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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
User Manual

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CRETIMMOD, Creation time for module "module name" in environment "environment file name" differs from creation time in previous environments
Warning: Two or more PEN files referred to a module, but the PEN files did not agree on the creation date/time for the module. This can occur if you recompile a module but do not recompile all the modules that inherited its PEN file.

CSTRBADTYP, Constructor: only ARRAY, RECORD, or SET type
CSTRCOMISS, Constructor: component(s) missing
CSTRNOVRNT, Constructor: no matching variant
CSTRREFAARR, Repetition factor allowed only in ARRAY constructors
CSTRREFAINT, Repetition factor must be integer
CSTRREFALRG, Repetition factor too large
CSTRREFANEG, Repetition factor cannot be negative
CSTRTOOMANY, Constructor: too many components
Error: You can write constructors only for data items of an ARRAY type. You must specify one and only one value in the constructor for each component of the type. In an array constructor, you cannot use a negative integer value as a repetition factor to specify values for consecutive components.

CSTRREFAINT, Repetition factor must be an integer


CTESTRSIZ, Compile-time strings must be less than 8192 characters


CTGARRDESC, Contiguous array descriptor cannot describe size/alignment properties
Information: Conformant array parameters, dynamic array parameters, and %DESCR array parameters all use the contiguous array descriptor mechanism in the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard. Size and alignment attributes are prohibited on such arrays, as these attributes can create noncontiguous allocation. This message can appear as additional information in other error messages.

DEBUGOPT, /NOOPTIMIZE is recommended with /DEBUG
Information: Unexpected results may be seen when debugging an optimized program. To prevent conflicts between optimization and debugging, you should compile your program with /NOOPTIMIZE until it is thoroughly debugged. Then you can recompile the program with optimization enabled to produce more efficient code.

DECLORDER, Declarations are out of order
Error: The TO BEGIN DO and TO END DO declarations in a module must appear at the end of the module and may not be reordered.

DEFRTNPARM, Default parameter syntax not allowed on routine parameters
DEFVARPARM, Default parameter syntax not allowed on VAR parameters


DESCOMABORT, Further processing of /DESIGN=COMMENTS has been aborted
Error: An error has occurred that prohibits further comment processing.

DESCOMERR, An error has occurred while processing design information


DESCOMSEVERR, An internal error has occurred while processing /DESIGN=COMMENTS - please submit an SPR
Error: A fatal error has occurred during comment processing. Please submit a problem report including sufficient information to reproduce the program, including the version numbers of the Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer and the HP Pascal compiler.

DESCTYPCON, Descriptor class / type conflict
Error: The descriptor class for parameter passing conflicts with the parameter's type. Refer to Section 5.3.3 of the HP Pascal for OpenVMS User Manual for legal descriptor class/type combinations.

DESIGNTOOOLD, The comment processing routines are too old for the compiler
Error: The support routines for the /DESIGN=COMMENT qualifier are obsolete. Contact your system manager.

DIRCONVISIB, Directive contradicts visibility attribute
Error: The EXTERN, EXTERNAL, and FORTRAN directives conflict directly with the LOCAL and GLOBAL attributes.

DIREXPECT, No matching directive for the %IF directive
Error:: A %IF directive must contain a %THEN clause and be terminated by %ENDIF.

Error:: Conditional compilation directives other than %IF are only valid after the parts of a %IF directive.

DISCLIMIT, Limit of 255 discriminants exceeded


DISNOTORD, Discriminant type must be an ordinal type
Error: The formal discriminant in a schema type definition must be an ordinal type.

DONTPACKVAR, "routine name" is illegal, variable can never appear in a packed context
Error: You cannot call the BITSIZE and BITNEXT functions for conformant parameters.

DUPLALIGN, Alignment already specified
DUPLALLOC, Allocation already specified
DUPLATTR, Attribute already specified
DUPLCLASS, Descriptor class already specified
DUPLDOUBLE, Double precision already specified
Error: Only one member of a particular attribute class can appear in the same attribute list.

DUPLFIN, TO END DO already specified DUPLINIT, TO BEGIN DO already specified
Error: Only one TO BEGIN DO and one TO END DO section can appear in the same module.

DUPLGBLNAM, Duplicated global name
Warning: The GLOBAL attribute cannot appear on more than one variable or routine with the same name.

DUPLMECH, Passing mechanism already specified
DUPLOPT, Optimization already specified
DUPLSIZE, Size already specified
DUPLVISIB, Visibility already specified
Error: Only one member of a particular attribute class can appear in the same attribute list.

DUPTYPALI, Alignment already specified by type identifier "type name"
DUPTYPALL, Allocation already specified by type identifier "type name"
DUPTYPATR, Attribute already specified by type identifier "type name"
DUPTYPDES, Descriptor class already specified by type identifier "type name"
DUPTYPSIZ, Size already specified by type identifier "type name"
DUPTYPVIS, Visibility already specified by the type identifier "type name"
Error: An attribute specified for an object was already specified in the definition of the object's type.

ELEOUTRNG, Element out of range
Error: A value specified in a set constructor used as a compile-time constant expression does not fall within the subrange defined as the set's base type.

EMPTYCASE, Empty case body
Error: You failed to specify any case labels and corresponding statements in the body of a CASE statement.

ENVERROR, Environment resulted from a compilation with Errors
Error: When a program inherits an environment file that compiled with errors, unexpected results may occur during the program's compilation. The environment file inherited by the program compiled with errors. Unexpected results may occur in the program now being compiled.

ENVFATAL, Environment resulted from a compilation with Fatal Errors
Error: The environment file inherited by the program compiled with fatal errors. Unexpected results may occur in the program now being compiled.

ENVOLDVER, Environment was created by a VAX Pascal V2 compiler, please recompile
Warning: The environment file inherited by the program was created by a VAX Pascal Version 2.0 compiler. You should regenerate the environment file with a newer version of the compiler.

ENVWARN, Environment resulted from a compilation with Warnings
Warning: The environment file inherited by the program compiled with warnings. Unexpected results may occur in the program now being compiled.

ENVWRGCMP, Environment identifier was compiled by an HP Pascal for platform compiler


ERREALCNST, Error in real constant: digit expected


ERRNONPOS, ERROR parameter can be specified only with nonpositional syntax


Error: This message is generated by the %ERROR directive.

ERRORLIMIT, Error Limit = "current error limit", source analysis terminated
Fatal: The error limit specified for the program's compilation was exceeded; the compiler was unable to continue processing the program. By default, the error limit is set at 30, but you can use the error limit switch at compile time to change it.

ESTBASYNCH, ESTABLISH requires that "routine name" be ASYNCHRONOUS


EXPLCONVREQ, Explicit conversion to lower type required
Error: An expression of a higher-ranked type cannot be assigned to a variable of a lower-ranked type; you must first convert the higher-ranked expression by using DBLE, SNGL, TRUNC, ROUND, UTRUNC, or UROUND, as appropriate.

EXPNOTRES, Expression does not contribute to result
Information: The optimizer has determined that part of the expression does not affect the result of the expression and it will not evaluate that part of the expression.

EXPR2ONVAL, Expression is allowed only on real, integer, or unsigned values
Error: The second expression (and preceding colon) are allowed only if the value being written is of a real, integer, or unsigned type.

EXPRARITH, Expression must be arithmetic
Error: An expression whose type is not arithmetic cannot be assigned to a variable of a real type.

EXPRARRIDX, Expression is incompatible with unpacked array's index type
Error: The index type of the unpacked array is not compatible with the index type of either the PACK or UNPACK procedure it was passed to.

EXPRCOMTAG, Expression is not compatible with tag type
Error: A case label specified for a NEW, DISPOSE, or SIZE routine must be assignment compatible with the tag type of the variant.

EXPRINFUNC, Expression allowed only in FUNCTION


EXPRNOTSET, Expression is not a SET type
Error: The compiler encountered an expression of some type other than SET in a call to the CARD function.

EXTRNALLOC, Allocation attribute conflicts with EXTERNAL visibility
Error: The storage for an external variable or routine is not allocated by the current compilation; therefore, the specification of an allocation attribute is meaningless.

EXTRNAMDIFF, External names are different
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

EXTRNCFLCT, "PSECT or FORWARD" conflicts with EXTERNAL visibility
Error: The storage for an external variable or routine is not allocated by the current compilation; therefore, the specification of an allocation attribute is meaningless.

FILEVALASS, FILE evaluation / assignment is not allowed
Error: You cannot attempt to evaluate a file variable or assign values to it.

FILHASSCH, FILE component may not contain nonstatic types or discriminant identifiers
Error: HP Pascal restricts components of files to those with compile-time size.

FILOPNDREQ, FILE operand required
Error: The EOF, EOLN, and UFB functions require parameters of file types.

FILVARFIL, FILE_VARIABLE parameter must be of a FILE type
Error: The file variable parameter to the OPEN and CLOSE procedures must denote a file variable.

FLDIVPOS, Field "field name" is illegally positioned
Error: A POS attribute attempted to position a record field before the end of the previous field in the declaration.

FLDNOTKNOWN, Unknown record field


FLDONLYTXT, Field width allowed only when writing to a TEXT file


FLDRADINT, Field width or radix expression must be of type INTEGER
Error: The field-width or radix expression in a WRITE, WRITELN, or WRITEV routine must be of type INTEGER.

FORACTORD, FOR loop control variable must be of an ordinal type
FORACTVAR, FOR loop control must be a true variable
Error: The control variable of a FOR statement must be a simple variable of an ordinal type and must be declared in a VAR section. For example, it cannot be a field in a record that was specified by a WITH statement, or a function identifier.

FLDWDTHINT, Field-width expression must be of type integer


FORCTLVAR, "variable name" is a FOR control variable
Warning: The control variable of a FOR statement cannot be assigned a value; used as a parameter to the ADDRESS function; passed as a writable VAR, %REF, %DESCR, or %STDESCR parameter; used as the control variable of a nested FOR statement; or written into by a READ, READLN, or READV procedure.

FORINEXPR, Expression is incompatible with FOR loop control variable
Error: The type of the initial or final value specified in a FOR statement is variable.

FRMLPRMDESC, Formal parameters use different descriptor formats
FRMLPRMINCMP, Formal routine parameters are not compatible
FRMLPRMNAM, Formal parameters have different names
FRMLPRMSIZ, Formal parameters have different size attributes
FRMLPRMTYP, Formal parameters have different types
Information: These messages can appear as additional information on other error messages.

FRSTPRMSTR, READV requires first parameter to be a string expression
Error: You must specify at least two parameters for the READV procedure---a character-string expression and a variable into which new values will be read.

FRSTPRMVARY, WRITEV requires first parameter to be a variable of type VARYING


FTRNOTHER, Feature not supported io this context


FTRNOTPOR, Feature not supported on platform(s)


FTRNOTSUP, Feature not supported on this platform


FUNCTRESTYP, Routine must be declared as FUNCTION to specify a result type
Error: You cannot specify a result type on a PROCEDURE declaration.

FUNRESTYP, Function result types are different
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

FWDREPATRLST, Declared FORWARD; repetition of attribute list not allowed
FWDREPPRMLST, Declared FORWARD; repetition of formal parameter list not allowed
FWDREPRESTYP, Declared FORWARD; repetition of result type not allowed
Error: If the heading of a routine has the FORWARD directive, the declaration of the routine body cannot repeat the formal parameter list, the result type (applies only if the routine is a function), or any attribute lists that appeared in the heading.



GOTONOTALL, GOTO not allowed to jump into a structured statement
Warning: Jumping into a structured statement may yield incorrect behavior and/or additional compile-time errors.

GOTSZOVFL, GOT table overflow for module "name"
Error: The GOT (Global Offset Table) for the module is too large. Break up the module into multiple modules.

GTR32BITS, "routine name" cannot accept parameters larger than 32 bits
Error: DEC and UDEC cannot translate objects larger than 32 bits into their textual equivalent.

HIDATOUTER, HIDDEN legal only on definitions and declarations at outermost level
Error: When an environment file is being generated, it is possible to prevent information concerning a declaration from being included in the environment file by using the HIDDEN attribute. However, because an environment file consists only of declarations and definitions at the outermost level of a compilation unit, the HIDDEN attribute is legal only on these definitions and declarations.

IDENTGTR31, Identifier longer than 31 characters exceeds capacity of compiler


IDNOTLAB, Identifier "symbol name" not declared as a label


IDXNOTCOMPAT, Index type is not compatible with declaration
Error: The type of an index expression is not assignment compatible with the index type specified in the array's type definition.

IDXREQDKEY, Creating INDEXED organization requires dense keys
Warning: When you specify ORGANIZATION:=INDEXED when opening a file with HISTORY := NEW or UNKNOWN, the file's alternate keys must be dense; that is, you may not omit any key numbers in the range from 0 through the highest key number specified for the file's component type.

IDXREQKEY0, Creating INDEXED organization requires FILE OF RECORD with at least KEY(0)
Warning: When you specify ORGANIZATION:=INDEXED when opening a file with HISTORY := NEW or UNKNOWN, the file's component type must be a record for which a primary key, designated by the [KEY(0)] attribute, is defined.

ILLINISCH, Illegal initialization of variable of nonstatic type
Error: Nonstatic variables, such as those created from schema types, cannot be initialized in the VALUE declaration part. To initialize these variables, you must use the initial state feature.

IMMEDBNDROU, Immediate passing mechanism may not be used on bound routine "routine name"
Warning: You cannot prefix a formal or an actual routine parameter with the immediate passing mechanism unless the routine was declared with the UNBOUND attribute.

IMMEDUNBND, Routines passed by immediate passing mechanism must be UNBOUND
Warning: A formal routine parameter that has the immediate passing mechanism must also have the UNBOUND attribute.

IMMGTR32, Immediate passing mechanism not allowed on values larger than 32 or 64 bits
Error: See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information on the types that are allocated more than 32 or 64 bits.

IMMHAVSIZ, Type passed by immediate passing mechanism must have compile-time known size
Error: You cannot specify an immediate passing mechanism for a conformant parameter or a formal parameter of type VARYING OF CHAR.

INCMPBASE, Incompatible with SET base type
Error: If no type identifier denotes the base type of a set constructor, the first element of the constructor determines the base type. The type of all subsequent elements specified in the constructor must be compatible with the type of the first.

INCMPFLDS, Record fields are not the same type


INCMPOPND, Incompatible operand(s)
Error: The types of one or more operands in an expression are not compatible with the operation being performed.

INCMPPARM, Incompatible "routine" parameter
Error: An actual routine parameter is incompatible with the corresponding formal parameter.

INCMPTAGTYP, Incompatible variant tag types
Error: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

INCTOODEEP, %INCLUDE directives nested too deeply, ignored
Error: A program cannot include more than five levels of files with the %INCLUDE directive. The compiler ignores %INCLUDE files beyond the fifth level.

INDNOTORD, Index type must be an ordinal type
Error: The index type of an array must be an ordinal type.

Information: This message is generated by the %INFO directive.

INITNOFRML, INITIALIZE routine must have no formal parameter list


INITSYNVAR, Illegal initialization syntax---Use VALUE


INPNOTDECL, INPUT not declared in heading
Error: A call to EOF, EOLN, READLN, or WRITELN did not specify a file variable, and the default INPUT or OUTPUT was not listed in the program heading.

INSTNEWLSE, Please install a new version of LSE
Error: The version of the Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer on your system is too old for the compiler. Contact your system manager.

INVCASERNG, Invalid range in case label list


INVEVAL, Array or Record evaluation not allowed


INVQUAVAL, Value for optimizer level is out of range. Default value will be used.


IVATTOPT, Unrecognized option for attribute
Explanation: Explanation: You attempted to specify an invalid option for one of the following attributes:

  • CHECK (Warning)
  • FLOAT (Warning)
  • KEY (Error)
  • OPTIMIZE (Warning)

IVATTR, Unrecognized attribute


IVAUTOMOD, AUTOMATIC variable is illegal at the outermost level of a MODULE
Error: You cannot specify the AUTOMATIC attribute for a variable declared at module level.

IVCHKOPT, Unrecognized CHECK option


IVCOMBFLOAT, Illegal combination of D_floating and G_floating
Error: You cannot combine D_floating and G_floating numbers in a binary operation.

IVDIRECTIVE, Unrecognized directive
Error: The directive following a procedure or function heading is not one of those recognized by the HP Pascal compiler.

IVENVIRON, Environment "environment name" has illegal format, source analysis terminated
Fatal: The environment file inherited by the program has an illegal format; compilation is immediately aborted. However, a listing will still be produced if one was being generated.

IVFUNC, Invalid use of function "function name"
IVFUNCALL, Invalid use of function call
IVFUNCID, Invalid use of function identifier
Error: These messages result from illegal attempts to assign values or otherwise refer to the components of the function result (if its type is structured), use the type cast operator on a function identifier or its result, or deallocate the storage reserved for the function result (if its type is a pointer).

IVKEYOPT, Unrecognized KEY option


IVKEYVAL, FINDK KEY_VALUE cannot be an array (other than PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR)


IVKEYWORD, Missing or unrecognized keyword
Error: The compiler failed to find an identifier where it expected one in a call to the OPEN or CLOSE procedure, or it found an identifier that was not legal in this position in the parameter list.



IVOPTMOPT, Unrecognized OPTIMIZE option


IVOTHVRNT, Illegal use of OTHERWISE within CASE variant
Error: The HP Pascal extension of using OTHERWISE in a record constructor is only defined at the outer level of a record.

IVQUALFILE, Illegal switch "switch name" on file specification
Warning: Only the /LIST and /NOLIST qualifiers are allowed on the file specification of a %INCLUDE directive.

IVQUOCHAR, Illegal nonprinting character (ASCII "nnn") within quotes
Warning: The only nonprinting characters allowed in a quoted string are the space and tab; the use of other nonprinting characters in a string causes this warning. To include nonprinting characters in a string, you should use the extended string syntax described in the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual.

IVRADIX, Invalid radix was specified in the extended number


IVRADIXDGIT, Illegal digit in binary, octal, or hexadecimal constant


IVREDECL, Illegal redeclaration gives "symbol name" multiple meanings in "scope name"
IVREDECLREC, Illegal redeclaration gives "symbol name" multiple meanings in this record
IVREDEF, Illegal redefinition gives "symbol name" multiple meanings in "scope name"
Warning: When an identifier is used in any given block, it must have the same meaning wherever it appears in the block.

IVUSEALIGN, Invalid use of alignment attribute
IVUSEALLOC, Invalid use of allocation attribute


IVUSEATTR, Invalid use of "attribute name" attribute
Error: The use of an attribute on a variable, parameter, or routine conflicts with the requirements of the object's type.

IVUSEATTRLST, Invalid use of an attribute list


IVUSEBNDID, Illegal use of bound identifier "identifier name"
Error: An identifier that represents one bound of a conformant schema was used where a variable was expected, such as in an assignment statement or in a formal VAR parameter section. The restrictions on the use of a bound identifier are identical to those on a constant identifier.

IVUSEDES, Invalid use of descriptor class attribute
Error: The use of an attribute on a variable, parameter, or routine conflicts with the requirements of the object's type.

IVUSEFNID, Illegal use of function identifier "identifier name"
Error: Two examples of illegal uses are the assignment of values to the components of the function result (if its type is structured) and the passing of the function identifier as a VAR parameter.

IVUSEPOI, Illegal use of type POINTER or UNIV_PTR
Error: Values of type POINTER and UNIV_PTR can not be dereferenced with the ^ operator or used with the built-in routines NEW and DISPOSE.

IVUSESIZ, Invalid use of size attribute
Error: The use of an attribute on a variable, parameter, or routine conflicts with the requirements of the object's type.

IVUSEVISIB, invalid use of visibility attribute
Error: The use of a visibility attribute conflicts with the requirements of the object's type.

KEYINTRNG, KEY number must be an integer value in range 0..254
Error: The key number specified by a KEY attribute must fall in the integer subrange 0..254.

KEYNOTALIGN, KEY "key number" field "field name" at bit position "bit position" is unaligned
KEYORDSTR, KEY allowed only on ordinal and fixed-length string fields
KEYPCKREC, KEY field in PACKED RECORD must have an alignment attribute
KEYREDECL, Key number "key number" is multiply defined
KEYSIZ1_2_4, Size of an ordinal key must be 1, 2 or 4 bytes
KEYSIZ2_4, Size of a signed integer key must be 2 or 4 bytes
KEYSIZSTR, Size of a string key cannot exceed 255 bytes


LABDECIMAL, Label number must be expressed in decimal radix


LABINCTAG, Variant case label's type is incompatible with tag type
Error: The type of a constant specified as a case label of a variant record is not assignment compatible with the type of the tag field.

LABNOTFND, No definition of label "label name" in statement part of "block name"
Error: A label that you declared in a LABEL section does not prefix a statement in the executable section.

LABREDECL, Redefinition of label "label name" in "block name"
Error: A label cannot prefix more than one statement in the same block.

LABRNGTAG, Variant case label does not fall within range of tag type
Error: A constant specified as a case label of a variant record is not within the range defined for the type of the tag field.

LABTOOBIG, Label "label number" is greater than MAXINT


LABUNDECL, Undeclared label "label name"
Error: HP Pascal requires that you declare all labels in a LABEL declaration section before you use them in the executable section.

LABUNSATDECL, Unsatisfied declaration of label "label name" is not local to "block name"
Error: A label that prefixes a statement in a nested block was declared in an enclosing block.

LIBESTAB, LIB$ESTABLISH is incompatible with HP Pascal; use predeclared procedure ESTABLISH
Warning: HP Pascal establishes its own condition handler for processing Pascal-specific run-time signals. Calling LIB$ESTABLISH directly replaces the handler supplied by the compiler with a user-written handler; the probable result is improper handling of run-time signals. You should use Pascal's predeclared ESTABLISH procedure to establish user-written condition handlers.

LISTONEND, LIST attribute allowed only on final formal parameter


LISTUSEARG, Formal parameter has LIST attribute, use predeclared function ARGUMENT
Error: A formal parameter with the LIST attribute cannot be directly referenced. You should use the predeclared function ARGUMENT to reference the actual parameters corresponding to the formal parameter.

LNETOOLNG, Line too long, is truncated to 255 characters
Error: A source line cannot exceed 255 characters. If it does, the compiler disregards the remainder of the line.

LOWGTRHIGH, Low-bound exceeds high-bound
Error: The definition of the flagged subrange type is illegal because the value specified for the lower limit exceeds that for the upper limit.

MAXLENINT, Max-length must be a value of type integer
Error: The maximum length specified for type VARYING OF CHAR must be an integer in the range 1..65535; that is, the type definition must denote a legal character string.

MAXLENRNG, Max-length must be in range 1..65535
Error: The maximum length specified for type VARYING OF CHAR must be an integer in the range 1..65535; that is, the type definition must denote a legal character string.

MAXNUMENV, Maximum number of environments exceeded
Fatal: More than 512 environment files were used in the compilation.

MECHEXTERN, Foreign mechanism specifier allowed only on external routines

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