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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
User Manual

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MISSINGEND, No matching END, expected near line "line number"
Information: The compiler expected an END statement at a location where none was found. Compilation proceeds as though the END statement were correctly located.

MODINIT26, Module name limited to 26 characters when initialization required
Error: When a module contains schema types, discriminated schema types, variables of discriminated schema types, or a TO BEGIN DO statement clause, the module name is limited to 26 characters.

MODOFNEGNUM, MOD of a negative modulus has no mathematical definition
Error: In the MOD operation A MOD B, the operand B must have a positive integer value. This message is issued only when the MOD operation occurs in a compile-time constant expression.



Error: You cannot use the syntax [index] to refer to an object that is not of type ARRAY or VARYING OF CHAR.

MSTBEBOOL, Control expression must be of type BOOLEAN
Error: The IF, REPEAT, and WHILE statements require a Boolean control expression.

MSTBEDEREF, Must be dereferenced


MSTBEDISCR, Schema type must be discriminated
Error: An undiscriminated schema type is not allowed everywhere that a regular type name is allowed.

MSTBEORDSETARR, Type must be ordinal, SET, or ARRAY




Error: You cannot use the syntax "Variable.Identifier" to refer to an object that is not of type RECORD or VARYING OF CHAR.

MSTBESTAT, Cannot initialize non-STATIC variables
Error: You cannot initialize variables declared without the STATIC attribute in nested blocks, nor can you initialize program-level variables whose attributes give them some allocation other than static.

MSTBETEXT, "I/O routine" requires FILE_VARIABLE of type TEXT
Error: The READLN and WRITELN procedures operate only on text files.

MULTDECL, "symbol name" has multiple conflicting declarations, reason(s):


NCATOA, Cannot reformat content of actual's CLASS_NCA descriptor as CLASS_A
Error: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NEWQUADAGN, "type name"'s base type is ALIGNED("nnn"); NEW handles at most ALIGNED(3)
Error: You cannot call the NEW procedure to allocate pointer variables whose base types specify alignment greater than a quadword. To allocate such variables, you must use external routines.

NOACTCOM, No actuals are compatible with schema formal parameter
Information: Undiscriminated schema formal parameters denoting subranges or sets cannot be used as value parameters. In these cases, no actual parameter can ever be compatible with the formal parameter.

NOASSTOFNC, Block does not contain an assignment to function result "function name"
Warning: The block of a function must include a statement that assigns a return value to the function identifier.

NOCONVAL, A constant value was not specified for field "field name"


NODECLVAR, "symbol name" is not declared in a VAR section of "block name"
Error: You cannot initialize a variable using the VALUE section if the variable was not declared in the same block in which the VALUE section appears.

NODSCREC, No descriptor class for RECORD type
Error: The HP OpenVMS Calling Standard does not define a descriptor format for records; therefore, you cannot specify %DESCR for a parameter of type RECORD.

NODSCRSCH, No descriptor class for schematic types


NOFLDREC, No field "field name" in RECORD type "type name"
Error: The field specified does not exist in the specified record.

NOFRMINDECL, Declaration of "routine" parameter "routine name" supplied no formal parameter list
Information: You specified actual parameters in a call on a formal routine parameter that was declared with no formal parameters. Although such a call was legal in VAX Pascal Version 1.0, it does not follow the rules of the Pascal standard. You should edit your program to reflect this change.

NOINITEXT, Initialization not allowed on EXTERNAL variables
NOINITINH, Initialization not allowed on inherited variables
Error: You can initialize only those variables whose storage is allocated in this compilation.

NOINITVAR, Cannot initialize "symbol name"---it is not declared as a variable
Error: Variables are the only data items that can be initialized, and they can be initialized only once.

NOLISTATTR, Parameter to this predeclared function must have LIST attribute
Error: ARGUMENT and ARGUMENT_LIST_LENGTH require their first parameter to be a formal parameter with the LIST attribute.

NONATOMIC, Unable to generate code for atomic access
Warning: Due to poor alignment, the code generator is unable to generate an atomic code sequence to read or write the volatile object.

NONGRNACC, Unable to generate code for requested granularity
Warning: Due to poor alignment, the code generator is unable to generate a code sequence for the granularity requested.

NOREPRE, No textual representation for values of this type
Error: You cannot write a value to a text file (using WRITE or WRITELN) or to a VARYING string (using WRITEV) if there is no textual representation for the type. Similarly, you cannot read a value from a text file (using READ or READLN) or from a VARYING string (using READV) if there is no textual representation for the type. Such types are RECORD, ARRAY (other than PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR), SET, and pointer.

NOTAFUNC, "symbol name" is not declared as a "routine."
Error: An identifier followed by a left parenthesis, a semicolon, or one of the reserved words END, UNTIL, and ELSE is interpreted as a call to a routine with no parameters. This message is issued if the identifier was not declared as a procedure or function identifier. Note that in the current version, functions can be called with the procedure call statement.

NOTASYNCH, "routine name" is not ASYNCHRONOUS
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NOTATAG, "identifier" is not a tag-identifier
Error: The identifier used with the CASE OF construct in a record constructor must be a tag identifier.

NOTATYPE, "symbol name" is not a type identifier
Error: An identifier that does not represent a type was used in a context where the compiler expected a type identifier.

NOTAVAR, "symbol name" is not declared as a variable
Error: You cannot assign a value to any object other than a variable.

NOTAVARFNID, "symbol name" is not declared as a variable or a function identifier
Error: You cannot assign a value to any object other than a variable or a function identifier.

NOTAVARPARM, "symbol name" is not declared as a variable or parameter


NOTBEADDR, May not be parameter to ADDRESS
NOTBEARGV, May not be used as a parameter to ARGV
NOTBEASSIGN, May not be assigned
NOTBECALL, May not be called as a FUNCTION
NOTBECAST, May not be type cast
NOTBEDEREF, May not be dereferenced
NOTBEDES, May not be passed by untyped %DESCR
NOTBEEVAL, May not be evaluated NOTBEFILOP, May not be used in a file operation

NOTBEFLD, May not be field selected
NOTBEFNCPRM, May not be passed as a FUNCTION parameter
NOTBEFORCTL, May not be used as FOR loop variable
NOTBEFORDES, May not be passed as a descriptor foreign parameter
NOTBEFOREF, May not be passed as a reference foreign parameter
NOTBEIADDR, May not be parameter to IADDRESS
NOTBEIDX, May not be indexed
NOTBEIMMED, May not be passed by untyped immediate passing mechanism

NOTBENEW, May not be written into by NEW
NOTBENSTCTL, May not be control variable for an inner FOR loop
NOTBEREAD, May not be written into by READ
NOTBEREF, May not be passed by untyped reference passing mechanism
NOTBERODES, May not be passed as a READONLY descriptor foreign parameter
NOTBEROFOR, May not be passed as a READONLY reference foreign parameter
NOTBEROVAR, May not be passed as a READONLY VAR parameter
NOTBETOUCH, May not be read/modified/written

NOTBEVAR, May not be passed as a VAR parameter
NOTBEWODES, May not be passed as a WRITEONLY descriptor foreign parameter
NOTBEWOFOR, May not be passed as a WRITEONLY reference foreign parameter
NOTBEWOVAR, May not be passed as a WRITEONLY VAR parameter
NOTBEWRTV, May not be parameter to WRITEV
Information: These messages can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NOTBYTOFF, Field "field name" is not aligned on a byte boundary


NOTDECLROU, "symbol name" is not declared as a "routine."
NOTINITIAL, "routine name" is not INITIALIZE
Information: These messages can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NOTINRNG, Value does not fall within range of the tag type
Error: The value specified as the case label of a variant record is not a legal value of the tag field's type. This message is also issued if a case label in a call to NEW, DISPOSE, or SIZE falls outside the range of the tag type.

NOTNEWTYP, Schema must define a new type
Error: The type-denoter of a schema definition must define a new type; for example, a subrange, an array, or a record.

NOTXTLIB, No text library was specified at compile time
Error: The specified %INCLUDE module could not be accessed because a text library was not specified on the command line or in the PASCAL$LIBRARY logical name.

NOTSAMTYP, Not the same type
NOTUNBOUND, "routine name" is not UNBOUND
Information: These messages can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NOTSCHEMA, "symbol name" is not a schema type


NOTVARNAM, Parameter to this predeclared function must be simple variable name
Error: The parameter cannot be indexed, be dereferenced, have a field selected, or be an expression. It must be the name of the entire variable.

NOTVOLATILE, "variable name" is non-VOLATILE
Warning: You should not use the ADDRESS function on a nonvolatile variable or component or on a formal VAR parameter.

NOUNSATDECL, No unsatisfied declaration of label "label name" in "block name"


NUMFRMLPARM, Different numbers of formal parameters
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

NXTACTDIFF, NEXT of actual's component differs from that of other parameters in same section
Error: All actual parameters passed to a formal parameter section whose type is a conformant schema must have identical bounds and be structurally compatible. This message refers to the allocation size and alignment of the array's inner dimensions.

OLDDECLSYN, Obsolete "routine" parameter declaration syntax
Information: The declaration of a formal routine parameter uses the obsolete VAX Pascal Version 1.0 syntax. You should edit your program to incorporate the current version syntax, which is mandated by the Pascal standard.

OPNDASSCOM, Operands are not assignment compatible
OPNOTINT, Operand(s) must be of type integer


OPNDNAMCOM, Operands are not name compatible


ORDOPNDREQ, Ordinal operand(s) required
Error or Warning: This message is at warning level if you try to use INT, ORD, or UINT on a pointer expression. It is at error level if you use PRED or SUCC on an expression whose type is not ordinal.

OUTNOTDECL, OUTPUT not declared in heading
Error: A call to EOF, EOLN, READLN, or WRITELN did not specify a file variable, and the default INPUT or OUTPUT was not listed in the program heading.

OVRDIVZERO, Overflow or division by zero in compile-time expression


PACKSTRUCT, "component name" of a PACKED structured type
Error or Warning: You cannot use the data items listed in a call to the ADDRESS function, nor can you pass them as writable VAR, %REF, %DESCR, or %STDESCR parameters. This message is at warning level if the variable or component has the UNALIGNED attribute, and at error level if the variable or component is actually unaligned.

PARMACTDEF, Formal parameter "parameter name" has neither actual nor default
Error: If a formal parameter is not declared with a default, you must pass an actual parameter to it when calling its routine.

PARMCLAMAT, Parameter section classes do not match
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

PARMLIMIT, OpenVMS architectural limit of 255 parameters exceeded
Error: You cannot declare a procedure with more than 255 formal parameters. A function whose result type requires that the result be stored in more than 64 bits or whose result type is a character string cannot have more than 254 formal parameters. In a call to a routine declared with the LIST attribute, you also cannot pass more than 255 (or 254) actual parameters.

PARMSECTMAT, Division into parameter sections does not match
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

PARSEFAIL, error parsing command line; use PASCAL command
Fatal: The HP Pascal compiler was invoked without using the PASCAL DCL command.

PARSEFAIL, error parsing command line; using an invalid CLD table
Fatal: The HP Pascal compiler was invoked with an incorrect or obsolete command-line definition in SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES. Contact your system manager to reinstall SYS$LIBRARY: DCLTABLES.

PASPREILL, Passing predeclared "routine name" is illegal
Error: You cannot use the IADDRESS function on a predeclared routine for which there is no corresponding routine in the run-time library (such as the interlocked functions). In addition, you cannot pass a predeclared routine as a parameter if there is no way to write the predeclared routine's formal parameter list in HP Pascal. Examples of the latter case are the PRED and SUCC functions and many of the I/O routines.

PASSEXTERN, Passing mechanism allowed only on external routines


PASSNOTLEG, Passing mechanism not legal for this type




PCKUNPCKCON, Packed/unpacked conflict
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

PLACEBEFEOLN, Placeholder not terminated before end of line


PLACEIVCHAR, Illegal nonprinting character (ASCII "decimal representation of character") within placeholder


PLACENODOT, Repetition of pseudocode placeholders not allowed


PLACESEEN, Placeholder encountered


PLACEUNMAT, Unmatched placeholder delimiter


POSAFTNONPOS, Positional parameter cannot follow a nonpositional parameter


POSALIGNCON, Position / alignment conflict
Error: The bit position specified by the POS attribute does not have the number of low-order bits implied by the specified alignment attribute.

POSINT, POS expression must be a positive integer value


PRENAMRED, Predeclared name cannot be redefined
Error: A predeclared name may not be redefined when defining constants with the /CONSTANT DCL qualifier.

PREREQPRMLST, Passing predeclared "routine name" requires formal to include parameter list
Error: To pass one of the predeclared routines EXPO, ROUND, TRUNC, UNDEFINED, UTRUNC, UROUND, DBLE, SNGL, QUAD, INT, ORD, and UINT as an actual parameter to a routine, you must specify a formal parameter list in the corresponding formal routine parameter.

PRMKWNSIZ, Parameter must have a size known at compile-time
Error: The BIN, HEX, OCT, DEC, and UDEC functions cannot be used on conformant parameters. The SIZE and NEXT functions cannot be used on conformant parameters in compile-time constant expressions.

PROCESSFILE, Compiling file "file name"


PROCESSRTN, Generating code for routine "routine name"


PROGSCHENV, PROGRAM with schema may not create environment
Error: A program that declares a schema type cannot have the [ENVIRONMENT] attribute. Schema declarations should be placed in a separate module and inherited by the program.

PROPRMEXT, Declaration of "program parameter name" is EXTERNAL---program parameter files must be locally allocated
PROPRMFIL, A program parameter must be a variable of type FILE
PROPRMINH, Declaration of "program parameter name" is inherited---program parameter files must be locally allocated
PROPRMLEV, Program parameter "program parameter name" is not declared as a variable at the outermost level
Error: Any external file variable (other than INPUT and OUTPUT) that is listed in the program heading must also be declared as a file variable in a VAR section in the program block.

PSECTMAXINT, Allocation of "symbol name" causes PSECT "PSECT name" to exceed MAXINT bits
Error: The HP Pascal implementation restricts the size of a program section to 2,147,483,647 bits.

PTRCMPEQL, Pointer values may only be compared for equality
Error: The equality (=) and inequality (<>) operators are the only operators allowed for values of a pointer type; all other operators are illegal.

PTREXPRCOM, Pointer expressions are not compatible
Error: The base types of two pointer expressions being compared for equality (=) or inequality (<>) are not structurally compatible.

QUOBEFEOL, Quoted string not terminated before end of line


QUOSTRING, Quoted string expected
Error: The compiler expects the %DICTIONARY and %INCLUDE directives, and the radix notations for binary (%B), hexadecimal (%X), and octal constants (%O), to be followed by a quoted string of characters.

RADIXTEXT, Radix input requires FILE_VARIABLE of type TEXT
Error: The input radix specifiers (BIN, OCT, and HEX) operate only on text files.

READONLY, "variable name" is READONLY
Warning: You cannot use a read-only variable in any context that would store a new value in the variable. For example, a read-only variable cannot be used in a file operation.

REALCNSTRNG, Real constant out of range
Error: See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for details on the range of real numbers.

REALOPNDREQ, Real (SINGLE, DOUBLE or QUADRUPLE) operand(s) required


RECHASFILE, Record contains one or more FILE components, POS is illegal


RECHASTMSTMP, Record contains one or more TIMESTAMP components, POS is illegal


RECLENINT, RECORD_LENGTH expression must be of type integer
Error: The value of the record length parameter to the OPEN procedure must be an integer.

RECLENMNGLS, RECORD_LENGTH parameter is meaningless given file's type
Warning: The record length parameter is usually relevant only for files of type TEXT and VARYING OF CHAR.

RECMATCHTYP, MATCH_TYPE identifier "NXT or NXTEQL" is recommended instead of "GTR or GEQ"


REDECL, A declaration of "symbol name" already exists in "block name"
Error: You cannot redeclare an identifier or a label in the same block in which it was declared. Inheriting an environment is equivalent to including all of its declarations at program or module level.

REDECLATTR, "attribute name" already specified
Error: Only one member of a particular attribute class can appear in the same attribute list.

REDECLFLD, Record already contains a field "field name"
Error: The names of the fields in a record must be unique; they cannot be duplicated between variants.

REINITVAR, "variable name" has already been initialized
Error: Variables are the only data items that can be initialized, and they can be initialized only once.

REPCASLAB, Value has already appeared as a label in this CASE statement
Error: You cannot specify the same value more than once as a case label in a CASE statement.

REPFACZERO, Repetition factor cannot be the function ZERO
REQCLAORNCA, Arrays and conformants of this parameter type require either CLASS_A or CLASS_NCA
REQCLS, Scalars and strings of this parameter type require CLASS_S


REGNATAGN, Operand must be naturally aligned


REQNOCH, Primary key requires NOCHANGES option


REQPKDARR, The combination of CLASS_S and %STDESCR requires a PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR structure


REQREADVAR, READ or READV requires at least one variable to read into
Error: The READ and READV procedures require that you specify at least one variable to be read from a file.

REQWRITELEM, WRITE requires at least one write-list-element
Error: The WRITE procedure requires that you specify at least one item to be written to a file.

RESPTRTYP, Result must be a pointer type


REVRNTLAB, Value has already appeared as a label in this variant part
Error: You cannot specify the same value more than once as a case label in a variant part of a record.

RTNSTDESCR, Routines cannot be passed using %STDESCR


SCHCONST, Nonstatic constants are not allowed
Error: Constants cannot be made for nonstatic types since that would yield constants without compile-time size and value.

SCHFLDALN, Field in nonstatic type may not have greater than byte alignment


SCHOVERLAID, Use of schema types conflicts with OVERLAID attribute
Error: The OVERLAID attribute cannot be used on programs or modules that discriminate schema at the outermost level.

SENDSPR, Internal Compiler Error
Fatal: An error has occurred in the execution of the HP Pascal compiler. Along with this message, you will receive information that helps you find the location in the source program and the name of the compilation phase at which the error occurred. You may be able to rewrite the section of your program that caused the error and thus successfully compile the program. However, even if you are able to remedy the problem, please submit a report to Hewlett-Packard and provide a machine-readable copy of the program.

SEQ11FORT, PDP-11 specific directive SEQ11 treated as equivalent to FORTRAN directive


SETBASCOM, SET base types are not compatible
Error: The base type of two sets used in a set operation are not compatible.

SETELEORD, SET element expression must be of an ordinal type
Error: The expressions used to denote the elements of a set constructor or the bounds of a set type definition must have an ordinal type.

SETNOTRNG, SET element is not in range 0..255
Error: In a set whose base type is a subrange of integers or unsigned integers, all set elements in the set's type definition or in a constructor for the set must be in the range 0..255.

SIZACTDIFF, SIZE of actual differs from that of other parameters in same section
Error: All actual parameters passed to a formal parameter section whose type is a conformant schema must have identical bounds and be structurally compatible. This message refers to the allocation size of the array's outermost dimension.

SIZARRNCA, Explicit size on ARRAY dimension makes CLASS_NCA mandatory


SIZATRTYPCON, Size attribute / type conflict
Error: For an ordinal type, the size specified must be at least as large as the packed size but no larger than 32 bits on OpenVMS VAX or 64 bits on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems. Pointer types may be either 32 or 64 bits on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha systems. Pointers types must be 32 bits on OpenVMS VAX systems. Type SINGLE exactly 32 bits, type DOUBLE exactly 64 bits, and type QUADRUPLE exactly 128 bits. For types ARRAY, RECORD, SET, and VARYING OF CHAR, the size specified must be at least as large as their packed sizes. For the details of allocation sizes in HP Pascal, see the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual.

SIZCASTYP, Variable's size conflicts with cast's target type
Error: In a type cast operation, the size of the variable and the size of the type to which it is cast must be identical.

SIZEDIFF, Sizes are different
Information: This message can appear as additional information on other error messages.

SIZEINT, Size expression must be a positive integer value


SIZGTRMAX, Size exceeds MAXINT bits
Error: The size of a record or an array type or the size specified by a size attribute exceeds 2,147,483,647 bits. The HP Pascal implementation imposes this size restriction.

SIZMULTBYT, Size of component of array passed by descriptor is not a multiple of bytes
Error: When an array or a conformant parameter is passed using the %DESCR mechanism specifier, the descriptor built by the compiler must follow the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard. Such a descriptor can describe only an array whose components fall on byte boundaries.

SPEOVRDECL, Foreign mechanism specifier required to override parameter declaration
Error: When you specify a default value for a formal VAR or routine parameter, you must also use a mechanism specifier to override the characteristics of the parameter section.

SPURIOUS, "error message" at "line number"---"column number"
Information: The compiler did not correctly note the location of this error in your program and later could not position and print the correct error message. You may be able to correct the section of your program that caused the error and thus avoid this error. Please submit a report (SPR) and provide a machine-readable copy of the program if you receive this error.

SRCERRORS, Source errors inhibit continued compilation---correct and recompile
Fatal: A serious error previously detected in the source program has corrupted the compiler's symbol tables and inhibits further compilation. Correct the serious error and recompile the program.

SRCTXTIGNRD, Source text following end of compilation unit ignored
Warning: The compiler ignores any text following the END statement that terminates a compilation unit. This error probably resulted from an unmatched END statement in your program.

STDACTINCMP, Nonstandard: actual is not name compatible with other parameters in same section
Information: According to the Pascal standard, all actual parameters passed to a parameter section must have the same type identifier or the same type definition. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDATTRLST, Nonstandard: attribute list
STDBIGLABEL, Nonstandard: label number greater than 9999
STDBLANKPAD, Nonstandard: blank-padding used during string operation
STDBNDRMUSE, Nonstandard: usage of formal parameter for routine "routine name"
STDCALLFUNC, Nonstandard: function "function name" called as a procedure
STDCASLBLRNG, Nonstandard: label range in case selector

STDCAST, Nonstandard: type cast operator
STDCMPCOMPAT, Nonstandard: cannot "PACK or UNPACK", array component types are incompatible
STDCMPDIR, Nonstandard: compiler directive
STDCOMFUNACC, Nonstandard: component function access
STDCNFARR, Nonstandard: conformant array syntax
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDCNSTR, Nonstandard: array or record constructor
Information: A VAX Pascal Version 1.0 style constructor was used. You should convert this constructor to the new constructor syntax provided in the current version of HP Pascal to be compatible with the Extended Pascal standard.

STDCONCAT, Nonstandard: concatenation operator
Information: This message refers to extensions to Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDCONST, Nonstandard: "type name" constant
Information: Binary, hexadecimal, and octal constants and constants of type DOUBLE, QUADRUPLE, UNSIGNED, INTEGER64, and UNSIGNED64 are extensions to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDCONSTACC, Nonstandard: structured constant access
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard option other than extended on the compile command line.

STDCTLDECL, Nonstandard: control variable "variable name" not declared in VAR section of "block name"
Information: The Pascal standard requires that the control variable of a FOR statement be declared in the same block in which the FOR statement appears.

STDDECLSEC, Nonstandard: declaration sections either out of order or duplicated in "block name"
Information: In the Pascal standard, the declaration sections must appear in the order LABEL, CONST, TYPE, VAR, PROCEDURE, and FUNCTION. The ability to specify the sections in any order is an extension. This message occurs only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDDEFPARM, Nonstandard: default parameter declaration
Information: This message refers to extensions to Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDDIRECT, Nonstandard: "directive name" directive
Information: The EXTERN, EXTERNAL, FORTRAN, and SEQ11 directives are extensions to Pascal. (FORWARD is the only directive specified by the Pascal standard.) This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDDISCREF, Nonstandard: schema discriminant reference
STDDISCSCHEMA, Nonstandard: discriminated schema
Information: These messages are issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDEMPCASLST, Nonstandard: empty case-list element
Information: This message is issued if you do not specify any case labels and executable statements between two semicolons or between OF and a semicolon in the CASE statement. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDEMPPARM, Nonstandard: empty actual parameter position
Information: This message refers to extensions to Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDEMPREC, Nonstandard: empty record section
Information: The Pascal standard does not allow record type definitions of the form RECORD END. This message appears only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDEMPSTR, Nonstandard: empty string
Information: This message refers to extensions to Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDEMPVRNT, Nonstandard: empty variant
Information: This message occurs if you do not specify a variant between two semicolons or between OF and a semicolon. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDEOLCOM, Nonstandard: End of line comment

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