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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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The SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request has the following five uses:

  • To create a queue database and initially start the queue manager, issue a SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request with the SJC$_NEW_VERSION item code. See the description of the SJC$_NEW_VERSION item code for more information. Once the queue manager has been started, it will remain running unless it is explicitly stopped with an SJC$_STOP_QUEUE_MANAGER request.
  • If an SJC$_STOP_QUEUE_MANAGER request has been specified, issue a SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request to restart the queue manager.
  • In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, issue an SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request with the SJC$_QUEUE_MANAGER_NODES item code to modify the list of preferred nodes on which the queue manager can run. See the description of the SJC_QUEUE_MANAGER_NODES item code for more information.
  • In a cluster, issue an SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request to ensure that the queue manager process is executing on the most preferred, available node. If the queue manager is not running on the most preferred, available node, the queue manager will be moved to that node without interruption of service. If you are using the default node list (*), the queue manager will not move. For more information, see the description of the SJC$_QUEUE_MANAGER_NODES item code.
  • To create additional queue managers, issue an SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER request with the SJC$_ADD_QUEUE_MANAGER and SJC$_QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME item codes. Note that the queue manager name must be different from the name of any queue manager currently defined. For more information about creating multiple queue managers, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

You can specify the following input value or Boolean item codes:



This request performs two functions. If you specify the SJC$_ACCOUNTING_TYPES item code, the request disables recording of the specified types of accounting records. If you do not specify SJC$_ACCOUNTING_TYPES, the request stops the accounting manager and closes the system accounting file.

You can specify the following input value item code:



Stops all queues on a specific node. By default, all queues on the requesting node are stopped. To stop all queues on a node other than the node from which the $SNDJBC request is sent, use the SJC$_SCSNODE_NAME item code to specify the affected node.

Besides stopping all queues on a specific node, this request aborts each job that is currently executing. Aborted jobs that are restartable are requeued. Queues for which an autostart list has been specified fail over to the first available node in the list for which autostart is enabled.

You can specify the following input value item codes:



Prevents the starting of jobs in the specified queue. The execution of current jobs is unaffected.

You must specify the following input value item code:



Shuts down the appropriate queue manager. It disables autostart on all nodes; stops all queues; aborts each job that is currently executing, requeuing those jobs that are restartable; and closes the files of the queue database.

You can specify the following input value item code:



Waits for the completion of a job, then sets the event flag, executes the completion AST if you specified astadr, and returns the completion status of the job to the I/O Status Block, provided you specified the iosb argument.

You must specify one of the following input value item codes:


If SJC$_QUEUE queue is specified, then you must also specify one of the following:


You can specify the following output value item code:



Writes an accounting record.

You must specify the following input value item code:


Item Codes


Input value item code that specifies the account name of the user on behalf of whom the request is made. The buffer must specify a string from 1 to 8 characters. By default, the account name for batch and print jobs is taken from the requesting process.

You need CMKRNL privilege to use this item code.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)


Input value item code. It causes the contents of the buffer to be placed in a "user message" accounting record. The buffer must specify a string from 1 to 255 characters.

(Valid for SJC$_WRITE_ACCOUNTING function code)


Input value item code. It enables or disables accounting-record types. When an accounting-record type is enabled, the event designated by that type will be recorded in the accounting record. The buffer must contain a longword bit vector wherein each bit set specifies an accounting-record type. Undefined bits must be 0.

The $SJCDEF macro defines the symbolic names for the accounting-record types. Following is a list of each accounting-record type and the system event to which it corresponds:

Accounting-Record Type Corresponding System Event
SJC$V_ACCT_IMAGE Image terminations
SJC$V_ACCT_MESSAGE User messages sent
SJC$V_ACCT_PRINT Print job terminations
SJC$V_ACCT_PROCESS Process terminations

The following accounting-record types, when enabled, provide additional information about image and process termination; specifically, they describe the type of image or process that has terminated:

Accounting-Record Type Type of Image or Process
SJC$V_ACCT_BATCH Batch process
SJC$V_ACCT_DETACHED Detached process
SJC$V_ACCT_INTERACTIVE Interactive process
SJC$V_ACCT_NETWORK Network process



Boolean item code. It specifies that a new queue manager process should be defined in the master file. The operating system allows no more than five queue managers in a cluster.

(Valid for SJC$_START_QUEUE_MANAGER function code)



The SJC$_AFTER_TIME item code is an input value item code. It specifies that the job can execute only if the system time is greater than or equal to the quadword time value contained in the buffer. The buffer must contain either an absolute time value or a delta time value; $SNDJBC converts delta time values to absolute time values by adding the current system time. The time value specified must be in the future, or it will be set to the current time.

The SJC$_NO_AFTER_TIME item code is a Boolean item code. It cancels the effect of a SJC$_AFTER_TIME item code previously specified for the job; the job can execute immediately. It is the default.

(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)


Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues and only when the SJC$_ALIGNMENT_PAGES item code is also specified. The SJC$_ALIGNMENT_MASK item code causes the data printed on form alignment pages to be masked: all alphabetic characters are replaced with the letter X and all numeric characters with the number 9.

(Valid for SJC$_START_QUEUE function code)


Input value item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that the queue be placed in form-alignment state and that a number of alignment pages be printed. The buffer must contain a longword value in the range 1 to 20; this value specifies how many alignment pages are to be printed.

(Valid for SJC$_START_QUEUE function code)


Input value item code. For a batch queue, it uses as its value a comma-separated list of the nodes on which the specified queue can be located. Each node name must be followed by a double colon (::).

For an output queue, it uses as its value a comma-separated list of the names of the nodes and devices to which the specified queue's output can be sent. Each node name must be followed by a double colon, and each device name can be followed by the optional colon [:].

By specifying this item code, you designate a queue as an autostart queue. If you specify more than one node name (within an OpenVMS Cluster environment), the queue can automatically fail over if the node on which the queue is running is removed from the cluster.

This item code cannot be used with the SJC$_SCSNODE_NAME and SJC$_DEVICE_NAME item codes.

For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes)


Input value item code. It is meaningful only for execution queues. It specifies the base priority of batch processes initiated from a batch execution queue or of a symbiont process connected to an output execution queue. A symbiont process can control several queues; however, the base priority of the symbiont process is established by the first queue to which it is connected. The buffer must contain a longword value in the range 0 to 15; this value specifies the base priority.

By default, the base priority is the value of the system parameter DEFPRI.




The SJC$_BATCH item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the queue is a batch execution queue or a generic batch queue, and thus can process only batch jobs.

The SJC$_BATCH, SJC$_PRINTER, SJC$_SERVER, and SJC$_TERMINAL item codes are mutually exclusive. If none of these item codes are specified, the default is SJC$_PRINTER.

The SJC$_NO_BATCH item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the queue is not a batch queue but rather an output execution or generic output queue, and thus can process only print jobs. It is the default.

For the SJC$_START_QUEUE function code, SJC$_BATCH and SJC$_NO_BATCH are supported for compatibility with VAX VMS Version 4.n, but might not be supported in the future.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes)




The SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME and SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER item codes are both input value item codes. Both specify characteristics for jobs or queues, and they can be used interchangeably. The characteristics are user defined.

The SJC$_DEFINE_CHARACTERISTIC and SJC$_DELETE_CHARACTERISTIC function codes include and delete, respectively, a specified characteristic from the system job queue file. A job cannot execute on an execution queue unless the queue possesses all the characteristics possessed by the job; the queue can possess additional characteristics and the job will still execute.

The SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME and SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER item codes can appear as many times as necessary in a single call to $SNDJBC; the set of characteristics so defined in the call completely replaces the set of characteristics defined by a prior call. The SJC$_NO_CHARACTERISTICS item code cancels all defined characteristics for the job or queue. By default, a queue or job has no defined characteristics.

The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored.

For SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER, the buffer must contain a longword value in the range 0 to 127. This number identifies a characteristic.

SJC$_NO_CHARACTERISTICS is a Boolean item code.

(The following function codes are valid for SJC_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME item code:


(The following function codes are valid for SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER item code:



Input value item code. It specifies the value of the DCL symbol BATCH$RESTART for a batch job that is restarted. The buffer must contain a string no longer than 255 characters; this string is the value of the symbol BATCH$RESTART.

(Valid for SJC$_BATCH_CHECKPOINT function code)


Boolean item code. It cancels a previous specification of the BATCH$RESTART symbol; the SJC$_NO_CHECKPOINT_DATA item code also cancels a checkpoint in a print job so that the entire job is reprinted. By default, the BATCH$RESTART symbol is undefined.

(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code)



The SJC$_CLI item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch jobs. It specifies that the command language interpreter to be executed is SYS$SYSTEM:name.EXE, where name is a valid OpenVMS RMS file name. The buffer must specify a name string from 1 to 39 characters.

The SJC$_NO_CLI item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the command language interpreter to be executed is the one specified in the user authorization file. It is the default.

(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)


The SJC$_CLOSE_QUEUE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that jobs cannot be entered in the queue. If the queue is closed, you can specify the SJC$_OPEN_QUEUE item code to permit jobs to be entered in the queue. By default, the queue is open.

Whether a queue is open or closed is independent of any other queue states (such as paused, stalled, stopped).




The SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues. It specifies the default CPU time limit in 10-millisecond units. The buffer contains this longword value. The value 0 specifies unlimited CPU time. You can specify a value that represents up to 497 days of CPU time.

The SJC$_NO_CPU_DEFAULT item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues. It specifies that no default CPU time limit is to apply to the job. It is the default.

A CPU time limit for the process is included in each user record in the system user authorization file (UAF). You can also specify any or all of the following: a CPU time limit for individual jobs, a default CPU time limit for all jobs in a given queue, and a maximum CPU time limit for all jobs in a given queue. Table SYS-55 shows the action taken when you specify a value for SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT.

Table SYS-55 CPU Time Limit Decision Table
CPU Time Limit
Specified for
Default CPU Time
Limit Specified for
Maximum CPU
Time Specified for Queue?
Action Taken
No No No Use UAF value
Yes No No Use smaller of job's limit and UAF value
Yes Yes No Use smaller of job's limit and UAF value
Yes No Yes Use smaller of job's limit and maximum
Yes Yes Yes Use smaller of job's limit and maximum
No Yes Yes Use smaller of queue's default and maximum
No No Yes Use maximum
No Yes No Use smaller of UAF value and queue's default




The SJC$_CPU_LIMIT item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues and batch jobs. It specifies the maximum CPU time limit for batch jobs in 10-millisecond units. The buffer must contain this longword value. The value 0 specifies unlimited CPU time. You can specify a value that represents up to 497 days of CPU time.

The SJC$_NO_CPU_LIMIT item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues and batch jobs. It specifies that no maximum CPU time limit is to apply to the job. It is the default.

For information about the action taken when you specify a value for SJC$_CPU_LIMIT, refer to the description of the SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT item code and to Table SYS-55.



Boolean item code. It specifies that a queue be started after it is created. By default, a queue remains stopped after it is created.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE function code)



The SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAME and SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBER item codes are input value item codes. They specify the default form for a specific output queue by name and by number, respectively.

When you specify a default form for an output queue, the queue uses the queue-specific default form, rather than the systemwide default form, to process any job that does not explicitly specify a form.

For SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAME, the buffer must specify a form name. The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored.

For SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBER, the buffer must specify a longword value. You should use only one of these item codes to identify a default form for the queue.




The SJC$_DELETE_FILE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a file should be deleted after the job completes. The file that is deleted is the batch or print file submitted for execution. You cannot specify this item code with the SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code, which alters the parameters for an already existing job; you can make a file deletion request only when a job is first submitted to the queue.

The SJC$_NO_DELETE_FILE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a file should not be deleted after execution of the job. It is the default. You can specify this item code with the SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code; this makes it possible to cancel a file deletion request that was made when the job was first submitted to the queue.

(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)


Input value item code. When you specify the SJC$_ASSIGN_QUEUE function code, SJC$_DESTINATION_QUEUE specifies the name of the execution queue to which the logical queue is assigned. When you specify the SJC$_ABORT_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, or SJC$_MERGE_QUEUE function code, SJC$_DESTINATION_QUEUE specifies the name of the queue into which jobs are placed. By default, jobs remain in the original queue.

The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored.



Input value item code. It specifies the name of the device managed by the output execution queue. The buffer must specify a string from 1 to 255 characters. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the SJC$_SCSNODE_NAME item code is used to specify the name of the node on which the device is located.

This item code cannot be used with the SJC$_AUTOSTART_ON item code.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes)



The SJC$_DOUBLE_SPACE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that the symbiont should print the file with double spacing.

The SJC$_NO_DOUBLE_SPACE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the symbiont should print the file with single spacing. It is the default.

(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)


Input value item code. It specifies the entry number of the job on which to perform the function. The buffer must contain this entry number.



Output value item code. The buffer must specify a longword into which $SNDJBC will write the entry number of a created job.

(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)




The SJC$_FILE_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that burst and flag pages are to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST for a job, it specifies the default for all files in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, it specifies the default for all jobs executed from that queue.

The SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a burst page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE for a job, this item code specifies that a burst page is to be printed preceding only the first copy of the first file in the job; if you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE for an output execution queue, the item code specifies this behavior as the default for all jobs executed from that queue.

The SJC$_NO_FILE_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no burst page should be printed. It is the default.

(The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_BURST item code:


(The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE item code:



Input value item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies the number of times a file is printed. By default, a file is repeated once. The buffer must specify a longword value from 1 to 255; this value is the repeat count.

(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)




The SJC$_FILE_FLAG item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG for a job, this item code indicates the default for all files in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, SJC$_FILE_FLAG indicates the default for all jobs executed from that queue.

The SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE for a job, this item code specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding only the first copy of the first file in the job; if you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE for an output execution queue, it indicates this behavior as the default for all jobs executed from that queue.

The SJC$_NO_FILE_FLAG item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no flag page should be printed by default for jobs within the queue.

(The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_FLAG item code:


(The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FLAG_ONE item code:



Input value item code. It specifies the file to be processed. The buffer contains a 28-byte value that identifies the file to be processed. This value specifies (in order) the following three file-identification fields in the OpenVMS RMS NAM block: the 16-byte NAM$T_DVI field, the 6-byte NAM$W_FID field, and the 6-byte NAM$W_DID field. These fields occur consecutively in the NAM block.

If you specify SJC$_FILE_IDENTIFICATION, you must omit the SJC$_FILE_SPECIFICATION item code.

(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes)



The SJC$_FILE_SETUP_MODULES item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a list of text modules should be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before a file is printed. The buffer must contain a list of text module names, with a comma separating each name.

The SJC$_NO_FILE_SETUP_MODULES item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no text modules should be copied before printing a file. It is the default.

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