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R formatting character
    in PRINT USING statement
RAB status
RAD$ function
    in explicit literal notation
Random numbers #1
Random numbers #2
RANDOMIZE statement
    See also RND statement
    of data types
    of subscripts
RCTRLC function
    See also CTRLC function
RCTRLO function
READ statement
    See also DATA statement
    with DATA statement #1
    with DATA statement #2
REAL data type
REAL function
Record attributes
    MAP clause
    RECORDSIZE clause #1
    RECORDSIZE clause #2
    RECORDTYPE clause
Record buffer
    DATA pointers
    MAP DYNAMIC pointers #1
    MAP DYNAMIC pointers #2
    moving data
    REMAP pointers #1
    REMAP pointers #2
    setting size
RECORD clause #1
RECORD clause #2
RECORD clause #3
RECORD clause #4
Record File Address #1
Record File Address #2
Record File Address #3
Record File Address #4
RECORD items
    accessing #1
    accessing #2
Record Management Services
    See RMS
Record pointers
    after FIND statement #1
    after FIND statement #2
    after GET statement #1
    after GET statement #2
    after PUT statement
    after UPDATE statement
    REMAP statement
    RESTORE statement
    WINDOWSIZE clause
RECORD statement
RECORD structures
    components of
    deleting with DELETE statement
    deleting with SCRATCH statement
    finding RFA of #1
    finding RFA of #2
    locating by KEY #1
    locating by KEY #2
    locating by KEY #3
    locating by RECORD number
    locating by RFA #1
    locating by RFA #2
    locating by RFA #3
    locating by RFA #4
    locating randomly
    locating sequentially #1
    locating sequentially #2
    locating sequentially #3
    locating sequentially #4
    locating sequentially #5
    locating with FIND statement
    locating with GET statement
    locking #1
    locking #2
    locking #3
    locking #4
    locking with GET statement #1
    locking with GET statement #2
    processing #1
    processing #2
    retrieving by KEY #1
    retrieving by KEY #2
    retrieving by RECORD number
    retrieving by RFA #1
    retrieving by RFA #2
    retrieving randomly
    retrieving sequentially #1
    retrieving sequentially #2
    retrieving with GET statement
    size of
    unlocking #1
    unlocking #2
    unlocking #3
    unlocking #4
    unlocking #5
    unlocking with UNLOCK statement
    writing by RECORD number
    writing sequentially
    writing with PRINT statement
    writing with PUT statement
    writing with UPDATE statement
RECORDSIZE clause #1
RECORDSIZE clause #2
RECORDSIZE clause #3
RECOUNT function
    after GET statement
    after INPUT LINE statement
    after INPUT statement
    after LINPUT statement
    in DEF functions
    in DEF* functions
    in error handlers
    in subprograms
Redimensioning arrays
    with executable DIM statement
    with FIND statement
    with GET statement
Relational expressions
    compared with logical #1
    compared with logical #2
    definition of
    format of
    in SELECT statement #1
    in SELECT statement #2
    truth tests #1
    truth tests #2
Relational operators
Relative files
    BUCKETSIZE clause
    deleting records in
    finding records in
    record size in
    retrieving records sequentially in
    writing records to
REM statement #1
REM statement #2
    multiline format #1
    multiline format #2
    terminating #1
    terminating #2
    transferring control to
REMAP statement
    FILL item formats and storage
    with MAP DYNAMIC statement
%REPORT directive
Reserved words
RESET statement
    See also RESTORE statement
RESTORE statement
Result data types
    for DECIMAL data
RESUME statement #1
RESUME statement #2
    END statement
    ERL function
    ERN$ function
    ERR function
    INPUT LINE statement
    INPUT statement
    LINPUT statement
RETRY statement
    with FOR...NEXT loops
    with FOR...UNTIL loops
    with FOR...WHILE loops
RETURN statement
RFA clause #1
RFA clause #2
RFA data type
    allowable operations
    storage of
RIGHT$ function
    See also SEG$ function
    PRINT USING statement
    with RSET statement
RMS (Record Management Services)
    accessing records
    deleting records
    locating records
    opening files
    replacing records
RMSSTATUS function
RND function
    See also RANDOMIZE statement
RSET statement

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