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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
User Manual

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Information: The message is issued if you use the exclamation point character to treat the remainder of the line as a comment. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDERRPARM, Nonstandard: error-recovery parameter
STDEXPON, Nonstandard: exponentiation operator
STDEXTSTR, Nonstandard: extended string syntax
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDFLDHIDPTR, Nonstandard: record field identifier "field identifier name" hides type identifier "field identifier name"


STDFORIN, Nonstandard: SET-iteration in FOR statement
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDFORMECH, Nonstandard: foreign mechanism specifier
Information: This message refers to an extension to Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDFORWARD, Nonstandard: PROCEDURE/FUNCTION block "routine name" and its FORWARD heading are not in the same section
Information: The Extended Pascal standard requires that FORWARD declared routines must specify their corresponding blocks without intervening LABEL, CONST, TYPE, or VAR sections. This message is issued only if you have specified the extended argument to the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDFUNIDEVAR, Nonstandard: function identified variable
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDFUNCTRES, Nonstandard: FUNCTION returning a value of a "type name" type
Information: The ability of functions to have structured result types is an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDINCLUDE, Nonstandard: %INCLUDE directive
STDINITVAR, Nonstandard: initialization syntax in VAR section
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDKEYWRD, Nonstandard: "keyword name"
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard option other than extended on the compile command line.

STDMATCHVRNT, Nonstandard: no matching variant label
Information: This message is issued if you call the NEW or DISPOSE procedure, and one of the case labels specified in the call does not correspond to a case label in the record variable. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDMODCTL, Nonstandard: potential uplevel modification of "variable name" prohibits use as control variable
Information: You cannot use as the control variable of a FOR statement any variable that might be modified in a nested block. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDMODULE, Nonstandard: MODULE declaration
Information: The item listed in this message is an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDNILCON, Nonstandard: use of reserved word NIL as a constant
Information: Only simple constants and quoted strings are allowed by the Pascal standard to appear as constants. Simple constants are integers, character strings, real constants, symbolic constants, and constants of BOOLEAN and enumerated types. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDNOFRML, Nonstandard: FUNCTION or PROCEDURE parameter declaration lacks formal parameter list
Information: This message is issued if you try to pass actual parameters to a formal routine parameter for which you declared no formal parameter list. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDNONPOS, Nonstandard: nonpositional parameter syntax
STDOTHER, Nonstandard: OTHERWISE clause
STDPASSPRE, Nonstandard: passing predeclared "routine name"
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDNOTIN, Nonstandard: NOT IN operator
Information: This message refers to an extension in Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDPCKSET, Nonstandard: combination of packed and unpacked sets
Information: The Pascal standard does not allow packed and unpacked sets to be combined in set operations. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDPRECONST, Nonstandard: predeclared constant "constant name"
Information: The constants MAXCHAR, MAXINT64, MAXUNSIGNED, MAXUNSIGNED64, MAXREAL, MINREAL, EPSREAL, MAXDOUBLE, MINDOUBLE, EPSDOUBLE, MAXQUADRUPLE, MINQUADRUPLE, and EPSQUADRUPLE are extensions to Pascal. MAXCHAR, MAXREAL, MINREAL, and EPSREAL are contained in Extended Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDPREDECL, Nonstandard: predeclared "routine"
Information: Many predeclared procedures and functions are extensions to Pascal. The use of these routines causes this message to be issued if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDPRESCH, Nonstandard: predefined schema "type name"
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard switch other than extended on the compile command line.

STDPRETYP, Nonstandard: predefined type "type name"
Information: The types SINGLE, DOUBLE, INTEGER64, QUADRUPLE, UNSIGNED, UNSIGNED64, and VARYING OF CHAR are extensions to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDQUOSTR, Nonstandard: quotes enclosing radix constant
Information: This message is issued if you have specified the extended option on the compile command line.

STDRADFORMAT, Nonstandard: use format "radix"#nnn for radix constant
Information: This message refers to the use of an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the extended argument to the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDRADIX, Nonstandard: radix constant
Information: This message refers to the use of an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified a standard switch other than extended on the compile command line.

STDRDBIN, Nonstandard: binary input from a TEXT file
STDRDENUM, Nonstandard: enumerated type input from a TEXT file
STDRDHEX, Nonstandard: hexadecimal input from a TEXT file
STDRDOCT, Nonstandard: octal input from a TEXT file
STDRDSTR, Nonstandard: string input from a TEXT file
Information: The Pascal standard allows only INTEGER, CHAR, and REAL values to be read from a text file. The ability to read values of other types is an extension to Pascal. These messages are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDREDECLNIL, Nonstandard: redeclaration of reserved word NIL
Information: The Pascal standard considers NIL a reserved word, while HP Pascal considers it to be a predeclared identifier. Thus, if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line, this message will be issued if you attempt to redefine NIL.

STDREM, Nonstandard: REM operator
Information: The item listed in this message is an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDSCHEMA, Nonstandard: schema type definition
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDSCHEMAUSE, Nonstandard: use of schema type
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDSIMCON, Nonstandard: only simple constant (optional sign) or quoted string
Information: Only simple constants and quoted strings are allowed by the Pascal standard to appear as constants. Simple constants are integers, character strings, real constants, symbolic constants, constants of type BOOLEAN, and enumerated types. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDSPECHAR, Nonstandard: "$" or "_" in identifier
STDSTRCOMPAT, Nonstandard: string compatibility
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDSTRUCT, Nonstandard: types do not have same name
Information: Because the Pascal standard does not recognize structural compatibility, two types must have the same type identifier or type definition to be compatible. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDSYMLABEL, Nonstandard: symbolic label
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDTAGFLD, Nonstandard: invalid use of tag field
Information: The tag field of a variant record cannot be a parameter to the ADDRESS function, nor can you pass it as a writable VAR, %REF, %DESCR, or %STDESCR formal parameter. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDTODECL, Nonstandard: TO BEGIN/END DO declaration
Information: This message is issued if you have specified a standard argument other than extended on the compile command line.

STDUNSAFE, Nonstandard: UNSAFE compatibility
Information: If you have used the UNSAFE attribute on an object that is later tested for compatibility, you will receive this message. You must also have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDUSEDCNF, Nonstandard: conformant array used as a string
STDUSEDPCK, Nonstandard: PACKED ARRAY [1..1] OF CHAR used as a string
Information: These messages refer to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDVALCNFPRM, Nonstandard: conformant array may not be passed to value conformant parameter


STDVALUE, Nonstandard: VALUE initialization section STDVAXCDD, Nonstandard: %DICTIONARY directive
Information: These messages refere to extensions to Pascal and are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDVRNTCNSTR, Nonstandard: variant field outside constructor variant part
Information: This message refers to the use of an extension to Pascal. This message is issued only if you have specified the extended argument to the standard switch the compile command line.

STDVRNTPART, Nonstandard: empty variant part
Information: According to the Pascal standard, a variant part that declares no case labels and field lists between the words OF and END is illegal. This message occurs only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDVRNTRNG, Nonstandard: variant labels do not cover the range of the tag type
Information: According to the Pascal standard, you must specify one case label for each value in the tag type of a variant record. This message is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDWRTBIN, Nonstandard: binary output to a TEXT file
STDWRTENUM, Nonstandard: user defined enumerated type output to a TEXT file
STDWRTHEX, Nonstandard: hexadecimal output to a TEXT file
STDWRTOCT, Nonstandard: octal output to a TEXT file
Information: The Pascal standard allows only INTEGER, BOOLEAN, CHAR, REAL, and PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR values to be written to a text file. The ability to write values of other types is an extension to Pascal. These messages are issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STDSUBSTRING, Nonstandard: Substring notation


STDZERO, Nonstandard: ZERO function used in constructor
Information: This message refers to an extension in Pascal and is issued only if you have specified the standard switch on the compile command line.

STOREQEXC, Allocations to Psect "name" exceeded growth bounds
Error: Too much data is allocated to the Psect. Either place variables into different Psects or break up the program into multiple modules

STREQLLEN, String values must be of equal length
Error: You cannot perform string comparisons on character strings that have different lengths.

STROPNDREQ, String (CHAR, PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR, or VARYING) operand required
STRPARMREQ, String (CHAR, PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR, or VARYING) parameter required
STRTYPREQ, String (CHAR, PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR, or VARYING) type required
Error: The file-name parameter to the OPEN procedure and the parameter to the LENGTH function must be character strings of the types listed.

SYNASCII, Illegal ASCII character
SYNASSERP, Syntax: ":=", ";" or ")" expected
SYNASSIGN, Syntax: ":=" expected
SYNASSIN, Syntax: ":=" or IN expected
SYNASSSEMI, Syntax: ":=" or ";" expected
SYNATRCAST, Syntax: attribute list not allowed on a type cast
SYNATTTYPE, Syntax: attribute-list or type specification
SYNBEGDECL, Syntax: BEGIN or declaration expected

SYNBEGEND, Syntax: BEGIN or END expected
SYNBEGIN, Syntax: BEGIN expected
SYNCOASSERP, Syntax: ",", ":=", ";" or ")" expected
SYNCOELRB, Syntax: ",", ".." or "]" expected
SYNCOLCOMRP, Syntax: ":", "," or ")" expected
SYNCOLON, Syntax: ":" expected
SYNCOMCOL, Syntax: "," or ":" expected
SYNCOMDO, Syntax: "," or DO expected SYNCOMEQL, Syntax: "," or "=" expected

SYNCOMMA, Syntax: "," expected
SYNCOMRB, Syntax: "," or "]" expected
SYNCOMRP, Syntax: "," or ")" expected
SYNCOMSEM, Syntax: "," or ";" expected
SYNCOSERP, Syntax: ",", ";" or ")" expected
SYNDIRBLK, Syntax: directive or block expected
Error: The compiler either failed to find an important lexical or syntactical element where one was expected, or it detected an error in such an element that does exist in your program.

SYNDIRMIS, Syntax: directive missing, EXTERNAL assumed
Error: In the absence of a directive where one is expected, the compiler assumes that EXTERNAL is the intended directive and proceeds with compilation based on that assumption.

SYNDO, Syntax: DO expected
SYNELIPSIS, Syntax: ".." expected
SYNELSESTMT, Syntax: ELSE or start of new statement expected
SYNEND, Syntax: END expected
SYNEQL, Syntax: "=" expected
SYNEQLLP, Syntax: "=" or "(" expected
SYNERRCTE, Error in compile-time expression
SYNEXPR, Syntax: expression expected SYNEXSEOTEN, Syntax: expression, ";", OTHERWISE or END expected

SYNHEADTYP, Syntax: routine heading or type identifier expected
SYNIDCAEND, Syntax: identifier, CASE or END expected
SYNIDCARP, Syntax: identifier, CASE or ")" expected
SYNIDCASE, Syntax: identifier or CASE expected
SYNIDENT, Syntax: identifier expected
SYNILLEXPR, Syntax: ill-formed expression
SYNINT, Syntax: integer expected SYNINTBOO, Syntax: integer, boolean, or string literal expected

SYNINVSEP, Syntax: invalid token separator
SYNIVATRLST, Syntax: illegal attribute list
SYNIVPARM, Syntax: illegal actual parameter
SYNIVPRMLST, Syntax: illegal actual parameter list
SYNIVSYM, Syntax: illegal symbol
SYNIVVAR, Syntax: illegal variable
SYNLABEL, Syntax: label expected
SYNLBRAC, Syntax: "[" expected

SYNLPAREN, Syntax: "(" expected
SYNLPASEM, Syntax: "(" or ";" expected
SYNLPCORB, Syntax: "(", "," or "]" expected
SYNLPSECO, Syntax: "(", ";" or ":" expected
SYNMECHEXPR, Syntax: mechanism specifier or expression expected
SYNNEWSTMT, Syntax: start of new statement expected
SYNOF, Syntax: OF expected
SYNPARMLST, Syntax: actual parameter list

SYNPARMSEC, Syntax: parameter section expected
SYNPERIOD Syntax: "." expected.
SYNQUOSTR, Syntax: quoted string expected
SYNRBRAC, Syntax: "]" expected
SYNRESWRD, Syntax: reserved word cannot be redefined
SYNRPAREN, Syntax: ")" expected
SYNRPASEM, Syntax: ";" or ")" expected SYNRTNTYPCNF, Syntax: routine heading, type identifier or conformant parameter expected

SYNSEMI, Syntax: ";" expected
SYNSEMIEND, Syntax: ";" or END expected
SYNSEMMODI, Syntax: ";", "::", "^", or "[" expected
SYNSEMRB, Syntax: ";" or "]" expected
SYNSEOTEN, Syntax: ";", OTHERWISE or END expected
SYNTHEN, Syntax: THEN expected
SYNTODOWN, Syntax: TO or DOWNTO expected
SYNSEOTRP, Syntax: ";", OTHERWISE, or ")" expected SYNTYPCNF, Syntax: type identifier or conformant parameter expected

SYNTYPID, Syntax: type identifier expected
Error: The compiler either failed to find an important lexical or syntactical element where one was expected, or it detected an error in such an element that does exist in your program.

Warning: You cannot pack any type other than the structured types listed in the message.

SYNTYPSPEC, Syntax: type specification expected
SYNUNEXDECL, Syntax: declaration encountered in executable section
SYNUNTIL, Syntax: UNTIL expected
SYNXTRASEMI, Syntax: "; ELSE" is not valid Pascal, ELSE matched with IF on line "line number"
Error: The compiler either detected an error in a lexical or syntactical element in your program, or it failed to find such an element where one was expected.

TAGNOTORD, Tag type must be an ordinal type
Error: The type of a variant record's tag field must be one of the ordinal types.

TOOIDXEXPR, Too many index expressions; type has only "number of dimensions" dimensions
Error: A call to the UPPER or LOWER function specified an index value that exceeds the number of dimensions in the dynamic array.

TOOMANYIFS, Conditional compilation nesting level exceeds implementation limit
Error: %IF directives may only be nested 32 deep.

Error: TO BEGIN DO and TO END DO declarations are only allowed in modules.

TYPCNTDISCR, Type can not be discriminated in this context


TYPFILSIZ, Type contains one or more FILE components, size attribute is illegal
Error: The allocation size of a FILE type cannot be controlled by a size attribute; therefore, you cannot use a size attribute on any type that has a file component.

TYPHASFILE, Type contains one or more FILE components
Error: Many operations are illegal on objects of type FILE and objects of structured types with file components; for example, you cannot initialize them, use them as value parameters, or read them with input procedures.

TYPHASNOVRNT, Type contains no variant part
Error: You can only use the formats of the NEW, DISPOSE, and SIZE routines that allow case labels to be specified when their parameters have variants.

TYPPTRFIL, Type must be pointer or FILE
Error: You cannot use the syntax "Variable^" to refer to an object whose type is not pointer or FILE.

TYPREF, %REF not allowed for this type
Error: The %REF foreign mechanism specifier cannot be used with schematic variables.

TYPSTDESCR, %STDESCR not allowed for this type
Error: The %STDESCR mechanism specifier is allowed only on objects of type CHAR, PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR, VARYING OF CHAR, and arrays of these types.

TYPVARYCHR, Component type of VARYING must be CHAR


UNALIGNED, "variable name" is UNALIGNED
Error or Warning: You cannot use the data items listed in a call to the ADDRESS function, nor can you pass them as writable VAR, %REF, %DESCR, or %STDESCR parameters. This message is at warning level if the variable or component has the UNALIGNED attribute, and at error level if the variable or component is actually unaligned.

UNAVOLACC, Volatile access appears unaligned, but must be aligned at run-time to ensure atomicity and byte granularity
Warning: The code generator was unable to determine if a volatile access was aligned or not. It generated two sequences; one sequence will perform the atomic access if it was aligned properly; the second sequence accesses the object, but may contain a timing window where incorrect results may occur.

UNBPNTRET, "routine name" is not UNBOUND---frame-pointer not returned
Warning: The IADDRESS function returns only the address of the procedure value (on OpenVMS VAX systems, the entry mask of the routine is called). This address may be sufficient information to successfully invoke an unbound routine, but not a bound routine. (Bound routines are represented as a pair of addresses: one pointing to the procedure value and the other to the frame pointer to the routine in which the routine was declared.)

UNCALLABLE, Routine "name" can never be called


UNCERTAIN, "Variable name" has not been initialized


UNDECLFRML, Undeclared formal parameter "symbol name"
Error: A formal parameter name listed in a nonpositional call to a routine does not match any of the formal parameters declared in the routine heading.

UNDECLID, Undeclared identifier "symbol name"
Error: In Pascal, an identifier must be declared before it is used. There are no default or implied declarations.

UNDSCHILL, Undiscriminated schema type is illegal
Error: An undiscriminated schema type does not have any actual discriminants. Without discriminants, the type size, any nested ARRAY bounds, and the offset of any nested RECORD fields are unknown.

UNINIT, "Variable name" is fetched, not initialized


UNPREDRES, Calling FUNCTION "function name" declared FORWARD may yield unpredictable results
Warning: By using FORWARD declared functions in actual discriminant expressions, you can cause infinite loops at run time or access violations.

UNREAD, Variable, "variable name" is assigned into, but never read


UNSCNFVRY, UNSAFE attribute not allowed on conformant VARYING parameter


UNSEXCRNG, constant exceeds range of "datatype"
Error: The largest value allowed for an UNSIGNED value is 4,294,967,295. The largest value allowed for an UNSIGNED64 value is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.

UNUSED, Variable, "variable name" is never referenced


UNWRITTEN, Variable "variable name" is read, but never assigned into


UPLEVELACC, Unbound "routine name" precludes uplevel access to "variable name"
Error: A routine that was declared with the UNBOUND attribute cannot refer to automatic variables, routines, or labels declared in outer blocks.

UPLEVELGOTO, Unbound "routine name" precludes uplevel GOTO to "label name"
Error: A routine that was declared with the UNBOUND attribute cannot refer to automatic variables, routines, or labels declared in outer blocks.

USEDBFDECL, "symbol name" was used before being declared


USEINISTA, Use initial-state (VALUE clause) on TYPE or VAR declaration
Information: Nonstatic variables, such as those created from schema types, cannot be initialized in the VALUE declaration part. To initialize these variables, you must use the initial state feature.

V1DYNARR, Decommitted Version 1 dynamic array type
Error: The type syntax used to define a dynamic array parameter has been decommitted for the current version of HP Pascal. You should edit your program to make the type definition conform to the current version conformant array syntax.

V1DYNARRASN, Decommitted Version 1 dynamic array assignment
Error: In VAX Pascal Version 1.0, dynamic arrays used in assignments could not be checked for compatibility until run time. This warning indicates that your program depends on an obsolete feature, which you should consider changing to reflect the current version syntax for conformant array parameters.

V1MISSPARM, Decommitted missing parameter syntax: correct by adding "number of commas" comma(s)
Error: An OPEN procedure called with the decommitted VAX Pascal Version 1.0 syntax fails to mark omitted parameters with commas. Your program depends on this obsolete feature, and you should insert the correct number of commas as listed in the message.

V1PARMSYN, Use of unsupported V1 omitted parameter syntax with new V2 feature(s)
Error: In a parameter list for the OPEN procedure, you cannot use both the Version 1.0 syntax for OPEN and the parameters that are new to subsequent versions of HP Pascal.

V1RADIX, Decommitted Version 1 radix output specification
Error: In VAX Pascal Version 1.0, octal and hexadecimal values could be written by placing the keywords OCT or HEX after a field width expression. Your program uses this obsolete feature; you should consider changing it to use the current versions OCT or HEX predeclared functions.

VALOUTBND, Value to be assigned is out of bounds
Error: A value specified in an array or record constructor exceeds the subrange defined as the type of the corresponding component.

VALUEINIT, VALUE variables must be initialized
Error: Variables with both the VALUE and GLOBAL attributes must be given an initial value in either the VAR section or in the VALUE section.

VALUETOOBIG, VALUE attribute not allowed on objects larger than 32 bits
Error: Variables with the VALUE attribute cannot be larger than 32 bits because they are expressed to the linker as global symbol references.

VALUETYP, VALUE allowed only on ordinal or real types


VALUEVISIB, GLOBAL or EXTERNAL visibility is required with the VALUE attribute
Error: Variables with the VALUE attribute must be given either external or global visibility. (If the variable is given global visibility, then it must also be given an initial value.)

VARCOMFRML, Variable is not compatible with formal parameter "formal parameter name"
Error: A variable being passed as an actual parameter is not compatible with the corresponding formal parameter indicated. Variable parameters must be structurally compatible. The reason for the incompatibility is provided in an informational message that the compiler prints along with this error message.

VARNOTEXT, Variable must be of type TEXT
Error: The EOLN function requires that its parameter be a file of type TEXT.

VARPRMRTN, Formal VAR parameter may not be a routine
Error: The reserved word VAR cannot precede the word PROCEDURE or FUNCTION in a formal parameter declaration.

VARPTRTYP, Variable must be of a pointer type
Error: The NEW and DISPOSE procedures operate only on pointer variables.

VARYFLDS, LENGTH and BODY are the only fields in a VARYING type
Error: You cannot use the syntax "Variable.Identifier" to specify any fields of a VARYING OF CHAR variable other than LENGTH and BODY.

VISAUTOCON, Visibility / AUTOMATIC allocation conflict
Error: The GLOBAL, EXTERNAL, WEAK_GLOBAL, and WEAK_EXTERNAL attributes require static allocation and therefore conflict with the AUTOMATIC attribute.

VISGLOBEXT, Visibilities are not GLOBAL/EXTERNAL or
Information: In repeated declarations of a variable or routine, only one declaration at most can be global; all others must be external. This message can appear as additional information for other error messages.

VRNTRNG, Variant labels do not cover the range of the tag type
Error: According to the Pascal standard, you must specify one case label for each value in the tag type of a variant record or include an OTHERWISE clause.

WDTHONREAL, Second field width is allowed only when value is of a real type
Error: The fraction value in a field-width specification is allowed only for real-number values.

WRITEONLY, "variable name" is WRITEONLY
Warning: You cannot use a write-only variable in any context that requires the variable to be evaluated. For example, a write-only variable cannot be used as the control variable of a FOR statement.

XTRAERRORS, Additional diagnostics occurred on this line
Information: The number of errors occurring on this line exceeds the implementation's limit for outputting errors. You should correct the errors given and recompile your program.

ZERNOTALL, ZERO is not allowed for type or types containing "type name"
Error: ZERO may not be used to initialize objects of type FILE, TEXT, or TIMESTAMP or objects containing these types.

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