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OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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3.4 Configuring a Cluster

The installation procedure now displays information about cluster configuration. But, because there is no network present on the system at this point in the procedure, no cluster configuration work can actually be performed at this time.

In an OpenVMS Cluster, you can run multiple systems sharing all files

Cluster configuration cannot be done at this time because no network
is present. In order to configure a cluster, you must FIRST do one
or both of the following:

    o Install DECnet-Plus (or DECnet Phase IV), or
    o Execute SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP.COM by removing the
      comment delimiter ("!") from the line



Then configure the cluster by executing the following command:


See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials for more information.

Once the network is running on your system, you can execute the SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM command procedure to configure your cluster. For detailed information about cluster configuration, refer to the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual.

3.5 Selecting the Default Windowing System

The procedure now lets you specify a default windowing system. If you want to select DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX as the default windowing system, answer yes to the following question:

* Do you want DECwindows Motif as the default windowing system? (Y/N)

3.6 Setting Passwords

Next, the installation procedure prompts you to set passwords for the SYSTEM, SYSTEST, and FIELD accounts and uses this information to create a rights database.

When setting the passwords, note the following:

  • Passwords must be at least eight characters in length; they do not appear on the display.
  • Press Return after you enter the password.
  • After you enter the password, the procedure checks to make sure it meets the requirements for a valid password.
  • Reenter the password for verification.

The following is a sample display:

     Now we will ask you for new passwords for the following accounts:

                SYSTEM, SYSTEST, FIELD

     Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length. All passwords
     will be checked and verified. Any passwords that can be guessed easily
     will not be accepted.

* Enter password for SYSTEM:
* Re-enter for verification:
%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated
%VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for SYSTEM verified

* Enter password for SYSTEST:
* Re-enter for verification:
%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated
%VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for SYSTEST verified

     The SYSTEST_CLIG account will be disabled. You must reenable
     it before running UETP but do not assign a password.

* Enter password for FIELD:
* Re-enter for verification:
%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated
%VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for FIELD verified

If there are no password errors, the procedure creates your rights database, and you can proceed to the next section.

If you reenter a password incorrectly or if the system determines that the password is too easy for another user to guess, the system displays an error message similar to the following:

%VMS-I-PWD_INVALID, account password for SYSTEST is invalid
%VMS-I-PWD_WEAK, password is too easy to guess

Because of the preceding error, you must take action to secure this account.
You must either disable this account, change its password, or do both.

When the procedure asks if you want to disable the account, type N and press Return. When the procedure asks if you want to enter a new password, type Y and press Return. Then enter a new password. For example:

Do you want to disable this account (Y/N)? N
Do you want to change the account password (Y/N)? Y
You must now select a new primary password for the SYSTEST account. The
password you select must be at least 8 characters in length and cannot
be the same as the name of the account:

New password:
%UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated
%VMS-I-PWD_SET, primary password for account SYSTEST set

When you have successfully set the passwords, the installation procedure creates your rights database, which lets you manage user access to the system, and displays the following message:

Ignore any "-SYSTEM-F-DUPIDENT, duplicate identifier" errors
%UAF-I-RDBCREMSG, rights database created

3.7 Entering SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID Parameters

The procedure displays the following prompts:

* Please enter SCSNODE name:

* Please enter SCSSYSTEMID:

Enter the SCSNODE name and SCSSYSTEMID that you determined as part of the preinstallation tasks in Chapter 2.

3.8 Postinstallation Tasks Described

After the procedure creates the rights database, it displays messages describing postinstallation tasks you might want to perform.


You do not perform these tasks now. Perform them after the installation completes.

The tasks displayed on your screen might vary from the following example, depending on what options you chose to install earlier in the procedure.

After the installation finishes, you might want to do one or more of the
following tasks:

o DECOMPRESS THE SYSTEM LIBRARIES - To save space, many of the system
  libraries are shipped in a data-compressed format.  If you have
  enough disk space, you can decompress the libraries for faster access.
  To data expand the libraries, type:


  If you do not decompress these libraries, you will experience
  slower response to the HELP and LINK commands.

o BUILD A STANDALONE BACKUP KIT - You can build a standalone backup kit
  using the procedure described in the "Backup Procedures" chapter of
  the upgrade and installation supplement provided for your VAX computer.

o TAILOR THE SYSTEM DISK - You might want to review the files provided or
  not provided during this installation. If you find there are files
  you want to remove from the system disk (TAILOR OFF) or files you want
  to add (TAILOR ON), use the following utilities to perform the
  desired tailoring.

    OpenVMS tailoring:             $ RUN SYS$UPDATE:VMSTAILOR

    DECwindows tailoring:          $ RUN SYS$UPDATE:DECW$TAILOR

  Note: The tailor procedure cannot be used to TAILOR ON or TAILOR OFF
        files located on an alternate disk.

For more information about decompressing the system libraries, see Section 4.7 in Chapter 4. For information on using VMSTAILOR or DECW$TAILOR, see Chapter 10.

After the messages about postinstallation tasks are displayed, the procedure displays a message similar to the following:

   Continuing with OpenVMS VAX V7.3 Installation Procedure.

   Configuring all devices on the system...

Proceed to the next section for information about registering your licenses.

3.9 Registering Licenses

Before you can use the OpenVMS VAX operating system and its components, you must register all licenses in the following order. If you do not register your licenses at this point in the procedure, you must register them immediately after the installation, before you perform postinstallation tasks.

  1. Register the OpenVMS VAX license for the VAX computer on which you have just installed the operating system. If you have an OpenVMS Cluster system, you then register an OpenVMS VAX license for each additional computer in the cluster that will boot off the system disk that you just created. Each registered OpenVMS VAX license must be assigned to one of the nodes for the cluster.
  2. Register the licenses for any System Integrated Products (SIPs) that you purchased.

For more information about registering licenses, refer to the following:

  • OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, which provides:
    • Details about all LICENSE commands, error messages, and recovery procedures for licensing tasks
    • A description of VMSLICENSE.COM, with step-by-step instructions for registering licenses
    • Examples of license registration using VMSLICENSE.COM and LICENSE REGISTER commands
  • Appendix B of this manual for notes and supplemental information concerning licenses

You can use the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure to register a license for any Compaq product that supplies a Product Authorization Key (PAK). Or, you can register licenses with the LICENSE REGISTER command. Refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for detailed information.

3.9.1 Types of OpenVMS VAX Licenses

The OpenVMS VAX operating system uses one of two different categories of licenses, depending on the hardware and software configuration used and currently supported. The two categories of operating system licenses for OpenVMS VAX are:

  • VAX VMS licensing
  • OpenVMS VAX licensing

The following table describes the types of licenses for each licensing category. Compaq provides the proper license type with the purchase of the system. Not all license types are available for every system model.

Type of License Description
VAX VMS Licenses
Traditional License Provides unlimited use to the users on a defined system. VAX VMS traditional licenses are sized to capacity according to system type.
Multi-User License Provides use according to a specified number of concurrent users. This is an activity-based license. The Multi-User License gives you the right to use the operating system for up to the limit of users specified in the license. An operating system user is one who is logged in to the system or one who is using the operating system software by means other than login, or both. This license is available only on limited system models, primarily MicroVAX and VAX 4000 systems.

Interactive use of VAX systems licensed with the Multi-User License can be increased by the addition of the OpenVMS VAX Individual User License 1 for one or more users. For more information, refer to the description of the OpenVMS VAX Individual User License later in this table.

VAX VMS Workstation License Provides use for a single user on a VAX workstation. This license type allows one direct login for the single user and then one additional login for system management purposes only.

Additional interactive use of VAX workstations licensed with the VAX VMS Workstation License requires the addition of an OpenVMS VAX User License 1 for one or more users. For more information, refer to the description of the OpenVMS VAX Individual User License later in this table.

File and Application Server License Provides for the noninteractive use of OpenVMS VAX. OpenVMS based VAXservers are sold with a File and Application Server License.

The intent of an OpenVMS based VAXserver is to provide file, print, application, and compute services to clients who have remotely submitted their requests for these services. This license type also allows one direct login for system management purposes only.

Additional interactive use of OpenVMS VAXservers licensed with the File and Application Server License requires the addition of an OpenVMS VAX User License 1 for one or more users. For more information, refer to the description of the OpenVMS VAX Individual User License later in this table.

OpenVMS VAX Licenses
OpenVMS VAX O/S Base License 2 Provides the right to unrestricted, noninteractive use of the OpenVMS VAX operating system for the execution of remotely submitted requests for batch, print, application, and computing services, on a designated, single processor.

No direct OpenVMS VAX operating system logins by users are permitted on the system. One direct login is allowed for system management purposes only.

Interactive use of systems licensed with an OpenVMS VAX O/S Base License requires the addition of an OpenVMS VAX Individual User License 1 for one or more users.

OpenVMS VAX Individual User License 1 Provides the right to interactively use the operating system by a specified, or unlimited, number of concurrent users on a designated, single processor. A user is one who is logged in to a processor or one who is interactively using the operating system software by means other than login, or both. An OpenVMS VAX O/S Base License, or any of the four types of VAX VMS Licenses, is a prerequisite for the OpenVMS VAX Individual User License.

1The OpenVMS VAX Individual User License is not supported by the VMS or OpenVMS VAX operating system releases prior to VMS Version 5.5.
2The OpenVMS VAX O/S Base License is not supported by the VMS or OpenVMS VAX operating system releases prior to VMS Version 5.5.

3.9.2 How to Register OpenVMS VAX Licenses

After you install the OpenVMS VAX operating system, the system displays the following message:

   If you have Product Authorization Keys (PAKS) to register, you can
   register them now.

* Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? (Y/N)

Respond to the prompt as follows:

If you choose ... Then ...
Not to register the licenses at this time Do the following:
  1. Type N and press Return.
  2. Go to Section 3.12.
  3. Remember that, after the installation, you must register your licenses before performing any other postinstallation tasks (see Chapter 4).
To register your licenses now Do the following:
  1. Type Y and press Return.
  2. Be sure you have a copy of your PAK for each license you will register.
  3. Go to the next section to begin the licensing procedure.

3.9.3 Using the Licensing Procedure

Entering Y (Yes) to register your licenses during the installation invokes the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure, which displays the following message:

    OpenVMS License Management Utility Options:

        1. REGISTER a Product Authorization Key
        2. AMEND an existing Product Authorization Key
        3. CANCEL an existing Product Authorization Key
        4. LIST Product Authorization Keys
        5. MODIFY an existing Product Authorization Key
        6. DISABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
        7. DELETE an existing Product Authorization Key
        8. COPY an existing Product Authorization Key
        9. MOVE an existing Product Authorization Key
       10. ENABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
       11. SHOW the licenses loaded on this node
       12. SHOW the unit requirements for this node

       99. Exit this procedure

    Type '?' at any prompt for a description of the information
    requested. Press Ctrl/Z at any prompt to return to this menu.

Enter one of the above choices [1]
  1. Select the appropriate options (beginning with 1, as indicated in the display) until you have successfully registered all required PAKs.
  2. After you register all your licenses, exit from the License Management procedure by entering option 99.

3.9.4 How to Register System Integrated Products

After you register the OpenVMS VAX license, you must register the license for any of the following System Integrated Products (SIPs) you have purchased:

  • OpenVMS Cluster Software
    (LMF Product Name: VAXCLUSTER)
  • RMS Journaling for OpenVMS
    (LMF Product Name: RMSJNL)
    On systems that do not have registered and loaded journaling licenses, users cannot write to any files marked for journaling.
  • Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS
    (LMF Product Name: VOLSHAD)
    You must register and load a license for Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS on each node using volume shadowing, including satellites in an OpenVMS Cluster system.

3.9.5 How to Register DECnet Products

You must also register the license for any of the DECnet products you have purchased. There are two DECnet licenses that apply to both Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX and DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS VAX:

  • The end node license named DVNETEND
  • The routing node license named DVNETRTG
    All routing nodes must have a routing license. Each end node can have either an end node license or a routing license. If neither license is registered and activated, DECnet does not start and your use is limited to local DECnet only (SET HOST 0). If DECnet for OpenVMS is running when you register your license, you must stop and then restart it.
    You can control which cluster nodes have access to each license. Using the LICENSE MODIFY/INCLUDE=(node-name[,node-name,...]) command, you can assign licenses to nodes and limit access as needed. For example, you can assign a routing node license to just one cluster node and assign the end node licenses to the remaining cluster nodes. If you choose this approach, make sure you assign a license to each end node license. Specify include lists for each license of the same type. For details, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

3.10 Updating Time Zone Information

At this point in the installation, the procedure asks you for information that is used for providing local time zone support. For local time zone support to work correctly, the installation procedure must set the time zone that accurately describes the location you want to be considered as your default time zone. Usually, this is the time zone in which your system is running. In addition, your system must be correctly configured to use a valid OpenVMS time differential factor (TDF).

The procedure displays a series of time zone menus and prompts you to make selections from each. Begin by selecting the desired time zone from the main time zone menu. If you do not select a time zone, the default is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

If you choose a time zone that has subcomponents, the system displays an additional menu. For example, if you choose the United States (US) time zone from the main menu, a second menu displays the specific time zones within the United States. You then select the menu item that best represents the desired time zone.

The procedure then prompts you for the TDF. The TDF is the difference between your system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is an international standard (similar to Greenwich Mean Time) for measuring time of day. The procedure supplies a default for TDF, which is generally the correct response.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Exit the time zone procedure without setting a TDF
  • Set a TDF
  • Display the TDF for your local time zone

The following is a sample display:

%UTC-I-UPDTIME, updating Time Zone information in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

    Configuring the Local Time Zone

    TIME ZONE SPECIFICATION -- Main Time Zone Menu

      1) Australia       11) GMT             21) Mexico          31) Turkey
      2) Brazil          12) Greenwich       22) NZ              32) UCT
      3) CET             13) Hong Kong       23) NZ-CHAT         33) US
      4) Canada          14) Iceland         24) Navajo          34) UTC
      5) Chile           15) Iran            25) PRC             35) Universal
      6) Cuba            16) Israel          26) Poland          36) W-SU
      7) EET             17) Jamaica         27) ROC             37) WET
      8) Egypt           18) Japan           28) ROK             38) Zulu
      9) Factory         19) Libya           29) Singapore
     10) GB-Eire         20) MET             30) SystemV

      0) None of the above

Select the number above that best describes your location: 33

You selected US as your time zone.
Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]:

    US Time Zone Menu

       1) Alaska           4) Central          7) Hawaii          10) Mountain
       2) Aleutian         5) East-Indiana     8) Indiana-Starke  11) Pacific
       3) Arizona          6) Eastern          9) Michigan        12) Samoa

       0) None of the above

Select the number above that best describes your location: 6

You selected US/Eastern as your time zone.
Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]:

    Default Time Differential Factor for standard time is -5:00.
    Default Time Differential Factor for daylight saving time is -4:00.

    The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference between your
    system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).  UTC is similar
    in most repects to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    The TDF is expressed as hours and minutes, and should be entered
    in the hh:mm format.  TDFs for the Americas will be negative
    (-3:00, -4:00, etc.); TDFs for Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
    will be positive (1:00, 2:00, etc.).

Is Daylight Savings time in effect? (Yes/No): yes

Enter the Time Differential Factor [-4:00]:


Is this correct? [Y]:

For more information about TDF and local time zone support, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

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