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HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
Installation Guide

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If you are installing DECwindows Motif on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, the dialog now prompts you to install Translated Image Support (TIS). This option enables Motif Release 1.1.3 programs translated from the VAX environment to work in the Alpha environment.

Translated image support to allow programs translated from the VAX
to work on the Alpha with the Motif Release 1.1.3 libraries.

Translated Image Support [YES] Language Variants Notice

The dialog now displays text about the use of language variants. You should not install DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 unless you also plan to install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 language variants for all the languages that you want to use.

Refer to the Installation Guide that accompanies the variant kit for further information about options and restrictions specific to the languages you choose to install and use.

If a Language Variant is installed, refer to the Installation Guide.

If you have a language variant of DECwindows Motif installed, then you
must upgrade to the version for DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 after
completing this installation and before rebooting the system. A failure
to do so could prevent DECwindows from starting.

If there is no local language variant upgrade available for DECwindows
Motif Version 1.5, then you should remove the local language variant
before installing DECwindows Motif Version 1.5.

Do you want to continue? [YES] Reviewing the Installation Options

The dialog then gives you a chance to review the options you have selected.

Do you want to review the options? [NO] y

DEC AXPVMS VMS V8.2 [Installed]

Install Low Bandwidth X (LBX) Support: YES
Install the DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 client software: YES
Install New Desktop: YES
Install Manual (reference) pages for the New Desktop: YES
Make the New Desktop the default desktop: YES
Install traditional DECwindows Desktop: YES
Programming Support for the C Language: YES
Programming Support for the Pascal Language: YES
Programming Support for the FORTRAN Language: YES
Programming Support for the New Desktop: YES
Programming examples: YES
Sound example files: YES

Programming examples for DECwindows: YES Programming examples for the New Desktop: YES Translated Image Support: YES Are you satisfied with these options? [YES] Execution Dialog

During the execution phase, the installation utility begins by displaying the names of all products it will install or remove. This is followed by an indication of the procedure's progress.


During this phase, a check is made for DECwindows Motif support files. If these files are not available, the dialog may ask if you want to continue. See Section for more information.

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:

Portion done: 0%
...90% Verifying DECwindows Motif Support Files

The installation procedure verifies that DECwindows Motif applications and run-time support files are installed on the operating system (for example, transport and font files, which are required for running DECwindows Motif software).

**** DECwindows Motif application and run-time support files DETECTED ****

These files are installed by default.

Next, the installation procedure checks for the presence of support files that are needed to use the system as a workstation or as a workstation boot server. If the support files are installed, the following message is displayed:

**** DECwindows device support files DETECTED ****

If the files are not installed, users are warned with the following message that their systems cannot be a workstation or a workstation boot server:

The DECwindows device support files for using this machine as a workstation
or as a boot node for workstations have not been installed.

You can use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to change the
options selected when the OpenVMS software was installed.
See the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide for more
information. To add the support files and the 75DPI and/or the 100DPI font
files, use the PRODUCT RECONFIGURE command as follows:


You should add the "DECwindows server support" subclass in the Utilities

The installation procedure then asks the following question:

Do you wish to continue with this installation without the workstation support?

If you answer No (default) and press the Return key, the installation is stopped. See Section 4.2 for information on adding the necessary support files. Once you install the necessary support files, restart the installation procedure.

If you answer Yes and press the Return key, the installation continues.

Note that this portion of the installation does not occur if you install or upgrade the OpenVMS operating system and DECwindows Motif software simultaneously. Reviewing Final Installation Notes

If the installation is successful, the dialog displays a list of all products installed and removed. Finally, the procedure displays additional installation notes for the DECwindows Motif product.


The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.5              Layered Product


System reboot is required.

If using a language variant, reboot after upgrade of language variant.

A system reboot is required to install the new DECwindows Motif
images. If this is a new installation, you should execute AUTOGEN using
the following command:


This command adjusts your system parameters and reboots the system.

If you want to use DECwindows with any language other than English,
install the appropriate DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 language
variant product before using AUTOGEN or rebooting the system.

Installation Verification Procedure can be run after reboot.

Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) after the installation
is completed and the system is rebooted. The IVP is located in the
following directory: SYS$TEST:DECW$IVP.COM.

2.4 Recovering from Errors

An error during installation can occur if one or more of the following conditions exists:

  • The operating system version is incorrect.
  • The prerequisite software version is incorrect.
  • Process quotas required by the installation utility are inadequate.
  • The OpenVMS Help library is currently in use.

For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the documents listed in the Related Documents section in the Preface. These documents may help you diagnose errors and decide what corrective actions to take.

If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the PCSI utility displays a message similar to the following:

%PCSI-I-INSFAIL, The installation of DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 for
     OpenVMS has failed.

If the installation fails, fix the problem and restart the installation procedure.

2.5 Adjusting Parameters After Installation

If you are installing or upgrading the OpenVMS operating system and the DECwindows Motif software simultaneously, the installation procedure checks the system parameters at this point (see Section 1.6.3 and Section 3.5).

When DECwindows Motif attempts to start after a successful installation, it may display messages similar to the following:

%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGES is 120000, should be at least 150000
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, Free GBLPAGES is 75040 should be at least 92000
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter CLISYMTBL is 256, should be at least 512
Some SYSGEN parameters must be reset for DECwindows to start. If you type
YES, AUTOGEN will change these parameters and reboot your system. If you type
NO, AUTOGEN will not be run or cause a reboot but DECwindows will not start.
Do you want the system to run AUTOGEN for you [YES]


You will not see these messages if this is a new installation of DECwindows.

At this point, press the Return key. The system will run AUTOGEN, adjust your system parameters, reboot the system and display the DECwindows login.

Chapter 3
After Installing the Software

This chapter discusses the tasks that you need to perform after the DECwindows Motif installation is complete:

3.1 Starting the DECwindows Motif Software

If the workstation support component of OpenVMS has been installed, the DECwindows startup procedure runs automatically when the system reboots. Either the New Desktop login dialog box or the DECwindows desktop Start Session dialog box is displayed, depending on the value of the DECW$START_NEW_DESKTOP global symbol. (See Section 3.4 for more information.)

If the DECwindows Motif license that is installed on your system is not valid, warning messages may display on your console terminal and DECwindows Motif is not started automatically. If this situation occurs, log into the system, install the valid license, and start the DECwindows Motif software manually. For complete information on installing licenses on OpenVMS systems, see the HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. For information on starting DECwindows, see the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Management Guide.

3.2 Running the IVP

Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), SYS$TEST:DECW$IVP.COM, after you install and start the DECwindows Motif product. This procedure contains a series of tests that verify that the software installation is complete and accurate.

3.2.1 Starting the Procedure

To start the IVP procedure, invoke the SYS$TEST:DECW$IVP command procedure. The dialog begins with a brief introduction.

(c) Copyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)

This IVP is intended to test some of the functionality of DECwindows Motif
and to provide a quick method of verifying the installation.


If you are invoking the IVP from an X terminal using LAT software, enter the following command first:


Substitute your actual LAT terminal number for nnnnnnnnnn.

Enter the default at the _Display: prompt.

3.2.2 Display-Oriented Tests

Next, the IVP procedure attempts to run a set of display-oriented tests. Whether these tests are run and how they are run depends on your hardware and on the availability of the test images.

  • If the test images exist and you are invoking the tests from a workstation, you are asked where the display-oriented tests should display. Your current workstation is usually the default display. The default display is usually taken from the value of the DECW$DISPLAY logical associated with the process running the IVP. The logical can point to either a local or remote display server.
  • If the test images exist and you are not using a workstation, the procedure indicates that you need to enter a node name at the _Display: prompt. In this case, the DECW$DISPLAY logical is not defined, therefore there is no default display. For example, if you use the SET HOST command to access a system and do not define the DECW$DISPLAY logical, the IVP does not know if you are on a workstation. In this case, you enter the name of the node where you wish the display to occur. If only a node name is supplied, the default is to use the DECnet transport, server 0, and screen 0 on the specified node. If you wish to override these defaults, specify the full display name (for example, ashfld:2.1 creates a connection to screen 1, server 2 on node ashfld using the TCP/IP transport).
  • If the IVP does not find the images, a message displays to inform you that the tests will not be run.

Press Ctrl/Z at the prompt if you do not want to run the display-oriented tests.

The following example shows the display test dialog on a workstation system. The display device _WSA150 could be either a local display or a remote display.

To skip the display-oriented tests, press Ctrl/Z at the following prompt.

%DECW-I-IVP, The IVP will display on WSA150:
%DECW-I-IVP, Running DECW$EXAMPLES:ICO.EXE for up to a minute.
%DECW-I-IVP, Press Ctrl/Y to interrupt test.
%DCL-S-SPAWNED, process DECW$IVP_ICO spawned
%DECW-I-IVP, Running SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK for up to a minute.
%DECW-I-IVP, Press Ctrl/Y to interrupt test.
%DCL-S-SPAWNED, process DECW$IVP_CLOCK spawned

The following partial example shows the test being run on a non-workstation system.

This machine is not a workstation.  Please provide the node name of a
workstation on which to display the IVP tests.  You must be sure that this
account and node have security access to the display node, or the IVP will

To skip the display-oriented tests, press Ctrl/Z at the following prompt.

_Display []: NODE33
%DECW-I-IVP, The IVP will display on NODE33::0.0

The remainder of the dialog is identical to the workstation example.

3.2.3 LBX Proxy Tests

If the display-oriented tests were selected and the required images are available, the procedure attempts to run the LBX proxy tests. The dialog's display of the test results depends on whether a display name or node name was entered in the previous dialog section, if a display name was entered whether the display is local or remote, and, if a local display, whether the display has been properly configured to support the LBX test. The following list describes the IVP's actions in each of several possible cases.

  • If the specified display is local, the display server has enabled support for the LBX and SECURITY extensions, and the IVP process has the required privileges, the IVP displays the following messages.

    %DECW-I-IVP, LBX Proxy tests, tests will execute through a proxy
    %DECW-I-IVP, Running DECW$EXAMPLES:ICO.EXE for up to a minute.
    %DECW-I-IVP, Press Ctrl/Y to interrupt test.
    %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process DECW$IVP_LBX spawned
    Using port number '50'
    %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process DECW$IVP_ICO spawned
    %DECW-I-IVP, End of LBX Proxy tests
  • If the specified display is remote, the procedure is unable to determine if the associated display server supports the LBX and SECURITY extensions. The dialog issues a message warning you that the tests will fail if the remote server is not properly configured. The following example shows the LBX portion of the IVP after a remote display has been selected and the process running the IVP has the required privileges. If the remote server is properly configured, the remainder of the LBX portion of the dialog is identical to the first case in this list. If the remote server is not properly configured, the LBX Proxy test (and the IVP) will fail.

    The LBX tests can only be executed if the display server has been
    configured to support the LBX and SECURITY extensions and this account
    has permission to generate cookies. Normally, remote servers will not
    give that permission and the LBX tests cannot be executed.
    Answer "NO" at the following prompt to skip the LBX tests.
    Execute LBX test? YES
  • If the specified display is local, and the display server has enabled support for the LBX and SECURITY extensions, but the process running the IVP does not have the required privileges, the IVP displays the following message.

    %DECW-I-IVP, No privilege to execute LBX part of test. Proxy test skipped.
  • If the specified display is local and the display server has not been configured to support the LBX extension, the IVP displays the following message.

    %DECW-I-IVP, Server does not support LBX extension. Proxy test skipped.
  • If the specified display is local, and the display server has not been configured to support the SECURITY extension, the IVP displays the following message.

    %DECW-I-IVP, Server does not support SECURITY extension. Proxy test skipped.
  • If a node name is entered in the first part of IVP dialog instead of a display name, the IVP displays the following message.

    %DECW-I-IVP, LBX Proxy tests need a display device. Proxy test skipped.

3.2.4 Nondisplay-Oriented Tests

Finally, the IVP runs a set of nondisplay-oriented tests.

  • The first of these tests invokes the Motif UIL compiler. If you did not install programming support, the IVP informs you that this test will not be run because the Motif UIL image does not exist. If this test is run, you are notified of its completion status.
  • The last test converts a text file to DDIF format and then converts it back to text, comparing the original text file with the result. If the files match, the test is successful. You are notified of its completion status.

The following example shows the IVP output for the final two tests.

%DECW-I-IVP, Invoking the UIL Motif compiler...
%DECW-S-IVP, The UIL Motif compiler test completed successfully.
%DECW-S-IVP, The IVP has completed.

3.3 Choosing a Console

You can boot the DECwindows Motif software manually from a console. However, the type of console varies according to operating system platform, as described in the following sections.

3.3.1 On OpenVMS Alpha Systems

You can boot the DECwindows Motif software from the main console. You can then toggle between displaying and not displaying the operator window by pressing Ctrl/F2. The main console is always a workstation screen.

If you are logged in to the main console (workstation screen), you must log out before DECwindows will start. Issue the following command from the main console:


Once the command procedure completes, log out of the main console. Otherwise the server will not start and a login box will not appear.

For an alternate console, you can use a terminal connected to the workstation by means of a terminal port. If you boot from the main console, the alternate console is connected when you invoke the DECwindows Motif startup command procedure. Note that if you boot the system from an alternate console, you cannot start the Console Window application.

3.3.2 On OpenVMS I64 Systems

In the OpenVMS I64 environment, the only type of console that is supported is a non-graphics, serial console connected through a special management port. See the HP OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for information on configuring and using the serial console.

3.4 Selecting the Desktop

DECwindows Motif provides a choice of two desktops: the New Desktop, which is derived from the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), and the Traditional (DECwindows) Desktop.

During the installation, if you choose to install both the New Desktop and the DECwindows desktop, you are asked which desktop you want to be the default desktop.

To select the other desktop as the default desktop, perform the following steps.

  1. If the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM does not exist, copy it from DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE (or create it if an earlier version of DECwindows Motif has not been installed on your system). For example:

  2. Edit SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM and add a symbol definition for DECW$START_NEW_DESKTOP. If you want the New Desktop as the default enter the following global symbol definition:


    If you want the DECwindows desktop as the default, enter the following global symbol definition:

  3. Restart DECwindows using the following command:


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