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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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Ends the current ACMSSNAP session.



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This command ends the current ACMSSNAP session and returns control to DCL. It is equivalent to the EXIT command.



This command ends the current ACMSSNAP session.


Clears the local memory tables.


ACMSSNAP> RESET [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ALL None

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This qualifier instructs the ACMSSNAP utility to place the file pointer at the beginning of the data snapshot file. If this qualifier is not specified, the local memory tables are cleared; however, the file pointer remains at the current position within the data snapshot file.


Use the RESET command to remove all data snapshot records from internal data tables and clear the local memory buffer.

Specifying the /ALL qualifier is equivalent to closing and reopening the data snapshot file; the position marker is moved to the beginning of the data snapshot file. Without the /ALL qualifier, the internal tables are cleared, but the location of the position marker is not changed.



This command clears the local buffer of all data snapshot records and places the position marker at the beginning of the data snapshot file.


Locates and displays information from one or more data snapshot records.


ACMSSNAP> SHOW entity [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/APPL=application-name None. Valid for EXC, SERVER, and Task Group only.
/AT=time None
/[BRIEF,FULL] /FULL if no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ID, /POOL,
or /RUNTIME) is specified. Otherwise, /BRIEF.
/[class-name] * (all)
/GROUP=group-name Valid for Task Group only.
/NEXT=value None
/OUT=file-name None
/PREV=value None
/SERVER=server-name Valid for Server only.

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This parameter can be one of the following ACMS entities: ACC, CP, EXC, GROUP, QTI, SERVER, or TSC.



This qualifier specifies the application for which you want to view information. This qualifier is only valid when specified with the EXC, SERVER, or GROUP entity.


This qualifier moves through the available data snapshot records and displays the first record equal to or greater than the specified time. The format of time is DD-MMM-YY:hh:mm:ss.nn. Partial dates and times (for example, 10-OCT or 09:00) are supported.


This qualifier causes either summary (/BRIEF) or detailed (/FULL) information to be displayed.


This qualifier causes data for the class to be displayed. If no class qualifier is specified, this qualifier is ignored and all details are displayed (equivalent to /FULL).


This qualifier specifies the ACMS task group for which you want to view information. Wildcard matching is performed on the name provided. This qualifier is only valid when specified with the GROUP entity.


Use this qualifier to display the specified number of records (in chronological order) for an entity. Data is displayed for each record found. If /FULL is not specified, a timestamp that indicates when the record was created is also displayed. A value is required with this qualifier.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


Use this qualifier to display the specified number of records (in reverse chronological order) for an entity. Data is displayed for each record found. If /FULL is not specified, a timestamp that indicates when the record was created is also displayed. A value is required with this qualifier.


This qualifier specifies the ACMS procedure server for which you want to view information. Wildcard matching is performed on the name provided. This qualifier is only valid when specified with the SERVER entity.


The data shown for each entity parallels the format of the equivalent ACMSMGR command with the following exceptions:
  • A timestamp is appended within square brackets to the output of /BRIEF displays. This is provided as a navigational aid.
  • The node name is derived from the translation of the UCX$INET_HOST logical on the system the snapshot file was created. In ACMSMGR, the node name is taken from whatever was specified by the client when the ACMSMGR command was issued (such as from the /NODE qualifier or from the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical).

Data is written to snapshot files based on entries in the Collection table. As a result, only specific classes of information for a given entity may have been stored. Show commands for entities and classes that were not stored may display their default collection values along with a state value of disabled. The storage state for the collection row must be enabled for the actual data to be stored.

The /AT qualifier is intended to be the initial means of navigation by locating a specific entity record for a point in time. The ACMSSNAP utility uses the date given with the /AT qualifier and reads either backwards or forwards through the file until it finds a record for the specified entity. If the timestamp of the record is greater than the one specified, the utility begins reading backwards through the file until it finds an entity record with a time stamp equal to or less than the one specified.

If end or beginning of file is reached first, the search ends and an end-of-file message is displayed. Otherwise, the requested data is displayed. The end result is that when the command completes, a record is shown which is either at the exact time requested, or is the record just before or just after the time requested. You can then use the /NEXT or /PREV qualifier to navigate chronologically through adjacent records.

Special timestamps are used to deal with beginning and end of file conditions. If the beginning of file is reached, the current timestamp is forced to be NULL (17-NOV-1958 00:00:00.00). If the end of file is reached, the current timestamp is forced to be 17-NOV-3000 00:00:00.00. To recover from these situations, a single NEXT or PREV command will read either the first or last record in the file.

See Section for more information on navigating through a data snapshot file with ACMSSNAP.



ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility
              Runtime   DECnet  ----- Users ----- - Applications -- Application
    Node       Class    Object  Current  Maximum  Current  Maximum     Starts
 ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------
 sparks       enabled  started  97       100      5        5        5  [  7-JUN-2001 14:20:31.98]

This command displays ACC runtime information for the record written on June 7, 2001 at 14:20:31.98.


ACMS Remote Management -- Snapshot utility


 Node         POOL
 ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 sparks       Pool Class Collection State        enabled

              MSS Gauge                          Current   Max       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- -----------------------
              MSS Objects                        1859      1881       7-JUN-2001 14:19:12.45

              MSS Maxbuf Message Counters        Current            Time
              ---------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
              MSS Msg Size     0 to  1024 bytes               13927
              MSS Msg Size  1025 to  2048 bytes                  94
              MSS Msg Size  2049 to  4096 bytes                  15
              MSS Msg Size  4097 to  8192 bytes                  41
              MSS Msg Size  8193 to 16384 bytes                   0
              MSS Msg Size 16385 to 32768 bytes                   0
              MSS Msg Size 32769 to 65536 bytes                   0
              MSS Message Counter Overflow Resets                 0  (null)

              MSS Process Pool                             Pct      Time
              -------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
              Pool Size (bytes)                  524288
              Current Free (bytes)               516688    (98%)
              Minimum Free (bytes)               515664    (98%)     7-JUN-2001 14:18:16.00
              Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
              Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536               7-JUN-2001 14:20:56.00
              Allocation Failures                0
              Garbage Collections                0

              MSS Shared Pool                              Pct      Time
              -------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
              Pool Size (bytes)                  33792000
              Current Free (bytes)               33624344  (99%)
              Minimum Free (bytes)               33620712  (99%)     7-JUN-2001 14:14:25.98
              Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
              Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536               7-JUN-2001 14:20:56.00
              Allocation Failures                0
              Garbage Collections                0

              WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)        Current   Max       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------------------
              TWS Pool Size Total (pagelets)     562800    562800     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Size Total (pagelets)    22500     22500      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WS Pool Largest Used (bytes)       536       536        7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)      848       848        7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWS Pool Largest Used (bytes)      73728     73728      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)     1792      1792       7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99

              WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)        Current   Min       Time
              ---------------------------------- --------- --------- ------------------------
              WS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)       130536    130536     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              WSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)      64688     64688      7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)      3809280   3809280    7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99
              TWSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)     152704    152704     7-JUN-2001 14:20:55.99

This command displays ACC pool information from the same record.


Toggles tracing information on and off.



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The main function of tracing is to display the node, timestamp, entity, and class type for the record being read. Tracing also provides some warning information when the internal CP or EXC tables become full.

The TRACE command either turns tracing on or off, depending on the current state. A status message is displayed when the command is issued that indicates which action was performed.



This command activates tracing for the current ACMSSNAP session.

Appendix A
Remote Manager Logical Names

This appendix contains information about the Remote Manager logical names used by the Remote Manager server and the Remote Manager client (ACMSMGR) and Remote Manager Data Snapshot (ACMSSNAP) utilities.

A.1 Remote Manager Server

The following list describes the logical names used by the Remote Manager server. If these logical names are present, they must be defined at a level that will be translated by the Remote Manager server. In general, these should be defined as system logicals.

    If defined as 1 or TRUE, the Remote Manager will perform proxy authorization using the ACMSPROXY.DAT file. If not defined, only explicit (user name and password) authorization is allowed.
    File specification for the configuration file. If not defined, the default is SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]ACMS$MGMT_CONFIG.ACM. The default file extension is .ACM.
    When defined to be T,t,Y,y,1 (or any odd number), this logical prevents ACMS from performing any operations that support remote management. Management global sections are not created, and class data is not collected.
    File specification for the Remote Manager log. If not defined, the default is ACMS$MGMT_LOG.LOG in the default directory of the Remote Manager.
    Pointer to a directory that the Remote Manager server uses for writing and reading temporary command procedures used to modify the ACMS run-time system. If not defined when the Remote Manager server is started, the Remote Manager will define this as a system logical with a translation of SYS$MANAGER.

A.2 Remote Manager Client (ACMSMGR) Utility

The following us a list of logical names used by the ACMSMGR utility:

    Defines the directory in which the ACMSMGR stores and looks for credentials files. Credentials files are created by the ACMSMGR LOGIN command and are specific to a process on a node. See Section for more information.
    File specification for the run-time error log. If not defined, the default is ACMS$MGMT_LOG.LOG in the default directory of the Remote Manager.
    Defines one or more fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host names. ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE determines the nodes to which the ACMSMGR command can be submitted.
    This logical can be specified as a comma-separated list of node names, in which case an attempt is made to execute the command on each node in the list serially. This logical name can be overridden by using the /NODE qualifier to ACMSMGR commands.


    To ensure consistent handling and display of command output, the names of TCP/IP hosts specified by this logical must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.
    Full OpenVMS file specification (node::device:[directory]filename.ext) for a data snapshot file. If not defined, the default is ACMS$MGMT_SNAPSHOT.DAT in the default directory of the Remote Manager.
    Defines the user name for Remote Manager authentication and authorization. This logical name should not be defined if proxy access is being used. If ACMS$MGMT_USER is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility either creates a user name (during login) or searches for the credentials file for this user. This logical name can be overriden by using the /USER qualifier on ACMSMGR commands.

A.3 Remote Manager Data Snapshot (ACMSSNAP) Utility

The following is a list of logical names used by the ACMSSNAP utility:

    Specifies the size for the CP table in the local section created by the ACMSSNAP utility. If this logical is not defined, a default value of 3 is used.
    Specifies the size for the EXC table in the local section created by the ACMSSNAP utility. If this logical is not defined, a default value of 10 is used.

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