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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Removes an entry in the system images file SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.IDX.


The SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE command is not intended for general use. Only advanced system programmers should use this command.






A 1- to 8-character product mnemonic that uniquely identifies a loadable image. For user-written images this should typically contain the string _LOCAL_.


The file name of the system loadable image you want to remove. A file name is the only value you can specify for this parameter. Do not specify a device, directory, file type, or wildcard characters.



/NOLOG (default)

Controls whether the SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE command displays a notification after the entry has been removed.


The SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE command removes an entry from the system images file SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.IDX. You can then process this file using the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.COM. Processing the file with VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.COM generates a new system images data file that the system uses when it boots.

If the file SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.IDX does not exist, the SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE command creates a new, empty one.

21.4 RAD Example

The following example procedure shows how to use SYSMAN resource affinity domain (RAD) qualifiers and options.
  1. Show that no reserved memory registry exists:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-NODERR, error returned from node PIPERI
    -RMS-E-FNF, file not found
  2. Add a reservation for a group global section and display the new reservation:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory add ak_sec/gr=4711 /size=16 /zero /page_tables
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name             Group    RAD  Size (MB)  Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                       4711     ANY         16   2048  Allocated Zeroed
    AK_SEC                       4711                         2  PageTables Allocated
  3. Modify the reservation to have memory assigned from each of four RADs; display the result:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory modify ak_sec/gr=4711 /new_rad=0 /size=4
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory extend ak_sec/gr=4711 /rad=1 /size=4
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory extend ak_sec/gr=4711 /rad=2 /size=4
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory extend ak_sec/gr=4711 /rad=3 /size=4
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name             Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                       4711       0          4        512  Allocated Zeroed
    AK_SEC                       4711       1          4        512  Allocated Zeroed
    AK_SEC                       4711       2          4        512  Allocated Zeroed
    AK_SEC                       4711       3          4        512  Allocated Zeroed
    AK_SEC                       4711                             2  PageTables Allocated
  4. Modify the reservation to no longer zero allocated pages at boot time. Note that you can change properties such as /ZERO, /ALLOCATE, /PAGE_TABLES only for the reservation as a whole, not for a specific RAD.

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory modify ak_sec/gr=4711 /nozero
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name              Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                        4711       0          4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC                        4711       1          4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC                        4711       2          4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC                        4711       3          4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC                        4711                             2  PageTables Allocated
  5. Modify the reservation to no longer request memory from specific RADs. Note that the overall size remains unchanged.

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory modify ak_sec/gr=4711 /norad
    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name           Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                     4711     ANY         16       2048  Allocated
    AK_SEC                     4711                             2  PageTables Allocated
  6. Starting with a reservation allocated across multiple RADs, request that memory no longer be allocated at boot time. Note that this implies that memory is no longer allocated from specific RADs.
    Reservation prior to change:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name   Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC             4711       0         4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC             4711       1         4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC             4711       2         4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC             4711       3         4        512  Allocated
    AK_SEC             4711                            2  PageTables Allocated

    Command to no longer allocate at boot time:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory modify ak_sec/gr=4711 /noalloc

    New state of reservation:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name           Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                     4711     ANY         16       2048
    AK_SEC                     4711                             2  PageTables
  7. To change the size of a reservation with an assigned RAD, or to change the reservation to use a different RAD, you must specify the current RAD.
    Reservation prior to change:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name           Group    RAD  Size (MB)      Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                     4711       2         16       2048  Allocated
    AK_SEC                     4711                             2  PageTables Allocated

    Attempt to change reservation size:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory mod ak_sec/gr=4711 /size=20
    %SYSMAN-I-NODERR, error returned from node PIPERI
    -SMI-E-RMRNOMATCH, no records matched search criteria
        Correct command:
     SYSMAN> reserved_memory mod ak_sec/gr=4711 /rad=2 /size=20

    New state of reservation:

    SYSMAN> reserved_memory list
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node PIPERI
    Reservation Name           Group    RAD  Size (MB)  Pages  Attributes
    AK_SEC                      4711     2         20    2560  Allocated
    AK_SEC                      4711                        3  PageTables Allocated

Chapter 22
USB Configuration Manager (UCM)

22.1 UCM Description

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) Configuration Manager (UCM) utility allows you to connect a computer to a variety of devices using a single four-wire cable. More specifically, UCM does the following:
  • Records events such as plugging or unplugging devices and errors that occur on a USB bus. This is the USB event-logging function of UCM.
  • Maps physical devices to persistent device names (based on either serial number or bus location).
  • Manages additions, deletions, and modifications to devices configured on the system.

22.2 USB and UCM Concepts

The following sections introduce and explain USB and UCM.

22.2.1 Introduction to USB

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that enables a computer to interconnect a variety of devices using a single four-wire cable. The purpose of USB is to provide a user-friendly way to connect low- and medium-speed devices to host computers.

The USB connects USB devices to the USB host, which, in turn, connects with a host computer system. Each USB has only one host, labeled USB Host in Figure 22-1. (A host, however, can have multiple USBs.)

Figure 22-1 USB Configuration

The USB host is integrated with a root hub, which provides one or more attachment points for devices. The USB physical interconnections from each hub form a star, with a hub at the center of each star.

Point-to-point wire connections link the USB host to a hub or a function, or a hub to another hub or function. Hubs and functions are USB devices that do the following:

  • Hubs provide additional attachment points to the USB.
  • Functions provide capabilities to the system, such as a mouse or a keyboard.

Figure 22-2 shows that up to six hubs can be chained to create a tiered configuration. The path of a device is determined by its location in the structure; for example, the path to the printer LPA0: in Figure 22-2 is (Note, however, that the numbers printed on the physical hub might not match the numbers that UCM displays.)

Figure 22-2 Hub Tiers

The OpenVMS device names of USB devices are as follows:

Device Name Description
KBD n 1 Keyboard
MOU n 1 Mouse
TXA n 1 Modem
LPA n 1 Printer driver
HID0 Special-case driver that users cannot access
UCM0 Hub driver (one per system)

1The value of n can be between 0 and 9999.

The UCM works with the hub driver to configure USB-supported devices.

22.2.2 UCM Concepts and Operation

The UCM is made up of client and server layers. The user interacts with the client layer, and the client layer interacts with the server layer. It is the server layer that interacts with the USB. Figure 22-3 shows the interaction of these layers.

Figure 22-3 UCM Architecture

As the figure indicates, the UCM server maintains the event-logging file and the generic and permanent list files. These files are passed to the UCM client, which can display the files to the user. (The types of lists that the UCM server uses are explained in Section The UCM server is in contact with the UCM driver, SYS$HUBDRIVER, which maintains connections with other layers of the architecture. Types of UCM Lists

The UCM server has the following three types of lists:

  • Generic list
    This list contains descriptions of devices that UCM supports. The generic list is part of the file-based device configuration information that is maintained on the system. (Refer to Chapter 8 of the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.)
    The installation process creates this list. A device that has no matching entry in the generic list is an unknown device type and cannot be configured.
  • Tentative list
    This is a list of devices that UCM will configure if you tell it to. The tentative list, which is in memory, disappears when the server is restarted or when the system reboots.
  • Permanent list
    This list contains devices that UCM configures if the device is connected to the bus. The permanent list supplies a persistent name for a USB device; that is, the name is maintained across reboots and server restarts.
    Persistent names work somewhat differently on devices that have or do not have serial numbers:
    • On a device with a serial number, a persistent name always works.
    • On a device without a serial number, a name is persistent only if you attach the device in the same place on the hub each time you attach it.

    A running system has only one permanent list, which UCM reads from SYS$SYSTEM:USB$UCM_DEVICES.DAT. For most customers, this is the minimal file that OpenVMS provides in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE].


Never delete USB$UCM_DEVICES.DAT. Deleting this file might result in the inability to use your USB attached devices. How UCM Configures Devices

At system startup time, the following steps occur:

  1. OpenVMS starts the UCM server, which does the following:
    1. Reads the generic list of supported devices.
    2. Reads the permanent list for descriptions of devices.
  2. UCM initializes an empty tentative list.
  3. UCM turns on the USB bus; a device on the bus announces itself.
  4. UCM checks for device data on the permanent list. If device data is on the permanent list, UCM loads it and makes it available.
    If device data is not on the list, UCM performs the next step.
  5. UCM checks for data on the generic list. If device data is on this list, UCM uses it to make an entry in the tentative list.
    The data stays on the tentative list until the user either adds the device to or deletes the device from the permanent list.


    In configuring devices, keep in mind the following:
    • Unplugging a device does not delete a tentative item.
    • Each replugging of a device creates a new tentative item.
    • A device added to the permanent list following UCM startup is not configured (that is, it is not available for use) until the device is subsequently disconnected and reconnected (unplugged and replugged).
    • Any modification to the permanent list creates a new version of the file.
  6. Steps 3 through 5 repeat until all devices on all buses are processed.
  7. UCM waits for a user request or until a device is plugged in or unplugged.

Log Files

UCM uses the following log file to record disconnections, connections, and errors:


You do not need special permission to access the event log. However, you do need OPER privilege to use the UCM command SET LOG/NEW command to create a new log file. ( Section 22.5 contains a table listing UCM commands and the privileges required to issue each command.)

22.3 Using UCM to Manage Devices and View Events

You can use UCM commands to select the devices you want to configure and to view USB events such as connections, disconnections, and errors. The following sections explain how to configure USB devices and how to view USB device information.

22.3.1 Configuring Devices

Before the system can configure a USB device, the device must have a corresponding entry on the permanent list. Although a few entries are included as part of USB installation, these entries provide only minimal support for a mouse and a keyboard. For most devices, you need to take certain steps to add an entry to the permanent list.

When you connect a USB device of a known type that has no entry on the permanent list, UCM uses information in the read-only generic list to create an entry in the tentative list. You must approve the entry before UCM creates an entry in the permanent list.

The following section explains how to create an entry in the permanent list.

Creating an Entry in the Permanent List

To set up a device to be configured, add the device as an entry in the permanent list. Once you do this, UCM recognizes the device each time you connect it.

In the following example, you connect a printer to the USB. The printer is a known device type; in other words, it has an entry in the generic list. However, it does not yet have an entry in the permanent list.

Follow these steps to configure the device:

  1. Physically connect the printer.
  2. Enter the UCM command to enter the UCM environment and to display a message about configured and unconfigured devices on your system:

    $ UCM
  3. To display more information about the unconfigured device, enter the following command:

    $ UCM
    Universal Serial Bus Configuration Manager, Version V1.0
    DEVICE_TYPE                     TENTATIVE
    DEVICE_NAME_ROOT                LP
    UNIT_NUMBER                     0
    BUS                             1

    Note that the display on your screen might be somewhat different from the one you see here.
  4. Next, you must approve the entry by entering the ADD command. For example:


    This command places the device information in the permanent list.
  5. The last step before using the printer is to unplug the printer and reconnect it. This makes the device available for use. (If a device has no serial number, you must either plug it into the same port, or use the MODIFY command to indicate its new location.)
    When you reconnect the printer, its serial number and vendor ID identify it as LPA0:. UCM configures the device and makes it available for use.
    Note that this step is not necessary if the UCM server is restarted or if the system is rebooted.

22.3.2 Viewing Events

The UCM event logger records events such as device connections and disconnections and certain types of errors. To see this information, you use the UCM utility SHOW EVENTS command. You can also use qualifiers to limit the display of various types of events.

Events stored in the event log include the following:

  • A device was configured or deconfigured.
  • A known device was connected but not configured.
  • An unknown device was connected.
  • Text messages were sent by USB drivers.

The following sections explain how to display information about unknown devices and configuration failures. Information About Unknown Devices

The UCM records unknown device connections in its event log. You can view this information by adding the /TYPE=UNKNOWN qualifier to the SHOW EVENT command.

The information in the following example includes the vendor ID, the product ID, and other optional device-supplied information. If an unknown device is connected to the USB, you might want to view only events showing the activity of unknown devices for today; for example:


Date        Time        Type         Priority Component
22-AUG-2002 13:04:23.26 UNKNOWN      NORMAL   UCM UNKNOWN DEVICE
     = 1.PATH = = 0.DEVICE_SUB_CLASS =
     Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro (USB).CONFIGURATION_NUMBER = 0.


Note that the display on your screen might be somewhat different from the one you see here. Information about Configuration Failures

When UCM does not configure a device---because UCM cannot find an entry in the permanent list or because of a driver error---it stores this information in the event log. You can view such information using the SHOW EVENTS command and a qualifier that limits the display. For example:


Date        Time        Type         Priority Component
28-AUG-2002 17:43:47.09 DRIVER       NORMAL   HUBDRIVER
        Message: Find a driver for DeviceClass/DeviceSubClass = 0x2/0x0

28-AUG-2002 17:43:47.09 UNKNOWN      NORMAL   UCM UNKNOWN DEVICE
        Message: VENDOR_ID = 4483.PRODUCT_ID = 16392.RELEASE_NUMBER =
        256.BUS_NUMBER = 3.PATH = =
        = HP Computer Corp., Inc..PRODUCT_STRING = HP USB

28-AUG-2002 17:43:47.24 DRIVER       NORMAL   HUBDRIVER
        Message: hub_configure_device Unable to find Interface Driver

28-AUG-2002 17:43:47.24 DRIVER       NORMAL   HUBDRIVER
        Message: Find a driver for InterfaceClass/InterfaceSubClass/
        Protocol = 0xff/0xff/0xff

28-AUG-2002 17:43:49.17 UCM          CRITICAL ucm_config_request
        Message: %SYSTEM-W-DEVEXISTS, device unit already exists

28-AUG-2002 17:43:50.17 DRIVER       NORMAL   HUBDRIVER
        Message: Configured device TXA3 using driver SYS$YCDRIVER:

28-AUG-2002 17:43:56.11 DRIVER       NORMAL   HUBDRIVER         Message: Device on bus 3 at port 1 bus tier 4 can exceed the         bus power available

UCM> exit

Note that the display on your screen might be somewhat different from the one you see here.

The last message in this example, which is in bold type, indicates that there is insufficient power in the hub to supply the device. Therefore, UCM will not configure the device.

If no entry for the device is in the generic list, the log displays what is known about the device. If an error caused the failure, the error code is listed in the log.

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