HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS Version 7.3 Release Notes

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2.2.3 CONFIGURE Process Replaced by QIO$CONFIGURE Process


The CONFIGURE process is one phase of the system startup procedure, which is controlled by SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.3, the QIO$CONFIGURE process replaces the CONFIGURE process. The QIO$CONFIGURE process contains the CONFIGURE process and other software specific to QIOserver. If you have included the CONFIGURE process in a command procedure, you must change its name to QIO$CONFIGURE.

For more information about SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM and the role of the QIO$CONFIGURE process in system startup, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

2.2.4 Javatm 2 SDK v 1.2.2-1 Is Incompatible with OpenVMS Version 7.3


Due to contractual agreements with Adobe Systems Incorporated, Compaq has removed the Display PostScript files and libraries from the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS V1.2-6 software. Consequently, OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 does not include the files necessary to run a Java application with a GUI using the Java Software Development Kit (J2SDK) v 1.2.2-1.

The restriction applies only to the Java 2 SDK v 1.2.2-1 release. The Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.1 as well as all Java 2 SDK releases subsequent to Java 2 SDK v 1.2.2-1 are not dependent on the Adobe Display PostScript software or its libraries.

Note that the Java 2 SDK v 1.2.2-3 is included on the Compaq OpenVMS e-Business Infrastructure Package Version 1.1 CD-ROM.

2.2.5 Error When Upgrading Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS


When upgrading a version of Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha that is earlier than Version 5.0, you may encounter the following error:

%PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows ...
%LIBRAR-E-LOOKUPERR, error looking up UCX in
-LBR-E-KEYNOTFND, key not found

%PCSI-E-EXERMVFAIL, product supplied EXECUTE REMOVE procedure failed
%PCSI-E-OPFAILED, operation failed
Terminating is strongly recommended.
Do you want to terminate?  [YES]

This error can occur either when you are upgrading Compaq TCP/IP Services as part of an OpenVMS upgrade, or during a separate TCP/IP Services upgrade. When the old version of TCP/IP Services is removed, it attempts to remove the module UCX from the SDA Help library. However, if OpenVMS has been upgraded since TCP/IP Services was installed, the SDA Help library has been replaced by a new library and the UCX module that TCP/IP Services inserted into the old SDA Help library is not found.

This problem can also occur if you attempt to remove Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

The workaround to upgrade or remove Compaq TCP/IP Services is to answer "NO" to the question "Do you want to terminate?" A NO response allows the operation to complete.


Normally you should answer "YES" (the default) to the "Do you want to terminate?" question unless Compaq (or another software provider) specifically instructs you to answer otherwise.

2.2.6 Rolling Upgrades for MEMORY CHANNEL Configurations


If you are performing a rolling upgrade from Version 7.1 (or a Version 7.1 variant) to Version 7.2 (or a Version 7.2 variant), or to Version 7.3, and are using MEMORY CHANNEL adapters (CCMAA-xx), see Section 5.9.11 for special instructions before you upgrade.

2.2.7 Using the Extended File Cache (XFC) in Mixed Version OpenVMS Cluster Systems


If you have an OpenVMS Cluster system that contains earlier versions of OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX and you want to use XFC with OpenVMS Version 7.3, see Table 5-1 for a list of remedial kits you must install on the systems that are running the earlier versions of OpenVMS.

2.2.8 X.25 Version 1.2 and Earlier Not Supported


X.25 Version 1.2 and earlier will not operate on OpenVMS Version 7.3.

If you are planning to upgrade to OpenVMS Version 7.3, make sure you remove X.25 Version 1.2 or earlier before you initiate the upgrade. Compaq recommends that you install X.25 Version 1.5.

2.3 Installation and Upgrade Information Specific to VAX

The release notes in this section pertain only to installations or upgrades of OpenVMS VAX operating systems. See Section 2.1 for additional notes that pertain to both Alpha and VAX systems. For complete information about installing or upgrading to OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual.

2.3.1 Magnetic Tape Media for OpenVMS VAX to Be Retired


OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 is the last OpenVMS release for which TK50 and magnetic tape media will be distributed. All future OpenVMS VAX releases will be available on CD-ROM media only. For more information, see Appendix A.

2.3.2 Error at Shutdown After Booting CD-ROM for Full Environment Installation


When you select to shut down the system (option 2) after booting a CD-ROM during a full OpenVMS VAX environment installation, you may encounter a problem on certain CPU types. However, these problems do not adversely affect the installation. The problems affect the following CPU types:

  • VAXstation 4000-96
    After completing the shutdown on a VAXstation 4000-96, the keyboard no longer responds. To recover, power down your CPU, then power it back up.
  • VAX 3100 or a VAX 3100-M48
    On either a VAX 3100 or a VAX 3100-M48, the system may crash with a fatal bugcheck. To continue the installation, boot the new system disk.

Chapter 3
OpenVMS Associated Products Release Notes

This chapter contains installation and support information about a broad range of OpenVMS associated products.

For notes about using compilers, linkers, and run-time library routines, see Chapter 6.

3.1 Layered Product Support

Information about layered product support is available in the Software Public Rollout Reports for OpenVMS. The Software Public Rollout Reports for OpenVMS list the availability of Compaq's software products shipping on the Software Products Library kits (CD-ROM consolidations) for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX.

The reports contain the product name and version, the operating system version required to support the product, and the volume ship date for the product. The information in these tables is continually evolving and is subject to change. The reports are intended for public distribution and are updated monthly. The information is not provided in these release notes because of the changing nature of the information.

3.2 Compaq Advanced Server Version 7.3 for OpenVMS (Alpha Only)


Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS includes support of the following features:

  • Member server role (allowing the server to participate in Windows 2000 native-mode domains)
  • Greater compatibility with a wide variety of clients and legacy applications, with support of:
    • Extended character sets, in addition to Extended File Specifications
    • Alias file names, created for shared files whose names do not comply with the more restricted file-naming conventions of legacy applications, such as MS-DOS
  • Remote Windows NT printer management (SpoolSS) for printers shared on the Advanced Server for OpenVMS
  • DNS for resolving NetBIOS names
  • Cluster load balancing using DNS to resolve the server cluster alias name
  • PCSI for installing the server
  • Windows 2000 client and domain support

The Compaq Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS is the only version of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS supported on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3. You must upgrade previous versions of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS (versions 7.2 and 7.2A) to V7.3.


Because of changes to the OpenVMS Registry protocol, you cannot run Advanced Server for OpenVMS software on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 systems and non-Version 7.3 systems in the same cluster.

For more information about the OpenVMS Registry protocol change, see Section 6.19. For more information, see Section 2.1.5.

Both the current and preceding versions of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS (Versions 7.3, 7.2A, and 7.2) also run on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1.

For information about upgrading from Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, see Section 2.1.4. For more information on upgrading PATHWORKS for OpenVMS and about installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS, refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide provided with the kit documentation.

To access Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, clients must be licensed using the new Advanced Server V7.3 license PAK: PWLMXXXCA07.03. For more information, refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses.

3.3 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Alpha and VAX)

This section contains release notes pertaining to Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS.

3.3.1 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Support


PATHWORKS V6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) is the only PATHWORKS for OpenVMS server supported on OpenVMS Version 7.3. (As noted in Section 3.2, Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS is also supported on OpenVMS Version 7.3.) Earlier versions of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS servers must be upgraded. For more information, see Section 2.1.4.

You can run PATHWORKS V6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) on either OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3, 7.2-1, or 6.2, or on OpenVMS VAX Versions 7.3, 7.2, or 6.2.

To access PATHWORKS V6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) on OpenVMS Version 7.3, clients must be licensed using the license PAK PWLMXXXCA06.00, PWLMXXXCA07.02, or PWLMXXXCA07.03. For more information, refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses.

3.3.2 PATHWORKS Version 5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Not Supported


PATHWORKS Version 5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) is not supported on OpenVMS Version 7.3.

If you are running PATHWORKS Version 5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) and want to offer file and print services after you install OpenVMS Version 7.3, you must upgrade the file and print server to PATHWORKS V6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) before you install OpenVMS Version 7.3. For information about upgrading from PATHWORKS Version 5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) to PATHWORKS Version 6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Installation and Configuration Guide provided with the kit documentation. For information about upgrading PATHWORKS V6.0 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to PATHWORKS V6.0D for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), see Section 2.1.4.

You cannot upgrade directly from PATHWORKS Version 5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) to Advanced Server Version 7.3 for OpenVMS.

3.4 C and C++

This section contains release notes pertaining to Compaq C and Compaq C++ (formerly named DEC C and DEC C++).

3.4.1 Changes to Compaq C RTL Time Zone Rules


In OpenVMS V7.3, the time zone database has been updated as follows:

  • In the Europe timezone file, the rules for the following time zones have been updated:
    Time Zone Name Territory or State
    Reykjavik Iceland
    Turkey Turkey
  • In the Asia timezone file, the rules for the following time zones have been updated:
    Time Zone Name Territory or State
    Jerusalem Israel
    ROK Republic of Korea
  • In the Australia timezone file, the rules for the following time zones have been updated:
    Time Zone Name Territory or State
    ACT Australia Capital Territory
    NSW New South Wales
    NT Northern Territory
    QLD Queensland
    SA South Australia
    TAS Tasmania
    VIC Victoria
    WA Western Australia

3.4.2 STARLET Header Files Now Ship with OpenVMS VAX


Starting with Version 7.1, OpenVMS VAX directly supplies the STARLET header files for Compaq C and Compaq C++ in SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB, as has always been done on OpenVMS Alpha systems. Compaq C and Compaq C++ compiler Versions 5.2 or later are required to access the STARLET headers. See a warning about installing earlier Compaq C and Compaq C++ compiler versions on OpenVMS VAX in Section 3.4.3.

The content of the STARLET headers has also been edited to correct deficiencies in versions supplied by the Compaq C and Compaq C++ compilers in releases prior to Version 7.1.

3.4.3 Pre-Version 5.2 Kits May Delete SYS$STARLET_C.TLB (VAX Only)


Installing a version of the Compaq C or Compaq C++ compiler lower than Version 5.2 on OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 or higher might damage or delete SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB. (See Section 3.4.4 for another warning about installing Compaq C++ Version 5.3 on OpenVMS VAX.)

3.4.4 Compaq C++ Version 5.3 Installation Fails (VAX Only)


When you attempt to install Compaq C++ Version 5.3 on VAX systems running OpenVMS, the installation fails because the Version 5.3 kit fails to install the system headers.

Compaq C++ Version 5.4 corrects these problems.

3.5 COBOL (Alpha Only)---RMS Special Registers and RMS$_FNM Compared to RMS$CRE


Due to the addition of Extended File Support in OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 you may notice changes in the handling of I/O runtime diagnostics and RMS special registers on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 and higher. In particular, a long filename that produced RMS$_FNM under versions of OpenVMS Alpha prior to V7.2 now produces RMS$_CRE on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 and higher. This difference is reflected in I/O runtime diagnostics and RMS special registers. You do not need to use the new ODS-5 support to see these RMS differences.

3.6 DECdfs

This section contains release notes pertaining to Compaq DECdfs for OpenVMS (formerly named DECdfs).

3.6.1 Version 2.3-1 Required for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX


If you want to run Compaq DECdfs for OpenVMS on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, you must install Version 2.3-1. If you install earlier versions of DECdfs on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, your system will fail. Compaq DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.3-1 ships with OpenVMS Version 7.3.

Compaq DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.3-1 is also recommended for OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 systems. Earlier versions of DECdfs for OpenVMS might cause your OpenVMS VAX system to fail, causing DECdfs to function with limited capacity.

3.6.2 Version 2.3-1 Recommended for Systems Running Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS


Compaq DECdfs Version 2.3-1 contains corrections for a number of connection-related issues when running on a system with DECnet-Plus --- particularly on systems with multiple network circuits. Therefore, Compaq DECdfs Version 2.3-1 is highly recommended for any supported system running DECnet/OSI or DECnet-Plus.

In addition, Compaq DECdfs Version 2.3-1 adds support for DECnet-over-IP connections. For more information, please refer to the release notes left in SYS$HELP by the product installation.

3.7 DECram Version Support


The following table summarizes Compaq DECram version level support on OpenVMS systems for creating a DECram disk:

Platform OpenVMS Version DECram Version Support
VAX All versions DECram Version 3.0 is not supported.
Alpha Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.2-1H1 DECram Version 2.3 is supported. DECram Version 3.0 is not supported.
Alpha Version 7.2-1H1 Either DECram Version 3.0 or DECram Version 2.3 is supported.
Alpha Version 7.3 DECram Version 3.0 is supported. DECram Version 2.3 is supported.

DECram Version 3.0 is designed specifically to take advantage of some of the advanced capabilities, such as clustering and Galaxy shared memory, of the newest Alpha systems. One of the major differences between Version 2.3 and Version 3.0 capabilities is that Version 3.0 moves the virtual device addressing from the S1 address into the S2 address space. This change allows for the creation and addressing of devices larger than 2 gigabytes (GBs).

Any Alpha-based system can be easily upgraded to DECram Version 3.0. With Version 3.0 you can use the new DECRAM command interface or continue using the same familiar commands from SYSMAN for creating, initializing, and mounting DECram disks.

DECRAM Version 3.0 disks are created and formatted by the DECRAM> prompt and are initialized using the DCL INITIALIZE (INIT) command. If you are configuring DECram Version 3.0 or later on OpenVMS Alpha (Version 7.2-1H1 and later), you can generate a DECram startup procedure to set up the disk and copy any required files to it. Usually, this procedure is called from the system startup procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

It is important to remember to check for disk errors after issuing any DECRAM command. Not all errors are returned to the user interface. Errors specific to a device are sent to the system errorlog. Type SHOW DEVICE MD at the DCL prompt to see if any device errors were generated as a result of a DECram command. You will need to use an errorlog analyzer tool to recover the error. Errors are logged in ASCII file format so you could search for errors with an MD-E-FAILURE prefix in the SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSERR]ERRLOG.SYS file.

On OpenVMS Alpha systems (Version 7.2-1H1 or later) running DECram Version 3.0, the only requirements are that a DECram disk must have 516 bytes of free page list per block (512 bytes) of disk space allocated.

If you plan to use freeze writes with OpenVMS Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS, be sure to verify that the version of volume shadowing that you are using supports this feature. If it does not, then be aware that if the physical disk goes away, you will be writing to a volatile disk.

DECram Version 3.0 and supporting documentation are included in the OpenVMS Version 7.3 kit in the following directory:


DECram documentation is also included on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.

For the next major release of OpenVMS, DECram Version 3.0 will be the only version supported on OpenVMS Alpha. We will continue to support DECram Version 2.3 on OpenVMS VAX.

For more information about the contents of the DECram directory, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.3 CD--ROMs. For information about the new features of DECram V3.0, refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.3 New Features and Documentation Overview.

3.8 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) API

The following sections contain release notes pertaining to the LDAP API.

3.8.1 The Routine ldap_get_option Returns Error -1 When ld Is NULL


Using a value of NULL for the ld parameter in a call to ldap_get_options() results in an error of -1 being returned, rather than the routine returning a set of global default data.

3.8.2 The Routine ber_flatten() Does Not Detect Mismatched Braces


The routine ber_flatten() does not correctly detect the situation where '{' and '}' format modifiers in a BerElement are incorrectly matched.

3.9 DECwindows Motif

This section contains release notes pertaining to the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS layered product.

3.9.1 System Parameter Values Required for Installation


The installation procedure for DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Versions 1.2-4, 1.2-5, and 1.2-6 can fail if the values for the GBLPAGES, FREE_GBLPAGES, and CLISYMTBL system parameters are set too low.

The installation fails with the following error:

%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

If the installation fails, set these parameters to the minimum values shown in the following table, then reinstall the product.

Alpha 150000 92000 512
VAX 62000 47000 265

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