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HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
Management Guide

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4.5 Modifying Session Manager Behavior (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)

You can modify the behavior of the DECwindows Session Manager by using several logical names. These logicals are not normally used; however, they may help in special circumstances, such as running two Session Managers on the same system. Table 4-7 lists the logicals and their meaning.

Table 4-7 Session Manager Logicals
Logical Name Meaning
DECW$VUENOAUTOSTART Prevents applications in the Session Manager autostart list from being started.
DECW$VUENORESET Prevents Session Manager from resetting the display server when Session Manager exits.
DECW$VUELOGINOUTPUT Saves any output from the login command files (SYSLOGIN, LOGIN, DECW$LOGIN) as applications start up from Session Manager. You can access this information by clicking on the SHOW OUTPUT button in the Work in Progress dialog box, which is located in the Session menu in the Session Manager window.

You can define these logicals in a DECterm or in the login command files (SYSLOGIN, LOGIN, DECW$LOGIN). To set any of these logical, define the logical name to any value, as in the following example:


4.6 Modifying System Resource Files

Most DECwindows applications provide dialog boxes that contain options for customizing your DECwindows environment and saving your settings. For example, using Session Manager Options menu, you can look at many predefined settings and then choose and save new settings.

However, not all applications provide dialog boxes for changing and saving settings. For example, some applications let you change and save the size or location of the application's main window and others do not. To change and save settings that are not available from dialog boxes, you can specify resources in a DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.


Use extreme caution when modifying resources for the following reasons:
  • Options dialog boxes cannot be used to change settings that are specified in the DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.
  • In future DECwindows releases, application dialog boxes might contain the options you have added to your Xdefaults file. You will have to modify your DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file to reflect these changes.
  • Error handling for resources is not available in this version of DECwindows. Syntax errors in resource files might cause DECwindows to fail without providing error messages.
  • Using a large DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file significantly degrades application startup performance.

To use resources to change application settings, create a file (DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT) in the directory specified by the logical name DECW$USER_DEFAULTS. In this file, specify the resources for the application settings you want to change. Alternatively, if your changes are specific to one application, you can modify that application's resource file (for example, DECW$MAIL.DAT).

Note that each resource specification in the DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file follows explicit syntax rules. For more information about the resource syntax, see the VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib (Release 4) Programming: MIT C Binding or X Window System.

See the Getting Started With the New Desktop and Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS manuals for resource information on application-specific resources.

4.7 Specifying Client Access Control

When a client application connects to an X display server, the server determines which access control scheme to use by referencing the current X authority file. The X authority file identifies the protocol to use based on the workstation to which the client is connecting. You can make changes to the X authority file using the Security Options dialog box.

4.7.1 Setting Security Options

To specify the access control scheme client applications on this workstation follow when connecting to an X server:

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the desktop:
    • From the Traditional Desktop, choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu.
    • From the New Desktop, click the Style Manager Security control.

    The Security Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Under Client Access Control, choose one of the following:
    • Authorized Users List
    • Kerberos
    • Magic Cookie
  3. Click on OK to save and apply the changes and close the Security Options dialog box.
    All subsequent client applications run from this system by the current user will apply this access control scheme when connecting to local X servers.


    Changes to client access control settings impact the contents of the default X authority file entries (local and DECnet) for the current user only, and do not impact any other access control settings in place on the system.

4.7.2 Refreshing Security Options During a Session

In some cases, you may want to specify an alternate X authority file for the current session. However, changing security options during a session can prevent client applications from subsequently accessing the X server. This condition occurs when performing the following sequence of tasks while a DECwindows Motif session is in progress:

  1. Changing or resetting the client access control method to token-based access control.
  2. Specifying an alternate X authority file for the current display device used by the session.

Once you specify an alternate X authority file, the original settings used to grant access during the session no longer apply, and the new settings are not available to clients.

To refresh the security options and synchronize the client and server authorization entries:

  1. Choose Security... from the Session Manager's (Traditional DECwindows Desktop) or the Style Manager's (New Desktop) Options menu.
  2. From the Security Options dialog box, do one of the following:
    • For Magic Cookie access control, click on Create Cookie.
    • For Kerberos access control, deselect the Kerberos option under Client Access Control, and click on Apply. Then reselect the option, and click on Apply.

    Both actions create a new X authority entry in both the server and the alternate X authority file.

If you cannot access the Session Manager or Style Manager, exit and restart your DECwindows Motif session. Exiting the current session restores the server to its default state.

4.7.3 Enabling and Disabling Access Control at Login

DECwindows Motif does not enable access control by default. Instead, the product uses access control set by the server at startup time.

To force the DECwindows Session Manager to enable or disable access control explicitly at login time, you can define one of the following logical names:


If the logical name is not defined, or if it is defined to some other value, such as "SERVER", DECwindows login neither enables nor disables access control.

In most cases, it should not be necessary to define the logical name.

4.7.4 Enabling Trusted Users to Unlock Paused Desktop Sessions

You can grant a DECwindows Motif user the ability to unlock a DECwindows Motif session paused using the Screen Lock function.

To specify a trusted user, define the system logical DECW$TRUSTED_UNPAUSE logical, as follows, where username represents the name of an OpenVMS user:


Note that for screen unlock to function properly, the session user and any specified trusted users must share the same level of password access.

4.8 Customizing Print Formats

This section describes how to define print formats and lists the logical names and associated print formats for DECwindows Motif software. Depending on your configuration, DECwindows Motif customization tasks can include defining logical names to specify print formats.

Before you start up the system, edit the OpenVMS startup procedure to define the logical names that associate print queues with print formats. This startup procedure will subsequently call the DECwindows Motif startup procedure. You can also add these logicals to your login command file.

4.8.1 Defining Print Formats

Many DECwindows Motif applications use the Print dialog box to queue files or screens to a printer. By default, all printing devices on the system are displayed in the Printer list box. However, print queues can be associated with print formats through the definition of logical names. You define the logical name in the OpenVMS startup command procedure before the call to the DECwindows Motif startup procedure. Separate the list of print queues with commas or spaces, with the first queue being the default choice.

You can customize the list of printer queues displayed in the Print dialog box by defining any of the logical names in Table 4-8. This method is faster than making the Print dialog box derive the names of all the queues on the system, most of which do not apply to the print format under consideration. The following example shows how to define logical names for print formats in the OpenVMS startup files:


For example, if DECW$PRINTER_FORMAT_ANSI2 is defined as CLUSTER_LN03, ANSI_ARTWRK, ANSI2_PROTON, then when you select ANSI2 from the Print Format list box, only CLUSTER_LN03, ANSI_ARTWRK, and ANSI2_PROTON are shown in the Printer list box, with CLUSTER_LN03 being the default choice.

4.8.2 Logical Names and Print Formats

Table 4-8 lists the logical names and the associated print formats in the DECwindows Motif product.

Table 4-8 Logical Names for the Print Dialog Box
Logical Name Print Format

You can define the logical names in systemwide logical name tables and users can override the logicals when necessary.

Appendix A
Tuning the DECwindows System

This appendix lists the recommended values for quotas and system parameters for DECwindows Motif systems.

A.1 Establishing UAF Parameters for DECwindows Applications

DECwindows applications can be sensitive to user authorization file (UAF) limits. If problems occur while starting a session or while starting applications, or if an application disappears without an error message, check the UAF limits of the account under which the session was started.

Table A-1 describes suggested UAF limits. The specific numbers given are intended only as guidelines. The correct UAF parameters depend on your applications and processes. For more information see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Table A-1 Recommended Settings for UAF Limits
Limit Setting Usage
ASTLM 100 Asynchronous system trap (AST) queue limit
BIOLM 100 Buffered I/O count limit
BYTLM 100000 I/O byte limit
DIOLM 100 Direct I/O count limit
ENQLM 300 Enqueue lock limit
FILLM 100 Open file limit
MAXDETACH 0 Maximum detached processes for a single user name
(0 = no limit)
MAXJOBS 0 Maximum active processes for a single user name
(0 = no limit)
MAXACCTJOB 0 Maximum active processes for a single account
(0 = no limit)
PGFLQUOTA 70000 Paging file limit
PRCLM 10 Subprocess creation limit
TQELM 10 Timer queue entry limit
WSDEFAULT 1024 Default working set size
WSEXTENT 8192 Working set extent
WSQUOTA 2048 Working set quota

A.2 Establishing System Parameters for DECwindows Applications and the Display Server

Because most DECwindows processes, especially DECterm windows, run in detached mode, you may need to increase the values of certain system parameters. Table A-2 and Table A-3 list these parameters, their minimum settings, add values, and usage for Alpha and I64 systems. An add value is the increment by which AUTOGEN increases the parameter to allow for resource usage by DECwindows Motif.

See the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for information about modifying system parameters.

Table A-2 lists the parameters, minimum settings, add values, and usage for OpenVMS Alpha systems.

Table A-2 Recommended Settings for System Parameters on Alpha Systems
Parameter Minimum Add Value Description
GBLSECTIONS 600 280 System global sections
GBLPAGES 150000 92000 System global page table entries
GBLPAGFIL 4096 768 System global page-file sections limit
NPAGEDYN 1348576 300000 System nonpaged dynamic pool
PAGEDYN 704288 180000 System paged dynamic pool
SWPOUTPGCNT 512 -- Minimum process page size before swapping
MAXBUF 8192 -- Maximum buffer size
CHANNELCNT 255 -- System permanent I/O channel limit
PROCSECTCNT 128 -- Process image section descriptor limit
WSMAX 12000 -- Process working set maximum
CLISYMTBL 512 -- Minimum size of the command interpreter symbol table
PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 32768 -- Minimum page file quota
PQL_MASTLM 100 -- Minimum AST limit
PQL_MBIOLM 100 -- Minimum buffered I/O limit
PQL_MDIOLM 100 -- Minimum direct I/O limit
PQL_MFILLM 100 -- Minimum open file limit
PQL_MBYTLM 100000 -- Minimum buffered I/O byte limit
PQL_MPRCLM 10 -- Minimum subprocess limit
PQL_MENQLM 300 -- Minimum enqueued lock limit
PQL_MWSDEFAULT 1024 -- Minimum working set default
PQL_MWSQUOTA 2048 -- Minimum working set quota
PQL_MWSEXTENT 8192 -- Minimum working set extent
GH_RES_CODE 1584 560 Resident image code granularity hint region limit
IMGREG_PAGES 10000 3160 Minimum number of reserved pages for installing images with shareable address data

Table A-3 lists the parameters, minimum settings, add values, and usage for OpenVMS I64 systems.

Table A-3 Recommended Settings for System Parameters on I64 Systems
Parameter Minimum Add Value Description
GBLSECTIONS 1000 400 System global sections
GBLPAGES 150000 92000 System global page table entries
GBLPAGFIL 4096 768 System global page-file sections limit
NPAGEDYN 4194304 300000 System nonpaged dynamic pool
PAGEDYN 4194304 180000 System paged dynamic pool
SWPOUTPGCNT 512 -- Minimum process page size before swapping
MAXBUF 8192 -- Maximum buffer size
CHANNELCNT 255 -- System permanent I/O channel limit
PROCSECTCNT 64 -- Process image section descriptor limit
WSMAX 131072 -- Process working set maximum
CLISYMTBL 512 -- Minimum size of the command interpreter symbol table
PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 32768 -- Minimum page file quota
PQL_MASTLM 100 -- Minimum AST limit
PQL_MBIOLM 100 -- Minimum buffered I/O limit
PQL_MDIOLM 100 -- Minimum direct I/O limit
PQL_MFILLM 100 -- Minimum open file limit
PQL_MBYTLM 100000 -- Minimum buffered I/O byte limit
PQL_MPRCLM 10 -- Minimum subprocess limit
PQL_MENQLM 300 -- Minimum enqueued lock limit
PQL_MWSDEFAULT 4096 -- Minimum working set default
PQL_MWSQUOTA 8192 -- Minimum working set quota
PQL_MWSEXTENT 16384 -- Minimum working set extent
GH_RES_CODE 3072 1450 Resident image code granularity hint region limit
IMGREG_PAGES 10000 -- Minimum number of reserved pages for installing images with shareable address data

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