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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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Chapter 11
11 Directives
     11.1     %INCLUDE
     11.2     %DICTIONARY
     11.3     %TITLE and %SUBTITLE
     11.4     %IF, %ELSE, %ELIF, and %ENDIF
     11.5     %DEFINED
     11.6     %ERROR, %WARN, %INFO, and %MESSAGE
     11.8     %DATE, %TIME, and %COMPILER_VERSION
     11.9     %LINE, %FILE, %ROUTINE, %MODULE, and %IDENT
Appendix A
Appendix A Data Storage and Representation
     A.1     Program Sections
         A.1.1         Establishing Program Sections
         A.1.2         Establishing Program Section Properties
     A.2     Storage Allocation
         A.2.1         Allocation of Variables
         A.2.2         Allocation of Symbolic Constants and Executable Blocks
         A.2.3         Allocation Example
         A.2.4         Allocation Sizes of Variables
         A.2.5         Storage Allocation of Types
         A.2.6         Allocation Size Examples
         A.2.7         Alignment Boundaries
     A.3     Internal Representation of Data Types
         A.3.1         Representation of Varying Data
         A.3.2         Representation of Floating-Point Data
             A.3.2.1             F_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.2             S_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.3             D_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.4             G_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.5             T_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.6             H_floating-Point Numbers
             A.3.2.7             X_floating-Point Numbers
         A.3.3         Representation of Nonstatic Types and Variables
             A.3.3.1             Representation of Nonstatic Types
             A.3.3.2             Representation of Variables of Nonstatic Types
             A.3.3.3             Representation of Nonstatic Record Fields
Appendix B
Appendix B Summary of HP Pascal Extensions
     B.1     HP Pascal Extensions to Unextended Pascal
     B.2     HP Pascal Extensions to Extended Pascal
Appendix C
Appendix C Description of Implementation Features
     C.1     Implementation-Defined Features
     C.2     Implementation-Dependent Features
Appendix D
Appendix D Compiler and Run-Time System Error Detection
     D.1     Error Message Information
Glossary Glossary
10-1 Using the TRUNCATE Attribute
A-1 Using Program Sections to Allocate Storage
3-1 Order of Execution for TO BEGIN DO and TO END DO Sections
7-1 Scope of Identifiers
9-1 Sequential File Organization
9-2 Relative File Organization
9-3 Indexed File Organization
9-4 A First Alternate Key
9-5 File Buffer Contents
9-6 Sequential Access to a Sequential File
9-7 Using Sequential Access to Read from a Relative File
9-8 Using Sequential Access to Write to a Relative File
9-9 Using Random Access on Sequential and Relative Files
9-10 File Position After GET Procedure
11-1 %INCLUDE File Levels
A-1 Storage of Varying Data
A-2 F_floating-Point Data Representation
A-3 S_floating-Point Data Representation
A-4 D_floating-Point Data Representation
A-5 G_floating-Point Data Representation
A-6 T_floating-Point Data Representation
A-7 H_floating-Point Data Representation
A-8 X_floating-Point Data Representation
A-9 Storage of Nonstatic Data Types
A-10 Storage of Variables of Nonstatic Types
A-11 Storage of Pointer Variables to Undiscriminated Schema Types
1-1 Special Symbols
1-2 Embedded String Constants
1-3 Reserved Words
1-4 Redefinable Reserved Words
1-5 Predeclared Identifiers
2-1 Range of Values of Integer Ordinal Types
2-2 Values of MAXINT and MAXINT64 Predeclared Constants
2-3 Range of Values of Unsigned Ordinal Types
2-5 Data Types for Integer Constants for OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Systems
2-6 Data Types for Integer Constants for OpenVMS VAX Systems
2-7 Supported Floating-Point Formats
2-8 Floating Data Types
2-9 Precision in Exponential Notation
2-10 Predefined Identifiers for Real Data Types
2-11 Assignment Compatibility
4-1 Arithmetic Operators
4-2 Results of Negative Exponents
4-3 Result Types of Arithmetic Operators
4-4 Relational Operators
4-5 Logical Operators
4-6 String Operators
4-7 Set Operators
4-8 Precedence of Operators
6-1 Formal Parameter Semantics
6-2 Parameter-Passing Mechanisms
6-3 Specifiers and Attributes for Passing Mechanisms
6-4 Default Values on Formal Parameters
8-1 Predeclared Routine Categories
8-2 Return Values of Alignment Predeclared Routines
8-3 Value of ZERO
9-1 Characteristics of the KEY Attribute
9-2 File Organization Support for Component Formats
9-3 Acceptable Types of Stream Component Formats
9-4 File Organization Support for Component Access Modes
9-5 Carriage-Control Characters
9-6 Default Field Widths
9-7 File Mode During I/O Processing
10-1 ALIGN Attribute Keywords
10-2 Summary of Checking Options
10-3 ENUMERATION_SIZE Attribute Keywords
10-4 KEY Attribute Options
10-5 OPTIMIZE Attribute Options
10-6 Allowed Combinations of Volatile and Nonvolatile Parameters
10-7 Attribute Classes
10-8 Attributes on Routines and Compilation Units
10-9 Attributes on Data Items
A-1 Program Section Properties
A-2 Program Section Data on OpenVMS I64 Systems
A-3 Program Section Data on OpenVMS Alpha Systems
A-4 Program Section Data on OpenVMS VAX Systems
A-5 Required Program Section Properties
A-6 Storage Allocation of Types
A-7 Conditions Determining Boundary Alignment
B-1 HP Pascal Extensions to Unextended Pascal
B-2 HP Pascal Extensions to Extended Pascal

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