HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Overview of OpenVMS Cluster System Configuration
Chapter 2 Determining Business and Application Requirements
Chapter 3 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Systems
Chapter 4 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Interconnects
Chapter 5 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Storage Subsystems
Chapter 6 Configuring Multiple Paths to SCSI and Fibre Channel Storage
Chapter 7 Configuring Fibre Channel as an OpenVMS Cluster Storage Interconnect
Chapter 8 Configuring OpenVMS Clusters for Availability
Chapter 9 Configuring CI OpenVMS Clusters for Availability and Performance
Chapter 10 Configuring OpenVMS Clusters for Scalability
Chapter 11 OpenVMS Cluster System Management Strategies
Appendix A SCSI as an OpenVMS Cluster Interconnect
Appendix B MEMORY CHANNEL Technical Summary
Appendix C CI-to-PCI Adapter (CIPCA) Support
Appendix D Multiple-Site OpenVMS Clusters


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Overview of OpenVMS Cluster System Configuration
     1.1     OpenVMS Cluster Configurations
     1.2     Hardware Components
     1.3     Software Components
         1.3.1         OpenVMS Operating System Components
         1.3.2         Networking Components
         1.3.3         Storage Enhancement Software
         1.3.4         System Management Software
         1.3.5         Business Applications
     1.4     Configuring an OpenVMS Cluster System
         1.4.1         General Configuration Rules
Chapter 2
2 Determining Business and Application Requirements
     2.1     Determining Business Requirements
         2.1.1         Budget
         2.1.2         Availability
         2.1.3         Scalability and Future Growth
         2.1.4         Physical Location Requirements
         2.1.5         Security
     2.2     Determining Application Requirements
         2.2.1         Adding Memory
         2.2.2         Balancing Processor, Memory, and I/O Resources
         2.2.3         System Management Tools and Utilities
         2.2.4         System Management Tools from OpenVMS Partners
         2.2.5         Other Configuration Aids
Chapter 3
3 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Systems
     3.1     Alpha, VAX, and HP Integrity Systems
     3.2     Types of Systems
     3.3     Choosing Systems
     3.4     Scalability Considerations
     3.5     Availability Considerations
     3.6     Performance Considerations
     3.7     System Specifications
Chapter 4
4 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Interconnects
     4.1     Characteristics
     4.2     Comparison of Interconnect Types
     4.3     Multiple Interconnects
     4.4     Mixed Interconnects
     4.5     Interconnects Supported by Alpha, VAX, and HP Integrity Systems
     4.6     Fibre Channel Interconnect (Alpha Only)
         4.6.1         Advantages
         4.6.2         Throughput
         4.6.3         Supported Adapter
     4.7     MEMORY CHANNEL Interconnect (Alpha Only)
         4.7.1         Advantages
         4.7.2         Throughput
         4.7.3         Supported Adapter
     4.8     SCSI Interconnect (Alpha Only)
         4.8.1         Advantages
         4.8.2         Throughput
         4.8.3         SCSI Interconnect Distances
         4.8.4         Supported Adapters, Bus Types, and Computers
     4.9     CI Interconnect (Alpha and VAX Only)
         4.9.1         Advantages
         4.9.2         Throughput
         4.9.3         Supported Adapters and Bus Types
         4.9.4         Multiple CI Adapters
         4.9.5         Configuration Guidelines for CI Clusters
     4.10     Digital Storage Systems Interconnect (DSSI) (Alpha and VAX Only)
         4.10.1         Advantages
         4.10.2         Maintenance Consideration
         4.10.3         Throughput
         4.10.4         DSSI Adapter Types
         4.10.5         Supported Adapters and Bus Types
         4.10.6         DSSI-Connected Storage
         4.10.7         Multiple DSSI Adapters
         4.10.8         Configuration Guidelines for DSSI Clusters
     4.11     LAN Interconnects
         4.11.1         Multiple LAN Adapters
                Multiple LAN Path Load Distribution
                Increased LAN Path Availability
         4.11.2         Configuration Guidelines for LAN-Based Clusters
         4.11.3         Ethernet (10/100) and Gigabit Ethernet Advantages
         4.11.4         Ethernet (10/100) and Gigabit Ethernet Throughput
         4.11.5         Ethernet Adapters and Buses
         4.11.6         Ethernet-to-FDDI Bridges and Switches
         4.11.7         Configuration Guidelines for Gigabit Ethernet Clusters (Alpha and I64)
         4.11.8         ATM Advantages (Alpha Only)
         4.11.9         ATM Throughput
         4.11.10         ATM Adapters
     4.12     Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) (Alpha and VAX)
         4.12.1         FDDI Advantages
         4.12.2         FDDI Node Types
         4.12.3         FDDI Distance
         4.12.4         FDDI Throughput
         4.12.5         FDDI Adapters and Bus Types
         4.12.6         Storage Servers for FDDI-Based Clusters
Chapter 5
5 Choosing OpenVMS Cluster Storage Subsystems
     5.1     Understanding Storage Product Choices
         5.1.1         Criteria for Choosing Devices
         5.1.2         How Interconnects Affect Storage Choices
         5.1.3         How Floor Space Affects Storage Choices
     5.2     Determining Storage Capacity Requirements
         5.2.1         Estimating Disk Capacity Requirements
         5.2.2         Additional Disk Capacity Requirements
     5.3     Choosing Disk Performance Optimizers
         5.3.1         Performance Optimizers
     5.4     Determining Disk Availability Requirements
         5.4.1         Availability Requirements
         5.4.2         Device and Data Availability Optimizers
     5.5     CI-Based Storage
         5.5.1         Supported Controllers and Devices
     5.6     DSSI Storage
         5.6.1         Supported Devices
     5.7     SCSI-Based Storage
         5.7.1         Supported Devices
     5.8     Fibre Channel Based Storage
         5.8.1         Storage Devices
     5.9     Host-Based Storage
         5.9.1         Internal Buses
         5.9.2         Local Adapters

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