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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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A parent process name consists of 1 to 15 characters. This argument should be specified only for failed spawn commands.


OpenVMS usage: process_id
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Process identification of the parent process from which the login was attempted. The parent_id argument is a longword containing the parent process identification.


OpenVMS usage: mask_longword
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Operational instructions for the service. The flags argument is a longword bit mask wherein each bit corresponds to an option.

Each flag option has a symbolic name. The $CIADEF macro defines the following valid names for the $SCAN_INTRUSION service:

Symbolic Name Description
CIA$M_NOAUDIT If set, this flag indicates that the service should instruct the security server to not audit the login failure or the break-in attempt. If the flag is set, you are expected to do your own auditing.
CIA$M_IGNORE_RETURN Specifies that the service should not wait for the return status from the security server. No return status from the server's function will be returned to the caller.
CIA$M_ITEMLIST If FALSE, the failed_user argument is a character string. If TRUE, this argument is a 32-bit item list.
CIA$M_REAL_USERNAME If set, indicates that the user name passed as the failed user name is read and known to the system.
CIA$M_SECONDARY_PASSWORD Indicates that the failed password passed to the service was the secondary password. If the flag is clear, the password is assumed to be the primary password.


The Scan Intrusion Database service performs the following functions:
  • Scans the intrusion database for intruders so that successful logins are evaded if the system is taking evasive action
  • Adds login failures to the intrusion database
  • Changes records in the intrusion database from suspects to intruders when the number of login failures by the specified user or from the specified source reaches the value of the LGI_BREAK_LIM system parameter
  • Disables user accounts if the LGI_BRK_DISUSER flag is set and the number of login attempts on a real user has reached LGI_BRK_LIM
  • Audits login failures or break-in attempts on behalf of the caller

The information that $SCAN_INTRUSION stores in the intrusion database is based on the setting of the LGI_BRK_TERM system parameter and the information passed by the caller. For more information about how the intrusion database functions and the use of the LGI system parameters, refer to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

Required Access or Privileges

$SCAN_INTRUSION requires the SECURITY privilege.

Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_ACCVIO One or more of the arguments were not readable.
SS$_BADBUFLEN The length of one or more of the specified arguments is out of range.
SS$_BADPARAM An invalid flag was specified in the flags argument.
SS$_NOSECURITY The caller does not have SECURITY privilege.
This service can also return any of the following messages passed from the security server:
SECSRV$_INSUFINFO Not enough information is supplied to form an intrusion record.
SECSRV$_INTRUDER An intruder matching the information passed to the service exists in the intrusion database.
SECSRV$_NOMATCH No intruders or suspects exist that match the information passed to the service.
SECSRV$_SERVERNOTACTIVE The security server is not currently active. Try the request again later.
SECSRV$_SUSPECT A suspect matching the information passed to the service exists in the intrusion database.


Schedules the awakening (restarting) of a process that has placed itself in a state of hibernation with the Hibernate ($HIBER) service.


SYS$SCHDWK [pidadr] ,[prcnam] ,daytim ,[reptim]

C Prototype

int sys$schdwk (unsigned int *pidadr, void *prcnam, struct _generic_64 *daytim, struct _generic_64 *reptim);



OpenVMS usage: process_id
type: longword (unsigned)
access: modify
mechanism: by reference

Process identification (PID) of the process to be awakened. The pidadr argument is the address of a longword containing the PID. The pidadr argument can refer to a process running on the local node or a process running on another node in the OpenVMS Cluster system.

You must specify the pidadr argument to awaken processes in other UIC groups.


OpenVMS usage: process_name
type: character-coded text string
access: read only
mechanism: by descriptor--fixed-length string descriptor

Name of the process to be awakened. The prcnam is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to the process name. A process running on the local node can be identified with a string of from 1 to 15 characters.

To identify a process on a particular node on a cluster, specify the full process name, which includes the node name as well as the process name. The full process name can contain up to 23 characters.

You can use the prcnam argument to awaken only processes in the same UIC group as the calling process because process names are unique to UIC groups, and the operating system uses the UIC group number of the calling process to interpret the process name specified by the prcnam argument. You must use the pidadr argument to awaken processes in other UIC groups.


OpenVMS usage: date_time
type: quadword
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Time at which the process is to be awakened. The daytim argument is the address of a quadword containing this time in the system 64-bit time format. A positive time value specifies an absolute time at which the specified process is to be awakened. A negative time value specifies an offset (delta time) from the current time.


OpenVMS usage: date_time
type: quadword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Time interval at which the wakeup request is to be repeated. The reptim argument is the address of a quadword containing this time interval. The time interval must be expressed in delta time format.

The time interval specified cannot be less than 10 milliseconds; if it is, $SCHDWK automatically increases it to 10 milliseconds.

If you do not specify reptim, a default value of 0 is used, which specifies that the wakeup request is not to be repeated.


The Schedule Wakeup service schedules the awakening of a process that has placed itself in a state of hibernation with the Hibernate ($HIBER) service. A wakeup can be scheduled for a specified absolute time or for a delta time and can be repeated at fixed intervals.

If you specify neither the pidadr nor the prcnam argument, the wakeup request is issued on behalf of the calling process. If the longword value at address pidadr is 0, the PID of the target process is returned.

$SCHDWK uses the system dynamic memory to allocate a timer queue entry.

If you issue one or more scheduled wakeup requests for a process that is not hibernating, a subsequent hibernate request by the target process completes immediately; that is, the process does not hibernate. No count of outstanding wakeup requests is maintained.

You can cancel scheduled wakeup requests that have not yet been processed by using the Cancel Wakeup ($CANWAK) service.

If a specified absolute time value has already passed and no repeat time is specified, the timer expires at the next clock cycle (within 10 milliseconds).

Required Access or Privileges

Depending on the operation, the calling process might need one of the following privileges to use $SCHDWK:

  • GROUP privilege to schedule wakeup requests for a process in the same group unless it has the same UIC
  • WORLD privilege to schedule wakeup requests for any other process in the system

Required Quota

This service uses the process's timer queue entries (TQELM) quota. If you specify an AST routine, the service uses the AST limit (ASTLM) quota of the calling process to schedule a wakeup request.

Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_ACCVIO The expiration time, repeat time, process name string, or string descriptor cannot be read by the caller, or the process identification cannot be written by the caller.
SS$_EXQUOTA The process has exceeded its AST limit quota.
SS$_INCOMPAT The remote node is running an incompatible version of the operating system.
SS$_INSFMEM The system dynamic memory is insufficient for allocating a timer queue entry.
SS$_IVLOGNAM The process name string has a length of 0 or has more than 15 characters.
SS$_IVTIME The specified delta repeat time is a positive value, or an absolute time plus delta repeat time is less than the current time.
SS$_NONEXPR The specified process does not exist, or an invalid process identification was specified.
SS$_NOPRIV The process does not have the privilege to schedule a wakeup request for the specified process.
SS$_NOSUCHNODE The process name refers to a node that is not currently recognized as part of the OpenVMS Cluster system.
SS$_REMRSRC The remote node has insufficient resources to respond to the request. (Bring this error to the attention of your system manager.)
SS$_UNREACHABLE The remote node is a member of the cluster but is not accepting requests. (This is normal for a brief period early in the system boot process.)


Affects process scheduling. This service is intended for use by a class scheduler process.


SYS$SCHED func ,p1 ,p2 ,p3

C Prototype

int sys$sched (unsigned int func, unsigned int *p1, unsigned int *p2, unsigned int *p3);



OpenVMS usage: function_code
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value

Function code specifying the action $SCHED is to perform. The func argument is a longword containing this code.

See the Function Codes section for a list of valid function codes for $SCHED.

p1, p2, p3

OpenVMS usage: longword
type: longword (unsigned)
access: varies
mechanism: varies

The meaning of the p1, p2, and p3 arguments depends on the function code specified in the func argument, and is defined in the Function Codes section.

Function Codes

This section defines each of the $SCHED function codes and describes the values of the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument for each function.


Returns a buffer containing information, including an index, EPID, and priority, for all processes.

The format of the buffer is defined in the $CSHDEF macro and consists of a series of CSHP fields.

The following table shows the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values for the CSH$_READ_ALL function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of the buffer.
p2 Write Address of the longword size of the buffer.
p3 Write Address of the longword size of the per-process entry.


Returns a buffer containing information, including an index, EPID, and priority, for all processes for which a class assignment has not been made.

The format of the buffer is defined in the $CSHDEF macro and consists of a series of CSHP fields.

The following table shows the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values for the CSH$_READ_NEW function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of the buffer.
p2 Write Address of the longword size of the buffer.
p3 Write Address of the longword size of the per-process entry.

The following table describes the information returned in the buffer fields for both CSH$_READ_ALL and CSH$_READ_NEW:

Buffer Field Definition
CSHP$T_ACCOUNT Account string from the user authorization file (first eight characters).
CSHP$L_CPUTIM Process CPU time used, in 10-millisecond ticks.
CSHP$L_EPID Process ID (PID). If CSHP information is insufficient to determine the right class for a process, the PID can be used with the $GETJPI(W) system service to obtain additional detail.
CSHP$W_PIX A unique integer assigned to the process for its duration. Applications might want to use this value to index arrays.
CSHP$B_PRI Current process priority.
CSHP$B_PRIB Base process priority.
CSHP$L_STATUS Undefined; reserved to HP.


Returns a buffer containing information about how many ticks are left for each class. Data is returned in a series of longwords, one longword per class, starting with class number 0.

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_READ_QUANT function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of the buffer.
p2 Read Address of the longword size of the buffer.
p3 --- Unused.


Enables attention asynchronous system traps (ASTs).

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_SET_ATTN_AST function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of an AST routine.
p2 Read Access mode to deliver AST.
p3 --- Unused.


Places processes in classes with or without windfall capability. The caller supplies a buffer consisting of CSHC blocks.

The format of the buffer is defined in the $CSHDEF macro. The following table describes the information contained in the buffer:

Buffer Field Definition
CSHC$L_EPID Process ID (PID) of the process to affect.
CSHC$W_CLASS Class into which to place the process. Class 65535 (hexadecimal FFFF) has a special interpretation: the associated process is not to be class scheduled and will, therefore, never run out of class quantum. The largest class number is 8191.
CSHC$W_WINDFALL Determines whether the process is to share windfall. A value of 1 permits the process to share windfall; a value of 0 prevents the process from sharing windfall. Values other than 0 and 1 are undefined and can cause unpredictable behavior in future releases of the operating system.

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_SET_CLASS function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of the buffer.
p2 Read Address of the longword size of the buffer.
p3 Read Address of the longword size of the entry used. Should be CSHC$K_LENGTH or equivalent.


Indicates to the class scheduler that the next READ_NEW will return information about the calling process. This function should be used only in executive or kernel mode.

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_SET_NEW function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 --- Unused.
p2 Read PID (by value).
p3 --- Unused.


Establishes class quantum and enables class scheduling. The caller supplies a buffer that allocates CPU ticks to classes, one longword per class, starting with class number 0. Class-scheduled processes will have their quantum deducted from the appropriate longword, and will be removed from execution if class quantum is decremented to 0.

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_SET_QUANT function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 Read Address of the buffer.
p2 Read Address of the longword size of buffer.
p3 --- Unused.


Establishes a nonstandard timeout. If the application does not issue a CSH$_SET_QUANT within the timeout period, all class scheduling is stopped and processes are returned to normal scheduling. The default value, 30 seconds, should be suitable for most circumstances.

The following table defines the p1 argument, p2 argument, and p3 argument values when specifying the CSH$_SET_TIMEOUT function code:

Argument Access Description
p1 --- Unused.
p2 Read Time in seconds (by value).
p3 --- Unused.


The Affect Process Scheduling service is used by class scheduler processes to affect scheduling.

Use the func argument to specify which action $SCHED is to perform.

For more information on class scheduling, refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual.

Required Access or Privileges

ALTPRI is required to affect processes. Group access is required to affect processes in the same UIC group. World access is required to affect processes in different UIC groups. SYSPRV is required to set the timeout value.

Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL Service completed successfully.
SS$_ACCVIO Buffer, length, or size locations not writeable.
SS$_BADPARAM Specified a class higher than currently defined, or an element size of 0 was specified.
SS$_BUFFEROVF Buffer is too small, only some data transferred.
SS$_INCLASS Returned if a process (specified by the input PID) already belongs to a scheduling class. This can happen if the process was previously class scheduled at login through the class scheduler permanent database file, or by issuing the command, SET PROCESS/SCHEDULING_CLASS="class_name".
SS$_INSFMEM System dynamic memory is insufficient to complete the service.
SS$_NOSUCHUSER Supplied PID is not valid.

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