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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
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You can stop your application and the ACMS system with the ACMS/STOP command. Before you stop the system, however, issue the SHOW SYSTEM command to see if another person is using the ACMS system:
The system displays the names of any active applications and any active users. If no other applications or users are active, issue both ACMS/STOP commands. Otherwise, issue only the STOP APPLICATION command, specifying the name of your application:
ACMS waits until all active tasks have finished executing before it stops the application and the system.
Other ACMS operator commands allow you to display information about your ACMS system and perform application management functions. Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications contains a detailed discussion of ACMS operator commands.
The AVERTZ car company is a fictional car rental company created to illustrate how transaction processing (TP) can solve a business problem. With AVERTZ, the business problem is how data entry personnel can quickly and efficiently create, access, and update car rental information.
As you walk through Part 3 and through the AVERTZ application, you can see different perspectives of a single TP system. This document contains the following three chapters, and is organized so that you can get AVERTZ up and running quickly:
Since the AVERTZ application is already designed and developed, the first step you should take is to set up the application so that you can try it out. This chapter helps you build, install, and set up AVERTZ.
You cannot build the AVERTZ application under multiversion Rdb. |
Before you follow the instructions in this chapter, check to make sure that the ACMS$DIRECTORY logical name is defined. Check this by typing the following command at your DCL prompt:
If the logical name is defined, you can proceed with the instructions in this chapter. If the logical name is not defined, you receive the following error message:
%SHOW-S-NOTRAN, no translation for logical name ACMS$DIRECTORY |
If you receive this error message, then before proceeding with the instructions in this document, you must follow the postinstallation instructions in Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Installation Guide.
Before you try to run the AVERTZ application, you must create a
transaction log for DECdtm services. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Installation Guide for a
description of how to do this.
15.1 Building the AVERTZ Application and Databases
The AVERTZ environment consists of the following directories:
Before you can run the AVERTZ application, you must build the databases and application. To build the databases and application, log in to an OpenVMS account that has SYSPRV privileges, and enter the following command:
If SYSPRV is not enabled for the account you use, ask your system manager to enable that privilege using the OpenVMS Authorize Utility.
Once your account has SYSPRV enabled, enter the following command to use the directory that contains the AVERTZ sources:
To build the AVERTZ application, use the AVERTZ_BLD.COM command procedure, which is in the ACMS$EXAMPLES directory. The AVERTZ_BLD.COM procedure:
The AVERTZ_BLD.COM procedure requires additional files for successful execution. These files ship with the AVERTZ application, and are located in the ACMS$EXAMPLES directory:
When you run AVERTZ_BLD.COM, you are prompted to enter a directory location for the source code, the data dictionary, the databases, and the images.
The following example shows a sample walkthrough of AVERTZ_BLD.COM. You can follow the instructions by entering the commands and responses that are printed in red.
Enter name of the source directory for AVERTZ - e.g. disk1:[x.y]: |
Enter name of the directory for AVERTZ CDD dictionary - e.g. disk1:[x.y]: |
Enter name of the database directory for AVERTZ - e.g. disk1:[x.y]: |
Place object and image files in the source directory? [Y]/N: |
Y |
Are these directory names correct? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Have the CDD dictionary and its sub-directories been created?: |
N |
Define fields and records in CDD? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Build message file? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Compile tasks? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Build task group? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Build menu? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Build application? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Build form? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Compile server procedures? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
Have the VEHICLE_RENTALS and VEHICLE_HISTORY databases been built?: |
N |
Link servers? - Y/[N]: |
Y |
This section is mainly for future reference, after you install and run AVERTZ. The information in this section allows you to change components of AVERTZ and incorporate those new components into AVERTZ.
Once you become familiar with the AVERTZ application, you might want to modify some of the source files for learning purposes. When you modify a source file, you must run the AVERTZ_BLD.COM procedure again to include the modified sources into the running application.
The AVERTZ_BLD.COM procedure takes either one parameter or no parameter. The parameters that the AVERTZ_BLD.COM accepts are listed in Table 15-1.
Parameter | Effect |
COMPLETE | Executes the entire command procedure |
CDD | Defines the fields and records in the data dictionary |
MSG | Compiles and builds the message file |
TASK | Compiles the task definitions |
GROUP | Compiles and builds the task group |
MENU | Builds the AVERTZ menu |
APPL | Compiles and builds the application definition |
FORM | Compiles and builds the form |
PROC | Compiles the server procedures |
LINK | Links the server procedures |
If you specify COMPLETE as a parameter, AVERTZ recompiles the entire application. The other parameters allow you to selectively choose the components of the application that are recompiled and built into the running application. If you change a task definition, for example, you can run AVERTZ_BLD.COM with the TASK parameter by entering the following command:
The command procedure compiles only the task definitions, and includes
the new task definitions with the running application.
15.2 Setting Up the AVERTZ Environment
Before you can begin running the AVERTZ application, there is some "one time only" work that needs to be done. You must:
The next two sections describe how to do this work.
15.2.1 Creating AVERTZ Accounts
The system manager typically creates user accounts for the Application Execution Controller (a component of ACMS that coordinates task execution), and each of the servers (accounts that handle processing work). These accounts are created using the Authorize utility. The name of the Application Execution Controller for AVERTZ is AVERTZ_EXC; the names of the servers for AVERTZ are AVERTZ_LOG, AVERTZ_READ, and AVERTZ_UPD.
Your system manager should create the AVERTZ_EXC account with the following quotas and privileges:
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 200 Bytlm: 50000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 190 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 2 DIOlm: 45 WSdef: 756 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 392 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 221 WSextent: 4096 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 50000 Authorized Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX SETPRV TMPMBX Default Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX TMPMBX |
Your system manager should create the AVERTZ_LOG account with the following quotas and privileges:
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 200 Bytlm: 50000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 190 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 4 DIOlm: 45 WSdef: 756 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 1000 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 221 WSextent: 4096 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 60000 Authorized Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX SETPRV TMPMBX Default Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX TMPMBX |
Your system manager should create the AVERTZ_READ account with the following quotas and privileges:
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 200 Bytlm: 50000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 190 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 2 DIOlm: 45 WSdef: 756 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 392 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 221 WSextent: 4096 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 50000 Authorized Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX SETPRV TMPMBX Default Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX TMPMBX |
Your system manager should create the AVERTZ_UPD account with the following quotas and privileges:
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 200 Bytlm: 50000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 190 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 7 DIOlm: 45 WSdef: 756 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 392 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 221 WSextent: 4096 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 50000 Authorized Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX SETPRV TMPMBX Default Privileges: GROUP GRPNAM NETMBX TMPMBX |
For the AVERTZ_EXC, AVERTZ_LOG, AVERTZ_READ, and AVERTZ_UPD user accounts, your system manager might need to increase some of the SYSGEN parameters. Your system manager should check the values of the following parameters whose names have the PQL_ prefix --- in particular, the PQL_MENQLM parameter:
The AVERTZ_DEFAULT and AVERTZ_DATABASE logical names are required in order for you to run the AVERTZ application.
The AVERTZ_DEFAULT logical name must point to the directory that contains the AVERTZ source files. Since the ACMS installation places the source files in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMS], enter the following command:
The AVERTZ_DATABASE logical name must point to the directory that contains the databases. Since the ACMS installation places the databases in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.ACMS.DATABASE], enter the following command:
To ensure that these logical names are defined when your system
reboots, you can also add these lines to your system startup command
procedure. The default startup command procedure for OpenVMS VAX
Version 5.x is SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. The default startup
command procedure for OpenVMS VAX starting with Version 6.x and for
15.3 Managing the AVERTZ Environment
Once the AVERTZ accounts and logical names are set up, you can begin to authorize specific users and devices for AVERTZ. You must:
The next two sections describe how to do this work. You can refer to these instructions as you continue to add authorized users and terminals for AVERTZ.
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