HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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C.4 ACMSSNAP Messages

The following error messages pertain to the ACMSSNAP process.

FILEISOPEN, a file is already open. Use the CLOSE command to close the current file

Explanation: A request was made to process an ACMS data snapshot file that is already open. Only one file can be open at a time.
User Action: No action is required.
NOFILEOPEN, no file is open. Use the OPEN command to open a file first

Explanation: A request was made to process an ACMS data snapshot file, but no file has been opened. A data snapshot file must be open in order for the command to be executed.
User Action: Use the ACMSSNAP OPEN command to open the file; then reissue the command.

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