2.

  • entity
    Name or type of the entity. Valid values are ACC, CP, EXC, GROUP, QTI, SERVER, and TSC.
  • class
    Class of data to be collected. Valid values are CONFIG, ID, ERROR, POOL, and RUNTIME.
  • name
    A name for the entity that helps to uniquely identify an instance of the entity type. Possible entity names are:
    • ACC, CP, QTI, TSC (process name)
    • EXC (application name)
    • GROUP (task group name)
    • SERVER (server name)

    Name can include the following wildcard values:
    • asterisk (*) (matches all characters)
    • exclamation point (!) (negation)
  • coll_state
    Current state as configured, either from the configuration file or by a user at run time. Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED. A change to this field causes collection to be initiated or terminated.
  • storage_location
    An OpenVMS file specification (or logical name) that indicates where collection data is to be writer. The default value for this field the logical ACMS$MGMT_SNAPSHOT.
    If a directory is not specified as part of the file specification, the file is placed in the default directory of the account under which the Remote Manager process is running.
    Multiple collection entities can share and write output to the same data snapshot file.
    See Section 5.1 for more information on creating data snapshots by periodically saving data collections.
  • storage_state
    Current state of data snapshots as configured either from the configuration file or by a user at run time. Valid values are ENABLED or DISABLED. A change to this field causes data snapshots to be either initiated or terminated.
    In order for data snapshots to be fully functional, the coll_state field must be set to ENABLED, and the current time must fall between the specified storage_start_time and storage_end_time values.
    See Section 5.1 for more information on creating data snapshots by saving periodically data collections.

  • storage_interval
    Controls the frequency (in seconds) at which data snapshots are collected. A lower value causes data snapshots to be collected more often; a higher value causes data snapshots to be collected less often.
    The storage_interval value should be a multiple of the timer_interval value. The timer_interval value determines the minimum elapsed time for many Remote Manager parameters, including the storage interval setting. The relationship of the values in these two fields determine how often data snapshots are performed, for example:
    • If the timer_interval value is greater, its value is used by default. For instance, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 5, snapshots will be written at 10 second intervals.
    • If the storage_interval value is greater and is a multiple of the timer_interval, the storage_interval value is used. For example, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 30, snapshots will be written at 30 second intervals.
    • If the storage_interval value is greater and is not a multiple of the timer_interval, the next multiple of the timer_interval value is used. For example, if the timer_interval is 10 and the storage_interval is 15, snapshots will be written at 20 second intervals.

    See Section 5.1 for more information on creating data snapshots by periodically saving data collections.
  • storage_start_time
    The date and time (DD-MMM-YY:hh:mm:ss.nn) when the data snapshot interval is scheduled to begin. The default value is NOW (begin immediately).
    See Section 5.1 for more information on creating data snapshots by periodically saving data collections.
  • storage_end_time
    The date and time (DD-MMM-YY:hh:mm:ss.nn) when the data snapshot interval is scheduled to end. The default value is NEVER (run indefinitely).
    See Section 5.1 for more information on creating data snapshots by periodically saving data collections.

9.4 CP Table

The CP table contains a row for each terminal Command Process (CP) running on the node.

Table 9-3 CP Table
Collection Class Field Data Type SNMP Access RPC Access Dynamic
ID record_state integer R R  
ID id_coll_state integer R R  
ID process_name string R R  
ID pid integer R R  
ID start_time time R R  
ID end_time time R R  
ID user_name string R R  
CONFIG astlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG astlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG biolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG biolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG bytlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG bytlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG diolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG diolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG enqlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG enqlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG fillm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG fillm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG pgflquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG pgflquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG tqelm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG tqelm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsdefault_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsdefault_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsextent_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsextent_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
RUNTIME runtime_coll_state integer R R  
RUNTIME acms_state integer R R  
RUNTIME decnet_object integer R R  
RUNTIME current_attached_terms gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_task_calls gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_tdms_menu_reqs gauge R R  
RUNTIME total_tdms_menu_reqs integer R R  
RUNTIME active_tdms_reqs gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_tdms_read_msgs gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_tdms_write_msgs gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_tdms_cancels gauge R R  
RUNTIME total_tdms_reqs integer R R  
RUNTIME total_tdms_read_msgs integer R R  
RUNTIME total_tdms_write_msgs integer R R  
RUNTIME total_tdms_cancels integer R R  
RUNTIME active_df_menu_reqs gauge R R  
RUNTIME total_df_menu_reqs integer R R  
RUNTIME active_df_reqs gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_enables gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_disables gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_cancels gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_sends gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_receives gauge R R  
RUNTIME active_df_transceives gauge R R  
RUNTIME total_df_reqs integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_enables integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_disables integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_cancels integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_sends integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_receives integer R R  
RUNTIME total_df_transceives integer R R  
RUNTIME data_set_hangups integer R R  
RUNTIME astlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME biolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME bytlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME diolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME enqlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME fillm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME pgflquota_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME tqelm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME wssize_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME channelcnt_current++ gauge R R  
POOL pool_coll_state integer R R  
POOL mss_process_total integer R R  
POOL mss_process_free min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_largest min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_failures integer R R  
POOL mss_process_garbage integer R R  
ERROR err_coll_state++ integer R R  
ERROR err_count++ integer R R  
ERROR last_err_msg++ string R R  
ERROR time_of_last_error++ time R R  

++Only valid for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.

Key to Access Modes
  • R---Read Access
  • RW---Read/Write Access
  • Blank---Not available to the interface
  • D---Field is dynamic

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