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The WAIT statement specifies the number of seconds the program waits for terminal input before signaling an error.


WAIT int-exp

Syntax Rules

Int-exp must be from 0 to 255; if it is greater than 255, HP BASIC assumes a value of 255.


  • The WAIT statement must precede a GET operation to a terminal or an INPUT, INPUT LINE, LINPUT, MAT INPUT, or MAT LINPUT statement. Otherwise, it has no effect.
  • Int-exp is the number of seconds HP BASIC waits for input before signaling the error "Keyboard wait exhausted" (ERR=15).
  • After HP BASIC executes a WAIT statement, all input statements wait the specified amount of time before HP BASIC signals an error.
  • WAIT 0 disables the WAIT statement.


10  DECLARE STRING your_name
    WAIT 60
    INPUT "You have sixty seconds to type your name";your_name
    WAIT 0


You have sixty seconds to type your name?
%BAS-F-KEYWAIEXH, Keyboard wait exhausted
-BAS-I-ON_CHAFIL, on channel 0 for file SYS$INPUT:.; at user PC 00000644
-RMS-W-TMO, timeout period expired
-BAS-I-FROLINMOD, from line 10 in module WAIT
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name                    line       rel PC   abs PC

                                                          00007334 00007334
----- above condition handler called with exception 001A807C:
%BAS-F-KEYWAIEXH, keyboard wait exhausted
-BAS-I-ON_CHAFIL, on channel 0 for file SYS$INPUT:.; at user PC 00000644
-RMS-W-TMO, timeout period expired
----- end of exception message
                                                           00011618  00011618
                                                           0000F02F  0000F02F
                                                           0000E3F6  0000E3F6
                                                           0001387A  0001387A
WAIT$MAIN      WAIT$MAIN                            3      00000044  00000644


The WHEN ERROR statement marks the beginning of a WHEN ERROR construct. The WHEN ERROR construct contains a protected region and can include an attached handler or identify a detached handler.


With an Attached Handler


[ protected-statement,... ]



[ handler-statement,... ]


With a Detached Handler
WHEN ERROR USE handler-name


[ protected-statement,... ]


HANDLER handler-name

[ handler-statement,... ]


Syntax Rules

  • Protected-statement specifies a statement that appears within a protected region. A protected region is a special block of code that is monitored by HP BASIC for the occurrence of a run-time error.
  • Handler-statement specifies the statement that appears inside an error handler.
  • With an Attached Handler
    • The keyword USE marks the start of handler statements.
    • An attached handler must be delimited by a USE and END WHEN statement.
  • With a Detached Handler
    • The keyword USE names the associated handler for the protected region.
    • Handler-name must be a valid HP BASIC identifier and cannot be the same as any label, DEF, DEF*, SUB, FUNCTION, or PICTURE name within the same program unit.
    • A detached handler must be delimited by a HANDLER and END HANDLER statement.
    • You can specify the same detached handler with more than one WHEN ERROR USE statement.


  • The WHEN ERROR statement designates the start of a block of protected statements.
  • If an error occurs inside a protected region, HP BASIC transfers control to the error handler associated with the WHEN ERROR statement.
  • HP BASIC does not allow you to branch into a WHEN block.
  • When HP BASIC encounters an END WHEN statement for an attached handler or an END HANDLER statement for a detached handler, HP BASIC clears the exception and transfers control to the following statement.
  • HP BASIC allows you to nest WHEN blocks. If an exception occurs within a nested protected region, HP BASIC transfers control to the handler associated with the innermost protected region in which the error occurred.
  • WHEN blocks cannot exist inside a handler.
  • WHEN blocks cannot cross other block structures.
  • You cannot specify a RESUME statement within a WHEN ERROR construct.
  • You cannot specify an ON ERROR statement within a protected region.
  • An attached handler must immediately follow the protected region of a WHEN ERROR IN block.
  • Exit from a handler must occur through a RETRY, CONTINUE, or EXIT HANDLER statement, or by reaching the end of the handler delimited by END WHEN or END HANDLER.
  • For more information about detached handlers, see the HANDLER statement.


Example 1

!With an attached handler
PROGRAM salary
DECLARE REAL hourly_rate, no_of_hours, weekly_pay
     INPUT "Enter your hourly rate";hourly_rate
     INPUT "Enter the number of hours you worked this week";no_of_hours
     weekly_pay = no_of_hours * hourly_rate
     PRINT "Your pay for this week is";weekly_pay

         CASE = 50
               PRINT "Invalid data"
         CASE ELSE
              EXIT HANDLER


Enter your hourly rate? 35.00
Enter the number of hours you worked this week? 45
Your pay for this week is 1575

Example 2

!With a detached handler
PROGRAM salary
DECLARE REAL hourly_rate, no_of_hours, weekly_pay
WHEN ERROR USE patch_work
     INPUT "Enter your hourly rate";hourly_rate
     INPUT "Enter the number of hours you worked this week";no_of_hours
     weekly_pay = no_of_hours * hourly_rate
     PRINT "Your pay for this week is";weekly_pay

HANDLER patch_work
         CASE = 50
               PRINT "Invalid data"
         CASE ELSE
              EXIT HANDLER


Enter your hourly rate?  Nineteen dollars and fifty cents
Invalid data
Enter your hourly rate? 19.50
Enter the number of hours you worked this week? 40
Your pay for this week is 780


The WHILE statement marks the beginning of a WHILE loop or modifies the execution of another statement.


WHILE cond-exp

[ statement ]...

Statement Modifier
statement WHILE cond-exp

Syntax Rules

A NEXT statement must end the WHILE loop.


  • Conditional
    HP BASIC evaluates cond-exp before each loop iteration. If the expression is true (value nonzero), HP BASIC executes the loop. If the expression is false (value zero), control passes to the first executable statement after the NEXT statement.
  • Statement Modifier
    HP BASIC executes the statement repeatedly as long as cond-exp is true.


Example 1

WHILE X < 100
    X = X + SQR(X)

Example 2

!Statement Modifier
X% = X% + 1% WHILE X% < 100%


The XLATE$ function translates one string to another by referencing a table string you supply.


str-var = XLATE[$] (str-exp1, str-exp2)

Syntax Rules

  • Str-exp1 is the input string.
  • Str-exp2 is the table string.


  • Str-exp2 can contain up to 256 ASCII characters, numbered from 0 to 255; the position of each character in the string corresponds to an ASCII value. Because 0 is a valid ASCII value (null), the first position in the table string is position zero.
  • XLATE$ scans str-exp1 character by character, from left to right. It finds the ASCII value n of the first character in str-exp1 and extracts the character it finds at position n in str-exp2. XLATE$ then appends the character from str-exp2 to str-var. XLATE$ continues this process, character by character, until the end of str-exp1 is reached.
  • The output string may be smaller than the input string for the following reasons:
    • XLATE$ does not translate nulls. If the character at position n in str-exp2 is a null, XLATE$ does not append that character to str-var.
    • If the ASCII value of the input character is outside the range of positions in str-exp2, XLATE$ does not append any character to str-var.


DECLARE STRING A, table, source
A = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
table = STRING$(65, 0) + A
LINPUT " Type a string of uppercase letters"; source
PRINT XLATE$(source, table)


Type a string of uppercase letters? ABCDEFG

Appendix A
ASCII Character Codes

ASCII is a 7-bit character code with an optional parity bit (8) added for many devices. Programs normally use seven bits internally with the eighth bit being zero; the extra bit is either stripped (on input) or added by a device driver (on output) so the program will operate with either parity- or nonparity-generating devices. The eighth bit is reserved for future standardization.

The International Reference Version (IRV) of ISO Standard 646 is identical to the IRV in CCITT Recommendation V.3 (International alphabet No. 5). The character sets are the same as ASCII except that the ASCII dollar sign (hexadecimal 24) is the international currency sign (###).

ISO Standard 646 and CCITT V.3 also specify the structure for national character sets, of which ASCII is the U.S. national set. Certain specific characters are reserved for national use. Table A-1 contains the values and symbols.

Table A-1 ASCII Characters Reserved for National Use
Hexadecimal Value IRV ASCII
23 # #
24 ### $ (General currency symbol vs. dollar sign)
40 @ @
5B [ [
5C \ \
5D ] ]
5E ^ ^
60 ` `
7B { {
7C | |
7D } }
7E ~ Tilde

ISO Standard 646 and CCITT Recommendation V.3 (International Alphabet No. 5) are identical to ASCII except that the number sign (23) is represented as ## instead of #, and certain characters are reserved for national use. Table A-2 list the ASCII codes.

Table A-2 ASCII Codes
Character Remarks
0 00 NUL Null (tape feed)
1 01 SOH Start of heading (^A)
2 02 STX Start of text (end of address, ^B)
3 03 ETX End of text (^C)
4 04 EOT End of transmission (shuts off the TWX machine ^D)
5 05 ENQ Enquiry (WRU, ^E)
6 06 ACK Acknowledge (RU, ^F)
7 07 BEL Bell (^G)
8 08 BS Backspace (^H)
9 09 HT Horizontal tabulation (^I)
10 0A LF Line feed (^J)
11 0B VT Vertical tabulation (^K)
12 0C FF Form feed (page, ^L)
13 0D CR Carriage return (^M)
14 0E SO Shift out (^N)
15 0F SI Shift in (^O)
16 10 DLE Data link escape (^P)
17 11 DC1 Device control 1 (^Q)
18 12 DC2 Device control 2 (^R)
19 13 DC3 Device control 3 (^S)
20 14 DC4 Device control 4 (^T)
21 15 NAK Negative acknowledge (ERR, ^U)
22 16 SYN Synchronous idle (^V)
23 17 ETB End-of-transmission block (^W)
24 18 CAN Cancel (^X)
25 19 EM End of medium (^Y)
26 1A SUB Substitute (^Z)
27 1B ESC Escape (prefix of escape sequence)
28 1C FS File separator
29 1D GS Group separator
30 1E RS Record separator
31 1F US Unit separator
32 20 SP Space
33 21 ! Exclamation point
34 22 " Double quotation mark
35 23 # Number sign
36 24 $ Dollar sign
37 25 % Percent sign
38 26 & Ampersand
39 27 ' Apostrophe
40 28 ( Left (open) parenthesis
41 29 ) Right (close) parenthesis
42 2A * Asterisk
43 2B + Plus sign
44 2C , Comma
45 2D -- Minus sign, hyphen
46 2E . Period (decimal point)
47 2F / Slash (slant)
48 30 0 Zero
49 31 1 One
50 32 2 Two
51 33 3 Three
52 34 4 Four
53 35 5 Five
54 36 6 Six
55 37 7 Seven
56 38 8 Eight
57 39 9 Nine
58 3A : Colon
59 3B ; Semicolon
60 3C < Less than (left angle bracket)
61 3D = Equal sign
62 3E > Greater than (right angle bracket)
63 3F ? Question mark
64 40 @ Commercial at
65 41 A Uppercase A
66 42 B Uppercase B
67 43 C Uppercase C
68 44 D Uppercase D
69 45 E Uppercase E
70 46 F Uppercase F
71 47 G Uppercase G
72 48 H Uppercase H
73 49 I Uppercase I
74 4A J Uppercase J
75 4B K Uppercase K
76 4C L Uppercase L
77 4D M Uppercase M
78 4E N Uppercase N
79 4F O Uppercase O
80 50 P Uppercase P
81 51 Q Uppercase Q
82 52 R Uppercase R
83 53 S Uppercase S
84 54 T Uppercase T
85 55 U Uppercase U
86 56 V Uppercase V
87 57 W Uppercase W
88 58 X Uppercase X
89 59 Y Uppercase Y
90 5A Z Uppercase Z
91 5B [ Left square bracket
92 5C \ Backslash (reverse slant)
93 5D ] Right square bracket
94 5E ^ Circumflex (caret)
95 5F _ Underscore (underline)
96 60 ` Grave accent
97 61 a Lowercase a
98 62 b Lowercase b
99 63 c Lowercase c
100 64 d Lowercase d
101 65 e Lowercase e
102 66 f Lowercase f
103 67 g Lowercase g
104 68 h Lowercase h
105 69 i Lowercase i
106 6A j Lowercase j
107 6B k Lowercase k
108 6C l Lowercase l
109 6D m Lowercase m
110 6E n Lowercase n
111 6F o Lowercase o
112 70 p Lowercase p
113 71 q Lowercase q
114 72 r Lowercase r
115 73 s Lowercase s
116 74 t Lowercase t
117 75 u Lowercase u
118 76 v Lowercase v
119 77 w Lowercase w
120 78 x Lowercase x
121 79 y Lowercase y
122 7A z Lowercase z
123 7B { Left brace
124 7C | Vertical line
125 7D } Right brace
126 7E ~ Tilde
127 7F DEL Delete (rubout)

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