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If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


/NOPAGE (default)

Controls the display of memory information on the screen.

You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.
SAVE[= n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store.

The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:

Key Sequence Description
Up arrow key, Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.
Down arrow key Scroll down one line.
Left arrow key Scroll left one column.
Right arrow key Scroll right one column.
Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed.
Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.
Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.
Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.
Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.
Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information.
F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.)
Help (F15) Display utility help text.
Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
Ctrl/W Refresh the display.

The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


Displays information about the amount of physical memory and the number of free and modified pages.


Displays information about the usage of each dynamic memory (pool) area, including the amount of free space and the size of the largest contiguous block in each area.

/RESERVED (Alpha only)

Displays information about memory reservations.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string.

You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search.


Displays information about the availability of partition control block (PCB) vector slots and balance slots.


/NOWRAP (default)

Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.

The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.




       System Memory Resources on 20-JAN-2001 15:22:04.11
Physical Memory Usage (pages):   Total      Free     In Use  Modified
 Main Memory (2.00Gb)           262144    201249      60162       733
Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 18-JAN-2001 17:15:14.33)
  Allocated (Mbytes)         370.00  Maximum size (Mbytes)    1024.00
  Free (Mbytes)              317.79  Minimum size (Mbytes)     370.00
  In use (Mbytes)             52.20  Percentage Read I/Os          72%
  Read hit rate                  96% Write hit rate                 0%
  Read I/O count             119363  Write I/O count            46259
  Read hit count             115283  Write hit count                0
  Reads bypassing cache          45  Writes bypassing cache         0
  Files cached open             372  Files cached closed          392
  Vols in Full XFC mode           0  Vols in VIOC Compatible mode   3
  Vols in No Caching mode         0  Vols in Perm. No Caching mode  0
Granularity Hint Regions (pages): Total    Free     In Use   Released
 Execlet code region               1024       0        586        438
 Execlet data region                256       0        256          0
 S0/S1 Executive data region        576       0        576          0
 Resident image code region        1024       0        830        194
Slot Usage (slots):               Total    Free   Resident    Swapped
 Process Entry Slots                647     614         33          0
 Balance Set Slots                  645     614         31          0
Dynamic Memory Usage:             Total    Free     In Use    Largest
 Nonpaged Dynamic Memory (Mb)      4.28    2.38       1.89       2.25
 Bus Addressable Memory  (Kb)    168.00  128.00      40.00     128.00
 Paged Dynamic Memory    (Mb)      5.68    3.42       2.26       3.41
 Lock Manager Dyn Memory (Mb)      1.13    0.00       1.12
Buffer Object Usage (pages):             In Use       Peak
 32-bit System Space Windows (S0/S1)          3          3
 64-bit System Space Windows (S2)             0          0
 Physical pages locked by buffer objects      3          3
Memory Reservations (pages):     Group  Reserved    In Use       Type
 VCC$MIN_CACHE_SIZE                ---     47360     47360  Allocated
 Total (370.00 Mbytes reserved)            47360     47360
Swap File Usage (8KB pages):               Index      Free       Size
                                               1      5168       5168
Paging File Usage (8KB pages):             Index      Free       Size
                                             254    215288     215288
 Total committed paging file usage:                              7418
Of the physical pages in use, 4951 pages are permanently allocated to


This example shows reservable pages. If the reservable pages are a negative value, this indicates that you may want to consider adding to the fixed amount of pagefile space available.


            System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 31-OCT-2001 10:18:07.39)
Allocated (Mbytes)     (1)370.00   Maximum size (Mbytes)   (9)1024.00
Free (Mbytes)          (2)319.75   Minimum size (Mbytes)   (10)  370.0
In use (Mbytes)        (3) 50.25   Percentage Read I/Os    (11)     98%
Read hit rate          (4)    79%  Write hit rate          (12)      0%
Read I/O count         (5) 18110   Write I/O count         (13)    310
Read hit count         (6) 14343   Write hit count         (14)      0
Reads bypassing cache  (7)    37   Writes bypassing cache  (15)      0
Files cached open      (8)   351   Files cached closed     (16)    307
Vols in Full XFC mode  (17)     0   Vols in VIOC Compatible mode (17) 0
Vols in No Caching mode(17)     0   Vols in Perm No Caching mode (17) 0

I/O Statistics (18) - Distributions (MAX_IO_SIZE: 127 (19))
Transfer Size:      Reads    Read Hits     Writes
   1 Block IO:      35053 (20)     34553 (21)      87 (22)
   2 Block IO:        469          284          9
   3 Block IO:      26516        26346         24
   4 Block IO:        348          205          6
   5 Block IO:      13205        13160          0
   6 Block IO:        161          111          0
   7 Block IO:        185          152          0
 114 Block IO:          1            0          0
 116 Block IO:          2            1          0
 121 Block IO:          1            0          0

>127<256 Block IO:     12                       0
>255     Block IO:     14                       0
Totals:             84411        80535        630



This example shows the output for the SHOW MEMORY/CACHE/FULL command on an Alpha system with the Extended File Cache loaded. The SHOW MEMORY/CACHE/FULL command will display different fields on a VAX system or on an Alpha system with the Virtual I/O Cache loaded.

Extended File Cache Usage

Shows the use of the Extended File Cache facility on an Alpha system.
(1) Allocated Total amount of system memory in megabytes allocated to the Extended File Cache.
(2) Free Number of allocated megabytes not currently in use by the cache.
(3) In use Number of allocated megabytes that contain valid cached data.
(4) Read hit rate Shows cache read hits as a percentage of read I/Os.
(5) Read I/O count Total number of read I/Os that have been seen by the cache since the last statistics reset.
(6) Read hit count Total number of read I/Os that did not perform a physical I/O, because the data for these was found in the cache since the prior statistics reset.
(7) Reads bypassing cache Total number of reads that bypassed the cache and went directly to disk since the last statistics reset.
(8) Files cached open Total number of open files in cache.
(9) Maximum size (Mbytes) Maximum size of the cache in megabytes.
(10) Minimum size (Mbytes) Minimum size of the cache in megabytes. This displays the value of the memory reservation, VCC$MIN_CACHE_SIZE. Refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for additional information.
(11) Percentage Read I/Os Percentage of read I/Os that occur. For example, a read/write I/O ratio of 100% implies that all were read I/Os.
(12) Write hit rate (Always zero for Extended File Cache, Version 1.)
(13) Write I/O count Total number of write I/Os that have been seen by the cache since the last statistics reset.
(14) Write hit count (Always zero for Extended File Cache, Version 1.)
(15) Writes bypassing cache Total number of writes that bypassed the cache and went directly to disk since the last statistics reset.
(16) Files cached closed Total number of closed files in cache.
(17) Volume modes Total number of volumes in each caching state. Note that the initial release of XFC only supports VIOC compatible mode. Future releases will support full mode.
(18) I/O Statistics Systemwide distribution of I/O sizes (rounded up).
(19) MAX_IO_SIZE Current setting of the system parameter VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE in blocks. The extended file cache (XFC) will only cache files up to this size.
(20) Reads Number of reads for the entire system.
(21) Read Hits Number of reads satisfied from the cache.
(22) Writes Number of writes for the entire system.



             System Memory Resources on 20-JAN-2001 15:35:32.51

Extended File Cache Volume Statistics:

_$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6XV_BRAHMA), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible
Open files        (1)    372      Closed files        (9)    395
Files ever opened (2)   1007      Files ever deposed  (10)    240
Allocated pages   (3)   6405      Locks acquired      (11)    736
Total QIOs        (4) 166552      Read hits           (12) 115984
Virtual reads     (5) 120068      Virtual writes      (13)  46484
Hit rate          (6)     69 %    Read aheads         (14)  11766
Read throughs     (7) 120021      Write throughs      (15)  46484
Read arounds      (8)     47      Write arounds       (16)      0
Ave Disk I/O Resp Time incl cache hits (microseconds)(17)   3497

Total of 1 volumes in cache


Extended File Cache Usage

Shows the use of the Extended File Cache facility on an Alpha system.
(1) Open files Number of files that are currently open and cached by the extended file cache on this volume at the instant the SHOW command was issued.
(2) Files ever opened Number of times the extended file cache has been requested to open a file on this volume.
(3) Allocated pages Number of main memory data pages currently being used by the extended file cache to contain actual file data, for this volume.
(4) Total QIOs Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(5) Virtual reads Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(6) Hit rate Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed by copying data from cache, rather than issuing real I/O to a volume.
(7) Read throughs Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of being satisfied by the extended file cache.
(8) Read arounds Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be satisfied by the extended file cache. Reasons for this include the presence of a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.
(9) Closed files Number of closed files the extended file cache has in memory. If a subsequent file access occurs, data will be accessible from main memory rather than having to issue I/O to the real volume.
(10) Files ever deposed Files removed from memory. Reasons the extended file cache may remove a file from its memory include requests for memory from the rest of the system, and conflicting access modes in a cluster.
(11) Locks acquired Current number of file access locks that are in use on this volume.
(12) Read hits Cumulative number of times a read has been satisfied from the data cache.
(13) Virtual writes Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os received on this volume by the cache.
(14) Read aheads Cumulative number of times the extended file cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume after detecting sequential file I/O virtual reads.
(15) Write throughs Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been capable of modifying cached data.
(16) Write arounds Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been detected that cannot update data in cache memory.
(17) Average Disk I/O Response Time Average disk I/O response time, including cache hits, in microseconds. Note that on a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) system, the response time only includes that of I/Os starting or finishing on the same CPU. Any physical I/Os are ignored.

System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

Extended File Cache Top QIO File Statistics:

_$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6Y0_RESD), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible

_$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;2 (open)
Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages   (1)  334      Total QIOs      (6) 1712
Read hits         (2) 1559      Virtual reads   (7) 1712
Virtual writes    (3)    0      Hit rate        (8)   91 %
Read aheads       (4)    0      Read throughs   (9)    0
Write throughs    (5)    0      Read arounds    (10)    0
                               Write arounds   (11)    0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages       931      Total QIOs         1057
Read hits               5      Virtual reads      1044
Virtual writes         13      Hit rate              0 %
Read aheads             2      Read throughs      1044
Write throughs         13      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages       135      Total QIOs          730
Read hits             673      Virtual reads       730
Virtual writes          0      Hit rate              0 %
Read aheads             2      Read throughs         0
Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Total of 3 files for this volume


Extended File Cache Top QIO File Statistics Usage

Shows the use of the Extended File Cache Top QIO File Statistics facility on an Alpha system.
(1) Allocated pages Number of main memory data pages currently being used by the extended file cache to contain actual file data, for this volume
(2) Read hits Cumulative number of times a read has been satisfied from the data cache.
(3) Virtual writes Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os received on this volume by the cache.
(4) Read aheads Cumulative number of times the extended file cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume after detecting sequential file I/O virtual reads.
(5) Write throughs Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been capable of modifying cached data.
(6) Total QIOs Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(7) Virtual reads Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(8) Hit rate Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed by copying data from cache, rather than issuing real I/O to a volume.
(9) Read throughs Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of being satisfied by the extended file cache.
(10) Read arounds Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be satisfied by the extended file cache. Reasons for this include the presence of a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.
(11) Write arounds Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been detected that cannot update data in cache memory.

System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File Statistics:

_$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6Y0_RESD), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages   (1)   16      Total QIOs      (6)  277
Read hits         (2)  267      Virtual reads   (7)  277
Virtual writes    (3)    0      Hit rate        (8)   96 %
Read aheads       (4)    0      Read throughs   (9)  277
Write throughs    (5)    0      Read arounds    (10)    0
                               Write arounds   (11)    0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages         8      Total QIOs          185
Read hits             178      Virtual reads       185
Virtual writes          0      Hit rate             96 %
Read aheads             1      Read throughs       185
Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages         6      Total QIOs          165
Read hits             159      Virtual reads       165
Virtual writes          0      Hit rate             96 %
Read aheads             2      Read throughs       165
Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Total of 3 files for this volume


Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File Statistics Usage

Shows the use of the Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File Statistics facility on an Alpha system.
(1) Allocated pages .Number of main memory data pages currently being used by the extended file cache to contain actual file data, for this volume
(2) Read hits Cumulative number of times a read has been satisfied from the data cache.
(3) Virtual writes Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os received on this volume by the cache.
(4) Read aheads Cumulative number of times the extended file cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume after detecting sequential file I/O virtual reads.
(5) Write throughs Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been capable of modifying cached data.
(6) Total QIOs Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(7) Virtual reads Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests received by the extended file cache on this volume.
(8) Hit rate Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed by copying data from cache, rather than issuing real I/O to a volume.
(9) Read throughs Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of being satisfied by the extended file cache.
(10) Read arounds Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be satisfied by the extended file cache. Reasons for this include the presence of a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.
(11) Write arounds Cumulative number of times a virtual write has been detected that cannot update data in cache memory.

System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

Extended File Cache Statistics:

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages   (1)    1      Total QIOs      (6)   17
Read hits         (2)    0      Virtual reads   (7)    1
Virtual writes    (3)   16      Hit rate        (8)    0 %
Read aheads       (4)    0      Read throughs   (9)    0
Write throughs    (5)   16      Read arounds    (10)    0
                               Write arounds   (11)    0

_$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSMGR]ACME$SERVER.LOG;129 (open)
Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages         1      Total QIOs            2
Read hits               0      Virtual reads         1
Virtual writes          1      Hit rate              0 %
Read aheads             0      Read throughs         1
Write throughs          1      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages         2      Total QIOs           32
Read hits               0      Virtual reads         0
Virtual writes         32      Hit rate              0 %
Read aheads             0      Read throughs         0
Write throughs         32      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
Allocated pages         1      Total QIOs            8
Read hits               3      Virtual reads         8
Virtual writes          0      Hit rate              37 %
Read aheads             1      Read throughs         8
Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                               Write arounds         0

Total of 50 files for this volume


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