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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Chapter 9
EFI Utilities for OpenVMS

9.1 EFI Utilities Description

The following OpenVMS EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) utilities provide device management functions at the EFI console on I64 systems:
    Adds an entry to the EFI Boot Manager using a specified OpenVMS device name.
    Sets the dump device and the debug device to the specified OpenVMS device name.
    Displays the equivalent OpenVMS device name for devices mapped by the EFI console.

A full description of each EFI utility follows.


Adds an entry to the EFI Boot Manager using a specified OpenVMS device name.

VMS_BCFG is an extension of the EFI bcfg to support OpenVMS device names and additional features required for FC boot devices. In addition to using the OpenVMS device name as a parameter, this utility allows users to set the optional VMS boot flags to the boot options entry using a familiar OpenVMS syntax.

For multipath devices, this utility can add all active paths to the specified OpenVMS device automatically. It also appends the WWID on the description so users will know which FC path is selected.

This utility is compatible with all disk devices and network devices.


VMS_BCFG driver|boot [dump][add # device-name -fl x,y "desc"][rm #] [mv # #] [-v]



Selects a boot driver list.


Selects a boot option list from the options below.


Adds an entry to the EFI Boot Manager.

# (default=1)

Boot order position of the new boot option list. Defaults to 1 if not specified, which corresponds to the first entry on the EFI Boot Manager.


The specified OpenVMS device name. For FC devices, specifying $1$ in the name is optional.

-flags x,y (default=none)

The specified OpenVMS flags to be passed on the Boot Option. Unless specified, no flags are passed.


Unicode/ASCII description of the Boot Option. For multipath FC devices, it appends the WWID of the device on the description.


Displays the boot option list.

rm|delete #

Removes an entry corresponding to the boot position number.

mv|rename # #

Changes the boot position number specified from the first # to the second #.



fs1:\efi\vms> vms_bcfg boot show
The boot option list is:
01. VenHw(D65A6B8C-71E5-4DF0-A909-F0D2992B5AA9) "EFI Shell [Built-in]" OPT


This example shows the boot option list.


fs1:\efi\vms> vms_bcfg boot add 2 $1$dga3730 -fl 1,0 "DGA3730 Root 1"
VMS: DGA3730            Fibre Device
EFI: fs1: Acpi(000222F0,200)/Pci(1|1)/Fibre(50001FE10011B15D),Lun(D)
vms_bcfg: Add boot option as 2
vms_bcfg: Add the next available VMS path? (Yes/No) [YES]

VMS: DGA3730            Fibre Device
EFI: fs9: Acpi(000222F0,300)/Pci(1|0)/Fibre(50001FE10011B15C),Lun(D)

vms_bcfg: Add boot option as 3
vms_bcfg: Add the next available VMS path? (Yes/No) [YES]
EFI Boot Manager ver 1.10 [14.61]  Firmware ver 2.21 [4334]

Please select a boot option

     EFI Shell [Built-in]
     DGA3730 Root 1 Fibre(50001FE10011B15D)
     DGA3730 Root 1 Fibre(50001FE10011B15C)
     Boot Option Maintenance Menu
     System Configuration Menu

    Use ^ and v to change option(s). Use Enter to select an option.


This example adds a multipath FC disk to the EFI Boot Manager's boot options list.


Sets the dump device and the debug device to the specified OpenVMS device name.


VMS_SET dump_dev|debug_dev [device-name]


dump_dev [device-name]

Sets the NVRAM variable DUMP_DEV to the specified OpenVMS dump device for the dump-off-system-disk (DOSD) function. For a multipath FC device, it adds other FC device paths automatically.

debug_dev [device-name]

Sets the NVRAM variable DEBUG_DEV to the specified OpenVMS debug device for use by the System Code Debugger (SCD).



fs1:\efi\vms> vms_set dump_dev dga3730
VMS: DGA3730            Fibre Device
EFI: fs1: Acpi(000222F0,200)/Pci(1|1)/Fibre(50001FE10011B15D), Lun(D)

VMS: DGA3730            Fibre Device
EFI: fs9: Acpi(000222F0,300)/Pci(1|0)/Fibre(50001FE10011B15C), Lun(D)

This example sets the dump device to the specified OpenVMS device name.


fs1:\efi\vms> vms_set debug_dev eia0
VMS: EIA0               0-30-6E-39-E7-55
EFI: Acpi(000222F0,0)/Pci(3|0)/Mac(00306E39E755)

This example sets the debug device to the network device eia0 .


Displays the equivalent OpenVMS device name for devices mapped by the EFI console.


vms_show device|dump_dev|debug_dev [device-name] [-fs]



Displays all bootable devices mapped by the EFI console and their corresponding OpenVMS device names.

The first output line shows the OpenVMS device name and additional information about the device. The additional information consists of vendor identification and product identification if the device is a disk; or a MAC address if the device is a network device.

The second output line shows the file system designation (fsx>:) and its corresponding EFI device path.


If specified, the utility matches the specified OpenVMS device name to the EFI console mapping. For multipath FC devices, it displays all paths associated with the given OpenVMS device name.


Displays the selected OpenVMS dump device for the dump-off-system-disk (DOSD) function.


Displays the selected OpenVMS debug device.


Displays the OpenVMS device names of those devices that have only the system disk.



fs1:\efi\vms> vms_show dev dkb0
VMS:DKB0         HP 18.2GST318406LC    HP05
EFI: fs0: Acpi(000222F0,100)/Pci(1|1)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0)

This example shows the EFI device path for a specified OpenVMS device name.


fs1:\efi\vms> vms_show dump
VMS: DGA3730            COMPAQ  HSV110 (C)COMPAQ3014
EFI: fs1: Acpi(000222F0,200)/Pci(1|1)/Fibre(50001FE10011B15D),Lun(D)

This example shows the settings for the OpenVMS DUMP_DEV device.

Chapter 10
Error Log Viewer Utility (ELV)

10.1 ELV Description

The Error Log Viewer (ELV) utility allows you to quickly examine, from the command line, an error log file in a user-readable format before deciding whether the data warrants a more comprehensive analysis with a tool such as the System Event Analyzer (SEA).

ELV is particularly useful with error logs created on systems with newer devices or on newer systems such as most of the DS, ES, and GS series. ELV can also be used with error logs created on some older systems or on systems equipped with older devices.

ELV provides detailed information for all error log events of the following types:

  • Bugchecks
  • Volume mounts and dismounts
  • Correctable error throttling notifications
  • Software parameters
  • Control entries:
    • System service messages
    • Network messages
    • Operator messages
    • ERRLOG.SYS created
    • Time stamps
    • System startup messages

ELV provides detailed information for some error log events of the following types:

  • Machine checks
  • Device errors
  • Device timeouts
  • Asynchronous device attentions
  • Logged messages
  • Logged MSCP messages

This chapter describes the ELV commands, along with their parameters and qualifiers, that support the Error Log Viewer utility. It also contains a section of sample reports produced using the ELV TRANSLATE command.

10.2 ELV Usage Summary

You can execute ELV commands directly from the DCL command level or from ELV's interactive shell mode.






Specifies an ELV operation to be performed. If you do not specify an operation, the utility enters interactive shell mode, displays the ELV> prompt, and waits for command input.

To invoke ELV, enter the following DCL command:


If you do not enter an ELV command, the utility enters interactive shell mode and displays the ELV prompt:


You can then enter an ELV command. After ELV executes the command, it again displays the ELV> prompt.

To return directly to DCL after executing an ELV command from the ELV prompt, use the /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier.

You can also enter an ELV command directly from DCL; for example:


After ELV executes the command, you are returned to the DCL prompt by default.

To enter interactive shell mode after executing an ELV command directly from DCL, use the /INTERACTIVE qualifier.

10.3 Understanding Categories of Events

ELV recognizes several categories of events for inclusion in (or exclusion from) various operations. The first major distinction is between valid and invalid events. Within the category of valid events are selected and rejected events. Explanations of these categories follow.
  • Valid
    An event is considered valid if it can be read into a buffer and its header is translatable. The body of the event, however, does not need to be translatable; in this case, the event is valid but untranslatable. With the exception of the DUMP/INVALID command, all ELV operations are performed on valid events.
    • Selected
      By default, all valid events are considered to be selected events. Except when you use the /REJECTED qualifier, ELV operations are performed on selected events.
    • Rejected
      A valid event is considered to be rejected if it does not fall into an interval specified with the /BEFORE, /SINCE, or /ENTRY qualifier, or is filtered out with the /EXCLUDE, /INCLUDE, or /[NO]NODE qualifier.
      You can combine certain intervals and filters to further refine event selection. In addition, you can use the /REJECTED qualifier to force ELV operations to be performed on rejected (rather than selected) events.
      For more information, refer to the qualifiers for individual commands.
  • Invalid
    An event is considered to be invalid if it cannot be read into a buffer or its header is not translatable. You can use the ELV command DUMP/INVALID to output invalid events to an output dump file for further examination.

10.4 ELV Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the following ELV commands:

  • DUMP
  • EXIT
  • HELP


Converts and writes events from one or more binary error log files written in the newer format to a single new error log file written in the older format. The new file can then be read by ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG.

This command is primarily used to enable translation of older error log events whose translation is not supported by ELV.


CONVERT [input-file,...]



Supplies one or more names of binary error log files to be converted to the older format.

If you do not specify an input file, the default input file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is ERRLOG. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .SYS.



Specifies that only those events dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.


Specifies the range of entries to be selected.

You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

Keyword Description
START[:decimal-value] Indicates the start of a range of entries to be selected.
END[:decimal-value] Indicates the end of a range of entries to be selected.

Usage Notes:

  • You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.
  • If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.
  • If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the keyword is ignored.


Specifies an event class or classes to be rejected. Do not use /EXCLUDE with /INCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Reject device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Reject all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Reject system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Reject control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Reject CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Reject device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Reject environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Reject machine check entries.
MEMORY Reject memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Reject snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Reject firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Reject device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Reject any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Reject unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Reject volume mount and dismount entries.


Specifies an event class or classes to be selected. All other event classes are implicitly rejected. Do not use /INCLUDE with /EXCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Select device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Select all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Select system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Select control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Select CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Select device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Select environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Select machine check entries.
MEMORY Select memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Select snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Select firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Select device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Select any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Select unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Select volume mount and dismount entries.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to run in interactive shell mode after you execute the ELV command. By default, interactive shell mode results from the way the current ELV command is entered.

For more information, refer to Section 10.2.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to output control and informational messages to the terminal. The default /NOLOG does not output these messages to the terminal.



Specifies that events occurring on a node or nodes are to be selected or rejected.

If you enter /NODE without a value, only events that occur on the node on which you are running ELV are selected.

If you enter /NONODE without a value, events occurring on all nodes that are represented in the error log file are selected.


Specifies the output file that is to contain converted copies of events.

If you do not specify an output file name, the input file name is used. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .CVT.


Specifies that rejected (rather than selected) events are to be converted. For more information, refer to Section 10.3.


Specifies that only those events dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.




The command in this example, executed from DCL command level, converts selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes these events to the ERRLOG.CVT file. After the command executes, the system displays the ELV> prompt.

The selected events are from all nodes except BEAVIS and BUTTHD.



The command in this example converts events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes the converted events to OUTFILE.CVT.

In addition, control and informational messages are output to the terminal.



The command in this example converts selected events from ERROR_LOG.SYS to the older format and writes the converted events to ERROR_LOG.CVT.

The selected events are those that occurred before YESTERDAY on the current node.



The command in this example converts events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes the converted events to ERRLOG.CVT.

The selected events, which start with entry 5, do not include the BUGCHECKS event class.

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