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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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You must specify the following output value item code:


You can specify the following input value item code:



This request returns (in DNS$_OUTVALSET) a set whose members are the values of the specified attribute.

To manipulate the values returned by this call, use the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE run-time library routine. The run-time library routine returns the value of a single-valued attribute or the first value from a set-valued attribute. The contents of DNS$_OUTVALSET are passed to DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE, and the routine returns the value of the attribute.

The attribute values are returned in the order in which they were created. If the call returns DNS$_MOREDATA, not all of the set members have been returned. The client application can make further calls, setting DNS$_CONTEXTVARTIME to the timestamp of the last attribute in the set returned, until the procedure returns SS$_NORMAL.

If the client sets the DNS$_MAYBEMORE item code to 1, the name service attempts to make subsequent DNS$_READ_ATTRIBUTE calls for the same value more efficient.

This function code returns the following:


You must have read access to the object whose attribute is to be read.

You must specify the following input value item codes:


You must specify the following output value item code:


You can specify the following input value item codes:


You can specify the following output value item code:


$DNS returns the following qualifying status:



This request deletes a soft link from the namespace. Only the soft link is deleted. Any DECdns name that is referenced by the soft link remains unaffected by the operation.

You must have delete access to the soft link, or delete or control access to its parent directory.

You must specify the following input value item code:


You can specify the following input value item codes:



This request removes the specified replica of a directory.

You must have control access to the replica being removed and write access to the replica's clearinghouse.

You must specify the following input value item codes:


You can specify the following input value item codes:



This request follows a chain of soft links to its target. The function returns the full name of the target.

Applications that maintain their own databases of opaque DECdns names should use DNS$_RESOLVE_NAME any time they receive the qualifying status DNS$V_DNSB_OUTLINKED. The qualifying status indicates that a soft link was followed to make the request to the DECdns server. After receiving the resolved name, the application should store it, so future references to the name do not incur the overhead of following a soft link.

If the application provides a name that does not contain any soft links, DNS$_NOTLINKED status is returned. If the target of any of the chain of soft links followed does not exist, the DNS$_DANGLINGLINK status is returned. To obtain the target of any particular soft link, use the DNS$_READ_ATTRIBUTE function with DNS$_LOOKINGFOR set to DNS$K_SOFTLINK and request the attribute DNS$LINKTARGET. This can be useful in discovering which link in a chain does not point to an existing target. If the DECdns clerk detects a loop, it returns DNS$_POSSIBLECYCLE status.

This function code returns the following:


You must have read access to each of the soft links in the chain.

You must specify the following input value item code:


You must specify the following output value item code:


You can specify the following input value item codes:


$DNS returns the following qualifying status:



This request takes a simple name in opaque format and converts it to its equivalent in string format.

This function code returns the following:


You must specify the following input value item code:


You must specify the following output value item code:



This request attempts to ensure that all replicas of the specified directory have absorbed all updates applied to any replica prior to the time the skulk began. Successful update of the replica set requires all replicas to be available for an extended time.

You must have control access to the directory being skulked.

You must specify the following input value item code:



This request tests an object for the presence of a particular attribute value. This function returns DNS$_TRUE in the $DNS status block if the specified attribute has one of the following characteristics:
  • It is a single-valued attribute and its value matches the specified value.
  • It is a set-valued attribute and the attribute contains the specified value as one of its members.

If the attribute is not present or if the specified attribute does not exist, the function returns DNS$_FALSE in the $DNS status block.

This function code returns the following:


You must have test or read access to the directory, object, soft link, or clearinghouse whose attribute is to be tested.

You must specify the following input value item codes:


You can specify the following input value item codes:


$DNS returns the following qualifying status:



This request tests a group object for a particular member. It returns DNS$_TRUE in the $DNS status block if the specified member is a member of the specified group (or a subgroup thereof), and DNS$_FALSE otherwise. If the clerk searches a subgroup and one or more of the subgroups is unavailable, the clerk returns the status encountered in trying to access that group.

The DNS$_INOUTDIRECT argument, on input, controls the scope of the search. If you set this item code to 1, the clerk searches only the top-level group. If you set it to 0, the clerk searches all of the subgroups. On output, the clerk returns a 1 in the DNS$V_DNSB_INOUTDIRECT qualifying status if the member was found in the top-level group; it returns a 0 if the member was found in a subgroup.

This function code returns the following:


You must have test or read access to each of the groups being tested or control access to their respective directories.

You must specify the following input value item codes:


You can specify the following input value item codes:


$DNS returns the following qualifying status:

Item Codes Table SYS-26 provides a summary of item codes that are valid as an item descriptor in the itmlst argument. The table lists the item codes and their data types. Complete descriptions of each item code are provided after the table.

Table SYS-26 $DNS Item Codes and Their Data Types
Item Code Data Type
DNS$_ATTRIBUTENAME An opaque simple name, which is limited to 31 ISO Latin-1 characters.
DNS$_ATTRIBUTETYPE A single byte, indicating whether the attribute is a set (DNSK$_SET) or a single value (DNS$K_SINGLE), followed by an opaque simple name.
DNS$_CLASS An opaque simple name, limited to 31 ISO Latin-1 characters.
DNS$_CLASSFILTER An opaque simple name that can contain a wildcard.
DNS$_CLEARINGHOUSE An opaque simple name of a clearinghouse.
DNS$_CONF The confidence setting, which is a 1-byte field with the value DNS$K_LOW, DNS$K_MEDIUM, or DNS$K_HIGH.
DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME An opaque simple name.
DNS$_CONTEXTVARTIME A creation timestamp (CTS).
DNS$_DIRECTORY An opaque full name of a directory.
DNS$_ENTRY An opaque full name of a directory, soft link, group, or clearinghouse.
DNS$_EXPIRETIME A quadword absolute time representation.
DNS$_EXTENDTIME A quadword relative time representation.
DNS$_FROMFULLNAME An opaque full name.
DNS$_FROMSIMPLENAME An opaque simple name.
DNS$_FROMSTRINGNAME A full or simple name consisting of a string of ISO-1 Latin characters. The length of the name is length stored separately in an item list.
DNS$_GROUP An opaque full name.
DNS$_INOUTDIRECT A 1-byte Boolean field. Valid values are 0 and 1.
DNS$_LINKNAME An opaque full name of a soft link.
DNS$_MAYBEMORE A 1-byte Boolean field. Valid values are DNS$_FALSE and DNS$_TRUE.
DNS$_MEMBER A single byte, indicating whether the member is a principal (DNS$K_GRPMEM_NOT_GROUP) or another group (DNS$K_GRPMEM_IS_GROUP), followed by the opaque full name of the member.
DNS$_MODOPERATION A value indicating that an attribute is being added (DNS$K_PRESENT) or deleted (DNS$K_ABSENT).
DNS$_MODVALUE The structure of this value is dependent on the application.
DNS$_NEXTCHAR_PTR The address of an invalid character following a valid full or simple name.
DNS$_OBJECTNAME An opaque full name.
DNS$_OUTATTRIBUTESET DNS$K_SET or DNS$K_SINGLE in the first byte followed by a single or set of attribute names.
DNS$_OUTCHILDREN A set of opaque simple names of the child directories found in the parent directory.
DNS$_OUTCTS A timestamp.
DNS$_OUTNAME An opaque full name.
DNS$_OUTOBJECTS A set of opaque simple names. Optionally, each simple name can be followed by the value of the DNS$Class attribute.
DNS$_OUTSOFTLINKS A set of opaque simple names of the soft links for an object.
DNS$_OUTVALSET A set of attribute values.
DNS$_READCHSET An opaque full name of a read-only directory.
DNS$_REPLICATYPE The type of directory replica. Valid values are secondary replica (DNS$K_SECONDARY) and read-only replica (DNS$K_READONLY).
DNS$_RETURNCLASS A flag indicating that the value of DNS$Class is returned in DNS$_OUTOBJECTS.
DNS$_SECCHSET An opaque full name of a secondary directory.
DNS$_SUPPRESS_NSNAME A 1-byte value: a value of DNS$_TRUE suppresses the namespace name, and a value of DNS$_FALSE returns the namespace name.
DNS$_TARGETNAME The opaque full name of an entry in the namespace to which a soft link will point.
DNS$_TOFULLNAME The opaque full name of an object. The maximum output of DNS$PARSE_FULLNAME_STRING is 402 bytes.
DNS$_TOSIMPLENAME An opaque simple name. It can be no longer than 257 bytes.
DNS$_TOSTRINGNAME A name string of ISO-1 Latin characters. The name length is stored separately in an item list.
DNS$_VALUE An attribute value in string format.
DNS$_VERSION A 2-byte field: the first byte contains the major version number, the second contains the minor version number.
DNS$_WAIT A quadword time representation.
DNS$_WILDCARD An opaque simple name containing a wildcard character.

This section describes each item code.


The DNS$_ATTRIBUTENAME item code specifies the opaque simple name of an attribute. An attribute name cannot be longer than 31 characters.


The DNS$_ATTRIBUTETYPE item code specifies whether an attribute is set valued (DNS$K_SET) or single valued (DNS$K_SINGLE).


The DNS$_CLASS item code specifies the DNS$Class attribute of an object for the $DNS function DNS$_CREATE_OBJECT. DNS$_CLASS is an opaque simple name.


DNS$_CLASSFILTER specifies a filter that limits the scope of an enumeration to those objects belonging to a certain class or group of classes. DNS$_CLASSFILTER is used by the $DNS function DNS$_ENUMERATE_OBJECTS. DNS$_CLASSFILTER is an opaque simple name, which can contain a wildcard (either the asterisk or question mark).

DNS$_CLASSFILTER is optional. A wildcard simple name using an asterisk (*) is used by default, meaning that objects of all classes are enumerated.


DNS$_CLEARINGHOUSE specifies the clearinghouse in which the directory will be added or removed. DNS$_CLEARINGHOUSE is an opaque full name.


DNS$_CONF specifies for $DNS whether to use the clerk's cache or a DECdns server to complete the request. DNS$_CONF is 1 byte long and can take one of the following values:
Confidence Level Description
DNS$K_LOW On read requests, services the DECdns request from the clerk's cache. On create or modify requests, services the request from a master or secondary directory.
DNS$K_MEDIUM Bypasses any cached information and services the request directly from a DECdns server.
DNS$K_HIGH Services the request from the master directory.

DNS$_CONF is optional; if it is not specified, the DECdns clerk assumes a value of DNS$K_LOW.


DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME specifies and returns a context for the enumeration functions. On input, specify null to set the initial context. On output, DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME returns the opaque simple name of the last item enumerated.

DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME is optional. If you do not specify or you specify a null value for the context variable item, the clerk returns the results from the beginning of the set. To restart an enumeration where it left off, specify the last value returned in DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME.


DNS$_CONTEXTVARTIME specifies and returns a timestamp for the DNS$_READ_ATTRIBUTE function. On input, specify a timestamp to set up the context for reading attributes. On output, DNS$_CONTEXTVARNAME returns the timestamp of the last item read.

DNS$_CONTEXTVARTIME is optional. If you do not specify or you specify a null value for the context variable item, the clerk returns the results from the beginning of the set. To restart a read operation where it left off, specify the last value returned in DNS$CONTEXTVARTIME.


DNS$_DIRECTORY specifies the directory in which the child directories, soft links, or objects to be enumerated reside. DNS$_DIRECTORY is an opaque full name.


DNS$_ENTRY specifies the opaque full name of an object, soft link, directory, or clearinghouse in the namespace.


DNS$_EXPIRETIME specifies the absolute time when the soft link will expire. The clerk deletes the soft link at the expiration time. If this item code is a null value, the clerk neither checks nor deletes the link.


DNS$_EXTENDTIME specifies an extension factor to be added to the absolute time if the soft link still exists. A new expiration time is created by adding the expiration time and the extend time together.


DNS$_FROMFULLNAME specifies for the DNS$_FULL_OPAQUE_TO_STRING function the opaque full name that is to be converted into string format.


DNS$_FROMSIMPLENAME specifies for the DNS$_SIMPLE_OPAQUE_TO_STRING function the opaque simple name that is to be converted into string format.


DNS$_FROMSTRINGNAME specifies, in string format, a simple or full name that is to be converted to opaque format for the parse functions DNS$_PARSE_FULLNAME_STRING and DNS$_PARSE_SIMPLENAME_STRING.


DNS$_GROUP specifies for the DNS$_TEST_GROUP function the opaque full name of the group that is to be tested. DNS$_GROUP must be the name of a group object.


DNS$_INOUTDIRECT specifies a value that controls the scope of a test for group membership.
Value Definition
1 Tests the top-level group specified by the DNS$_GROUP item (the default)
0 Tests all subgroups of the group named in DNS$_GROUP

DNS$_INOUTDIRECT is a single-byte value.


DNS$_LINKNAME specifies the opaque full name of a soft link.


DNS$_LOOKINGFOR specifies the type of entry in the namespace on which the call is to operate. DNS$_LOOKINGFOR can take one of the following values:


DNS$_MAYBEMORE is used with the DNS$_READ_ATTRIBUTE function to indicate that the results of the read operation are to be cached. This is a single-byte item.

When this item is set to 1, the clerk returns all of the entry's attributes in the return buffer. The clerk caches all of this information to make later lookups of attribute information for the same entry quicker and more efficient.

If you do not specify this item, only the requested information is returned.


DNS$_MEMBER specifies for the DNS$_TEST_GROUP function of $DNS the opaque full name of a member that is to be tested for inclusion within a given group.


DNS$_MODOPERATION specifies for the DNS$_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE function the type of operation that is to take place. There are two types of modifications: adding an attribute or deleting an attribute. To add an attribute, specify DNS$K_PRESENT. To delete an attribute, specify DNS$K_ABSENT.


DNS$_MODVALUE specifies for the DNS$_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE function the value that is to be added to or deleted from an attribute. The structure of this value is dependent on the application.

DNS$_MODVALUE is an optional argument that affects the overall operation of the DNS$_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE function. Note that the DNS$_MODVALUE item code must be specified to add a single-valued attribute. You can specify a null value for a set-valued attribute. (See the DNS$_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE item code description for more information.)


DNS$_NEXTCHAR_PTR is an optional item code that can be used with the parse functions DNS$_PARSE_FULLNAME_STRING and DNS$_PARSE_SIMPLENAME_STRING to return the address of an invalid character that immediately follows a valid DECdns name. This option is most useful when applications are parsing command line strings.

Without this item code, the parse functions return an error if any portion of the name string is invalid.


DNS$_OBJECTNAME specifies the opaque full name of an object.


DNS$_OUTATTRIBUTESET returns a set of enumerated attribute names. This item code is used with the DNS$_ENUMERATE_ATTRIBUTES functions. The item code returns either DNS$K_SET or DNS$K_SINGLE along with the set of attribute names.

The names returned in this set can be extracted from the buffer with the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE routine. The resulting values are contained in the $DNSATTRSPECDEF structure. This 1-byte structure indicates whether an attribute is set-valued or single-valued followed by an opaque simple name.


DNS$_OUTCHILDREN returns the set of opaque simple names enumerated by the DNS$_ENUMERATE_CHILDREN function.

You can extract the values resulting from the enumeration using the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE run-time library routine. These values are the opaque simple names of the child directories found in the parent directory.


DNS$_OUTCTS returns the creation timestamp (CTS) that the specified entry received when it was created. This item code is optional and can be used by the $DNS create functions.


DNS$_OUTNAME returns the opaque full name of the target pointed to by a soft link. This item code is used with the DNS$_RESOLVE_NAME function.


DNS$_OUTOBJECTS returns the set of opaque simple names enumerated by the DNS$_ENUMERATE_OBJECTS function.

Each object name is followed by the object's class if you specify the DNS$_RETURNCLASS item code on input. The object's class is the value of the DNS$Class attribute.

You can extract the values resulting from the enumeration using the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE run-time library routine. The resulting values are the opaque simple names of the objects found in the directory.


DNS$_OUTSOFTLINKS returns the set of opaque simple names enumerated by the DNS$_ENUMERATE_SOFTLINKS function.

You can extract the values resulting from the enumeration using the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE run-time library routine. The resulting values are the opaque simple names of the soft links found in the directory.


DNS$_OUTVALSET returns for the DNS$_READ_ATTRIBUTE function a set of values for the given attribute.

You can extract the values resulting from the enumeration using the DNS$REMOVE_FIRST_SET_VALUE run-time library routine. The extracted values are the values of the attribute.


DNS$_READCHSET specifies the names of clearinghouses that contain read-only replicas of the directory being reconstructed with DNS$_NEW_EPOCH.


DNS$_REPLICATYPE specifies the type of directory replica being added in the specified clearinghouse. You can add a secondary replica (DNS$K_SECONDARY) or a read-only replica (DNS$K_READONLY).


DNS$_RETURNCLASS specifies that the class of object entries enumerated with the DNS$_ENUMERATE_OBJECTS function should be returned along with the object names in the DNS$_OUTOBJECTS item code. The object's class is the value of the DNS$Class attribute.


DNS$_SECCHSET specifies the names of clearinghouses that contain secondary replicas of the directory being reconstructed with DNS$_NEW_EPOCH.


DNS$_SUPPRESS_NSNAME specifies that the leading namespace name should not be returned in the converted full name string. This item code is used by the DNS$_FULL_OPAQUE_TO_STRING function. This is an optional single-byte value.

A value of 1 suppresses the leading namespace name in the resulting full name string.


DNS$_TARGETNAME specifies the name of an existing entry in the namespace to which the soft link will point. This item code is used by the DNS$_CREATE_LINK function.


DNS$_TOFULLNAME returns for the DNS$_PARSE_FULLNAME_STRING function the address of a buffer that contains the resulting opaque full name.


DNS$_TOSIMPLENAME specifies for the DNS$_PARSE_SIMPLENAME_STRING function the address of a buffer that will contain the resulting opaque simple name.


DNS$_TOSTRINGNAME returns the string name resulting from one of the conversion functions: DNS$_FULL_OPAQUE_TO_STRING or DNS$_SIMPLE_OPAQUE_TO_STRING. DNS$_TOSTRINGNAME has the following structure:

[NS_name:] [.] Namestring [.Namestring]

  • NS_name, if present, is a local system representation of the namespace creation timestamp (NSCTS), the unique identifier of the DECdns server. The DECdns clerk supplies a namespace name (node-name_NS) if the value is omitted.
  • Namestring represents a simple name component. Multiple simple names are separated by periods.


DNS$_VALUE specifies for the DNS$_TEST_ATTRIBUTE function the value that is to be tested. This item contains the address of a buffer holding the value.


DNS$_VERSION specifies the DNS$ClassVersion attribute for the DNS$_CREATE_OBJECT function. This is a 2-byte structure: the first byte contains the major version number, the second contains the minor version number.


DNS$_WAIT enables the client to specify a timeout value to wait for a call to complete. If the timeout expires, the call returns either DNS$K_TIMEOUTNOTDONE or DNS$K_TIMEOUTMAYBEDONE, depending on whether the namespace was updated by the incomplete operation.

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