HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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Chapter 9
9 Input and Output Processing
     9.1     Files and File Organizations
         9.1.1         Sequential File Organization
         9.1.2         Relative File Organization
         9.1.3         Indexed File Organization
     9.2     Component Formats
         9.2.1         Fixed-Length Component Format
         9.2.2         Variable-Length Component Format
         9.2.3         Stream Component Format
     9.3     Component Access Modes
         9.3.1         Sequential Access
                Sequential Access to Sequential Files
                Sequential Access to Relative Files
                Sequential Access to Indexed Files
         9.3.2         Random Access
                Random Access by Relative Component Numbers (Direct Access)
                Random Access to Indexed Files (Keyed Access)
     9.4     File Locking
     9.5     TEXT Files
         9.5.1         Carriage Control
         9.5.2         Prompting on a Terminal
         9.5.3         Delayed Device Access to Text Files
         9.5.4         Writing Partial Lines to Terminals
     9.6     Formatting Output
         9.6.1         Specifying the Field Width
         9.6.2         Writing Real Numbers
         9.6.3         Explicitly Specifying the Base
         9.6.4         Specifying the Base with Predeclared Conversion Functions
         9.6.5         Writing Nonnumeric Types
     9.7     Error-Processing Parameter
     9.8     I/O Routines
         9.8.1         CLOSE Procedure
         9.8.2         DELETE Procedure
         9.8.3         EOF Function
         9.8.4         EOLN Function
         9.8.5         EXTEND Procedure
         9.8.6         FIND Procedure
         9.8.7         FINDK Procedure
         9.8.8         GET Procedure
         9.8.9         LINELIMIT Procedure
         9.8.10         LOCATE Procedure
         9.8.11         OPEN Procedure
         9.8.12         PAGE Procedure
         9.8.13         PUT Procedure
         9.8.14         READ Procedure
         9.8.15         READLN Procedure
         9.8.16         RESET Procedure
         9.8.17         RESETK Procedure
         9.8.18         REWRITE Procedure
         9.8.19         STATUS Function
         9.8.20         TRUNCATE Procedure
         9.8.21         UFB Function
         9.8.22         UNLOCK Procedure
         9.8.23         UPDATE Procedure
         9.8.24         WRITE Procedure
         9.8.25         WRITELN Procedure
Chapter 10
10 Attributes
     10.1     Attribute Syntax
     10.2     Attributes
         10.2.1         ALIGN
         10.2.2         ALIGNED
         10.2.3         ASYNCHRONOUS
         10.2.4         AT
         10.2.5         AUTOMATIC
         10.2.6         BIT
         10.2.7         BYTE
         10.2.8         CHECK
         10.2.9         CLASS_A
         10.2.10         CLASS_NCA
         10.2.11         CLASS_S
         10.2.12         COMMON
         10.2.13         ENUMERATION_SIZE
         10.2.14         ENVIRONMENT
         10.2.15         EXTERNAL
         10.2.16         FLOAT
         10.2.17         GLOBAL
         10.2.18         HIDDEN
         10.2.19         IDENT
         10.2.20         IMMEDIATE
         10.2.21         INHERIT
         10.2.22         INITIALIZE
         10.2.23         KEY
         10.2.24         LIST
         10.2.25         LOCAL
         10.2.26         LONG
         10.2.27         NOOPTIMIZE
         10.2.28         OCTA
         10.2.29         OPTIMIZE
         10.2.30         PEN_CHECKING_STYLE
         10.2.31         POS
         10.2.32         PSECT
         10.2.33         QUAD
         10.2.34         READONLY
         10.2.35         REFERENCE
         10.2.36         STATIC
         10.2.37         TRUNCATE
         10.2.38         UNALIGNED
         10.2.39         UNBOUND
         10.2.40         UNSAFE
         10.2.41         VALUE
         10.2.42         VOLATILE
         10.2.43         WEAK_EXTERNAL
         10.2.44         WEAK_GLOBAL
         10.2.45         WORD
         10.2.46         WRITEONLY
     10.3     Attribute Classes

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