HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS Version 7.3 Release Notes

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Chapter 7
7 Device Support on OpenVMS Systems
     7.1     Recompiling and Relinking OpenVMS Device Drivers
         7.1.1         Possible Per-Threads Security Impacts Alpha Device Drivers
         7.1.2         Alpha and VAX SCSI Device Drivers
         7.1.3         OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers
     7.2     Restriction: Parallel SCSI Support for Logical Unit Numbers
     7.3     Selective Autoconfiguration Unsupported in Some SCSI Configurations
     7.4     Changes to the IO$_DIAGNOSE Function
         7.4.1         Change to S2DGB$L_32PHSTMO and S2DGB$L_64PHSTMO
         7.4.2         IO$_DIAGNOSE Behavior Changes
     7.5     Changed Behavior of IO$_SKIPFILE Function
     7.6     CRCTX Routines Enhanced (Alpha Only)
     7.7     Device Driver MON Version Handling (Alpha Only)
     7.8     New Values for Length Parameter in System Routines (Alpha Only)
     7.9     ISA_CONFIG.DAT Unsupported in Future Release (Alpha Only)
     7.10     Required Change in ISA_CONFIG.DAT on AlphaStation 200/400
     7.11     Memory Holes on AlphaServer 4100 Systems
     7.12     SYS$MSBDRIVER Removed from OpenVMS Alpha Distribution
     7.13     Device IPL Setup for OpenVMS Alpha Drivers
     7.14     AlphaStation 255: PCI Configuration Restriction
     7.15     Recommendation for RZ25M and RZ26N Disk Drives (Alpha)
     7.16     SCSI Controller Restriction on AlphaServer 2100 Systems
     7.17     OpenVMS Alpha SCSI Firmware Support
         7.17.1         Recommended Firmware Support for RZ26N and RZ28M Disks
         7.17.2         Required Firmware for Multihost Use of RZ26L and RZ28 Disks
         7.17.3         Firmware Revision Level 442 Requirements
         7.17.4         Firmware Revision Level 442 Installation Procedure
     7.18     OpenVMS Alpha SCSI Port and Class Drivers
         7.18.1         Add-On SCSI Adapters
         7.18.2         SCSI Disk I/O Performance Degradation for KZMSA XMI and Adaptec 1742A Adapters
     7.19     OpenVMS Alpha Device Support Documentation
     7.20     Stricter Requirement for Mode Page 01h on SCSI Tape Drives
Chapter 8
8 Interlocked Memory Instructions (Alpha Only)
     8.1     Required Code Checks
     8.2     Using the Code Analysis Tool
     8.3     Characteristics of Noncompliant Code
     8.4     Coding Requirements
     8.5     Compiler Versions
     8.6     Recompiling Code with ALONONPAGED_INLINE or LAL_REMOVE_FIRST Macros
Appendix A
Appendix A Product Retirement Notices
     A.1     Adobe Display PostScript Software No Longer Available
     A.2     POSIX 1003.4a Draft 4 Interface to Be Retired
     A.3     Adobe Display PostScript Extension Support No Longer Available
     A.4     ISA_CONFIG.DAT Unsupported in Future Release (Alpha Only)
     A.5     TK50 and Magnetic Tape Media for OpenVMS VAX to Be Retired
     A.6     Netscape Navigator Version 3.03 Retiring
     A.7     Netscape FastTrack Version 3.02 Retiring
     A.8     PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare)
     A.9     POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility: DECwindows Motif Interface Retired
     A.10     X.25 Client for OpenVMS Alpha Retirement (Alpha Only)
     A.11     Archived Manuals
Appendix B
Appendix B Hardware Release Notes
     B.1     ALPHAbook 1 (Alpha Only)
         B.1.1         Using the SCSI_MODE Utility
         B.1.2         Naming Serial Line Devices
         B.1.3         Graphics Display Modes
         B.1.4         Customizing the Graphics Display
         B.1.5         PCMCIA Bus Support
         B.1.6         Audio Support
         B.1.7         Keyboard Mapping
         B.1.8         OpenVMS Cluster Restrictions
     B.2     AlphaServer 1000A (Alpha Only)
         B.2.1         Bus Probe Algorithm Default
         B.2.2         Installation Failure with DEFPA Adapter
     B.3     AlphaServer 2100 (Alpha Only)
         B.3.1         Console Display
         B.3.2         SCSI Controller Restriction
     B.4     AlphaServer 4100 (Alpha Only)---EISA Configuration Utility (ECU)
     B.5     AlphaServer 8200 and AlphaServer 8400 (Alpha Only)
         B.5.1         Field Replaceable Units (FRU) Table Error
         B.5.2         Environmental Data Restrictions
     B.6     AlphaStation 255 (Alpha Only)
     B.7     DEC 7000 (Alpha Only)
         B.7.1         Ctrl/P Behavior Change During Boot
     B.8     DECwindows X11 Display Server (Alpha Only)
         B.8.1         Graphics Boards Support
         B.8.2         S3 Multihead Graphics
         B.8.3         Integrated Graphics Boards Supported
     B.9     DIGITAL Modular Computing Components (DMCC) (Alpha Only)
         B.9.1         Alpha 5/366 and 5/433 PICMG SBC Restriction
         B.9.2         Updating the SRM Console
     B.10     PowerStorm 300/350 PCI Graphics Controller
         B.10.1         PowerStorm 300/350 OpenVMS Graphics Support Release Notes
         B.10.2         AlphaStation 255 PowerStorm Graphics Cards
     B.11     RF73 and Other RFnn DSSI Disk Devices
         B.11.1         RF73 and Other RFnn DSSI Disk Devices and Controller Memory Errors
1-1 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade Paths
1-2 OpenVMS VAX Upgrade Paths
7-1 Example Memory Diagram
1-1 OpenVMS Cluster Warranted and Migration Support
2-1 Documentation: Configuring and Managing Networks
5-1 Remedial Kits Required for Cluster Compatibility
5-2 System Parameter Settings for Multipath Shadow Sets
5-3 TFF Character Fallback Tables
6-1 Obsolete Data Cells and New Location of Security Information
6-2 Ignored$PERSONA_ASSUME Flags
6-3 Ignored$PERSONA_CREATE Flags
7-1 Values for Length Parameter
7-2 Changes to Device Description Block
7-3 Revision Level 442 Firmware Compatibility
8-1 OpenVMS Compilers
A-1 OpenVMS VAX SPL Subscription Services
B-1 Supported Microcode Revision Levels
B-2 Commands for Updating Microcode in Certain DSSI Disk Devices

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