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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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21.3 SYSMAN Commands

This section describes the SYSMAN commands and demonstrates their use. Table 21-1 summarizes each command.

Table 21-1 SYSMAN Commands
Command Function
@ (Execute Procedure) Requests that SYSMAN read subsequent command input from the specified file or device.
ALF ADD Adds a record to the automatic login facility (ALF) database.
ALF REMOVE Deletes one or more records from the automatic login facility (ALF) database.
ALF SHOW Displays one or more records from the automatic login facility (ALF) database.
ATTACH Transfers control from your current process to the specified process in your job.
CLASS_SCHEDULE ADD Creates a new scheduling class.
CLASS_SCHEDULE DELETE Deletes a scheduling class.
CLASS_SCHEDULE MODIFY Modifies the characteristics of a scheduling class.
CLASS_SCHEDULE RESUME Resumes a scheduling class that has been suspended.
CLASS_SCHEDULE SHOW Displays the characteristics of a scheduling class.
CLASS_SCHEDULE SUSPEND Temporarily suspends a scheduling class.
Updates security data in a local area cluster.
CONFIGURATION SET TIME Updates system time.
CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME Displays current system time.
DEFINE/KEY Defines a key to execute a SYSMAN command
DISKQUOTA ADD Adds an entry to a disk quota file.
DISKQUOTA CREATE Creates and enables a disk quota file for a volume that does not contain one.
DISKQUOTA DELETE Removes an entry from a quota file.
DISKQUOTA DISABLE Suspends disk quota operations on a volume.
DISKQUOTA ENABLE Resumes disk quota operations on a volume.
DISKQUOTA MODIFY Changes an entry in the quota file or adjusts the default quota and overdraft values.
DISKQUOTA REBUILD Reconstructs the disk usage counts for all entries.
DISKQUOTA REMOVE Removes an entry from a disk quota file.
DISKQUOTA SHOW Displays disk quotas and usage counts.
DO Executes a DCL command or DCL command procedure.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY ADD Adds an entry to the System Dump Priority registry file.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY LIST Lists the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY LOAD Loads the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file into memory for BUGCHECK to use.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY Modifies an entry in the System Dump Priority registry file.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY REMOVE Removes a record from the System Dump Priority registry file.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY SHOW Lists the contents of the in-memory copy of the System Dump Priority registry file.
++ DUMP_PRIORITY UNLOAD Clears the in-memory copy of the System Dump Priority registry file.
EXIT Terminates the SYSMAN session and returns control to the DCL command level.
HELP Provides information about SYSMAN commands.
++ IO AUTOCONFIGURE Automatically identifies and configures all hardware devices attached to a system.
++ IO CONNECT Connects devices and loads device drivers.
++ IO CREATE_WWID Assigns a new device name to a new worldwide identifier (WWID).
++ IO FIND_WWID Detects all previously undiscovered tapes and medium changers.
++ IO LIST_WWID Lists all tape device worldwide identifiers (WWIDs) that are not yet configured on Fibre Channel.
++ IO LOAD Loads an I/O driver.
++ IO REBUILD Rebuilds all device configuration tables.
++ IO REPLACE_WWID Replaces one worldwide identifier (WWID) with another.
++ IO SCSI_PATH_VERIFY Checks each SCSI and FC path in the system to determine whether the attached device has been changed; if it has, the SCSI or FC path in the IO database is disconnected.
++ IO SET EXCLUDE Sets the permanent exclusion list to be used when configuring devices automatically.
++ IO SET PREFIX Sets the prefix used to build the IOGEN Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names.
++ IO SHOW BUS Lists the system's buses, node numbers, bus names, TR numbers, and base CSR addresses on the system.
++ IO SHOW DEVICE Displays information about devices, their drivers, and their I/O databases.
++ IO SHOW EXCLUDE Displays the permanent exclusion list used in the autoconfiguration of devices.
++ IO SHOW PREFIX Displays the current prefix list used to produce the IOGEN Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names.
LICENSE LOAD Activates a license that is registered in the LICENSE database.
LICENSE UNLOAD Deactivates a license that is registered in the LICENSE database.
PARAMETERS DISABLE CHECKS Inhibits range checks on system parameter values specified in subsequent PARAMETERS SET commands.
PARAMETERS ENABLE CHECKS Ensures that range checks are in effect. Enables range checks after a PARAMETERS DISABLE CHECKS command.
PARAMETERS SET Modifies the value of a system parameter in the work area.
PARAMETERS SHOW Displays the values of system parameters in the work area, plus the default, minimum, and maximum values of the parameters and their units of measure.
PARAMETERS USE Initializes the current work area with system parameter values and the name of the site-independent command procedure.
PARAMETERS WRITE Writes the system parameter values and the name of the site-independent command procedure from the work area to a parameter file, the current system parameter file, or the active system in memory.
RESERVED_MEMORY ADD On Alpha and I64 systems, reserves an amount of physical memory, referred to as a memory reservation, in the Reserved Memory Registry data file.
RESERVED_MEMORY EXTEND On Alpha and I64 systems, adds memory sections if you want to accommodate more than one Resource Affinity Domain (RAD) for a single memory reservation.
RESERVED_MEMORY FREE On running Alpha and I64 systems, frees reserved memory.
RESERVED_MEMORY LIST On Alpha and I64 systems, provides a preview of this reservation as it is currently stored in the Reserved Memory Registry data file.
RESERVED_MEMORY MODIFY On Alpha and I64 systems, allows you to modify an existing entry in the Reserved Memory Registry data file.
RESERVED_MEMORY REMOVE On Alpha and I64 systems, removes a reserved memory entry from the Reserved Memory Registry data file.
RESERVED_MEMORY SHOW On Alpha and I64 systems, displays the memory reservations on the running system.
SET ENVIRONMENT Establishes a management context for subsequent SYSMAN commands.
SET PROFILE Modifies the default device and directory and the current privileges for the current management environment, and allows you to set DCL verification for future DO commands.
SET TIMEOUT Establishes the amount of time that SYSMAN waits for a node to respond.
SHOW ENVIRONMENT Displays the current command context.
SHOW KEY Displays key definitions.
SHOW PROFILE Displays the default device and directory and the current privileges.
SHOW TIMEOUT Displays the current timeout period.
SHUTDOWN NODE Shuts down one or more nodes simultaneously with a single command line.
SPAWN Creates a subprocess of the current process, where the context of the subprocess is copied from the current process.
STARTUP ADD Adds an executable file or command procedure to the startup database.
STARTUP DISABLE Prevents a component of the startup database from executing on one or more nodes in the environment.
STARTUP ENABLE Allows a component of the startup database to execute.
STARTUP MODIFY Edits a record in the startup database describing how a startup component executes.
STARTUP REMOVE Removes one or more components from the startup database.
STARTUP SET DATABASE Determines the default database.
STARTUP SET OPTIONS Controls logging and display of information for one or more nodes in a cluster during startup.
STARTUP SHOW Displays the name of the current startup database or its contents.
SYS_LOADABLE ADD Adds an executive loaded image to the set of images loaded at boot time.
SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE Removes an executive loaded image from the set of images loaded at boot time.

++Alpha and I64 specific

@ (Execute Procedure)

Requests that SYSMAN read subsequent command input from the specific file or device.


@ filespec



Specifies either the input device or the command procedure you want to execute. The default file type is .COM. You cannot use wildcard characters in the file specification.


Use the execute procedure command to execute a command procedure containing SYSMAN commands. To execute the command procedure, invoke SYSMAN, place the at sign (@) command at the beginning of a command line, then specify the file name of the command procedure.

The command procedure can contain any valid SYSMAN command.




%SYSMAN-I-DEFDIR, default directory on node --
%SYSMAN-I-DEFPRIV, default process privileges on node --

This example shows how to create a command procedure that sets the SYSMAN environment to the local node, and displays the current profile. These commands execute when you enter the @ENV.COM command.



System time on node NODE23: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:19.45
System time on node NODE24: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:27.79
System time on node NODE25: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:58.66

This example shows how to create and execute a command procedure that shows the current date and time for all the nodes in the cluster.


Adds a new record to the automatic login facility (ALF) database. You can also create records for proxy accounts.

Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the SYSALF database (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSALF.DAT by default).


ALF ADD device user



Specifies the terminal name or port name that you want to assign to a user name. The parameter device must be a terminal name if you do not specify qualifiers on the command line, and can be either a logical name or an abbreviated device name. This parameter accepts a maximum of 63 characters, including devices for proxy accounts.


Specifies the user name of the account that you want to assign to a particular terminal or port.


/TERMINAL (default)

Checks whether the device name you specified is a terminal on the target system. The parameter device can be a logical name or an abbreviated device name, which SYSMAN translates to a full device name.


Checks whether the device name you specified is a valid port. If the port name contains special characters, such as a slash (/), or if it contains lowercase letters that you want to preserve, you must enclose the port name within quotation marks (" ").

Be aware that anything within quotation marks is written literally to the ALF database file. For example, if the actual port name contains uppercase letters as well as special characters, be sure to specify uppercase letters within the quotation marks. Otherwise, a mismatch will occur between the actual port name and what is specified in the SYSALF.DAT file.


Checks that the device name is in the NODE::USERNAME format.


Displays the device names and user names as they are added to the ALF database.


You can use the ALF ADD command to associate a terminal or port with a particular user name. This will enable certain users to log in to certain terminals or ports without specifying a user name.

The ALF ADD command adds a new record to the ALF database.





In this example, the first command assigns terminal TTA3 to user JBERGERON. The second command assigns port MN34C3/LC-1-2 to user FMARTIN.



In this example, VMS:.ZKO.VMSORG.SYSMAN.CLIENT1::SYSTEM is the value for the device parameter, which is assigned to FOOBAR.


Removes one or more records from the ALF database.

Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the SYSALF database (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSALF.DAT).





Specifies the terminal name or port name whose record you want to remove from ALF. The device name is required, even if you use qualifiers with the ALF REMOVE command.

You can use wildcard characters in the terminal name or port name. For example, if you specify the device TTA*, the system removes all records that start with the string TTA. The system does not, however, remove any records that start with the string <nodename>$TTA (where <nodename> is the system's SCSNODE name). To remove records starting with $, you would have to specify $TTA* or use two wildcards: *TTA*.

If you omit wildcard characters and enter a REMOVE command, SYSMAN attempts to match the device name exactly. If more than one record matches the criteria, SYSMAN displays an error message.



Enables you to remove a record in ALF for a specific user associated with a device. You must also enter the device when you use the /USERNAME qualifier. You can use wildcard characters with the /USERNAME qualifier.


Displays a message asking you to verify that you want to remove the record.


Displays each device name and user name after it has been removed from the ALF database.


The ALF REMOVE command removes one or more records from the ALF database.




The command in this example removes the records of the WORK1 device from the ALF datebase for all users. The asterisk (*) replaces user names.



The command in this example removes all records from the ALF database. The first asterisk (*) replaces device names; the second asterisk replaces user names.




In this example, the first command removes the record for terminal TTA3. The second command removes all records (for all devices) assigned to user name SMITHSON.



The command in this example removes all records for devices containing the string TTA.



This command produces the following error message:

%SYSMAN-E-ALFWILCRDREQ, more than one record might match - Wildcard or
unit number of device required.


HP recommends that you use caution when issuing REMOVE commands from Version 6.1 or lower SYSMAN clients to Version 6.2 or higher systems.

For example, the following command issued from a system running OpenVMS Version 6.1 or lower to a system running OpenVMS Version 6.2 produces no error messages and deletes all records that match FOOBAR$TTA:

%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
        Individual nodes: FOOBAR
        Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes
SYSMAN> ALF REMOVE TTA                  ! Does not produce an error message


If you issue the same command from a system running OpenVMS Version 6.1 or lower to another system running OpenVMS Version 6.1 or lower, it produces the following error message:

%SYSMAN-I-NODERR,  error returned from node FOO
-SMI-E-ALFNOMATCH, no records matched search criteria
This is due to incorrect processing of wildcards prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2.

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