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OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
See the SET RMS_DEFAULT command for a description of the /EXTEND_QUANTITY qualifier. /GLOBAL_BUFFER=n/NOGLOBAL_BUFFERSets the OpenVMS Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) global buffer count (the number of buffers that can be shared by processes accessing the file) for the specified files. The value n must be an integer in the range from 0 to 32,767. A value of 0 disables buffer sharing.The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable global buffers on a file currently being accessed; however, any new global buffer settings will only be applied to new accessors of the file. If a file is already open with global buffers, any new number of global buffers will not take effect until the file is closed by all accessors of the file. /LOG/NOLOG (default)Displays the file specification of each file modified as the command executes./MODIFIEDModifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATED qualifier, which also allows you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not specify the /MODIFIED qualifier, the default is the /CREATED qualifier./MOVE/NOMOVEControls whether movefile operations are enabled on the specified file.When you create a file, movefile operations are enabled on that file. You should disable movefile operations on specialized files that are accessed other than through the XQP (such as files accessed through logical I/O to a disk). Note that movefile operations are automatically disabled on critical system files. Do not enable movefile operations on these files. /NODIRECTORYUse with extreme caution. Requires SYSPRV (system privilege).Removes the directory attributes of a file and allows you to delete the corrupted directory file even if other files are contained in the directory. When you delete a corrupted directory file, the files contained within it are lost. Use ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR to place the lost files in [SYSLOST]. You can then copy the lost files to a new directory. This qualifier is valid only for Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 files. For more information about the Verify utility, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. /OWNER_UIC[=uic]This qualifier has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/OWNER command./PROTECTION[=(ownership[:access][,...])]This command has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION command./REMOVEUse with caution.Enables you to remove one of the names of a file that has more than one name, without deleting the file. If you have created an additional name for a file with the /ENTER qualifier of SET FILE, you can use the /REMOVE qualifier to remove either the original name or the alias. The file still exists and can be accessed by whatever name or names remain in effect. However, if you accidentally remove the name of a file that has only one name, you cannot access that file with most DCL commands; use the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE utility to retrieve the file. /SEMANTICS=semantics-tag/NOSEMANTICSUse the /SEMANTICS qualifier to create or change a semantics tag. Use the /NOSEMANTICS qualifier to remove a semantics tag from a file. For more information, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications./SHAREAllows you to enable or disable global buffers or statistics on a file currently being accessed by other users.Requires SYSPRV privilege. Only new accessors of the file acquire the new settings. For example, if a file is opened with no global buffers specified and the SET FILE/GLOBAL=n/SHARE command is issued, only new accessors of the file will use global buffers. If /STATISTICS is enabled on an active file, only operations performed by new accessors of the file are measured. If a file is already open with global buffers, any new number of global buffers will not take effect until the file is closed by all accessors of the file. The /SHARE qualifier is valid only with the following qualifiers:
/SHELVABLE/NOSHELVABLEControls whether the file is shelvable./SINCE[=time]Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED qualifier is the default.For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time). /STATISTICS/NOSTATISTICS (default)Enables the gathering of RMS statistics on the specified file. These statistics can then be viewed by using the Monitor utility, which is invoked with the DCL command MONITOR. The SET FILE/STATISTICS command applies an application ACE to the specified file. The ACE does not affect access control and is only meaningful to the application assigning it.The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable statistics on a file currently being accessed. However, only statistics of new accessors of the file will be measured. /STYLE=keywordSpecifies the file name format for display purposes.The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED. Descriptions are as follows:
The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the output message, along with the confirmation if requested. File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified. Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for more information. /TRUNCATETruncates the file at the end of the block containing the end-of-file (EOF) marker, that is, the qualifier releases allocated but unused blocks of the file./UNLOCKClears a file marked as deaccess locked. Deaccess locking is required by and used by those few applications that maintain their own locking and consistency, typically without the use of the OpenVMS distributed lock manager, and potentially also without the use of RMS. When an application using deaccess locking does not correctly deaccess the file (often due to an application or system failure), the file is marked as locked, and is thus inaccessable until the integrity of the contents of the file are verified and the SET FILE/UNLOCK command is used.This command does not affect the state of files that are locked using RMS or the distributed lock manager. For details on file deaccess locking, refer to the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual, the ACP-QIO interface documentation, and specifically the FIB$V_DLOCK option available on the IO$_CREATE and IO$_ACCESS functions. The SET FILE/UNLOCK command can clear the cause of the following error message:
However, this command cannot resolve the cause of the error message:
/VERSION_LIMIT[=n]Specifies the maximum number of versions for the specified file. If you do not specify a version limit, a value of 0 is used, indicating that the number of versions of a file is limited only to the Files-11 architectural limit of 32,767. When you exceed that limit, the earliest version of the file is deleted from the directory without notification to the user. For example, if you set the version limit to three when there are already five versions of that file in your directory, there will continue to be five versions of the file unless you specifically delete some or purge the directory. Once the number of versions is equal to or less than the current version limit, the version limit is maintained.
#1 |
The SET FILE command requests that the expiration date of the file BATCH.COM;3 be set to 11:00 A.M., December 19, 2001.
#2 |
This SET FILE command calls for all files that match the file specification PERSONNEL*.SAL and are dated before December 31 of the current year to have their disk locations erased whenever one of them is deleted with commands such as DELETE or PURGE.
#3 |
The SET FILE command modifies the characteristics of the file MYFILE.DAT, changing the owner user identification code (*). You must have system privilege (SYSPRV) to change the owner UIC.
#4 |
$ SET FILE/NOMOVE TEST.FDL $DIRECTORY/FULL TEST.FDL Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BERGMANN] TEST.FDL;1 File ID: (10,8,0) . . . File attributes: Allocation: s, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0 No version limit, MoveFile disabled . . . |
Movefile operations are disabled on the file TEST.FDL. A DIRECTORY/FULL command on the file TEST.FDL affirms that the file attribute Movefile is disabled.
#5 |
The command, SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES, changes the file organization of the specified file.
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This example sets the protection on the TEMP.DIR file with the SET FILE command and then displays the protection of the file with the DIRECTORY command.
#7 |
This example sets 5000 global buffers on the INVENTORY.IDX file and enables statistics. If the file is open and the SET FILE command is issued without the /SHARE qualifier, the following error is returned: SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT (file access conflict). The /SHARE qualifier allows the global buffers and statistics to be enabled on an open file; however, these settings only apply to new accessors of the file.
Connects your terminal (through the current host processor) to another processor, called the remote processor. The command requires that:
- You must have an account on the remote system to log in.
- The NETMBX (network mailbox) privilege is set.
SET HOST node-name
Specifies the node name of the remote processor to which you will connect.
The SET HOST command connects you to another processor on a network. (The SHOW NETWORK command lists the names of nodes accessible to your node.) Once the connection is made, the remote processor prompts for a user name and password. You must have an account on the remote processor to log in.Once you have connected to the remote processor and have logged in, you can use DCL commands just as you would on your local processor. You can even use the SET HOST command to connect to another remote processor.
For example, if your local node is BOSTON, you can use the command SET HOST ALBANY to connect to the node ALBANY. You can then use the command SET HOST AKRON to connect (still through BOSTON and ALBANY) to the node AKRON.
Use the LOGOUT command to log out of the last processor you have logged in to and return to the previous processor. For example, when you use the LOGOUT command, you have logged out of (and disconnected from) the processor at node AKRON, but you are still logged in (and connected) to the processor at ALBANY. A second LOGOUT command logs you out of node ALBANY, and disconnects you from it. A third LOGOUT command logs you out of the local processor, BOSTON.
You can also abort operations and return directly to the original host processor, if necessary. Press Ctrl/Y at least two times in rapid succession. The following message is displayed:
Are you repeating ^Y to abort the remote session?If you respond Y or YES, control returns to the original node. Other responses, such as N or NO, do not abort the connection. This technique is useful when you want to exit quickly without entering a series of LOGOUT commands, or when part of the network becomes disconnected and you want to return to the host.
Note that SET HOST, unlike the OpenVMS terminal driver, buffers output data from an executing program. Buffering improves performance in wide-area networks; however, in the case of programs providing output only, the buffering causes a discrepancy between what is happening in the remote program and what is displayed on the local terminal. That is, a program might finish executing before you see the output on the local terminal.
This discrepancy can be particularly confusing when you use the Ctrl/Y or the Ctrl/C function, or out-of-band abort characters to abort the execution of a program. For example, when you press Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/C (or enter out-of-band abort characters) during the execution of a captive command procedure, SET HOST immediately stops the display on the local terminal. It also aborts the current read and write operations and any pending write operations, including all buffered write operations.1 Therefore, although it seems that the remote program aborts at the point in the program at which the display on the local terminal is stopped, the program might have executed beyond that point already---and might have finished executing---before you pressed Ctrl/Y.
Note that several SET HOST qualifiers, such as /MOP, /VTP, and /X29, are available only if DECnet-Plus is installed on your system. For information about using these qualifiers, type the following command:
$ HELP DECnet-Plus
Specifies the protocol connection, CTERM (CTDRIVER) or RTERM (RTTDRIVER) on the specified node. CTERM protocol is the default if no connection is specified./BUFFER_SIZE=n
Changes the packet size of the protocol message sent between the terminal and the remote processor if a connection to the remote processor is already established. The default buffer size is 1010 bytes; however, the buffer size n can range from 140 bytes to 1024 bytes. The value of the parameter n is reset to 140 bytes if a value below 140 is specified; a value for n above 1024 bytes is reset to 1024.You can force the host node to write to the terminal in smaller packets, thereby ensuring that write operations to the terminal are displayed at more frequent intervals, by setting n to a value just above the minimum of 140 bytes. On slow DECnet links, setting the buffer size to a smaller value may decrease pauses between write operations when large amounts of data are being scrolled to the screen.
/NOLOG (default)
Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log information is stored in the file SETHOST.LOG./RESTORE
/NORESTORE (default)
Saves current terminal characteristics before a remote terminal session is begun and restores them when the remote session is terminated.
#1 |
The /APPLICATION_PROTOCOL qualifier specifies the CTERM protocol (the default) on node DAKOTA in this command line.
#2 |
$ SET HOST ITALIC Username: GRESO Password: <PASSWORD> Welcome to OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 on node ITALIC . . . $ LOGOUT GRESO logged out at 19-DEC-2001 15:04:25.27 %REM-S-END, Control returned to node _CASLON:: |
In this example, the name of the local node is CASLON. This SET HOST command connects the user terminal to the processor at the network node named ITALIC. The remote processor then prompts for user name and password. Use the normal login procedure to log in to the remote processor.
Once you are logged in at a remote node, you can use the SET HOST command to establish communication with another node. After logging in to node ITALIC, you could type SET HOST BODONI.
You would again be prompted for a user name and password. If you then supply a valid user name and password, you will be logged in to node BODONI.
Note that when you log out of node BODONI, control is returned to node ITALIC. You must log out of node ITALIC to return to your local node, CASLON.
#3 |
$ SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=80 $ SET HOST/RESTORE GENEVA Username: Jones Password: <PASSWORD> $ SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=132 . . . $ logout JONES logged out at 19-DEC-2001 11:04:51.45 %REM-S-END, control returned to node _ORACLE |
This example shows user JONES on node ORACLE logging in to remote node GENEVA and specifies that the original terminal screen width be restored to 80 characters when the remote session is terminated.
1 DCL always maintains an outstanding Ctrl/Y asynchronous system trap (AST) to the terminal driver. When you press Ctrl/Y, the terminal driver aborts the current read and write operations and any pending write operations, including all buffered write operations. |
Connects your system to a remote system through an outgoing terminal line.You must have an account on the remote system in order to log in to that system after the connection is made. You must also have the ability to assign a channel to the terminal port specified. Your system manager can set the device protection on the terminal port to allow you access.
SET HOST/DTE terminal-name
Specifies the name of an outgoing terminal line, which connects your system directly to another system or modem.
The SET HOST/DTE command allows you to connect your terminal to another system. Once the connection is made, the remote system prompts for a user name and password. You must have an account on the remote system to log in.Once you have logged in to the remote system, you can use DCL commands just as you would on your local system.
To log in on lines that expect a break rather than a carriage return, press Ctrl/break-character to generate the break.
While connected to the remote system, you can issue configurational commands from DTE command mode. DTE commands enable you to configure a SET HOST/DTE session while it is in progress.
To issue DTE commands, you must get into DTE command mode by pressing Ctrl/command character. By default, the command character is the at sign (@). Once you are in command mode, the DTEPAD prompt will be displayed on your screen.
Table DCLII-18 describes the DTE commands.
Table DCLII-18 SET HOST/DTE Session Commands Command Description CLEAR Disconnects your local system from DTEPAD. This command is equivalent to the QUIT command. EXIT Returns the session to emulation mode. QUIT Disconnects your local system from DTEPAD. This command is equivalent to the CLEAR command. SAVE filespec Saves information on the current configuration settings. The current settings are written to the specified file as a series of SET DTE commands. You can later use this file as an initialization file. SEND BREAK Sends a break to remote systems that expect a break rather than a carriage return. SET DTE Modifies configurable characteristics of DTEPAD while in a SET HOST/DTE session. You can use the SET HOST/DTE qualifiers in command mode. SHOW DTE Displays the current settings of all the configurable characteristics of DTEPAD. It also displays the number of bytes of data transmitted and received during the current SET HOST/DTE session and the number of errors detected by the terminal port. SPAWN Creates a subprocess of your current local process. The command is identical to the DCL SPAWN command except that the DTE SPAWN command has fewer qualifiers, as follows: /INPUT=filespec
/WAIT and /NOWAITSee the SPAWN command in this manual for more information about these qualifiers.
To terminate a session, you should first log out of the remote system. Then quit DTEPAD by pressing Ctrl/escape-character. By default, the escape character is a backslash (\). Alternatively, quit DTEPAD by entering the QUIT or the CLEAR command from DTE command mode.
Selects the break character. The break character is used to generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a carriage return. To generate a break, press Ctrl/break-character.The break character can be any ASCII character between @ and z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character currently defined as either the command character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-character qualifier) or the escape character (see the description of the /ESCAPE=escape-character qualifier).
The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@), the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^), the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).
By default, the break character is the right bracket (]).
Selects the command character. Use the command character to access DTE command mode by pressing Ctrl/command-character.The command character can be any ASCII character between @ and z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character currently defined as either the break character (see the description of the /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the escape character (see the description of the /ESCAPE=escape-character qualifier).
The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@), the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^), the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).
By default, the command character is the at sign (@).
Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is a required parameter.Before you dial a new number, you must log out of the current remote system.
On Alpha, the MODEM_TYPE keyword defaults to DMCL (any modem that uses the DEC Modem Command Language).
On VAX, the MODEM_TYPE keyword is optional. It can be used to specify any of the following modem types:
- DMCL (any modem that uses the DEC Modem Command Language)
- DF03 (default)
- DF112
Each modem type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with your system manager to see which modem dialer codes are installed on your system.
In addition, the MODEM_TYPE keyword can be used to specify a modem type other than DF03, DF112, or DMCL. A template is provided for users interested in supporting other modems with autodial capabilities (see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR).
/NOECHO (default)
Determines whether the terminal input is echoed by your local system. By default, all echoing is performed by the remote system./EIGHT_BIT (default)
Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or 7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported./ERROR_ACTION=CONTINUE (default)
Specifies the error action by using the EXIT or the CONTINUE keyword.When an error is detected on the outgoing terminal line, the error is reported to the local system and an error message is displayed on your terminal.
If the error action is CONTINUE, then communication with the remote system continues uninterrupted.
If the error action is EXIT, then the local system immediately exits from the remote system.
Selects the escape character. You can use the escape character to exit from DTEPAD by pressing Ctrl/ escape-character.
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