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Displays status information about current processes.






The SHOW SYSTEM command displays the following information about processes on the system:
Process name and identification
Processing state
Total process I/O count
Cumulative processor time used
Cumulative page faults
Amount of physical memory being used
Type of process

It also checks to see whether the machine is a multiprocessor. A machine is considered a multiprocessor if the following conditions are true:

  • The system parameter MULTIPROCESSING is not equal to zero.
  • The machine accommodates more than one CPU.

If the machine is a multiprocessor, the SHOW SYSTEM command includes information about the multiprocessing environment. Each process in the currently executing state (indicated by the CUR symbol) reveals which processor it is running on. It does this by including a number beside the CUR symbol.

The SHOW SYSTEM command examines the processes on the system without stopping activity on the system. This means that process information may change during the time that SHOW SYSTEM collects the data to be displayed. As a result, there may be minor inconsistencies in the SHOW SYSTEM display. For example, SHOW SYSTEM may display two processes that schedule state CUR on the same CPU.


/BATCH (default)


Displays all batch jobs for the local system. When used with the /CLUSTER qualifier, the /BATCH qualifier displays all batch jobs in the OpenVMS Cluster environment. When you use the /NOBATCH qualifier, all batch jobs are excluded from the display.


Displays the specified processes on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a search string that must match the search string exactly and must be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search string with the Find (E1) key.


Displays the user identification code (UIC), the processor type, and the process size, in addition to the default information. The UIC is displayed below the process name.



Displays a heading line above the system output. When you use the /NOHEADING qualifier, the heading line is excluded from the display.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD is the default highlighting.


Displays all processes on the system that have the specified process identification (PID) code number.



Displays all interactive processes on the system. When you use the /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier, all interactive processes are excluded from the display.


Displays all multithreaded processes for the local system. When used with the /FULL qualifier, the /MULTITHREAD qualifier displays information about each kernel thread in a multithreaded process.

For more information on kernel threads, refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual.



Displays all network processes on the system. When you use the /NONETWORK qualifier, all network processes are excluded from the display.


Displays all the processes on the specified node or nodes. If you enter the /NODE qualifier without a value, the qualifier displays all the processes on the local node of an OpenVMS Cluster environment.



Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW SYSTEM command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

The file specification may not include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


Displays all processes on the system that have the specified user identification code (UIC) number.


/NOPAGE (default)

Controls the display of system information on the screen.

You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.
SAVE[= n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store.

The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:

Key Sequence Description
Up arrow key, Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.
Down arrow key Scroll down one line.
Left arrow key Scroll left one column.
Right arrow key Scroll right one column.
Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed.
Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.
Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.
Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.
Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.
Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information.
F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.)
Help (F15) Display utility help text.
Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
Ctrl/W Refresh the display.

The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

/PROCESS[=name] (default)


Displays all specified processes on the system. If you do not specify a process name with the /PROCESS qualifier, all processes are displayed.

When you use the /NOPROCESS qualifier with the /CLUSTER qualifier, only the node or nodes available on the cluster are displayed with their respective uptimes and operating system version.

You can include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters in the process name.



Displays processes that belong to a specific scheduling class (class_name). If the class name is not specified, all class scheduled processes are displayed along with the name of their scheduling class.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string.

You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search.


Displays all processes with the specified process state. You can include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters in the process-state name. The following process states are available:
CEF (Common event flag wait) COLPG (Collided page wait)
COM (Computable) COMO (Computable but outswapped)
CUR (Current) FPG (Free page wait)
HIB (Hibernating) HIBO (Hibernating and outswapped)
LEF (Local event flag wait) LEFO (Local event flag wait and outswapped)
MUTEX 1 (Miscellaneous wait) PFW (Page fault wait)
PSXFR (POSIX fork wait) RWAST (AST wait)
RWBRK (Waiting for BROADCAST to finish) RWCAP (CPU capability required)
RWCLU (Cluster transition wait) RWCSV (Cluster server)
RWIMG (Image activation lock) RWLCK (Lock ID database)
RWMBX (Mailbox full) RWMPB (Modified page writer busy)
RWMPE (Modified page list empty) RWNPG (Nonpaged pool)
RWPAG (Paged pool) RWPFF (Page file full)
RWQUO (Pooled quota) RWSCS (SCS wait)
RWSWP (Swapfile spacelist empty) SUSP (Suspended)
SUSPO (Suspended and outswapped)  

1MUTEX is output if one of the RW* states cannot be output.



Displays all subprocesses on the system. When you use the /NOSUBPROCESS qualifier, all subprocesses are excluded from the output.


/NOWRAP (default)

Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.

The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.



OpenVMS 7.3 on node KRYPTN 14-DEC-2001 17:45:47:78 Uptime 2 21:53:59
   Pid    Process Name State  Pri    I/O       CPU   Page flts Pages
 27400201 SWAPPER        HIB   16      0  0 00:29:52.05      0    0
 27401E03 DOCBUILD       LEF    4  37530  0 00:05:47.62  96421  601
 27402604 BATCH_789      LEF    4   3106  0 00:00:48.67   4909 2636 B
 27401C05 BATCH_60       LEF    6    248  0 00:00:06.83   1439 1556 B
 27400207 ERRFMT         HIB    8   6332  0 00:00:41.83     89  229
 27400208 CACHE_SERVER   HIB   16   2235  0 00:00:05.85     67  202
 27400209 CLUSTER_SERVER HIB    8   4625  0 00:22:13.28    157  448
 2740020C JOB_CONTROL    HIB   10 270920  0 01:07:47.88   5163 1384
 2740020D CONFIGURE      HIB    9    125  0 00:00:00.53    104  264
 27400E8D Sir Lancelot   LEF    5    226  0 00:00:07.87   4560  697
 2740049A Guenevere      LEF    4    160  0 00:00:02.69    534  477
 27401EA0 BATCH_523      CUR 4  4  17470  0 03:25:49.67   8128 5616 B
 274026AF KING           CUR 6  4  14045  0 00:02:03.24  20032  397
 274016D5 DAVIS          LEF    6    427  0 00:00:09.28   5275 1384
 27401ED6 deGroot        HIB    5    935  0 00:00:10.17   3029 2204 S
 274012D7 BATCH_689      LEF    4  49216  0 00:14:18.36   7021 3470 B
 274032D9 DECW$MAIL      LEF    4   2626  0 00:00:51.19   4328 3087 B
 274018E3 SERVER_0021    LEF    6    519  0 00:00:07.07   1500  389 N
 274016E8 NMAIL_0008     HIB    4  10955  0 00:00:55.73   5652  151
 274034EA DOERING        LEF    4   2132  0 00:00:23.85   5318  452
 274022EB KERR           CUR 6  4    492  0 00:00:12.15   5181  459
 274018EF DUFRESNE       LEF    5 121386  0 00:28:00.97   7233 4094
 27401AF0 EMACS$RTA43    LEF    4  14727  0 00:03:56.54   8411 4224 S
 27400CF4 EAGAN          HIB    5  25104  0 00:06:07.76  37407 1923
 274020F5 TAN            LEF    7  14726  0 00:02:10.74  34262 1669
 27400CF6 KELLEY         LEF    9  40637  0 00:05:15.63  18454  463

The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example displays all processes on the system.

The information in this example includes the following:

  • Process identification (PID) code---A 32-bit binary value that uniquely identifies a process.
  • Process name---A 1- to 15-character string used to identify a process.
  • Process state---The activity level of the process, such as COM (computing), HIB (hibernation), LEF (local event flag) wait, or CUR (if the process is current). If a multiprocessing environment exists, the display shows the CPU ID of the processor on which any current process is executing.
    Note that the SHOW SYSTEM command examines the processes on the system without stopping activity on the system. In this example, process information changed during the time that the SHOW SYSTEM command collected the data to be displayed. As a result, this display includes two processes, named GAWAIN and S. Whiplash, with the state CUR on the same CPU, CPU ID 6 in the example.
  • Current priority 1 ---The priority level assigned to the process (the higher the number, the higher the priority).
  • Total process I/O count1---The number of I/O operations involved in executing the process. This consists of both the direct I/O count and the buffered I/O count.
  • Charged CPU time1---The amount of CPU time that a process has used thus far.
  • Number of page faults1---The number of exceptions generated by references to pages that are not in the process's working set.
  • Pages1---The number of CPU-specific pages in physical memory that the process is currently occupying.
  • Process indicator---Letter B indicates a batch job; letter S indicates a subprocess; letter N indicates a network process.
  • User identification code (UIC)---An 8-digit octal number assigned to a process. This number is displayed only if the /FULL qualifier is specified.

OpenVMS V7.3 on node ALPES 14-DEC-2001 09:09:58.61  Uptime 2 2:27:11
Pid       Process Name   State  Pri I/O       CPU     Page flts Pages
31E00041  SWAPPER        HIB    16    0  0 00:00:02.42       0     0
31E00047  CACHE_SERVER   HIB    16   58  0 00:00:00.26      80    36
31E00048  CLUSTER_SERVER CUR     9  156  0 00:00:58.15    1168    90
31E00049  OPCOM          HIB     7 8007  0 00:00:33.46    5506   305
31E0004A  AUDIT_SERVER   HIB     9  651  0 00:00:21.17    2267    22
31E0004B  JOB_CONTROL    HIB    10 1030  0 00:00:11.02     795   202

The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example was issued from an Alpha system and shows all processes on all nodes of the cluster.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node EON  14-DEC-2001 09:19:15.33  Uptime  2 02:29:07
Pid       Process Name   State  Pri I/O       CPU     Page flts Pages
36200041  SWAPPER        HIB    16    0  0 00:00:12.03       0     0
36200046  ERRFMT         HIB     8  263  0 00:00:05.89     152    87
36200047  CACHE_SERVER   CUR    16    9  0 00:00:00.26      80    51
36200048  CLUSTER_SERVER CUR     8   94  0 00:00:30.07     340    68
36200049  OPCOM          HIB     6 2188  0 00:02:01.04    1999   177
3620004A  AUDIT_SERVER   HIB    10  346  0 00:00:10.42    1707    72

The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example was issued from a VAX system and shows all processes on the node EON.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:29 AM Uptime 3 16:37:39
        AlphaServer 8400 5/440
OpenVMS V7.2 on node BBBBBB 12-MAY-2001 10:29 AM Uptime 3 12:42:56
        VAX 6000-540
OpenVMS V7.2 on node CCCCCC 12-MAY-2001 10:29 AM Uptime 3 16:26:52
        VAX 7000-760
OpenVMS V7.1 on node DDDDDD 12-MAY-2001 10:29 AM Uptime 3 16:41:35
        DEC 4000 Model 610
OpenVMS V7.2 on node EEEEEE 12-MAY-2001 10:29 AM Uptime 3 16:26:10
        VAXstation 3100/GPX

This example displays only the nodes available on the cluster with their respective uptimes and operating system versions because the /NOPROCESS qualifier suppresses the display of processes. The /FULL qualifier also displays the type of hardware on which the system is running.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:30 AM  Uptime 3 12:43:55
  Pid    Process Name  State   Pri  I/O      CPU      Page flts Pages
20C00101 SWAPPER         HIB    16    0  0 00:00:00.05        0     0
20C0010E SHADOW_SERVER   HIB     6    7  0 00:00:00.03       32     4
20C0010F SECURITY_SERVER HIB    10   35  0 00:00:02.16      292   323
20C00110 SMISERVER       HIB     9   67  0 00:00:00.20      152   131
20C0011A STEFANELLI      CUR 0   4   63  0 00:00:00.29      538    55

This example displays only the processes on the system that begin with the letter S.


20C00101 SWAPPER         HIB    16    0  0 00:00:00.05        0     0
20C00105 CONFIGURE       HIB    10   24  0 00:02:00.86       41    21
20C00107 IPCACP          HIB    10    9  0 00:00:00.04       33    43
20C00108 ERRFMT          HIB     7 3583  0 00:00:04.31       50    61
20C00109 CACHE_SERVER    HIB    16    3  0 00:00:00.02       27    35
20C0010A CLUSTER_SERVER  HIB    10   11  0 00:00:00.10       59    75

This example places the display of system processes into the SYSPROC.DAT file without the heading information using the /OUTPUT qualifier. In this way, you can create a data file for processing because the heading is suppressed using the /NOHEADING qualifier.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:35 AM  Uptime 3 12:48:19
        DEC 4000 Model 610
  Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
20C0010D JOB_CONTROL   HIB    10    41  0 00:00:00.25       51     66
         [SYSTEM]                                               528Kb

This example displays a system process by PID number.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:34 AM  Uptime 3 12:47:37
  Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
20C00119 DECW$TE_0119  LEF     6   334  0 00:00:01.00      975    657
20C0011A TIMMER        LEF     8    63  0 00:00:00.29      538     55
20C0011B _RTA1:        CUR 0   4   554  0 00:00:01.72     1771     70

This example displays the system processes belonging to user BESTON.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:36 AM  Uptime 3 12:49:46
  Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
20C00119 DECW$TE_0119  LEF     6   334  0 00:00:01.00      975    657
20C0011A STADLER       LEF     8    63  0 00:00:00.29      538     55

This example displays the system processes with process states that begin with the letter L.


OpenVMS V7.3 on node ZIMBER 30-OCT-2001 11:34:11.51 Uptim  8 20:21:31
  Pid    Process Name    State Pri  I/O      CPU    Page flts  Pages
0000008C SECURITY_SERVER HIB    11  131  0 00:55:25.25   4370   194 M
OpenVMS V7.3 on node ZIMBER 30-OCT-2001 11:34:13.98 Uptime 8 20:21:34
        AlphaStation 400 4/233
  Pid    Process Name    State Pri  I/O      CPU    Page flts Pages
0000008C SECURITY_SERVER HIB    11  131  0 00:55:25.26   4370   194 M
0000010C                 HIB    11
         [SYSTEM]                                              1552Kb

These examples show the results of the /MULTITHREAD qualifier and the combination results of the /MULTITHREAD and /FULL qualifiers.


1 This information is displayed only if the process is currently in the balance set; if the process is not in the balance set, these columns contain the following message:

 -- swapped out -- 


Displays the current characteristics of a specific terminal. Each characteristic corresponds to an option of the SET TERMINAL command.


SHOW TERMINAL [device-name[:]]



Specifies the name of the terminal for which you want the characteristics displayed. The default is your terminal (SYS$COMMAND).


The SHOW TERMINAL command displays the information about terminal settings for such things as terminal speed, width, number of lines, graphics, and device type.

Note that the SHOW TERMINAL command does not describe terminal fallback characteristics if any are activated. If the Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) is enabled, you can invoke the Terminal Fallback Utility (TFU) and issue the subcommand SHOW TERMINAL/FALLBACK. For more information, see the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility Manual (available on the Documentation CD-ROM).



Displays a subset of more commonly used terminal characteristics.

/FULL (default)

Displays all terminal characteristics.



Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier without a file specification, the output is sent to the current process default output stream or device, identified by the logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you enter a file specification, it cannot include the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

Displays the permanent characteristics of the terminal.



Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                              Username: REHOR
Terminal Characteristics:
   Speed:   9600      Page:  62          Width: 80
   No Remote          Hostsync           TTsync
   No Modem           Broadcast          Wrap
   No Hangup          No Disconnect      Overstrike editing
   No Dialup          Application keypad Line Editing

In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays a subset of the more commonly used terminal characteristics.


Terminal: _TTE4:       Device_Type: VT102         Owner: FRANKLIN
Physical Terminal: _LTA49
   Input:   9600      LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
   Output:  9600      CRfill:  0      Page:   24
Terminal Characteristics:
 Interactive        Echo               Type_ahead    No Escape
 No Hostsync        TTsync             Lowercase     Tab
 Wrap               Scope              No Remote     Eightbit
 Broadcast          No Readsync        No Form       Fulldup
 No Modem           No Local_echo      No Autobaud   Hangup
 No Brdcstmbx       No DMA             No Altypeahd  Set_speed
 Line Editing       Overstrike editing No Fallback   No Dialup
 No Secure server   No Disconnect      No Pasthru    No Syspassword
 No SIXEL Graphics  Soft Characters    Printer port  Numeric Keypad
 ANSI_CRT           No Regis           No Block_mode Advanced_video
 Edit_mode          DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2      No DEC_CRT3

In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays the characteristics of this specific terminal. If you are displaying statistics about a terminal allocated to another user, the input, output, LFfill, CRfill, width, page, and parity statistics are not shown (see the next example).


Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                              Username: VILLA
Remote Port Info: NODE12::VILLA
   Input:    9600     LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
   Output:   9600     CRfill:  0      Page:   62
Terminal Characteristics:
 Interactive        Echo             Type_ahead         No Escape
 Hostsync           TTsync           Lowercase          Tab
 Wrap               Scope            No Remote          Eightbit
 Broadcast          No Readsync      No Form            Fulldup
 No Modem           No Local_echo    No Autobaud        No Hangup
 No Brdcstmbx       No DMA           No Altypeahd       Set_speed
 No Commsync        Line Editing     Overstrike editing No Fallback
 No Dialup          No Secure server No Disconnect      No Pasthru
 No Syspassword     SIXEL Graphics   No Soft Characters Printer port
 Application keypad ANSI_CRT         Regis              No Block_mode
 Advanced_video     Edit_mode        DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2
 DEC_CRT3           No DEC_CRT4      No DEC_CRT5        Ansi_Color
 VMS Style Input

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