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HP OpenVMS Calling Standard

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The fields in these records are used as follows:

  • RMASK, FRMASK, GRMASK, BRMASK---Identify which preserved floating-point registers, general registers, and branch registers are saved by the prologue region. The fr_mem record uses a short RMASK field, which can be used when a subset of floating-point registers from the range F2-F5 is saved. The FRGR_MEM record can be used for any number of saved floating-point and general registers. The GR_MEM record can be used when only general registers (R4-R7) are saved.
  • IMASK---Identifies when each preserved floating-point, general, and branch register is saved. It contains a two-bit field for each instruction slot in the prologue, that indicates whether the instruction in that slot saves one of these preserved registers. The length of this field is implied by the size of the prologue region as given in the region header record. It contains two bits for each instruction slot in the region, and the length of the field is rounded up to the next whole byte boundary.

If a prologue saves one or more preserved floating-point, general, or branch registers, and the SPILL_MASK record is omitted, the unwinder can assume that both of the following are true:

  • The original contents of these preserved registers are valid through the end of the prologue region.
  • The saved copies of the registers are valid by the end of the prologue region.

There can be only one SPILL_BASE and one SPILL_MASK record per prologue region. Each GR_GR and BR_GR record describes a set of registers that is saved to a consecutive set of general registers (typically in the local register stack frame). To represent registers saved to nonconsecutive general registers, two or more of each of these records can be used.

Table A-8 describes the descriptor records used to record the state of the User NaT Collection register (AR.UNAT).

Table A-8 Prologue Descriptor Records for the User NaT Collection Register
Record Type Fields Format Description
UNAT_WHEN T P7 Specifies when AR.UNAT is saved.
UNAT_GR GR P3 Specifies the general register where AR.UNAT is saved.
UNAT_PSPREL PSPOFF P7 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.UNAT is saved.
UNAT_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.UNAT is saved.

Table A-9 describes the descriptor records that are used to record the state of the loop counter register (AR.LC).

Table A-9 Prologue Descriptor Records for the Loop Counter Register
Record Type Fields Format Description
LC_WHEN T P7 Specifies when AR.LC is saved.
LC_GR GR P3 Specifies general register where AR.LC is saved.
LC_PSPREL PSPOFF P7 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.LC is saved.
LC_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.LC is saved.


The FPSR-related descriptor records (FPSR_WHEN, FPSR_GR, FPSR_PSPREL, FPSR_SPREL) defined in the Itanium® Software Conventions and Runtime Architecture Guide are not supported on OpenVMS I64.

Table A-10 describes the descriptor records that are used to record the state of the primary UNaT collection.

Table A-10 Prologue Descriptor Records for the Primary UNaT Collection
Record Type Fields Format Description
PRIUNAT_WHEN_GR T P8 Specifies when the primary UNaT collection is copied to a general register.
PRIUNAT_WHEN_MEM T P8 Specifies when the primary UNaT collection is saved in memory.
PRIUNAT_GR GR P3 Specifies the general register where the primary UNaT collection is copied.
PRIUNAT_PSPREL PSPOFF P8 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where the primary UNaT collection is saved.
PRIUNAT_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where the primary UNaT collection is saved.

Table A-11 describes the descriptor records that are used to record the state of the backing store, when it is necessary to record a discontinuity.

Table A-11 Prologue Descriptor Records for the Backing Store
Record Type Fields Format Description
BSP_WHEN T P8 Specifies when AR.BSP is saved. The backing store pointer can be saved, along with the AR.BSPSTORE pointer and the AR.RNAT register, to indicate a discontinuity in the backing store.
BSP_GR GR P3 Specifies the general register where AR.BSP is saved.
BSP_PSPREL PSPOFF P8 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.BSP is saved.
BSP_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.BSP is saved.
BSPSTORE_WHEN T P8 Specifies when AR.BSPSTORE is saved.
BSPSTORE_GR GR P3 Specifies the general register where AR.BSPSTORE is saved.
BSPSTORE_PSPREL PSPOFF P8 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.BSPSTORE is saved.
BSPSTORE_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.BSPSTORE is saved.
RNAT_WHEN T P8 Specifies when AR.RNAT is saved.
RNAT_GR GR P3 Specifies the general register where AR.RNAT is saved.
RNAT_PSPREL PSPOFF P8 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.RNAT is saved.
RNAT_SPREL SPOFF P8 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) the memory location where AR.RNAT is saved.

A.4.1.4 Descriptor Records for Body Regions

Table A-12 lists the optional descriptor records that may be used to describe body regions. In addition, the descriptor records described in Section A.4.1.5 can also be used. In the absence of these descriptors, a body region is assumed to inherit its entry state from the previous region.

Table A-12 Body Region Descriptor Records
Record Type Fields Format Description
EPILOGUE T, ECOUNT B2/B3 Body region contains epilogue code for one or more prologues.
LABEL_STATE LABEL B1/B4 Labels the entry state for future reference.
COPY_STATE LABEL B1/B4 Use the labeled entry state as entry state for this region.

  • T---Indicates the location (relative to the end of the region) of the instruction that restores the previous SP value. The number is a count of the remaining instruction slots to the end of the region (thus, a value of zero indicates the final slot in the region).
  • ECOUNT---Indicates how many additional levels of nested shrink-wrap regions are being popped at the end of a body region with epilogue code. A value of zero indicates that one level must be popped. When OpenVMS handler semantics apply, this value must be zero.
  • LABEL---Identifies a previously-specified body region, whose entry state must be copied for this body region.

Prologue regions nest within other prologue regions, and are balanced by body regions with an epilogue descriptor. An epilogue descriptor with an ECOUNT of n serves to balance (n+1) earlier prologue regions. When OpenVMS handler semantics apply, prologue nesting is not allowed.

When the LABEL_STATE descriptor is used to label an entry state, it must appear prior to any general unwind descriptors in the same body region.

A COPY_STATE descriptor must appear prior to any general unwind descriptors in the same body region.

A labelled entry state includes not only the record of where current valid copies of all preserved values can be found, but also references the states that are currently on the stack of nested prologues. For example, consider the following sequence of regions:

  • Prologue region A
  • Body region B (no epilogue)
  • Prologue region C
  • Body region C (label_state 1, epilogue count 2)
  • Body region D (copy_state 1, epilogue count 2)

The effect of the COPY_STATE in body region D restores the entry state of body region C, as well as the two prologue regions within which the body region is nested.

The scope of a label is restricted to a single unwind descriptor area.

A.4.1.5 Descriptor Records for Body or Prologue Regions

This section lists the descriptor records that can be used to describe either prologue or body regions. These descriptors provide complete generality for compilers to perform register spills and restores anywhere in the procedure, without creating an arbitrary boundary between prologue and body.

If a SPILL record (see Table A-13) is used in a prologue for a given preserved register, then only SPILL records can be used for that preserved register in that prologue region. In other words, you must not mix X format and P format descriptors for the same preserved register in the same prologue.

Table A-13 General Unwind Descriptors
Record Type Fields Format Description
SPILL_PSPREL T, REG, PSPOFF X1 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) when and where REG is saved.
SPILL_SPREL T, REG, SPOFF X1 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) when and where REG is saved.
SPILL_REG T, REG, TREG X2 Specifies when and where REG is saved in another register, TREG, or restored.
SPILL_PSPREL_P QP, T, REG, PSPOFF X3 Specifies (as a PSP-relative offset) when and where REG is saved, under predicate QP.
SPILL_SPREL_P QP, T, REG, SPOFF X3 Specifies (as an SP-relative offset) when and where REG is saved, under predicate QP.
SPILL_REG_P QP, T, REG, TREG X4 Specifies when and where REG is saved in another register, TREG, or restored, under predicate QP.

  • T---Describes a time, T, when a particular action occurs within the prologue or body. The time is specified as an instruction slot number, counting three slots per bundle. The first slot in the containing prologue or body is numbered zero.
  • REG---Identifies the register being spilled or restored at the given point in the code. This field may indicate any of the preserved general registers, floating-point registers, branch registers, application registers, predicate registers, previous SP, primary UNaT collection, or return pointer. See Appendix B for the encoding of this field.
  • TREG---Identifies a target register to which the value being spilled is copied. This field may indicate any general register, floating-point register, or branch register; it may also contain the special Restore target, indicating the point at which a register is restored. See Appendix B for the encoding of this field.
  • QP---Identifies a qualifying predicate register, which determines whether the indicated spill or restore instruction executes. The qualifying predicate register must be a preserved predicate if there are any procedure calls in the range between the spill and restore, and it must remain live throughout the range.

If a body region contains any general descriptors and an epilogue descriptor, the effects of the general descriptors are undone when the unwind state is restored by popping one or more prologues. By the end of the body region, the code must have restored any preserved registers that the new unwind state indicates are restored. It is not necessary, however, to record the points at which registers are restored unless the locations used to save the values are modified before the end of the region.

A.4.1.6 Rules for Using Unwind Descriptors

Preserved registers that are saved in the prologue region must be specified with one or more of the following descriptor records:

  • PROLOGUE_GR (RP, AR.PFS, PSP, and the predicate registers)
  • MEM_STACK_V (PSP is saved in a general register)
  • FR_MEM, FRGR_MEM, or GR_MEM (floating-point registers and general registers)
  • BR_MEM or BR_GR (branch registers)

If a preserved register is not named by one or more of these records, it is assumed that the prologue does not save or modify that register. The locations where preserved registers are saved are determined according to the following rules:

  1. Certain descriptor records explicitly name a save location for a register (records whose names end with _GR, PSPREL, or _SPREL). If a register is described by one of these records, the unwinder uses the named location.
  2. Some descriptor records specify that registers are saved to the spill area (FR_MEM, FRGR_MEM, GR_MEM, BR_MEM). These locations are determined by the conventions for the spill area.
  3. Any remaining registers that are named as saved but do not have an explicit save location are assigned consecutive general registers, beginning with the general register identified by the PROLOGUE_GR region header record. If the prologue region uses a prologue header record, the first general register is assumed to be R32. The registers are saved as needed in the following order:

    1. Return pointer, RP
    2. Previous function state, AR.PFS
    3. Previous stack pointer, PSP
    4. Predicate registers
    5. User NaT collection register, AR.UNAT
    6. Loop counter, AR.LC
    7. Primary UNaT collection


Without explicitly specifying a save location, the only way to indicate that any of the last four groups of registers (e through h) is saved is to use one of the corresponding _WHEN descriptor records.

A.4.1.7 Processing Unwind Descriptors

The unwind process for a frame begins by locating the unwind table entry for a given PC. (A leaf procedure may have no unwind table entry; see Section A.4.)

If there is an unwind table entry, the unwinder then locates the unwind information block and checks the size of the unwind descriptor area. If this area is zero length, the unwinder must use the default conditions as above.

In preparation for reading the unwind descriptor records, the unwinder must start with an initial current state record, and an empty stack of state records. A state record describes the locations of all preserved registers at entry to a region. The initial value of the current state record must describe the frame in its default condition.

The unwind descriptor records must be read and processed sequentially, beginning with the first descriptor record for a procedure, continuing until the PC is contained within the current region. For each prologue region header, the current state record must be pushed on the stack, and the descriptor records for the prologue region must be applied to the current state record. When a body region with epilogue code is seen, one or more states must be popped from the stack, and the entry state for the next region is taken as the last state popped. This restores the current state to the entry state of the matching prologue.

When a body region contains a LABEL_STATE descriptor, the unwind processor must replicate the current unwind state, including the current stack of prologues. When a body region contains a COPY_STATE descriptor, the unwind processor must discard the current state and stack, and restore the replicated state and stack that corresponds with the label.

When the current PC is within a body region, the unwinder can generate the context of the previous frame by restoring registers as indicated by the current state record. If the body region has epilogue code and the PC is beyond the indicated point where SP is restored, the unwinder must assume that SP has already been restored, and that all registers spilled to the memory stack frame (except those between PSP and PSP+16) have also been restored. Registers spilled to the scratch area in the caller's frame may not have been restored at that point, and the unwinder must use the values in memory.

When the current PC is within a prologue region, the unwinder must look for descriptor records that specify a time parameter that is at or beyond the current PC. The unwinder must ignore these state modifications when applying descriptor records to the current state. If a register is saved but does not have a specified time, the unwinder can assume that the original value is not modified within the prologue and can ignore it.

The layout and size of the preserved register spill area cannot be determined without reading all the prologue region descriptor records in the procedure, and merging the save masks for the general, floating-point, and branch registers.

A.4.2 Condition Handler

The condition handler identifier is accessed by adding the size of the unwind descriptor area (ULEN, which is the count of quadwords), plus the size of the header quadword, to the information block pointer. The value in that location is the GP-relative offset for the global offset table entry that contains the function pointer (address of a function descriptor) for the condition handler. The dispatcher calls this routine during the first unwind only if the EHANDLER bit is set, and during the second unwind only if the UHANDLER bit is set.

Because the operating system-specific data area immediately follows the condition handler identifier, the address of this area must be made available to the condition handler.

A.4.3 Operating System-Specific Data Area

If an operating system-specific data area is present, it is located immediately following the condition handler (if any) and before the language-specific data area (if any). If there is no condition handler, the operating system-specific data area is located immediately following the unwind descriptors (where the condition handler would have been). The operating system-specific data area must be aligned at a quadword boundary.

The following field of the mechanism vector passed to a condition handler (see Sections 8.5.1 and may be helpful in interpreting the contents of operating system-specific data:

CHF$PH_MCH_OSSD The virtual address of the operating system-specific data area.

The OpenVMS-specific data area is present if the UNW_IVMS_MODE field in the unwind information block has the value 3 (see Table A-1).

An OpenVMS-specific data area consists of one or more segments, where each segment begins with a 15-bit TYPE code field followed by a 1-bit SUCCESSOR flag as shown in Figure A-2.

Figure A-2 OpenVMS Operating System-Specific Data Area Segment

The segment types defined for OpenVMS are described in the following sections. They are identified by the codes shown in the following table:

Name Value Use
OSSD$K_GENERAL_INFO 1 General information
OSSD$K_CALL_SPILL_INFO 2 Caller spill register information

Unless otherwise stated, each kind of segment data can occur at most once in any given data area.

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