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HP Fortran for OpenVMS
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Table 9-3 summarizes the generic intrinsic functions and indicates whether they are elemental, inquiry, or transformational functions, if applicable. Optional arguments are shown within square brackets.
Generic Function | Class | Value Returned |
ABS (A) | E | The absolute value of an argument |
ACHAR (I) | E | The character in the specified position of the ASCII character set |
ACOS (X) | E | The arc cosine (in radians) of the argument |
ACOSD (X) | E | The arc cosine (in degrees) of the argument |
ADJUSTL (STRING) | E | The specified string with leading blanks removed and placed at the end of the string |
ADJUSTR (STRING) | E | The specified string with trailing blanks removed and placed at the beginning of the string |
AIMAG (Z) | E | The imaginary part of a complex argument |
AINT (A [,KIND]) | E | A real value truncated to a whole number |
ALL (MASK [,DIM]) | T | .TRUE. if all elements of the masked array are true |
ALLOCATED (ARRAY) | I | The allocation status of the argument array |
AMAX0 (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The maximum value in a list of integers (returned as a real value) |
AMIN0 (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The minimum value in a list of integers (returned as a real value) |
AND (I, J) | E | See IAND |
ANINT (A [,KIND]) | E | A real value rounded to a whole number |
ANY (MASK [,DIM]) | T | .TRUE. if any elements of the masked array are true |
ASIN (X) | E | The arc sine (in radians) of the argument |
ASIND (X) | E | The arc sine (in degrees) of the argument |
ASM (STRING [,A,...]) | N | A value stored in the appropriate register by the user. |
[,TARGET]) |
I | .TRUE. if the pointer argument is associated or the pointer is associated with the specified target |
ATAN (X) | E | The arc tangent (in radians) of the argument |
ATAND (X) | E | The arc tangent (in degrees) of the argument |
ATAN2 (Y, X) | E | The inverse arc tangent (in radians) of the arguments |
ATAN2D (Y, X) | E | The inverse arc tangent (in degrees) of the arguments |
BIT_SIZE (I) | I | Returns the number of bits ( s) in the bit model |
BTEST (I, POS) | E | .TRUE. if the specified position of argument I is one |
CEILING (A [,KIND]) | E | The smallest integer greater than or equal to the argument value |
CHAR (I [,KIND]) | E | The character in the specified position of the processor character set |
CMPLX (X [,Y] [,KIND]) | E | The corresponding complex value of the argument |
CONJG (Z) | E | The conjugate of a complex number |
COS (X) | E | The cosine of the argument, which is in radians |
COSD (X) | E | The cosine of the argument which is in degrees |
COSH (X) | E | The hyperbolic cosine of the argument |
COTAN (X) | E | The cotangent of the argument, which is in radians |
COTAND (X) | E | The cotangent of the argument, which is in degrees |
COUNT (MASK [,DIM] [,KIND]) | T | The number of .TRUE. elements in the argument array |
CSHIFT (ARRAY, SHIFT [,DIM]) | T | An array that has the elements of the argument array circularly shifted |
DBLE (A) | E | The corresponding double precision value of the argument |
DCMPLX (X, Y) | E | The corresponding double complex value of the argument |
DFLOAT (A) | E | The corresponding double precision value of the integer argument |
DIGITS (X) | I | The number of significant binary digits in the model for the argument |
DIM (X, Y) | E | The positive difference between the two arguments |
T | The dot product of two rank-one arrays (also called a vector multiply function) |
T | An array that has the elements of the argument array end-off shifted |
EPSILON (X) | I | The difference between 1.0 and the next larger model number. |
EXP (X) | E | The exponential value for the argument |
EXPONENT (X) | E | The value of the exponent part of a real argument |
FLOAT (X) | E | The corresponding real value of the integer argument |
FLOOR (A [,KIND]) | E | The largest integer less than or equal to the argument value |
FP_CLASS (X) | E | The class of the IEEE floating-point argument |
FRACTION (X) | E | The fractional part of a real argument |
HUGE (X) | I | The largest number in the model for the argument |
IACHAR (C) | E | The position of the specified character in the ASCII character set |
IAND (I, J) | E | The logical AND of the two arguments |
IBCHNG (I, POS) | E | The reversed value of a specified bit |
IBCLR (I, POS) | E | The specified position of argument I cleared (set to zero) |
IBITS (I, POS, LEN) | E | The specified substring of bits of argument I |
IBSET (I, POS) | E | The specified bit in argument I set to one |
ICHAR (C) | E | The position of the specified character in the processor character set |
IEOR (I, J) | E | The logical exclusive OR of the corresponding bit arguments |
IFIX (X) | E | The corresponding integer value of the real argument rounded as if it were an implied conversion in an assignment |
ILEN (I) | I | The length (in bits) in the two's complement representation of an integer |
IMAG (Z) | E | See AIMAG |
[,BACK] [,KIND]) |
E | The position of the specified substring in a character expression |
INT (A [,KIND]) | E | The corresponding integer value (truncated) of the argument |
IOR (I, J) | E | The logical inclusive OR of the corresponding bit arguments |
ISHA (I, SHIFT) | E | Argument I shifted left or right by a specified number of bits |
ISHC (I, SHIFT) | E | Argument I rotated left or right by a specified number of bits |
ISHFT (I, SHIFT) | E | The logical end-off shift of the bits in argument I |
ISHFTC (I, SHIFT [,SIZE]) | E | The logical circular shift of the bits in argument I |
ISHL (I, SHIFT) | E | Argument I logically shifted left or right by a specified number of bits |
ISNAN (X) | E | Tests for Not-a-Number (NaN) values |
KIND (X) | I | The kind type parameter of the argument |
LBOUND (ARRAY [,DIM] [,KIND]) | I | The lower bounds of an array (or one of its dimensions) |
LEADZ (I) | E | The number of leading zero bits in an integer. |
LEN (STRING [,KIND]) | I | The length (number of characters) of the argument character string |
LEN_TRIM (STRING [,KIND]) | E | The length of the specified string without trailing blanks |
LGE (STRING_A, STRING_B) | E | A logical value determined by a > or = comparison of the arguments |
LGT (STRING_A, STRING_B) | E | A logical value determined by a > comparison of the arguments |
LLE (STRING_A, STRING_B) | E | A logical value determined by a < or = comparison of the arguments |
LLT (STRING_A, STRING_B) | E | A logical value determined by a < comparison of the arguments |
LOC (A) | I | The internal address of the argument. |
LOG (X) | E | The natural logarithm of the argument |
LOG10 (X) | E | The common logarithm (base 10) of the argument |
LOGICAL (L [,KIND]) | E | The logical value of the argument converted to a logical of type KIND |
T | The result of matrix multiplication (also called a matrix multiply function) |
MAX (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The maximum value in the set of arguments |
MAX1 (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The maximum value in the set of real arguments (returned as an integer) |
MAXEXPONENT (X) | I | The maximum exponent in the model for the argument |
[,MASK] [,KIND]) |
T | The rank-one array that has the location of the maximum element in the argument array |
MAXVAL (ARRAY [,DIM] [,MASK]) | T | The maximum value of the elements in the argument array |
E | An array that is the combination of two conformable arrays (under a mask) |
MIN (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The minimum value in the set of arguments |
MIN1 (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) | E | The minimum value in the set of real arguments (returned as an integer) |
MINEXPONENT (X) | I | The minimum exponent in the model for the argument |
[,MASK] [,KIND]) |
T | The rank-one array that has the location of the minimum element in the argument array |
MINVAL (ARRAY [,DIM] [,MASK]) | T | The minimum value of the elements in the argument array |
MOD (A, P) | E | The remainder of the arguments (has the sign of the first argument) |
MODULO (A, P) | E | The modulo of the arguments (has the sign of the second argument) |
NEAREST (X, S) | E | The nearest different machine-representable number in a given direction |
NINT (A [,KIND]) | E | A real value rounded to the nearest integer |
NOT (I) | E | The logical complement of the argument |
NULL ([MOLD]) | T | A disassociated pointer |
OR (I, J) | E | See IOR |
PACK (ARRAY, MASK [,VECTOR]) | T | A packed array of rank one (under a mask) |
POPCNT (I) | E | The number of 1 bits in an integer. |
POPPAR (I) | E | The parity of an integer. |
PRECISION (X) | I | The decimal precision (real or complex) of the argument |
PRESENT (A) | I | .TRUE. if an actual argument has been provided for an optional dummy argument |
[,MASK]) |
T | The product of the elements of the argument array |
QCMPLX (X, Y) | E | The corresponding COMPLEX(16) value of the argument |
QEXT (A) | E | The corresponding REAL(16) precision value of the argument. |
QFLOAT (A) | E | The corresponding REAL(16) precision value of the integer argument. |
RADIX (X) | I | The base of the model for the argument |
RANGE (X) | I | The decimal exponent range of the model for the argument |
REAL (A [,KIND]) | E | The corresponding real value of the argument |
REPEAT (STRING, NCOPIES) | T | The concatenation of zero or more copies of the specified string |
[,PAD] [,ORDER]) |
T | An array that has a different shape than the argument array, but the same elements |
RRSPACING (X) | E | The reciprocal of the relative spacing near the argument |
SCALE (X, I) | E | The value of the exponent part (of the model for the argument) changed by a specified value |
SCAN (STRING, SET [,BACK] [,KIND]) | E | The position of the specified character (or set of characters) within a string |
SELECTED_INT_KIND (R) | T | The integer kind parameter of the argument |
SELECTED_REAL_KIND ([P] [,R]) | T | The real kind parameter of the argument; one of the optional arguments must be specified |
SET_EXPONENT (X, I) | E | The value the first argument would have if its exponent part were set to the second argument |
SHAPE (SOURCE [,KIND]) | I | The shape (rank and extents) of an array or scalar |
SIGN (A, B) | E | A value with the sign transferred from its second argument |
SIN (X) | E | The sine of the argument, which is in radians |
SIND (X) | E | The sine of the argument, which is in degrees |
SINH (X) | E | The hyperbolic sine of the argument |
SIZE (ARRAY [,DIM] [,KIND]) | I | The size (total number of elements) of the argument array (or one of its dimensions) |
SNGL (X) | E | The corresponding real value of the argument |
SPACING (X) | E | The value of the absolute spacing of model numbers near the argument |
T | A replicated array that has an added dimension |
SQRT (X) | E | The square root of the argument |
SUM (ARRAY [,DIM] [,MASK]) | T | The sum of the elements of the argument array |
TAN (X) | E | The tangent of the argument, which is in radians |
TAND (X) | E | The tangent of the argument, which is in degrees |
TANH (X) | E | The hyperbolic tangent of the argument |
TINY (X) | I | The smallest positive number in the model for the argument |
TRAILZ (I) | E | The number of trailing zero bits in an integer. |
[,SIZE]) |
T | The bit pattern of SOURCE converted to the type and kind parameters of MOLD |
TRANSPOSE (MATRIX) | T | The matrix transpose for the rank-two argument array |
TRIM (STRING) | T | The argument with trailing blanks removed |
UBOUND (ARRAY [,DIM] [,KIND]) | I | The upper bounds of an array (or one of its dimensions) |
T | An array (under a mask) unpacked from a rank-one array |
[,BACK] [,KIND]) |
E | The position of the first character in a string that does not appear in the given set of characters |
XOR (I, J) | E | See IEOR |
ZEXT (X [,KIND]) | E | A zero-extended value of the argument |
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