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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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Alternatively, delete unneeded rows from the Collection table.

THREADRUNNING, inconsistent state detected. Snapshot state is disabled but thread is running! Cannot enable running thread

Explanation: A request was made to set the storage_state for a Collection record to ENABLED. While processing the row, the Remote Manager discovered that a snapshot thread had already been assigned to this record. This condition is most likely due to a previous, unsuccessful attempt to end a snapshot operation.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log for additional messages that describe the source of the problem. Reissue the command. If the problem persists, try deleting and adding the Collection record. If the problem remains, restart the Remote Manger process.
VRSNMISMAT, filter file version mismatch

Explanation: The Remote Manager error filter file may be corrupted, or the format may have changed in this version of ACMS.
User Action: Shut down ACMS and the Remote Manager. Delete the file SYS$SYSTEM:ACMS$MGMT_ERROR_FILTER.DAT;*, and restart ACMS and the Remote Manager. If you have previously saved the contents of the error filter database (with ACMSMGR SAVE FILTER), you can restore the database with the following command:


where file-nameis a full OpenVMS file specification (node::device:[directory]file.ext) for the error filter file.

WARN, operation completed with warning, Not all operations completed successfully

Explanation: The ACMS Remote Manager service did not complete successfully; some of the actions requested could not be completed. This status is returned in the following situations:
  • Multiple fields were specified on an update function, at least one of which failed. For example, a call may have been made to the set parameters function (acmsmgmt_set_param_1) to update more than one parameter, and one of the values specified was invalid. For these functions, a list of fields is returned with status codes for each field.
  • A call to start or stop an ACMS process was executed, and a warning was returned. Starting or stopping ACMS processes is performed by ACMS OPER, which may return warning messages. In this case, a set of messages is returned describing the cause for the warning.
  • A call to display ACMS process information was made, and old (stale) data was returned. This can occur when an ACMS process is no longer running, and a show function requests data for that process. For instance, if the TSC was running and then had been stopped, and the acmsmgmt_get_tsc_1 function is called, the tsc record is returned with WARN status.

User Action: No action is required; however, the record_state field of any record returned should be checked. The Remote Manager flags old data with a record_state of MGMT$K_INACTIVE.

If this status is returned as the result of an ACMSMGR command, old (inactive) records are flagged with an asterisk (*) preceding the node name.

WRONG_NODE, current node does not match node in credentials file!

Explanation: The node name stored in the credentials file does not match the node name on which the current process created it. Either the file is corrupt, or it has been tampered with.
User Action: The user should log in to the Remote Manager again. This will create a new credentials file.
WRONG_PID, current pid does not match pid in credentials file!

Explanation: The PID stored in the credentials file does not match that of the current process. Either the file is corrupt, or it has been tampered with.
User Action: The user should log in to the Remote Manager again. This will create a new credentials file.
XLATE_FAILED, an attempt to translate a symbolic error name failed

Explanation: An attempt was made to add an error filter record using the symbolic name for the error message. The translation of the symbolic name to its hexadecimal value failed.
User Action: Verify that you have specified the symbolic name correctly. If the problem persists, try entering the record using the hexadecimal value of the error message that you want to filter.

C.2 ACMSMGR Messages

The following error messages pertain to the ACMSMGR process.

2MANYCLASSES, too many class qualifiers were specified.

Explanation: Each ACMSMGR command allows either one class or all classes to be displayed at the same time. To display all classes, do not include a class qualifier with the command. To display a particular class, include that qualifier with the command. You cannot specify more than one class qualifier with a given command.
User Action: Modify the command to include a maximum of one class qualifier, and resubmit the command. To learn more about the valid class qualifiers for a given command verb and object, use the ACMSMGMR HELP command.
ACTUPDINV, /active was specified for <field>, but this value is not dynamic. No update was performed

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify Configuration class data for an entity using ACMSMGR SET <entity> /ACTIVE command; however, one of the specified variables does not have an active value.
User Action: Reissue the command either without the /ACTIVE qualifier or with only variables that have an active value. For a list of variables and their valid values, see the ACMSMGR online help.
BADTIME, invalid time <time>

Explanation: The time specification provided for the command qualifier could not be parsed. Time specifications can include date and time, date only or time only. The date and time should be specified as a quoted string in the format DDMMMYYYY HH:MM:SS.hh. Partial strings are accepted (for example, "1NOV" or "10:00").
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid time specification. To learn more about valid time values, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
BADVALUE, invalid qualifier, cannot interpret value <value>

Explanation: The value provided for a command qualifier is invalid. It is either out of the range of acceptable values or is an invalid type.
User Action: Modify the command qualifier to include a valid value. To learn more about valid values for a given qualifier, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
CREDSFOUND, credentials for node <node> found, they will be used

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
ENCRYPTFAIL, encryption routine failure on <username>

Explanation: An attempt to encrypt the user name indicated for client authentication failed.
User Action: Make sure the user name is correct and reenter it.
END_TOO_SOON, end time must be greater than begin time

Explanation: While adding or modifying a row in the Collection table, an attempt was made to specify a storage_end_time earlier than the current storage_start_time.
User Action: Reissue the command, ensuring that storage_end_time is later than the storage_start_time; or omit storage_end_time or storage_start_time to accept the default value.
FILEOPENERR, could not open file <filename> for write

Explanation: This message is displayed when the /OUT qualifier to ACMSMGR command specifies an invalid or inaccessible file specification. The reason could be an invalid disk or device name, an incorrect logical name in the file specification, insufficient privileges for writing to the directory or file, or a full device.
User Action: Ensure that the client process can access the directory and file in the file specification, and resubmit the command.
HOSTNAMEFAIL, can't translate UCX$INET_HOST name, aborting...

Explanation: The logical name UCX$INET_HOST could not be translated by the client process. This logical is used to determine the current host name, which is used during client authentication. The logical is defined by the UCX or TCP/IP layered product when it is started. If the logical is not defined, either UCX or TCP/IP is not started, a different TCP/IP networking package is being used, or something has gone wrong with the logical name.
User Action: Verify that the UCX or TCP/IP layered product is started. If it is not, start it and then reissue the command. If it is started, contact your system administrator to determine why the logical is not defined.
INACTDATA, some or all data is old and may not accurately reflect the running system

Explanation: The data being displayed may contain information about processes that are no longer running. Old, or stale, data is displayed only if the /ALL qualifier was included with the command. The old records are flagged with an asterisk (*) in the first character of the node name.
User Action: No action is required. Remove the /ALL qualifier if you do not want to see old data.
LOGIN_FAIL, login failed

Explanation: The attempt to log in failed. The reason might be an invalid user name or password. The Remote Manager log will contain more information about the reason for failure.
User Action: Consult the Remote Manager log on the target node for more information about the failure (using the ACMSMGR SHOW LOG command). Correct the problem and resubmit the login request.
NAME2BIG, username is too long, please reenter

Explanation: The user name specified exceeds the maximum allowed length of 12 characters.
User Action: Modify the user name to be no longer than 12 characters and reenter it.
NOCLIENTS, no clients created, cannot continue

Explanation: No client attaches were successful. Previous messages will have been displayed indicating the particular reasons that the client attaches failed. Without attaching a client to a server, work can not be performed.
User Action: Determine and remedy the reason for the client attach failures then resubmit the command.
NOCLNT_ATTACH, cannot create client for node <node-name>

Explanation: An attempt to attach to the server on the node indicated in the command failed. If more than one server name was in the list to be processed, the next server will be tried. No further attempt will be made to submit commands to the node for which the attached client failed.
User Action: Verify that the node name is correct and that the Remote Manager is running on the node indicated. In some networks, it may be necessary to use a fully qualified TCP/IP node name. If the Remote Manager is running, verify that the Portmapper is running on the node and that the RPC interface in the Remote Manager has been started.
NOCOMPND, compound name is not allowed for this entity (only server and group).

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a collection record using a compound name for an entity that is not a server or group. Compound names (that is, names that contain an application specification and a process specification) are valid for only servers and groups.
User Action: Modify the command so it does not include a compound name. For more help about adding collection records, use the ACMSMGR HELP ADD COLLECTION command.
NOCREDS, could not get credentials for <node::user>

Explanation: The credentials file for the user either could not be found or could not be opened by the client process. The credentials file is created when a user explicitly logs in to the Remote Manager (that is, the user supplies a user name and password). A separate credentials file is created for each node to which a particular process logs in. The logical name ACMS$MGMT_CREDS_DIR is used to point to the directory containing credentials files.

Note that credentials files are process-specific (PID) and node specific.
User Action: Verify that the ACMS$MGMT_CREDS_DIR logical is pointing to a valid disk and directory in which a credentials file has been created; verify that the process has read access to the files in the directory. The process may have to log in to the Remote Manager again to create a new credentials file.

NODATA, no <entity-type> data was found for <node-name>

Explanation: The request to get information about the entity type indicated in the message returned no data. This message occurs when no instances of the particular process are running.
User Action: No action is required. If the process had been running previously, you may be able to see the information by resubmitting the command with the /ALL qualifier.
NOFACILITY, facility must be specified when setting trace level

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
NONODE, node must be specified as a logical or an argument

Explanation: Each ACMSMGR command needs a node name to be specified. The node name can be specified either as a command qualifier (for example, /NODE=mynode) or by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. Multiple nodes can be specified in a comma-separated list (for example, /NODE=node1,node2). To specify a list of nodes when defining the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE, enclose the entire list in double quotation marks. For example:


User Action: Modify the command to include the /NODE qualifier, or define the logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE to include at least one node name.
NORMAL, operation completed

Explanation: The command completed successfully.
User Action: No action is required.
NOVAL, qualifier <qualifier> requires a value string

Explanation: The qualifier indicated requires a value string, but none was provided.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid value string and resubmit the command. To learn more about the valid values for a given qualifier, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
OLDDATA, this data is old and may not accurately reflect the running system

Explanation: The data being displayed may contain information about processes that are no longer running. Old, or stale, data is displayed only if the /ALL qualifier was included with the command. The old records are flagged with an asterisk (*) in the first character of the node name.
User Action: No action is required. Remove the /ALL qualifier if you do not want to see old data.
PARAMFAIL, parameter update failed for parameter <parameter>. ACMS is not available or does not respond.

Explanation: A request to update an interval value failed because the Remote Manager could not pass the changed value to the ACMS process.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log for additional messages that might provide more information about the failure, and ensure that the ACMS trace monitor is running (process ACMS$TRACE_MON). If the trace monitor is not running, check whether the trace monitor logical ACMS$TRACE_MBX is defined.

Also ensure that the ACMS Remote Manager has been started (ACMSMGR START SYS). If the problem persists, restart ACMS and the Remote Manager.

PASS2BIG, password is too long, please reenter

Explanation: The password specified exceeds the maximum allowed length of 32 characters.
User Action: Modify the password to be no longer than 32 characters and reenter it.
QUALCONFLICT, qualifier <qualifier> is not supported in combination with other qualifier(s) on this command line

Explanation: Multiple, mutually exclusive qualifiers were provided for an ACMSMGR command.
User Action: Review the qualifiers and determine which are mutually exclusive. Reissue the command with the appropriate combination of qualifiers. For a list of variables and their valid values, see the ACMSMGR online help.
STORUPDINV, /stored was specified for <field>, but this value cannot be stored. No update was performed

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify Configuration class data for an entity using ACMSMGR SET <entity> /STORED command; however, one of the specified variables does not have a stored value.
User Action: Reissue the command either without the /STORED qualifier or with only variables that have a stored value. For a list of variables and their valid values, see the ACMSMGR online help.
UNKCMD, unrecognized command <command>

Explanation: The command verb indicated in the message is not valid.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid command verb. To learn more about valid verbs, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
UNKCMDOBJ, unrecognized object <command object> for this command

Explanation: The command object indicated in the message is not valid.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid command object. To learn more about valid command objects, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
USE_PROXY, username not supplied, proxy access will be attempted

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
WRONGPARAM, parameter type is not valid for this entity type, please correct and reexecute command

Explanation: The parameter type in the command is not valid for the entity type specified. Each parameter is valid for only a particular set of entity types; the combination specified is not a valid pair.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid combination of entity type and parameter. To learn more about valid combinations, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.
WRONGQUAL, qualifier <qualifier> is not supported for this verb and object, please correct and re-execute command

Explanation: A command qualifier was specified that is not valid for the verb/object combination specified.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid qualifier. To learn more about the valid qualifiers for a verb/object combination, use the ACMSMGR HELP command.

C.3 ACMSCFG Messages

The following error messages pertain to the ACMSCFG process.

ADDREC, record does not exist, creating new record from defaults

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
BAD_TIME, invalid time <time>

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
BAD_VALUE, invalid qualifier, cannot interpret value <value>

Explanation: A null or invalid value was provided to a qualifier.
User Action: Correct the value and resubmit the command. To learn more about ACMSCFG qualifiers and valid values, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
CLASS_REQ, collection class is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
CONFIG_NORMAL, operation completed

Explanation: The ACMSCFG command completed successfully.
User Action: No action is required.
END_TOO_EARLY, end time must be greater than begin time

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
ENTITY_REQ, entity type is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: A command was issued that requires an entity type to be specified.
User Action: Resubmit the command, including the /ENTITY=<entity_type> qualifier and the appropriate entity type.
ERRADD, error adding record

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
ERRDEL, error deleting record

Explanation: An error occurred while a record was being deleted. This message is preceded by a status message returned by RMS describing the error. The problem is usually an environmental one---for example, a locked file, insufficient privileges, and so on.
User Action: Refer to the message immediately preceding this one that describes the error returned from RMS.
ERROR_OPEN, could not open file <filename>

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
ERRUP, error updating record

Explanation: An error occurred while a record was being updated. This message is preceded by a status message returned by RMS describing the error. The problem is usually an environmental one---for example, a locked file, insufficient privileges, and so on.
User Action: Refer to the message immediately preceding this one that describes the error returned from RMS.
ID_REQ, entity name is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
IF_INVAL, invalid interface <interface>

Explanation: The interface name indicated is unrecognizable.
User Action: Modify the /INTERFACE qualifier to include a valid interface type. To learn about valid interface types, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
IF_REQ, interface type is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: The interface type is required in order to update the correct record. The command that was submitted did not specify the interface type.
User Action: Modify the command to include the /INTERFACE qualifier, along with the desired interface type. To learn more about updating interfaces, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
INSUF_ARGS, insufficient arguments

Explanation: An insufficient number of arguments was passed to the ACMSCFG utility. At least one argument is required.
User Action: Modify the command to include at least one argument. Use the ACMSCFG HELP command to learn about the various ACMSCFG commands.
INVPARAMTYPE, parameter type <parameter> is not valid for this entity type, please correct and re-execute the command

Explanation: The parameter type indicated is not valid for the entity type specified. Each parameter is valid for only a particular set of entity types; the combination specified is not a valid pair.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid combination of entity type and parameter. To learn more about valid combinations, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
INVSTATE, invalid state <state>

Explanation: The state indicated is unrecognizable.
User Action: Modify the qualifier to include a valid state. To learn about valid states, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
INVVALUE, qualifier <value> contains an invalid value, please correct and resubmit

Explanation: A qualifier was specified with an invalid value.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid value with the qualifier. To learn more about valid values for the qualifier, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
NAME_REQ, entity name is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
NODEFADD, records for this class cannot be added

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a record for the Id and Config classes, which is not allowed. New records for Id and Config classes cannot be added.
User Action: Any attempt to add records for Id and Config classes will fail.
NODEFDELETE, this record cannot be deleted, it is a mandatory default

Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a record that cannot be deleted. Default collection records for Id and Config classes cannot be deleted.
User Action: Any attempt to delete these records will fail.
NODEFDISABLE, collection cannot be disabled for this entity and class

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify the default Id and Config class records, which is not allowed. Default collection records for Id and Config classes cannot be deleted or modified.
User Action: Any attempt to modify records for Id and Config classes will fail.
NOFILE, unable to open file <filename>

Explanation: The configuration file could not be opened. The specification for the file to be opened is determined by the translation of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_CONFIG, or, if the logical name is not defined, the default file name is SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]ACMS$MGMT_CONFIG.ACM. The ACMSCFG utility will ask you whether or not you want to create a new file.
User Action: If the file does not exist and you would like to have a new file created with default values, respond to the prompts. If the file does exist, investigate why it could not be opened by the ACMSCFG utility.
NO_QUAL, insufficient arguments---no qualifiers, please correct and resubmit

Explanation: A command that requires at least one qualifier was submitted without any qualifiers.
User Action: Modify the command to contain at least one qualifier. To learn more about ACMSCFG commands their qualifiers, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
NORECDEL, record does not exist, no record deleted

Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a record that does not exist.
User Action: Correct the command to include the correct record identifiers. For collection records, entity type, class name, and entity name uniquely identify records; for trap records, entity type, entity name, and parameter name uniquely identify records.
NORECUP, record does not exist, no record updated

Explanation: An attempt was made to update a record that does not exist.
User Action: Correct the command to include the correct record identifiers. For collection records, entity type, class name, and entity name uniquely identify records; for trap records, entity type, entity name, and parameter name uniquely identify records. For interface records, interface type uniquely identifies the record.
NOT_ADDED, no record added

Explanation: This message is obsolete.
User Action: No action is required.
NOUPDATES, no changes to make, no updates made

Explanation: A command was issued to update the parameter record, but no parameters were specified for update. No changes were made to the record.
User Action: Modify the command to include at least one parameter to be modified.
NULLQUAL, null qualifier <qualifier>, nothing to do

Explanation: A qualifier was provided that requires a value, but no value was specified.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid value with the qualifier. To learn more about valid values for the qualifier, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
PARAM_INVALID, parameter <parameter name> is not valid for this entity

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
PARAM_REQ, parameter type is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
PAST_BEGIN, begin time must be in the future

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
TIMERID_REQ, timer id is required, please resubmit command

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented yet.
User Action: No action is required.
UNKCLASS, unrecognized class <class>

Explanation: The class type indicated is unrecognizable.
User Action: Modify the /CLASS qualifier to include a valid class. To learn about valid classes, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
UNKENTITY, unrecognized entity <entity>

Explanation: The entity type indicated is unrecognizable.
User Action: Modify the /ENTITY qualifier to include a valid entity type. To learn about valid entity types, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
UNKNOWN_OBJ, unknown obj <object>

Explanation: The command object specified is not valid.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid command object. The valid command objects vary depending on the command verb. Use the ACMSCFG HELP command to learn more about valid command verbs and objects.
UNKPARAM, unrecognized param <param>

Explanation: The parameter indicated is unrecognizable.
User Action: Modify the /PARAMETER qualifier to include a valid parameter name. To learn about valid parameters, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
UNKQUAL, unrecognized qualifier <qualifier>, please correct and re-execute command

Explanation: The qualifier indicated is unrecognized.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid qualifier. To learn more about valid qualifiers, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
UNKVERB, unrecognized verb <verb>, please correct and resubmit

Explanation: The verb indicated is unrecognized.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid verb. To learn more about valid verbs, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
VALTOOBIG, value is too large: <value>, please correct and resubmit

Explanation: A value was provided that is greater than the allowed maximum.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid value with the qualifier. To learn more about valid values for the qualifier, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.
VALTOOSMALL, value is too small: <value>, please correct and resubmit

Explanation: A value was provided that is less than the allowed minimum.
User Action: Modify the command to include a valid value with the qualifier. To learn more about valid values for the qualifier, use the ACMSCFG HELP command.

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