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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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H.4.2.16 STATES Class Record

The STATES class record contains data describing the number of processes in each of the scheduler states. The STATES class record has a record type of 1 and a size of 69 bytes.

Figure H-28 illustrates the format of the STATES class record.

Figure H-28 STATES Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the STATES class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Page Wait
MNR_STA$L_COLPG Number of processes in collided page wait (longword,L)
Resource Wait
MNR_STA$L_MWAIT Number of processes in miscellaneous resource wait (longword,L)
Common Event
Flag Wait
MNR_STA$L_CEF Number of processes in common event flag wait (longword,L)
Page Fault
MNR_STA$L_PFW Number of processes in page fault wait (longword,L)
Local Event Flag,
MNR_STA$L_LEF Number of processes in local event flag wait, inswapped (longword,L)
Local Event Flag,
MNR_STA$L_LEFO Number of processes in local event flag wait, outswapped (longword,L)
MNR_STA$L_HIB Number of processes in hibernate wait, inswapped (longword,L)
MNR_STA$L_HIBO Number of processes in hibernate wait, outswapped (longword,L)
MNR_STA$L_SUSP Number of processes in suspended wait, inswapped (longword,L)
MNR_STA$L_SUSPO Number of processes in suspended wait, outswapped (longword,L)
Free Page
MNR_STA$L_FPG Number of processes in free wait (longword,L)
Compute State,
MNR_STA$L_COM Number of processes in compute state, inswapped (longword,L)
Compute State,
MNR_STA$L_COMO Number of processes in compute state, outswapped (longword,L)
Current MNR_STA$L_CUR Number of current processes (longword,L)

H.4.2.17 SYSTEM Class Record

The SYSTEM class record contains data describing the overall operation of the three major system components (CPU, memory, I/O). The SYSTEM class record has a record type of 17 and a size of 49 bytes. Note that when the SYSTEM class is recorded, the PROCESSES, STATES, and MODES classes are also recorded, even if not explicitly requested.

Figure H-29 illustrates the format of the SYSTEM class record.

Figure H-29 SYSTEM Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the SYSTEM class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
CPU Busy MNR_SYS$L_BUSY Count of clock ticks (10-millisecond units) spent in all CPU modes since system was booted (longword,C)
Other States MNR_SYS$L_OTHSTAT Number of processes in states other than LEF, LEFO, HIB, HIBO, COM, COMO, PFW, and MWAIT (longword,L)
Process Count MNR_SYS$L_PROCS Number of processes in system (longword,L)
Page Faults MNR_SYS$L_FAULTS Count of page faults for all working sets (longword,C)
Read I/Os MNR_SYS$L_PREADIO Count of read I/Os resulting from disk page faults (longword,C)
Free Page Count MNR_SYS$L_FREECNT Number of pages currently on free-page list (longword,L)
Modified Page Count MNR_SYS$L_MFYCNT Number of pages currently on modified-page list (longword,L)
Direct I/Os MNR_SYS$L_DIRIO Count of direct I/O operations (longword,C)
Buffered I/Os MNR_SYS$L_BUFIO Count of buffered I/O operations (longword,C)

H.4.2.18 TIMER Class Record

The TIMER class record contains data that is useful to the OpenVMS executive when monitoring timer queue entries (TQEs). The TIMER class record has a record type of 26 and a size of 29 bytes.

Figure H-30 illustrates the format of the TIMER class record.

Figure H-30 TIMER Class Record Format

The following table describes the contents of each of the TIMER class record fields:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Total TQEs MNR_TMR$L_TQE_TOTAL Count of all TQEs processed per second.
SYSUB TQEs MNR_TMR$L_TQE_SYSUB Count of SYSUB TQEs processed per second.
Timer TQEs MNR_TMR$L_TQE_TIMER Count of timer requests made by users per second.
Wakeup TQEs MNR_TMR$L_TQE_WAKEUP Count of wakeup timer requests made by users per second.

H.4.2.19 TRANSACTION Class Record

The TRANSACTION class record contains data describing the operations of the DECdtm transaction manager. The TRANSACTION class has a record type of 22 and a size of 69 bytes. Figure H-31 illustrates the format of the TRANSACTION class record.

Figure H-31 TRANSACTION Class Record Format

The following table describes the contents of each of the TRANSACTION class record fields:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Starts MNR_TRA$L_STARTS Count of transactions started. The number of times that calls on the local node to $START_TRANS have completed successfully (longword, C).
Prepares MNR_TRA$L_PREPARES Count of transactions that have been prepared (longword, C).
One Phase Commits MNR_TRA$L_ONE_PHASE Count of one-phase commit events initiated (longword, C).
Commits MNR_TRA$L_COMMITS Count of transactions committed. This is the combined total of one-phase and two-phase commits (longword, C).
Aborts MNR_TRA$L_ABORTS Count of transactions aborted. Combined total of planned and unplanned aborts (longword, C).
Ends MNR_TRA$L_ENDS Count of transactions ended. The number of times that calls on the local node to $END_TRANS have completed successfully (longword, C).
Branches MNR_TRA$L_BRANCHS Count of transaction branches started on the local node (longword, C).
Adds MNR_TRA$L_ADDS Count of transaction branches added on the local node (longword, C).
0-1 Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS1 Count of transactions with a duration of less than 1 second (longword, C).
1-2 Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS2 Count of transactions with a duration of 1 to 2 (1.99) seconds (longword, C).
2-3 Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS3 Count of transactions with a duration of 2 to 3 seconds (longword, C).
3-4 Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS4 Count of transactions with a duration of 3 to 4 seconds (longword, C).
4-5 Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS5 Count of transactions with a duration of 4 to 5 seconds (longword, C).
5+ Transactions MNR_TRA$L_BUCKETS6 Count of transactions with a duration greater than 5 seconds (longword, C).

H.4.2.20 VBS Class Record - VAX Only

On VAX systems, the VBS class record contains statistics on the operation of the virtual balance slot (VBS) mechanism. The VBS class record has a record type of 24 and a size of 21 bytes.

Figure H-32 illustrates the format of a VBS class record.

Figure H-32 VBS Class Record Format - VAX Only

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the VBS class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
VBS Faults MNR_VBS$L_VRBS_TRAN Count of faults from virtual balance slots to real balance slots (longword, C)
VBS Clock Ticks MNR_VBS$L_VCPUTICKS Count of virtual balance slot clock ticks (10-millisecond units) (longword, C)

H.4.2.21 VECTOR Class Record - VAX Only

The VECTOR class record contains data describing the time during which vector consumers have been scheduled on a vector-present processor. Its record type number is 23. A VECTOR class record is of variable length and depends on the number of active processors in the system. Assuming all processors are active, MONITOR calculates the size of the record by adding the size of the class header, the class prefix, and the data blocks contained in the record. This is shown in the following formula:

13 + 8 + (5 * MNR_SYI$B_VPCPUS)

Figure H-33 illustrates the format of the VECTOR class record.

Figure H-33 VECTOR Class Record Format - VAX Only

The following table describes the contents of each of the VECTOR class record fields:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
CPU ID MNR_VEC$B_CPUID Identification of the processor from which the data has been collected (byte, I)
Ticks MNR_VEC$L_TICKS Number of 10-millisecond clock ticks in which a vector consumer has been scheduled on this processor (longword, C)

To support the VECTOR class, MONITOR uses the items MNR_SYI$B_VPCPUS and MNR_SYI$L_VPCONF in the system information record. See the table in Section H.3.2 for details on these items.

Appendix I
SHOW CLUSTER Keypad Commands

SHOW CLUSTER provides a predefined keypad that you can use to enter selected commands. You can add, remove, or reposition windows, scroll their contents, or change the interval at which the display is updated. You can also customize the keypad by redefining the default functions of individual keys.

I.1 Using the Keypad

By default, the numeric keypad is defined as shown in Figure I-1.

Figure I-1 SHOW CLUSTER Default Keypad

Shading over a keypad command indicates that you must press the GOLD key and then the keypad key.

The following table describes each keypad command you can use with the Show Cluster utility. In this table, KPn refers to the keypad key labeled with the number n. For example, KP2 refers to the keypad key labeled with the number 2. All commands shown on the keypad are also discussed in the Command Section of Chapter 19.

Command Key or
Key Sequence
ADD KP4 Modifies the current display by including the field or class that you specify after the ADD command.
DESELECT GOLD-Period Terminates a window selection.
GOLD PF1 When pressed before another keypad key, specifies the second key's alternate function (the bottom function on the keypad diagram).
HELP PF2 Displays information about using the editing keypad.
INIT PF4 Resets the display using the original default values for field names, class names, and field widths.
REFRESH PF3 Refreshes the screen display. Clears and redraws the screen, deleting any extraneous characters or messages that might have appeared on the screen but are not part of the SHOW CLUSTER display. (Performs the same function as Ctrl/W.)
REMOVE KP5 Modifies the current display by removing the field or class that you specify after the REMOVE command.
SAVE KP2 Allows you to save the current display to a startup initialization file or a command procedure that you can then use to restore the display at a later time.
SELECT Period Designates which window to scroll or move.
SET KP1 Changes any of several options including the number of columns in the display, the number of seconds between updates, the functions of the arrow keys, the auto positioning of windows, and the characteristics of a particular field.
SET AUTO_POS OFF KP6 Disables the automatic positioning of windows on the screen.
SET AUTO_POS ON GOLD-KP6 Enables the Show Cluster utility to automatically position windows on the screen. This is the default setting.
Hyphen Redefines the arrow keys to restore line-mode editing.
KP9 Redefines the arrow keys to move a selected window to a specified position on the display screen. For example, the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys are redefined as MOVE UP 1, MOVE DOWN 1, MOVE RIGHT 1, and MOVE LEFT 1, respectively.
KP7 Redefines the arrow keys to rotate the display. For example, the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys are redefined as PAN UP 1, PAN DOWN 1, PAN RIGHT 1, and PAN LEFT 1, respectively.
KP8 Resets the arrow keys to scroll the screen display. For example, if you press the SET FUNCTION SCROLL key, the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys are redefined as SCROLL UP 1, SCROLL DOWN 1, SCROLL RIGHT 1, and SCROLL LEFT 1, respectively.
WRITE KP3 Outputs the current display to either a file name that you specify, or to the default output file name SHOW_CLUSTER.LIS.

I.2 Redefining the Keypad Keys

Use the DEFINE/KEY command to change the definition of a key. See the DEFINE/KEY command in the Command Section of Chapter 19 for more information.

I.3 Redefining the Arrow Keys

By default, the SHOW CLUSTER arrow keys are set to the EDIT function. This means that you can perform command line editing at the command prompt that is similar to DCL line-mode editing. For example, the left arrow key moves the cursor to the left, or the up arrow key recalls the previous command. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for information about DCL line-mode editing.

The SET FUNCTION keys, shown in the second row of the keypad, redefine the arrow keys to perform a specified function. You can reset the arrow keys from EDIT to PAN, SCROLL, or MOVE with the SET FUNCTION command. For example, if you press the SET FUNCTION SCROLL key, the up, down, right, and left arrow keys are redefined as SCROLL UP 1, SCROLL DOWN 1, SCROLL RIGHT 1, and SCROLL LEFT 1, respectively. (See the Command Section of Chapter 19 for information about specific commands.)


If you set the function to PAN, SCROLL, or MOVE, the arrow keys are no longer defined to perform DCL line-mode editing. Only one function can be enabled at a time. To restore line-mode editing once it has been changed to another function, enter the command SET FUNCTION EDIT.

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