HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 3 Installing the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 4 After Installing the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 5 Before Upgrading the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 6 Preparing to Upgrade in an OpenVMS Cluster Environment
Chapter 7 Upgrading the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 8 After Upgrading the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
Chapter 9 Customizing DECwindows Support Software
Chapter 10 Using VMSTAILOR and DECW$TAILOR
Appendix A Multiversion VAX Upgrade Process
Appendix B License Management Supplement
Appendix C Booting from [SYSF] During an Upgrade
Appendix D OpenVMS VAX Save Set Subclasses
Appendix E DECwindows Display Server and Fonts Components
Appendix F NEW_OVER and NEW_UNDER Files
Appendix G Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station
Appendix H Small Capacity System Disks


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Getting Started
     1.1     Important Information
         1.1.1         Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
         1.1.2         DECnet Software
         1.1.3         DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX --- Minimum Version
         1.1.4         MACRO32.EXE and Standalone BACKUP
         1.1.5         Layered Product Availability
         1.1.6         Restrictions
     1.2     Key Terms
     1.3     Locating Files on the Distribution Media
         1.3.1         On CD-ROM
         1.3.2         On Magnetic Tape or Tape Cartridges
         1.3.3         DECamds Files
         1.3.4         Software Product Descriptions (SPDs)
     1.4     What Happens During an Installation
         1.4.1         When to Perform an Installation
         1.4.2         How to Use the Installation Documentation
     1.5     What Happens During an Upgrade
         1.5.1         When to Perform an Upgrade
         1.5.2         How to Use the Upgrade Documentation
     1.6     What to Do Next
Chapter 2
2 Preparing to Install the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
     2.1     Cautions and Restrictions
         2.1.1         Cautions
         2.1.2         Restrictions
     2.2     Examining Software and Hardware Components
         2.2.1         Hardware Components
         2.2.2         Software Components
     2.3     Preparing for an Installation
         2.3.1         Preparing for an OpenVMS Cluster Environment
         2.3.2         Preparing Tape and Disk Drives
         2.3.3         Information You Need During the Installation
     2.4     Preinstallation Checklist
Chapter 3
3 Installing the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
     3.1     Booting Standalone BACKUP
         3.1.1         Booting from Tape Cartridge
         3.1.2         Booting from the InfoServer
         3.1.3         Booting from the CD-ROM
     3.2     Creating the System Disk
         3.2.1         Determining Device Names
         3.2.2         Loading Distribution Media
         3.2.3         Transferring VMS073.B to Your System Disk
         3.2.4         Booting the New System Disk
         3.2.5         Specifying the Volume Label
         3.2.6         Specifying the Source Drive
         3.2.7         Selecting Optional OpenVMS Components
                OpenVMS Library Files
                OpenVMS Optional Files
                Help Message Files
                OpenVMS Management Station Files
         3.2.8         Choosing DECwindows Support Options
         3.2.9         Installing Networking Products
         3.2.10         Verifying Your Choices
         3.2.11         Installing OpenVMS Options
                Compact Disc
                Magnetic Tape and Tape Cartridge
         3.2.12         Installing DECwindows Support Software
     3.3     Installing DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS VAX Software
     3.4     Configuring a Cluster
     3.5     Selecting the Default Windowing System
     3.6     Setting Passwords
     3.7     Entering SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID Parameters
     3.8     Postinstallation Tasks Described
     3.9     Registering Licenses
         3.9.1         Types of OpenVMS VAX Licenses
         3.9.2         How to Register OpenVMS VAX Licenses
         3.9.3         Using the Licensing Procedure
         3.9.4         How to Register System Integrated Products
         3.9.5         How to Register DECnet Products
     3.10     Updating Time Zone Information
     3.11     Installing Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX Software
     3.12     Running AUTOGEN
         3.12.1         Automatic Reboot after AUTOGEN
         3.12.2         Manual Reboot after AUTOGEN
     3.13     Logging in to the SYSTEM Account by Means of a Character Cell Terminal
     3.14     Logging in to the SYSTEM Account by Means of a Workstation
     3.15     What to Do Next
Chapter 4
4 After Installing the OpenVMS VAX Operating System
     4.1     Verifying System Time
     4.2     Registering Your Licenses
     4.3     Backing Up Your System Disk
     4.4     Customizing the System
     4.5     Configuring and Starting Networking Software
         4.5.1         Configuring Your System
         4.5.2         Editing SYSTARTUP_VMS
     4.6     Testing the System with UETP
     4.7     Decompressing the System Libraries
         4.7.1         Methods of Using LIBDECOMP.COM
         4.7.2         Responding to LIBDECOMP.COM Prompts
         4.7.3         Using LIBDECOMP.COM Interactively
         4.7.4         Using LIBDECOMP.COM in Batch
     4.8     Adding and Removing Operating System Files
     4.9     Installing Layered Products
     4.10     Backing Up the Customized System Disk
     4.11     Running AUTOGEN
     4.12     Modifying Parameters
     4.13     Postinstallation Checklist

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