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HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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The format specifier indicates the format to use for data editing. It takes the following form:

  • [FMT=]format


Is one of the following:
  • The statement label of a FORMAT statement
    The FORMAT statement must be in the same scoping unit as the data transfer statement.
  • An asterisk (*), indicating list-directed formatting
  • A scalar default integer variable that has been assigned the label of a FORMAT statement (through an ASSIGN statement)
    The FORMAT statement must be in the same scoping unit as the data transfer statement.
  • A character expression (which can be an array or character constant) containing the run-time format
    A default character expression must evaluate to a valid format specification. If the expression is an array, it is treated as if all the elements of the array were specified in array element order and were concatenated.
  • The name of a numeric array (or array element) containing the format

If the keyword FMT is omitted, the format specifier must be the second specifier in the control list; the io-unit specifier must be first.

If a format specifier appears in a control list, a namelist group specifier must not appear.

For More Information: Namelist Specifier

The namelist specifier indicates namelist formatting and identifies the namelist group for data transfer. It takes the following form:

  • [NML=]group


Is the name of a namelist group previously declared in a NAMELIST statement.

If the keyword NML is omitted, the namelist specifier must be the second specifier in the control list; the io-unit specifier must be first.

If a namelist specifier appears in a control list, a format specifier must not appear.

For More Information:

On namelist input, see Section; output, see Section Record Specifier

The record specifier identifies the number of the record for data transfer in a file connected for direct access. It takes the following form:

  • REC=r


Is a scalar numeric expression indicating the record number. The value of the expression must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to the maximum number of records allowed in the file.

If necessary, the value is converted to integer data type before use.

If REC is present, no END specifier, * format specifier, or namelist group name can appear in the same control list.

For More Information:

On an alternate form of a record specifier, see Section B.8. Key-Field-Value Specifier

The key-field-value specifier identifies the key field of a record that you want to access in an indexed file. The key-field value is equal to the contents of a key field. The key field can be used to access records in indexed files because it determines their location.

A key field has attributes, such as the number, direction, length, byte offset, and type of the field. The attributes of the key field are specified at file creation. Records in an indexed file have the same attributes for their key fields.

A key-field-value specifier takes the following form:

  • KEY[con]=val


Is a selection condition keyword specifying how to compare val with key-field values. The keyword can be any of the following:
In Ascending-Key Files:
Keyword Meaning
EQ The key-field value must be equal to val. KEYEQ is the same as specifying KEY without the optional con.
GE The key-field value must be greater than or equal to val.
GT The key-field value must be greater than val.
NXT The key-field value must be the next value of the key equal to or greater than val.
NXTNE The key-field value must be the next value of the key strictly greater than val.
In Descending-Key Files:
Keyword Meaning
EQ The key-field value must be equal to val. KEYEQ is the same as specifying KEY without the optional con.
LE The key-field value must be less than or equal to val.
LT The key-field value must be less than val.
NXT The key-field value must be the next value of the key equal to or less than val.
NXTNE The key-field value must be the next value of the key that is strictly less than val.


Is an integer or character expression. The expression must match the type of key defined for the file. For an integer key, you must pass an integer expression; it cannot contain real or complex data. For a character key, you can pass either a CHARACTER expression or a BYTE array that contains CHARACTER data.

The specifiers KEY, KEYEQ, KEYNXT, and KEYNXTNE are interchangeable between ascending-key files and descending-key files. However, KEYNXT and KEYNXTNE are interpreted differently depending on the direction of the keys in the file, as follows:

  In Ascending-Key Files In Descending-Key Files
Specifier: Is Equivalent to Specifier:

The specifiers KEYGE and KEYGT can only be used with ascending-key files, while the specifiers KEYLE and KEYLT can only be used with descending-key files. Any other use of these key specifiers causes a run-time error to occur.

When a program must be able to use either ascending-key or descending-key files, you should use KEYNXT and KEYNXTNE.

The Selection Process

To select key-field integer values, the process compares values using the signed integers themselves.

To select key-field character values, the process compares values by using the ASCII collating sequence.1 The comparative length of val and a key-field value, as well as any specified selection condition, determine the kind of selection that occurs. The selection can be exact, generic, or approximate-generic, as follows:

  • Exact selections occur when the expression in val is equal in length to the expression in the key field of the currently accessed record, and the con keyword specifies a unique selection condition.
  • Generic selections occur when the expression in val is shorter than the expression in the key field of the currently accessed record, and the con keyword specifies a unique selection condition.
    The process compares all the characters in val, from left to right, with the same amount of characters in the key field (also from left to right). Remaining key-field characters are ignored.
    For example, consider that a record's key field is 10 characters long and the following statement is entered:

    READ (3, KEYEQ = 'ABCD')

    In this case, the process can select a record with a key-field value 'ABCDEFGHIJ'.
  • An approximate-generic selection occurs when the expression in val is shorter than the expression in the key field, and the con keyword does not specify a unique selection condition.
    As with generic selections, the process uses only the leftmost characters in the key field to compare values. It selects the first key field that satisfies the generic selection criterion.
    For example, consider that a record's key field is 5 characters long and the following statement is entered:

    READ (3, KEYGT = 'ABCD')

    In this case, the process can select the key-field value 'ABCEx' (and not the key-field value 'ABCDA').

If val is longer than the key-field value, no selection is made and a run-time error occurs. Key-of-Reference Specifier

The key-of-reference specifier can optionally accompany the key-field-value specifier. The key-of-reference specifier indicates the key-field index that is searched to find the designated key-field value. It takes the following form:

  • KEYID=kn


Is an integer expression indicating the key-field index. This expression is called the key of reference. Its value must be in the range 0 to 254.

A value of zero indicates the primary key, a value of 1 indicates the first alternate key, a value of 2 indicates the second alternate key, and so forth.

If no kn is indicated, the default number is the last specification given in a keyed I/O statement for that I/O unit.

For More Information:

On the key-field-value specifier, see Section I/O Status Specifier

The I/O status specifier designates a variable to store a value indicating the status of a data transfer operation. It takes the following form:

  • IOSTAT=i-var


Is a scalar integer variable. When a data transfer statement is executed, i-var is set to one of the following values:
A positive integer Indicating an error condition occurred.
A negative integer Indicating an end-of-file or end-of-record condition occurred. The negative integers differ depending on which condition occurred.
Zero Indicating no error, end-of-file, or end-of-record condition occurred.

Execution continues with the statement following the data transfer statement, or the statement identified by a branch specifier (if any).

An end-of-file condition occurs only during execution of a sequential READ statement; an end-of-record condition occurs only during execution of a nonadvancing READ statement.

Secondary operating system messages do not display when IOSTAT is specified. To display these messages, remove IOSTAT or use a platform-specific method such as a condition handler.

For More Information:

  • On the error numbers returned by IOSTAT, see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.
  • On condition handlers, see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual. Branch Specifiers

A branch specifier identifies a branch target statement that receives control if an error, end-of-file, or end-of-record condition occurs. There are three branch specifiers, taking the following forms:

  • ERR=label
  • END=label
  • EOR=label


Is the label of the branch target statement that receives control when the specified condition occurs.

The branch target statement must be in the same scoping unit as the data transfer statement.

The following rules apply to these specifiers:

  • ERR
    The error specifier can appear in a sequential access READ or WRITE statement, a direct-access READ statement, an indexed READ statement, or a REWRITE statement.
    If an error condition occurs, the position of the file is indeterminate, and execution of the statement terminates.
    If IOSTAT was specified, the IOSTAT variable becomes defined as a positive integer value. If SIZE was specified (in a nonadvancing READ statement), the SIZE variable becomes defined as an integer value. If an ERR=label was specified, execution continues with the labeled statement.
  • END
    The end-of-file specifier can appear only in a sequential access READ statement.
    An end-of-file condition occurs when no more records exist in a file during a sequential read, or when an end-of-file record produced by the ENDFILE statement is encountered. End-of-file conditions do not occur in indexed or direct-access READ statements.
    If an end-of-file condition occurs, the file is positioned after the end-of-file record, and execution of the statement terminates.
    If IOSTAT was specified, the IOSTAT variable becomes defined as a negative integer value. If an END=label was specified, execution continues with the labeled statement.
  • EOR
    The end-of-record specifier can appear only in a formatted, sequential access READ statement that has the specifier ADVANCE= ' NO ' (nonadvancing input).
    An end-of-record condition occurs when a nonadvancing READ statement tries to transfer data from a position after the end of a record.
    If an end-of-record condition occurs, the file is positioned after the current record, and execution of the statement terminates.
    If IOSTAT was specified, the IOSTAT variable becomes defined as a negative integer value. If PAD= ' YES ' was specified for file connection, the record is padded with blanks (as necessary) to satisfy the input item list and the corresponding data edit descriptor. If SIZE was specified, the SIZE variable becomes defined as an integer value. If an EOR=label was specified, execution continues with the labeled statement.

If one of the conditions occurs, no branch specifier appears in the control list, but an IOSTAT specifier appears, execution continues with the statement following the I/O statement. If neither a branch specifier nor an IOSTAT specifier appears, the program terminates.

For More Information:

  • On branch target statements, see Section 7.2.
  • On the IOSTAT specifier, see Section
  • On error processing, see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual. Advance Specifier

The advance specifier determines whether nonadvancing I/O occurs for a data transfer statement. It takes the following form:

  • ADVANCE=c-expr


Is a scalar character expression that evaluates to ' YES ' for advancing I/O or ' NO ' for nonadvancing I/O. The default value is ' YES ' .

Trailing blanks in the expression are ignored.

The ADVANCE specifier can appear only in a formatted, sequential data transfer statement that specifies an external unit. It must not be specified for list-directed or namelist data transfer.

Advancing I/O always positions a file at the end of a record, unless an error condition occurs. Nonadvancing I/O can position a file at a character position within the current record.

For More Information:

On advancing and nonadvancing I/O, see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual. Character Count Specifier

The character count specifier defines a variable to contain the count of how many characters are read when a nonadvancing READ statement terminates. It takes the following form:

  • SIZE=i-var


Is a scalar integer variable.

If PAD= ' YES ' was specified for file connection, blanks inserted as padding are not counted.

The SIZE specifier can appear only in a formatted, sequential READ statement that has the specifier ADVANCE= ' NO ' (nonadvancing input). It must not be specified for list-directed or namelist data transfer.

10.2.2 I/O Lists

In a data transfer statement, the I/O list specifies the entities whose values will be transferred. The I/O list is either an implied-do list or a simple list of variables (except for assumed-size arrays).

In input statements, the I/O list cannot contain constants and expressions because these do not specify named memory locations that can be referenced later in the program.

However, constants and expressions can appear in the I/O lists for output statements because the compiler can use temporary memory locations to hold these values during the execution of the I/O statement.

If an input item is a pointer, it must be currently associated with a definable target; data is transferred from the file to the associated target. If an output item is a pointer, it must be currently associated with a target; data is transferred from the target to the file.

If an input or output item is an array, it is treated as if the elements (if any) were specified in array element order. For example, if ARRAY_A is an array of shape (2,1), the following input statements are equivalent:

READ *, ARRAY_A(1,1), ARRAY_A(2,1)

However, no element of that array can affect the value of any expression in the input list, nor can any element appear more than once in an input list. For example, the following input statements are invalid:

READ *, B(B)
READ *, B(B(1):B(10))

If an input or output item is an allocatable array, it must be currently allocated.

If an input or output item is a derived type, the following rules apply:

  • Any derived-type component must be in the scoping unit containing the I/O statement.
  • The derived type must not have a pointer component.
  • In a formatted I/O statement, a derived type is treated as if all of the components of the structure were specified in the same order as in the derived-type definition.
  • In an unformatted I/O statement, a derived type is treated as a single object.

The following sections describe simple list items in I/O lists, and implied-do lists in I/O lists. Simple List Items in I/O Lists

In a data transfer statement, a simple list of items takes the following form:

  • item [,item]...


Is one of the following:
  • For input statements: a variable name
    The variable must not be an assumed-size array, unless one of the following appears in the last dimension: a subscript, a vector subscript, or a section subscript specifying an upper bound.
  • For output statements: a variable name, expression, or constant
    Any expression must not attempt further I/O operations on the same logical unit. For example, it must not refer to a function subprogram that performs I/O on the same logical unit.

The data transfer statement assigns values to (or transfers values from) the list items in the order in which the items appear, from left to right.

When multiple array names are used in the I/O list of an unformatted input or output statement, only one record is read or written, regardless of how many array name references appear in the list.


The following example shows a simple I/O list:

WRITE (6,10) J, K(3), 4, (L+4)/2, N

When you use an array name reference in an I/O list, an input statement reads enough data to fill every item of the array. An output statement writes all of the values in the array.

Data transfer begins with the initial item of the array and proceeds in the order of subscript progression, with the leftmost subscript varying most rapidly. The following statement defines a two-dimensional array:


If the name ARRAY appears with no subscripts in a READ statement, that statement assigns values from the input record(s) to ARRAY(1,1), ARRAY(2,1), ARRAY(3,1), ARRAY(1,2), and so on through ARRAY(3,3).

An input record contains the following values:


The following example shows how variables in the I/O list can be used in array subscripts later in the list:

READ (1,30) J, K, ARRAY(J,K)

When the READ statement is executed, the first input value is assigned to J and the second to K, establishing the subscript values for ARRAY(J,K). The value 721.73 is then assigned to ARRAY(1,3). Note that the variables must appear before their use as array subscripts.

Consider the following derived-type definition and structure declaration:

TYPE(EMPLOYEE) :: CONTRACT   ! A structure of type EMPLOYEE

The following statements are equivalent:



For More Information:

On the general rules for I/O lists, see Section 10.2.2.


1 Other collating sequences are available. For more information, see the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications.

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