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Chapter 11
11 Using ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements for Input/Output and Video Forms
     11.1     Using ACCEPT and DISPLAY for I/O
     11.2     Designing Video Forms with ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statement Extensions
         11.2.1         Clearing a Screen Area
         11.2.2         Horizontal and Vertical Positioning of the Cursor
         11.2.3         Assigning Character Attributes to Your Format Entries
         11.2.4         Using the CONVERSION Phrase to Display Numeric Data
         11.2.5         Handling Data with ACCEPT Options
                Using CONVERSION with ACCEPT Data
                Using ON EXCEPTION When Accepting Data with CONVERSION
                Protecting the Screen
                Using NO ECHO with ACCEPT Data
                Assigning Default Values to Data Fields
         11.2.6         Using Terminal Keys to Define Special Program Functions
         11.2.7         Using the EDITING Phrase
     11.3     Designing Video Forms with Screen Section ACCEPT and DISPLAY (Alpha, I64)
         11.3.1         Using Screen Section Options (Alpha, I64)
                Comparison of Screen Section Extensions (Alpha, I64) with Other Extensions of ACCEPT and DISPLAY
Chapter 12
12 Interprogram Communication
     12.1     Multiple COBOL Program Run Units
         12.1.1         Examples of COBOL Run Units
         12.1.2         Calling Procedures
     12.2     COBOL Program Attributes
         12.2.1         The INITIAL Clause
         12.2.2         The EXTERNAL Clause
     12.3     Transferring Flow of Control
         12.3.1         The CALL Statement
         12.3.2         Nesting CALL Statements
         12.3.3         The EXIT PROGRAM Statement
         12.3.4         CALL Literal Versus CALL Data Name
     12.4     Accessing Another Program's Data Division
         12.4.1         The USING Phrase
         12.4.2         The Linkage Section
     12.5     Communicating with Contained COBOL Programs
         12.5.1         The COMMON Clause
         12.5.2         The GLOBAL Clause
                Sharing GLOBAL Data
                Sharing GLOBAL Files
                Sharing USE Procedures
                Sharing Other Resources
     12.6     Calling HP COBOL Programs from Other Languages (Alpha, I64)
         12.6.1         Calling COBOL Programs from C (Alpha, I64)
     12.7     Calling Non-COBOL Programs from HP COBOL
         12.7.1         Calling a Fortran Program
         12.7.2         Calling a BASIC Program
         12.7.3         Calling a C Program
     12.8     Special Considerations for Interprogram Communication
         12.8.1         CALL and CANCEL Arguments
         12.8.2         Calling OpenVMS Alpha and I64 Shareable Images (OpenVMS)
         12.8.3         Calling Tru64 UNIX Shareable Objects (Tru64 UNIX)
         12.8.4         Case Sensitivity on Tru64 UNIX
                Linker Case Sensitivity
                Calling C Programs from HP COBOL on Tru64 UNIX
                Calling COBOL Programs from C on Tru64 UNIX
         12.8.5         Additional Information

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