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HP Fortran for OpenVMS
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You can use the IOSTAT specifier to continue program execution after an I/O error and to return information about I/O operations. It can supplement or replace the END, EOR, and ERR transfers. Execution of an I/O statement containing the IOSTAT specifier suppresses printing of an error message and causes the specified integer variable, array element, or scalar field reference to be defined as one of the following:
Following execution of the I/O statement and assignment of an IOSTAT value, control transfers to the END, EOR, or ERR statement label, if any. If there is no control transfer, normal execution continues.
Your program can include the $FORIOSDEF library module from the FORSYSDEF library (automatically searched during compilation) to obtain symbolic definitions for the values of IOSTAT.
The values of the IOSTAT symbols from the $FORIOSDEF library module are not the same as the values of the Fortran condition symbols from the $FORDEF library module.
The symbolic names in the $FORIOSDEF library module have a form similar to the Fortran condition symbols:
Fortran Condition Symbol ($FORDEF) | IOSTAT Symbolic Name ($FORIOSDEF) |
FOR$_mnemonic | FOR$IOS_mnemonic |
Example 7-1 uses the ERR and IOSTAT specifiers to handle an OPEN statement error (in the FILE specifier). Condition symbols are included from the $FORIOSDEF library module (in FORSYSDEF).
Example 7-1 Handling OPEN Statement File Name Errors |
CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: FILNM ! Typed file specification INCLUDE '($FORIOSDEF)' ! Include condition symbol definitions DO I=1,4 ! Allow four tries FILNM = '' WRITE (6,*) 'Type file name ' READ (5,*) FILNM OPEN (UNIT=1, FILE=FILNM, STATUS='OLD', IOSTAT=IERR, ERR=100) WRITE (6,*) 'Opening file: ', FILNM . . ! Process records . CLOSE (UNIT=1) STOP 100 IF (IERR .EQ. FOR$IOS_FILNOTFOU) THEN WRITE (6,*) 'File: ', FILNM, ' does not exist ' ELSE IF (IERR .EQ. FOR$IOS_FILNAMSPE) THEN WRITE (6,*) 'File: ', FILNM, ' was bad, enter new file name' ELSE PRINT *, 'Unrecoverable error, code =', IERR STOP END IF END DO ! After four attempts or a Ctrl/Z on the READ statement, allow program restart WRITE (6,*) 'File not found. Type DIRECTORY to find file and run again' END PROGRAM |
Table 7-1 lists the Fortran-specific errors processed by the HP Fortran RTL. For each error, the table shows the Fortran-specific message mnemonic (follows either FOR$_ or FOR$IOS_ for condition symbols), the Fortran-specific message number, the severity (fatal, error, or informational), the message text. For more detailed descriptions of errors processed by the HP Fortran RTL, see Table C-1.
Mnemonic | Number1 | Severity | Message Text |
NOTFORSPE 2 | 1 | F | not a Fortran-specific error |
BUG_CHECK | 8 | F | internal consistency check failure |
SYNERRNAM | 17 | F | syntax error in NAMELIST input |
TOOMANVAL | 18 | F | too many values for NAMELIST variable |
INVREFVAR | 19 | F | invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input |
REWERR | 20 | F | REWIND error |
DUPFILSPE | 21 | F | duplicate file specifications |
INPRECTOO | 22 | F | input record too long |
BACERR | 23 | F | BACKSPACE error |
ENDDURREA | 24 | F | end-of-file during read |
RECNUMOUT | 25 | F | record number outside range |
OPEDEFREQ | 26 | F | OPEN or DEFINE FILE required |
TOOMANREC | 27 | F | too many records in I/O statement |
CLOERR | 28 | F | CLOSE error |
FILNOTFOU | 29 | F | file not found |
OPEFAI | 30 | F | open failure |
MIXFILACC | 31 | F | mixed file access modes |
INVLOGUNI | 32 | F | invalid logical unit number |
ENDFILERR | 33 | F | ENDFILE error |
UNIALROPE | 34 | F | unit already open |
SEGRECFOR | 35 | F | segmented record format error |
ATTACCNON | 36 | F | attempt to access non-existent record |
INCRECLEN | 37 | F | inconsistent record length |
ERRDURWRI | 38 | F | error during write |
ERRDURREA | 39 | F | error during read |
RECIO_OPE | 40 | F | recursive I/O operation |
INSVIRMEM | 41 | F | insufficient virtual memory |
NO_SUCDEV | 42 | F | no such device |
FILNAMSPE | 43 | F | file name specification error |
INCRECTYP | 44 | F | inconsistent record type |
KEYVALERR | 45 | F | keyword value error in OPEN statement |
INCOPECLO | 46 | F | inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parameters |
WRIREAFIL | 47 | F | write to READONLY file |
INVARGFOR | 48 | F | invalid argument to Fortran Run-Time Library |
INVKEYSPE | 49 | F | invalid key specification |
INCKEYCHG | 50 | F | inconsistent key change or duplicate key |
INCFILORG | 51 | F | inconsistent file organization |
SPERECLOC | 52 | F | specified record locked |
NO_CURREC | 53 | F | no current record |
REWRITERR | 54 | F | REWRITE error |
DELERR | 55 | F | DELETE error |
UNLERR | 56 | F | UNLOCK error |
FINERR | 57 | F | FIND error |
FMYSYN | 58 | I | format syntax error at or near xxx |
LISIO_SYN 3 | 59 | F | list-directed I/O syntax error |
INFFORLOO | 60 | F | infinite format loop |
FORVARMIS 3 | 61 | F or I 4 | format/variable-type mismatch |
SYNERRFOR | 62 | F | syntax error in format |
OUTCONERR 3,4 | 63 | E or I 4 | output conversion error |
INPCONERR 3 | 64 | F | input conversion error |
FLTINV | 65 | E | floating invalid |
OUTSTAOVE | 66 | F | output statement overflows record |
INPSTAREQ | 67 | F | input statement requires too much data |
VFEVALERR 3 | 68 | F | variable format expression value error |
INTOVF | 70 | F | integer overflow |
INTDIV | 71 | F | integer divide by zero |
FLTOVF | 72 | E | floating overflow |
FLTDIV | 73 | E | floating divide by zero |
FLTUND | 74 | E | floating underflow |
SUBRNG | 77 | F | subscript out of range |
WRONUMARG | 80 | F | wrong number of arguments |
INVARGMAT | 81 | F | invalid argument to math library |
UNDEXP 5 | 82 | F | undefined exponentiation |
LOGZERNEG 5 | 83 | F | logarithm of zero or negative value |
SQUROONEG 5 | 84 | F | square root of negative value |
SIGLOSMAT 5 | 87 | F | significance lost in math library |
FLOOVEMAT 5 | 88 | F | floating overflow in math library |
FLOUNDMAT | 89 | E | floating underflow in math library |
ADJARRDIM 6 | 93 | F | adjustable array dimension error |
INVMATKEY | 94 | F | invalid key match specifier for key direction |
FLOCONFAI | 95 | E | floating point conversion failed |
FLTINE | 140 | E | floating inexact |
ROPRAND | 144 | F | reserved operand |
ASSERTERR | 145 | F | assertion error |
NULPTRERR | 146 | F | null pointer error |
STKOVF | 147 | F | stack overflow |
STRLENERR | 148 | F | string length error |
SUBSTRERR | 149 | F | substring error |
RANGEERR | 150 | F | range error |
INVREALLOC | 151 | F | allocatable array is already allocated |
RESACQFAI | 152 | F | unresolved contention for HP Fortran RTL global resource |
INVDEALLOC | 153 | F | allocatable array is not allocated |
INVDEALLOC2 | 173 | F | A pointer passed to DEALLOCATE points to an array that cannot be deallocated |
SHORTDATEARG | 175 | F | DATE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=8 |
SHORTTIMEARG | 176 | F | TIME argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=10 |
SHORTZONEARG | 177 | F | ZONE argument to DATE_AND_TIME is too short (LEN=n), required LEN=5 |
DIV | 178 | F | divide by zero |
ARRSIZEOVF | 179 | F | cannot allocate array --- overflow on array size calculation |
UNFIO_FMT | 256 | F | unformatted I/O to unit open for formatted transfers |
FMTIO_UNF | 257 | F | formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers |
DIRIO_KEY | 258 | F | direct-access I/O to unit open for keyed access |
SEQIO_DIR | 259 | F | sequential-access I/O to unit open for direct access |
KEYIO_DIR | 260 | F | keyed-access I/O to unit open for direct access |
OPERREQDIS | 264 | F | operation requires file to be on disk or tape |
OPEREQSEQ | 265 | F | operation requires sequential file organization and access |
ENDRECDUR | 268 | F | end of record during read |
FLOINEEXC | 296 | I | nn floating inexact traps |
FLOINCEXC | 297 | I | nn floating invalid traps |
FLOOVREXC | 298 | I | nn floating overflow traps |
FLODIV0EXC | 299 | I | nn divide-by-zero traps |
FLOUNDEXC | 300 | I | nn floating underflow traps |
The message mnemonic shown in the first column is part of the condition status code symbols signaled by the HP Fortran RTL I/O support routines. You can define these symbolic values in your program by including the library module $FORDEF or $FORIOSDEF from the system-supplied default library FORSYSDEF.TLB:
If you will be using the IOSTAT specifier for error handling, you should include the $FORIOSDEF library module (instead of $FORDEF) from the FORSYSDEF.TLB library (see Section 7.3.2).
The standard HP Fortran error numbers that are generally compatible with other versions of HP Fortran are shown in the second column. Most of these error values are returned to IOSTAT variables when an I/O error is detected.
The codes in the third column indicate the severity of the error conditions (see Section 7.2.2).
For more detailed descriptions of errors processed by the HP Fortran RTL, see Table C-1 or type the following DCL command to obtain a list of mnemonics (such as ADJARRDIM):
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