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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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Appendix B
RPC Procedures and Corresponding Rights Identifiers

Table B-1 lists RPC procedures and their corresponding rights identifiers.

Table B-1 RPC Procedures and Corresponding Rights Identifiers
Procedure Rights Identifier
ACMSMGMT_SET_ACC_2 ACMS$MGMT_OPER (+ ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD, if updating OpenVMS system parameter values.)

Appendix C
Remote Manager Error Messages

This appendix contains the error messages related to the Remote Manager server process, as well as the ACMSMGR, ACMSCFG, and ACMSSNAP utilities.

C.1 Server Messages

The following error messages pertain to the ACMS Remote Manager server process.

2MANY_USERS, the maximum number of users has been reached

Explanation: The user could not be logged in because the maximum number of concurrent users has been reached. This maximum is determined by the max_logins parameter, which is a dynamic parameter (that is, it can be changed dynamically).
User Action: Either log some users out, or increase the value of the max_logins parameter. You can use the ACMSMGR SHOW USERS command to determine which users are already logged in to the Remote Manager. Note that in order to issue that command or to increase the max_logins parameter, you must be logged in.
ACCTEXP, account is expired

Explanation: This status is returned during user login if the account associated with the user name has expired.
User Action: Either remove or modify the account expiration.
ACMSPARFAIL, attempt to read ACMSPAR.ACM failed. See audit log for details.

Explanation: This status is returned when the Remote Manager cannot access the ACMSGEN parameters file ACMSPAR.ACM.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log file (using ACMSMGR SHOW LOG) and correct the problem.
AUTHUPDFAIL, attempt to update the OpenVMS Authorization file failed. See audit log for details.

Explanation: This status is returned when the Remote Manager is unable to write to the SYSUAF during an attempt to update an OpenVMS system parameter.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log file (using ACMSMGR SHOW LOG) and correct the problem.
BADDAY, network access is prohibited for this day of week for this account

Explanation: This status is returned during user login if the UAF record for this user does not allow network access on this day of the week. Day-of-week restrictions on network access are set by system administrators or security personnel.
User Action: Either wait until an authorized day of the week to access the Remote Manager, or modify the network access portion of the UAF for this user.
BADHOUR, network access is prohibited for this hour for this account

Explanation: This status is returned during user login if the UAF record for this user does not allow network access during this time of day. Time-of-day restrictions on network access are set by system administrators or security personnel.
User Action: Either wait until an authorized hour to access the Remote Manager, or modify the network access portion of the UAF for this user.
CREDS_DATA_ERR, credentials file is corrupt

Explanation: The credentials file for this user has been corrupted. The file has been opened, but the client process cannot parse the contents of the file.
User Action: The user should log in to the Remote Manager again. This will create a new credentials file.
DISUSER, account is disusered

Explanation: This status is returned during user login if the account associated with the user name has the DISUSER flag set.
User Action: Clear the DISUSER flag on the UAF record for the account.
DUPLICATE_ROW, table row exists

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a row to either the Trap or the Collection table, but the row already exists.
User Action: Either modify the existing row, or add a new row with unique data.
ERRBOTHFLAGS, both current and active flags were set. They are mutually exclusive. No updates performed.

Explanation: This status is returned when a request is made to modify Configuration data for an entity by setting both the current_flag (/CURRENT) and active_flag (/ACTIVE) parameters. These flags are mutually exclusive; the Remote Manager rejects the request.
User Action: Resubmit the RPC call or ACMSMGR SET command setting only one flag per call or command.
ERRSTOPSNP, attempt to stop snapshot thread failed. General internal error.

Explanation: An attempt was made to stop a data snapshot thread by setting the storage_state parameter to DISABLED or deleting a row in the Collection table. The attempt failed due to a CMA exception.
User Action: This is a non-recoverable error. Reissue the RPC call or ACMSMGR command. If the problem persists, restart the Remote Manager process.
FLTRDBCORRUPT, the filter file database is corrupt.

Explanation: This status is returned when the Remote Manager error filter database is non-readable.
User Action: Shut down ACMS and the Remote Manager. Delete the file SYS$SYSTEM:ACMS$MGMT_ERROR_FILTER.DAT;*, and restart ACMS and the Remote Manager. If you have previously saved the contents of the error filter database (with ACMSMGR SAVE FILTER), you can restore the database with the following command:


where file-name is a full OpenVMS file specification (node::device:[directory]file.ext) for the error filter file.

FLTRDBFULL, the filter database is full

Explanation: This status is returned while attempting to add an error message filter record to a database that is at capacity.
User Action: Delete one or more error filter records using the ACMSMGR DELETE FILTER command.
FLTRDBINIT, the filter file global section is not initialized

Explanation: This status is returned while attempting to access the error filter database without the global section initialized.
User Action: Report this error to your Compaq support representative.
EVNT_MBX_FUL, event mailbox is full

Explanation: This status code has not been implemented.
User Action: No action is required.
FAIL, operation failed

Explanation: The function requested could not be performed.
User Action: The appropriate action depends on the function being called. In general, additional information is displayed by the ACMSMGR command in conjunction with this error code. That information should be more indicative of the reason for failure. If this status was returned by an RPC, the failure occurred in the Remote Manager process; a second-level error code is returned in the output record.
INFO, operation completed with information message

Explanation: The ACMS Remote Manager service completed without error but has logged an informational message. Informational messages are for debugging and auditing purposes.
User Action: No action is required.
INTERNALERR, an internal error has occurred. See audit log for details

Explanation: A request was to update the runtime ACMS system, but an unexpected error was returned by the DCL manager subsystem.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log for related informational messages. If the problem persists, restart the Remote Manager process.
INV_CLNTID, client id is invalid

Explanation: A request was made to the Remote Manager with an invalid client id. The client id is a unique value assigned to each client and used to verify client authorization. If the client id is not known to the Remote Manager, it either belongs to an old log in that has expired and been purged, or it was never valid.
User Action: The user should log in to the Remote Manager again.
INVVAR, invalid variable value was provided

Explanation: This status code is obsolete.
User Action: No action required.
LOGIN_EXPIRED, login credentials have expired, please log in again

Explanation: The credentials you used to log in to the Remote Manager have expired. Credentials are granted when the user logs in and are valid for a period of time equal to the value of the login_creds_lifetime parameter at the time of login. After that time, the credentials expire and must be re-created by logging in to the Remote Manager again.

Note that while proxy credentials also expire, they are automatically re-created at the end of the expiration period. Therefore, this status is never returned to proxy users.
User Action: The user must log in to the Remote Manager again.

MSGEXISTS, message already exists

Explanation: An attempt was made to add an existing error message record to the filter database.
User Action: No action required.
NOACCFLTRDB, the filter database cannot be read or written

Explanation: The memory address returned for error filter global section is not allowing read or write operations.
User Action: Examine the OWNER and GROUP protections on the file SYS$SYSTEM:ACMS$MGMT_ERROR_FILTER.DAT. Check the user accounts for the related ACMS Remote Manager processes to verify that they have READ and WRITE access to the file. The file owner and the ACMS accounts should be in the same group. All members of this group should have read and write access to the file.
NO_CREDS_FILE, credentials file not found

Explanation: The credentials file for the user either could not be found or could not be opened by the client process. The credentials file is created when a user explicitly logs in to the Remote Manager (that is, when the user supplies a user name and password). A separate credentials file is created for each node to which a particular process logs in. The logical name ACMS$MGMT_CREDS_DIR is used to point to the directory containing credentials files.
User Action: Verify that the ACMS$MGMT_CREDS_DIR logical is pointing to a valid disk and directory in which a credentials file has been created; verify that the process has read access to the files in the directory. If necessary, the process may have to log in to the Remote Manager again to create a new credentials file.
NOINTERVAL, storage interval not supplied. Cannot enable a thread without an internal. Resubmit with an interval.

Explanation: An API call was made to either the acms$mgmt_set_collection_2 or acms$mgmt_add_collection_2 function, but no value was specified for the storage interval.
User Action: Reissue the call making sure that a valid storage_interval is specified prior to setting the storage_state to ENABLED.
NOMEM, memory allocation failed

Explanation: An internal memory allocation by the Remote Manager failed. This can occur during a request for data, a call to add a record to a table, or during server initialization while it is loading initial configuration information. In the first two instances, the Remote Manager continues to run; in the third, the Remote Manager exits.
User Action: Increase the amount of memory available to the Remote Manager. If the problem is due to insufficient physical or virtual memory, try allocating more page or swap space. If physical and virtual memory are not exhausted, try increasing the memory quotas for the account in which the Remote Manager is running. Be sure to check SYSGEN PQL quotas to ensure that the quotas you grant to the Remote Manager are allowed by the system.

After making more memory available to the Remote Manager, you must restart the Remote Manager process.

NOMORE_DATA, no more data is available

Explanation: There is no more data that satisfies the query. This message is provided on list RPCs that can return more than one buffer of data. If a list RPC is called and this status is not returned, then more data is available that satisfies the query criteria. If this status is returned, then there is no more data to retrieve for this query.
User Action: No action is required. The query is complete.
NOMSGINTBL, message not in filter database

Explanation: An attempt was made to access an error message code that does not currently exist in the error filter database.
User Action: Verify that the error message code is correct and that it exists in the filter database. To display the error message codes currently being filtered, use the ACMSMGR SHOW FILTER command.
NONETACCESS, network access is prohibited for this account

Explanation: This status is returned during user login if the account associated with the user name has not been granted network access. Network access is required, even if the user is logged in to same node on which the Remote Manager is running.
User Action: Grant network access to the account.
NO_NODELOGICAL, cannot translate logical UCX$INET_HOST to get node name

Explanation: The logical name UCX$INET_HOST could not be translated by the client process. This logical is used to determine the current host name, which is used during client authentication. It is defined by the UCX or TCP/IP layered product when it is started. If this logical is not defined, UCX or TCP/IP is not started; either a different TCP/IP networking package is being used, or something has gone wrong with the logical name.
User Action: Verify that the UCX or TCP/IP layered product is started. If it is not, start it and then reissue the command. If it is started, contact your system administrator to determine why the logical is not defined.
NOPROXY, proxy access is not enabled

Explanation: This status is returned when a user attempts to access a Remote Manager function without explicitly logging in, and proxy access has not been enabled on the Remote Manager node. Proxy access is enabled on the node by defining the system logical ACMS$MGMT_ALLOW_PROXY_ACCESS to be TRUE, true, T, t, Y, y, or 1. The translation of this logical is cached by the Remote Manager when the RPC thread is started.
User Action: If proxy access is not supposed to be enabled, then there is no action to perform. If proxy access is to be allowed, define the ACMS$MGMT_ALLOW_PROXY_ACCESS system logical, with a translation value of TRUE, true, T,t, Y, y or 1. Then restart the Remote Manager and resubmit the RPC.
NOREINIT, filter file cannot be re-initialized

Explanation: The Remote Manager attempted to reinitialize the filter database. This is result of an internal consistency check that failed. The error should not have occurred.
User Action: Report this error to your Compaq support representative.
NORIGHT, user does not hold the proper rights identifier

Explanation: Access to Remote Manager functions is restricted by a set of rights identifiers; the account being used to access the function must have the appropriate rights identifier. If this status code is returned, the account does not have the appropriate rights identifier.
User Action: Grant the appropriate rights identifier to the user's account. If a proxy account is being used, the rights identifier must be granted to the proxy account.
NOSTOP, interface cannot be used to stop itself

Explanation: An attempt was made to stop an interface by using that interface. The Remote Manager does not allow either the RPC or the SNMP interface to be used to stop themselves.
User Action: If you need to stop the RPC interface and cannot use the ACMSMGR command, stop the Remote Manager either by using the DCL command STOP/ID or by using the UCX$SNMP_REQUEST (or TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST) program. These programs are located in SYS$SYSTEM; the OID to use is

To stop the SNMP interface, you must use the ACMSMGR SET INTERFACE command, or you must stop the Remote Manager (using either the ACMSMGR STOP command or the DCL command STOP/ID).

NOTENABLED, cannot disable storage if it is not enabled

Explanation: An attempt was made to set the storage_state for a Collection record to DISABLED when it already was disabled. No action was performed by the Remote Manager.
User Action: No action is required.
NOTFILTERFILE, the file is not an error filter text file

Explanation: This status is returned when the file specified in the ACMSMGR ADD FILTER/FILER command does not meet the format requirements for an error filter file.
User Action: Verify that the file specification is correct. If the specification is correct, review ACMSMGR online help for details about the formatting requirements for an error filter file. The first line of the file must contain the string %%ACMS Filter File V1.00. If it does not, the Remote Manager will not consider it a valid error filter file.
NOT_FOUND, record not found

Explanation: An attempt was made to delete a row from the Collection table, but that row does not exist.
User Action: Modify the request to include the proper identification information for the row (entity type, class, and name).
NOT_MAPPED, ACMSMGMT global section is not available on node <node-name>

Explanation: This status code is returned if a Remote Manager function was requested that requires access to the ACMSMGMT global section, but the global section does not exist. The global section is created by the ACMS ACC during system startup. This status code indicates that the ACMS ACC is not running or that it has not yet created the global section.
User Action: Start the ACMS run-time system in order to create the global section. The ACMS run-time system can be started by using either the ACMSMGR START SYSTEM command or the ACMS/START SYSTEM command.
NOT_VALID, entity data is stale, please resubmit query or wait until later

Explanation: The entity record in the global section is not valid. If this status code is returned, it means that the entity has never been started on the Remote Manager node. If the entity had been running at one time but no longer is, a severity level of WARN is returned and the record_state is set to INACTIVE.
User Action: No action is required. However, if the entity is started on the Remote Manager node, the data will become available.
NO_UPD_CLS, class cannot be modified

Explanation: An attempt was made to add, delete, or modify a Collection table record for the Id or Config class. These records cannot be modified.
User Action: No action is required. There is no way to modify the default collection records for the Id or Config classes.
PROXY_FAILED, proxy access attempt failed

Explanation: An attempt to verify proxy information for this client failed. A more specific message indicating why the proxy failed is written to the Remote Manager log. Reasons for proxy authentication failure include:
  • No proxy record is in the ACMSPROXY.DAT file.
  • The proxy account is disusered.
  • There is a problem with the network access for the account (does not have network access allowed, is outside of the allowed network access days or times).
  • The proxy account has expired.
  • An internal error occurred during processing.

User Action: First check the Remote Manager log for any additional information related to the login attempt. Then verify that none of the conditions listed are preventing the login from succeeding.
PWDEXP, password has expired

Explanation: The password entered by the user has expired in the UAF on the server node.
User Action: The user must either change the password or have it unexpired by a system or security administrator.
PWDFAIL, invalid password

Explanation: The password entered for the user during user login does not match the one stored in the UAF for this user on the server node.
User Action: Resubmit the login request for the user with the correct password.
SECCHKFAIL, security check failed. You do not hold the ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD rights identifier

Explanation: A request was made to modify one or more OpenVMS SYSGEN parameters with the Remote Manager; however, the user does not have the proper rights identifier. The request was denied.
User Action: Ask the ACMS system manager to grant the user account the ACMS$MGMT_SYSUPD rights identifier.
SNPRUNNING, failure creating timer thread entry. Thread already running?

Explanation: A request was made to set the storage_state for a Collection record to ENABLED; however, an internal error was raised.
User Action: Examine the Remote Manager log for additional messages that describe the source of the problem. Reissue the command. If the problem persists, try deleting and adding the Collection record. If the problem remains, restart the Remote Manger process.
SUCCESS, operation completed

Explanation: The ACMS Remote Manager service completed without error.
User Action: No action is required.
TABLE_FULL, collection table is full. Non dynamic parameter total_entity_slots controls size

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a row to the Collection table, but there are no empty slots. The maximum number of rows in the Collection table is determined by the nondynamic parameter total_entity_slots.
User Action: To make the table bigger, modify this parameter in the configuration file (using the ACMSCFG command), and restart the ACMS run-time system. The Remote Manager can be left running.

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